Stress or Passion?

The Marlboro Man rides out of Australia.
By Peter Zapfella
The tobacco advertisement above suggests smoking has something to do with ‘love’ when it says, “Love is a force of nature” and perhaps sex when it says, “Fill your mouth with flavor”. Strangely enough for some tobacco smokers this is actually true.
On close examination of the cigarettes in the mouths of the models you will see it is an unprofessional photo shop attempt and this is obviously a fake advertisement.
Thanks to tobacco addicting of allied soldiers during both world wars many new smokers were recruited. Those wars, plus the Korean and Vietnam conflicts were very profitable for the makers of Marlboro in Australia.
Cigarettes were distributed free to soldiers in their ration packs and by welfare agencies, including the Red Cross. Tobacco companies claimed smoking improved troop morale.
The cigarettes were either ‘traded’ as hard currency, or smoked by soldiers. Estimates show that while almost 300,000 US servicemen were killed during WWII, perhaps 800,000 later died from tobacco smoking related diseases. Other estimates put the death toll closer to 3 million, 10 times more than the combat deaths. (Source: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/993/did-cigarettes-distributed-to-wwii-gis-kill-more-men-than-died-in-battle)
Smoking soldiers were sometimes shot by snipers, who could both smell and see the ‘glow’ of burning cigarettes at night. Following the ‘fall of Saigon’ at the end of the Vietnam war for the US, former Vietcong soldiers said it was easy to kill US soldiers who were on patrol because they were smoking when they should have been tactical and not smoking. They were poorly trained and lacked discipline.
Suicide rates within the military have been linked to smoking. The risk of suicide has been found to increase with the number of cigarettes smoked daily. (Source: Matthew Miller, et al. “Cigarette Smoking and Suicide: A Prospective Study of 300,000 Male Active duty Army Soldiers.” American Journal of Epidemiology151 (2000): 1060-63.)
Cigarettes were eventually removed from US military rations following the Vietnam war in 1975 yet were still sold tax free in military stores.
When I was in the Australian Regular Army cigarettes were not found in rations packs (which only encourages smoking while tactical, but they were sold cheaply in military stores. We were encouraged to smoke by our NCO’s who all smoked.
During ‘Desert Storm’ Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds sent ‘Oasis’ packages including food from Kraft (owned by Philip Morris), tobacco branded playing cards, ‘Marlboro Racing’ caps, magazines with Joe Camel ads, video tapes, and other promotional materials.
US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were reported to smoke at twice the rate of other Americans. (Source: Kirby, A., et al. “Smoking in help-seeking veterans with PTSD returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.” Addict Behav.(2008);33: 1448–53.)
Military personnel smoke as a response to boredom, anxiety, and stress, which are likely exacerbated for deployed troops. (Sources: Poston WS, Taylor JE, Hoffman KM, et al. Smoking and deployment: perspectives of junior-enlisted U.S. Air Force and U. S. Army personnel and their supervisors. Mil Med2008;173:441–447)
The deployment of thousands of young Americans to Iraq and Afghanistan in military engagements placed them at increased risk from the hazards of war, and also increased risk of addiction and disease from tobacco. (Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2724442)
Tobacco was grown commercially in Australia from soon after European settlement in 1788, until 2006 when the last commercial growers’ licenses were withdrawn by the government.
Manufacturing began in the 1820’s and by 1901 local manufacturers were supplying 40 per cent of the local market.
In 1954 the world’s largest tobacco company, Philip Morris, established it’s first cigarette factory outside the United States in Moorabbin, Melbourne, Australia.
At that time demand for tobacco products was so strong it was being commercially grown in every suitable growing location in all Australian states.
In the early 1990’s, I was aware many former tobacco farms in my region had been chemically contaminated by previous farming practices. The soils had unsafe levels of bioaccumulative insecticides such as DDT, paraquat, 2,4,5-T and dieldrin. The land could no longer be used for grazing animals for meat production.
In April 2014, Phil Morris, the manufactures of Marlboro said, “With the Australian market in gradual decline over the last decade, in 2006-09 Philip Morris substantially invested in the Moorabbin factory to capitalise on export opportunities across the region. However, these forecast export opportunities have not been realised due to Australian government reduced-fire risk requirements introduced in 2010 on all locally manufactured cigarettes that do not match consumers’ preferences in other markets in our region.’’
Philip Morris decided to close its Australian manufacturing business, and import from a lower cost production centre in South Korea.
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Quit Tobacco Smoking: The Easy Way to Get ‘Rich’.
We all know that tobacco smoking can cause various forms of cancer, heart disease, emphysema, lowered fertility (for both women and men), premature ageing and even painful death – or do we? Recent research shows that many Australian smokers actually do not believe the evidence. Many third world smokers have no idea – because no one has ever told them. The first group are living in denial and the second group in absolute ignorance, although we cannot blame them. But are you aware of the difference quitting tobacco smoking will make to your wealth?
Many smokers underestimate the financial benefit of quitting cigarettes; because it can also make you money, and lots of it!
If you are struggling to find the motivation to quit, understanding the many ways you will save money will really help. Examining how those savings can actually make you rich is powerful.
Research has shown that the chance of successfully changing a health-related behavior increases by 50 per cent if there is a financial reward. Understanding the real costs of tobacco smoking will help motivate you quit for life.
As a non-smoker, how much will you save?
If you are an average pack-a-day Australian smoker, spending around AUD$30 a pack, then you are burning up around AUD$10,950.00 each year. At that rate, you have blown almost AUD$109,500.00 over the past 10 years! So work it out now. What are you wasting on tobacco products? Be honest with yourself.
1. Average cost of a pack of cigarettes, or a pack of tobacco =
2. Number of ‘sticks’ per pack =
3. Cost of each individual stick is (divide total of 2 by total of 1) =
4. On average how many sticks do you smoke per day? =
5. Annual number of cigarettes (multiply total of 4 by 365) =
6. Annual cost of cigarettes to you (multiply total 5 by total 3) =
7. Cost of cigarettes to you over 10 years (multiply total 6 by 10) =
The total cost of cigarettes to you per annum (6) = …………………
Also add the additional costs, including lighters, matches, transport to retail outlet etc.
The Australian government has set a tax increase of 12.5 per cent each and every year on tobacco products. This has nothing to do with the manufacturers annual price increase – that is extra. The cost of a single cigarette ‘stick’ is currently around one dollar, making them the most expensive in the world.
Cancer Council Queensland spokeswoman Katie Clift says tobacco tax is the most effective way to reduce smoking rates. The Australian government has announced it’s intention to drive down the over-all tobacco smoking rate. Within a few years smoking rates are expected to be so low they can ban all tobacco products nation-wide. New Zealand has the same plans.
“Any increase on tobacco excise is a welcomed measure to help curb smoking,” she said. “Worldwide it’s acknowledged that taxation is the most single effective way of reducing tobacco consumption, it’s very important.”
The single best reason to quit smoking is your own health. The second best reason is be still be alive as your children and grand children grow up. The last good reason is money, because addicts will always find a way to get their drug.
However, if money motivates you – go for it!
If you could quit smoking for life within a couple of hours for less than you wasted on tobacco products in the past few weeks – would you?
If the answer is ‘Yes’ … continue reading.
Investing your savings.
If two 20 year old’s, both have the same health and financial status.
One quits smoking, while the other continues to smoke 20 a day for only $20 per pack. If tobacco was to only increase in cost at the rate of inflation …. say 3 per cent a year … the smoker would waste $677,000 by the age of 65.
If the non smoker had invested the same money in an average performing share trust at an average of say …. 9 per cent they would have more than $5.4 million. Taking into consideration inflation, which would be the equivalent of around $1.4 million in today’s terms.
When you quit smoking, following therapy with Peter Zapfella, you could put aside the money you would have spent on tobacco products and invest it.
You would not even notice it, because the equivalent of that money is currently going up in smoke.
If you have a home loan, or any loan at all, you could immediately increase your repayments by the equivalent amount and save on interest payments BIG TIME. You could pay off the loan much faster. You could buy investment properties, blue chip company shares and more.
If you keep smoking, effectively millions of future dollars will be gone forever. Your hard earned money will flow to the shareholders of tobacco companies and government consolidated revenue (taxation).
If you could quit smoking for life within a couple of hours for less than you wasted on tobacco products in the past few weeks – would you?
If the answer is ‘Yes’ … continue reading.
Other ways you’ll save by quitting
Aside from the real cash savings you’ll make by not buying tobacco products, quitting smoking will save you money in other ways too.
Cheaper insurance
When you choose to quit tobacco smoking your life insurance premiums will be lower; your premiums could be as much as 50 per cent cheaper once you have been smoke free for 12 months (the time period depends on individual companies), for exactly the same amount of cover.
Private healthcare, income protection, home and car insurance are all cheaper for non-smokers – because poor health in the future is a much lower risk for non-smokers.
When you successfully quit with Peter Zapfella, let your providers know and start enjoying the benefits of reduced insurance premiums.
If you could quit smoking for life within a couple of hours for less than you wasted on tobacco products in the past few weeks – would you?
If the answer is ‘Yes’ … continue reading.
Better health = more money.
Once you quit smoking for life you will feel healthier and be less likely to take time off work because of illness. This will have a positive impact on your income, particularly if you are self-employed.
The good news is that as soon as a person quits smoking, at any age, the body commences to detox and heal. Because nicotine has a half-life of only 30 minutes it means that within 3 hours of your last cigarette only 1.5 per cent of that nicotine is left in the body. The short-term benefits of quitting are great! There are about 4800 chemicals contained in a cigarette out of which between 70 and 100 can cause cancer. Smoking is not only lethal for the smoker himself but also for the people being exposed to the secondhand smoke.
Quitting smoking before it causes you serious health problems impacting your earnings is another financial motivator to quit tobacco smoking.
If the answer for you is ‘Yes’ … continue reading.
Corporate savings through employees quitting.
For employers and their employees, the advantages of you being a non-smoker include:
• Potential saving of more than AUS$5,000 per annum for every smoker employed, through lost productive time.
• Overcome the destructive/negative feelings that non-smoking employees feel when they continue to work, while smokers take ‘smoko breaks’ throughout the day, yet they are paid the same.
• A safer working environment for all. With fewer smokers overall, therefore fewer passive smokers, means over-all health benefits for all employees.
• No more unsightly, stinking cigarette butt’s in ashtrays and on the ground outside the entrance of the business. No more staff standing around puffing on cigarettes. A far better corporate image.
• The business and employees better health, vitality and self-esteem.
Add it all up.
When we add up all the direct (purchase of tobacco product) costs, indirect (insurance and lost work time) costs, plus the more than likely costs of ill health in the future (half of all long-term smokers die because they smoked). Tobacco smoking is financial suicide.
If you could quit smoking within a couple of hours, with no nicotine withdrawals, and no weight gain. No patches, pills or other products, no on-going sessions – how much would that be worth to you? In financial terms alone it could be worth millions of dollars – to YOU – plus your continued good health.
If you could quit smoking within a couple of hours for less than you wasted on tobacco products in the past few weeks – would you?
If the answer is ‘Yes’ … continue reading.
How difficult is it to quitting smoking?
You have no doubt heard that quitting tobacco smoking id hard? You may have heard that nicotine addiction is very difficult to overcome?
None of it is true. (Perhaps those rumors began from within tobacco companies?)
The information Peter Zapfella presents to his quit smoking clients is clear and concise. The emphasis is on understanding the smoking addiction – how it formed in the first place, how it operates and how to logically ‘pull it apart’ – so it can end immediately without withdrawals, weight gain or side effects.
* In truth smoking does not ‘relieve stress’, aid in ‘concentration’ or cause ‘relaxation’ – it’s all an illusion at the unconscious level of mind.
* Why it is difficult and unpleasant to quit smoking using willpower (including the government funded ‘Quit’ program), nicotine replacement therapy etc.
* Compelling proof that nicotine is NOT the addictive drug ‘they’ say it is. The truth is, it’s all an urban myth – promoted by certain multi-national drug companies with products to sell. Nicotine has NEVER been proven to be addictive.
* How to be a happy non-smoker, with no sense of loss or deprivation.
* The vast majority of Peter Zapfella’s clients find the process positive, inspirational, empowering and totally effective.
* Reports suggest the overall success rate of Peter Zapfella’s quit smoking program is around 96 per cent. Independent studies conducted by Woodside Energy, have shown a 100 per cent quit late with no relapse into smoking of their (80) staff at work, at 24 months from their original quit smoking session with Peter Zapfella.
* Most smokers have tried the various nicotine replacement therapies – nicotine patches and gum (and the other variants – including lozenges, inhalers, pills and E – Cigarettes) Most people do not know that independent university research shows these products have a 93 per cent failure rate. The drugs Bupropion (sold as Zyban) and Varenicline (sold as Champix) have awful side effects for many people and low success rates.
Now there is a simpler way to quit forever.
QUIT FREE of nicotine withdrawals and struggle
QUIT FREE of weight gain
QUIT FREE of patches, gum and pills
FREE follow-up IF relapsed
www.PeterZapfella.com or www.SkypeTherapy.Live or www.MandurahHypnosis.com
also… problem alcohol or gambling, food cravings, phobias, depression, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks and more…. See web site for conditions and details.
Audio PlayerFollowing his one-on-one 2 hour quit smoking session, with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Peter Zapfella provides you with effective techniques to stop relapse back into smoking later. He provides a 500 page CD-ROM of resources – including MP3 recordings, valued at more than $150.00.
Plus, if you were to start smoking again – in one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he welcomes your return for a FREE follow-up session.
© Copyright 2014-22 www.PeterZapfella.com and www.SkypeTherapy.pro. All rights reserved. Relevant backlinks invited.
Why I am not ready to quit smoking yet.
By Peter Zapfella.
Every smoker knows cigarettes are not good for them. Every smoker knows they spend too much money on tobacco. Research shows most smokers want to quit. So, why don’t they?
1. Fear of nicotine withdrawals.
2. Fear of stress and anxiety.
3. Fear of weight gain.
4. Fear of failure.
5. Fear of loss. Loss of a long time “friend”?
6. Fear of losing smoking social situations.
7. Fear of success.
Until a smoker eventually defeats these fears they will make excuses and say they are ‘not ready to quit yet’.
The facts are;
1. Fear of nicotine withdrawals. All reputable scientific research done in the past 25 years has confirmed that nicotine is NOT physically addictive, therefore there is no such thing as nicotine addiction or nicotine withdrawal – the whole nicotine addiction racket was designed to keep people smoking so the perpetrators could syphon off money from the unsuspecting ‘addicts’.
2. Fear of stress and anxiety. Some people think that smoking some how relieves stress and anxiety when research actually proves smokers have higher stress levels than non-smokers. Smoking actually causes stress because smokers worry about when they can have their next cigarette, or if they have enough to make it through the day. Now they worry if they are allowed to smoke or what other people will think of their dirty little habit.
3. Fear of weight gain. Some people who quit smoking put on weight only because they eat more – usually sugar based foods – as a substitute, They miss the ‘hand to mouth’ habit (see … thumb sucking) and the taste and smell’s associated with smoking.
4. Fear of failure. The research proves beyond doubt that the pharmaceutical approach to quitting smoking (patches, gum, pills etc.) fail as much as 93 per cent of the time. No wonder people fear failure – they were always meant to fail – so they would return to buy more expensive pharmaceutical product designed not to work. The government sponsored quit program has a similarly high failure rate. Why? Because they want your money!
5. Fear of loss. If tobacco has been a part of your daily life, and associated with almost every significant emotional event, then there may be a perceived threat of loss when it is gone. However when you quit the correct way with Peter Zapfella you will experience a feeling of freedom and release from slavery.
6. Fear of losing smoking social situations. Maybe there was a time when many people you knew smoked and it was socially acceptable. Times are changing and now most people look upon smokers are social lepers, misfits and emotional wheel chair cases. Maybe you started smoking because of ‘peer pressure’, now it is time to quit for the same reason. Plus of course – your own healthy future.
7. Strange as it may seem, some people actually fear success. They see themselves as loser’s and cigarettes fit that image perfectly. If they quit smoking they fear other people may recognise them as having achieved something significant.
When a smoker eventually admits to themselves that all the excuses they had for smoking are now a farce. When they admit to themselves that tobacco smoking is really a game of suicidal ‘Russian Roulette’ it is time to quit playing games, and time to quit smoking.
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© Copyright 2014-2024. Peter Zapfella. www.PeterZapfella.com