Instant Self-Confidence by Peter Zapfella

Self-confidence is a self-evaluation or judgement of one’s own confidence in oneself. The level of one’s own self-confidence can be observed in the way you carry yourself – behaviour, body language, what you say and how you say it.
Confidence is a belief in one’s own ability to successfully perform a task. However, it does not necessarily mean there is an emphasis upon the outcome of the task, as much as the enjoyment and experience of it.
Confident individuals inspire other’s. They are often perceived as successful role models, because people admire them. Related words include: self-assurance, braveness, boldness, buoyancy, self-confidence, poise, self-reliantly, and tenacity,

A lack of self-confidence can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as one may self-sabotage one’s self and not attempt to win, when the ability and opportunity are accessible. Low self-confidence is negative. It can be self-destructive. Related words include: apprehension, cowardice, distrust, doubt, fear, hesitation, timidity, uncertainty, and weakness.
Arrogance is over confidence, a sense of superiority, haughtiness and egotism. The conceited, egotistical individual expects to be rewarded for simply existing. This level of unmerited confidence is likely to be an illusion or subterfuge to over compensate for a lack of real confidence in one’s self. We see this in narcissists and sociopaths. Related words include: Condescension, big-headed, hubris, narcissism, presumptuousness, and selfishness.

Over-confidence is an excessive or blinded belief in one’s own abilities without regard for the consequences.
Healthy self-confidence is founded upon a good balance between ability, and the reality of informed risk. While their glass is not full, they see it as an opportunity to add some vodka to the mix.
Under-confident people are either not prepared to take risks or are self-defeatist. They under rate their own ability and over rate the risk. They are ‘glass half empty’ people.
Over-confident people overrate their own ability, while under estimating the risk. Their glass is not only full, it is overflowing with excess.
Self-confident people do not need to ‘win’ to feel fulfilment. They understand that ‘failure’ is only ‘feedback’ – a learning experience.
Arrogant people need to ‘win’ at all costs. They may be prepared to cheat to ‘win’. Failure is not an option for them.
Confidence bias can be explained by the conversion of objective memories into subjective judgment to create learnings. We now know that the unconscious mind mixes both true and false evidence to create these objective memories. We unconsciously, and to some extent consciously “look inside our own memory”to evaluate our own level of confidence.
The good news is: instant self-confidence is possible because these objective memories can be adjusted to develop confidence.

Peter Zapfella employs ‘advanced behavioural change technologies’, designed to make fundamental variations to the negative emotions, beliefs, and habits of behaviour at your deep unconscious level of mind, which is responsible for one’s own self-perception.
Self-efficacy and self-esteem are the keys to a healthy self-confidence.
We gain a sense of self-efficacy when we witness our role models mastering relevant skills and achieving goals. We then powerfully reinforce this when we achieve those same skills and goals. Peter Zapfella demonstrates that self-efficacy can be achieved the hard way: through (perhaps eventually) succeeding at difficult challenges in the face of persistent setbacks; or through creating hypnotic false memories, which are accepted as real by the unconscious mind. This is not to say that positive affirmations can change your perspective on life; it is more complicated than that.
Self-esteem is the sense that we can emotionally handle the challenges we face in our lives, and we can be happy. We know without a shadow of doubt that people in our lives love and accept us, and approve of us. It also comes from the sense that we’re competent at what we do, and that we can compete successfully when we put our minds to it.
Peter Zapfella employs ‘advanced behavioural change technologies’, designed to make fundamental variations to the negative emotions, beliefs, and habits of behaviour at your deep unconscious level of mind, responsible for one’s own self-perception.
These include:
- The Neuro Linguistic Self Esteem Building Method.
- The Neuro Linguistic Self Confidence Anchoring Method (sometimes called a Bridging Method).
- The Beyond Lack of ConfidenceNLP Therapy.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotion (programs).
NLP is an incredibly powerful collection of techniques that can quickly change emotions, beliefs and behaviors at the unconscious level of mind. Thereby people can think, communicate and manage themselves, and others, more effectively. They usually do not need a hypnotic trance to effectively make fundamental changes at the unconscious.
NLP is aimed at enhancing the healing process by changing the conscious and unconscious beliefs of clients about themselves.
That’s why NLP is one of the most powerful skills used in business management, psychology, sales, sports coaching and all forms of personal development.
The logical conscious mind is the goal setter, while your unconscious mind is the goal getter.If things are not working out for you, chances are your conscious and unconscious are not working from the same page. NLP removes the unconscious ‘blocks’ and motivates it to ‘create’ in alignment with the conscious mind.
- The Neuro Semantic Power Confidence Method
Peter studied with the originators of Neuro Semantics’ Dr Michael Hall Ph.D Psych (USA), Rev. Dr. Bodenhamer Ph.D Theo (USA), in 2001. Both Neuro-Semantics and NLP operate as interdisciplinary approaches, utilizing models from many psychologies. This includes cybernetics, computer science, neuro-biology, family systems, anthropology, etc. However the focus of Neuro Semantics’ is upon Multiple Meta-Level Processing and Vertical Logical Level Analysis.
- The Subliminal Confidence Affirmations
- The Subliminal Self Acceptance Affirmation
Subliminal (/sʌbˈlɪmɨnəl): literally means “below threshold” of conscious perception, below normal conscious recognition, yet within the range of hearing of our deep unconscious.
Peter Zapfella has created an exciting range of specific SUBLIMINAL AFFIRMATION products, for a wide range of life’s day-to-day challenges. These are available at
These downloadable MP3’s consist of positive affirmations, which are repeated every minute, and accompanied by pleasant sounds of nature or music. Importantly, the affirmations can clearly be heard when the background (masking) sounds are not there.
- They may safely be used in the back ground while driving, at work, in the home and while sleeping. They are suitable for children, and adults of all ages.
- They are most effective when listening following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella, and therefore their unconscious ‘intent’ and ‘emotional feelings’ are consistent with the SUBLIMINAL messages.
- They ‘prime individual responses and stimulate mild emotional activity’. However they will not force a client to do anything they do not consciously want to do.
The secret of success is the way they are repeated over and over many, many times, at normal speed, just below the background (masking) sounds. You may even be able to hear Peter Zapfella’s spoken words from time-to-time.
This wide range of MP3’s are long term maintenance, to be used following therapy – not as a substitute for it. They can be used at your convenience almost anywhere and at any time, for your ongoing, long-term success.
- The Better Self ConfidenceAdvanced Hypnosis.
Hypnosis is the experience of a hypnotic trance, some where between sleep and wakefulness. Research suggests that those experiencing hypnosis are awake and focusing their attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness. They show an increased response to suggestions by the hypnotist.
Hypnosis is a method for achieving trance, but it is not the only method. Trance researcher Dennis R Wier has been studying and experimenting with trance for more than 35 years. He defines trance as “a state of mind being caused by cognitive loops where a cognitive object (thoughts, images, sounds, intentional actions) repeats long enough to result in various sets of disabled cognitive functions.” … “at least some cognitive functions such as volition are disabled; as is seen in what is typically termed a ‘hypnotic trance’.(Dennis R Wier. Trance: from Magic to Technology. 1995)
A hypnotist guides or leads a person to create the trance state in them self. “All hypnosis is self hypnosis”
Meditation, addictions, charisma and ecstasy are trance states. We also see trance states in native and religious peoples drumming, chants and dance. While people are usually guided into trance by a hypnotist, a shaman, a mystic, a priest, or yogi, individuals can choose to achieve trance, with practice, by themselves through some forms of meditation and prayer etc.
Trance is also created in people through television, trauma, panic attacks, psychosis, euphoria, and some drugs, such as the psychedelics (LSD, peyote, and psilocybin).
When we think of hypnotic trance we think of a sleep like state, however trance can be very active too. People can achieve trance states while exercising, dancing and facing real or imagined threats to their survival.
Trance is natural. A healthy, balanced self-esteem and confidence is natural too.
© Copyright 2010-2019 Peter