Dedicated Private Server


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Internet Hypnosis. Shop, InternetHypnosis.Shop, Online Hypnosis Shop, OnlineHypnosis.Shop, Listening Guide

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Mandurah Hypnosis





Dedicated Private Server

Peter Zapfella’s group of web sites are located on a signature Dedicated Private Server in the USA.

Dedicated Private Server
Click Here to Listen to MP3, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
Click Here to Listen to Podcast

As part of the overall move www.InternetHypnosis.Shop will soon split from A new Chinese Mandarin language front page will be created for www.互联网催眠店.cn, and a Spanish language landing page will be created for New pages will be created for इंटरनेटसम्मोहनकीदुकान.com (Indian Hindi), (Portuguese), (Indonesian), متجرالتنويمالمغناطيسيالإنترنت.com (Arabic) and (French).

These will link to all relevant non-English language MP’s (over 5500) on www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Better Security – Dedicated Private Server

Typical shared web site hosting faces more security threats than ever. Technologically advanced hackers are constantly trying to steal personal identity details, financial and commercial information. This impacts the security of web site visitors and customers too. Our decision to move to a  Dedicated Private Server results in;

  • Commitment to future growth and development. (Not a monthly subscription, but a prepaid Three-Year Program).
  • Full control. Better security from hacking attacks.
  • Protection from cross infection (such as viruses, blacklisting and third-party interference) by other web sites on a shared server.
  • Increased credibility from our clients and customers because they know their information is protected behind a secure firewall.
  • Remote back-up of the web sites.
  • Reliability. Uninterrupted maintenance and troubleshooting support.
  • Increased capacity for growth of content, including pages and MP3’s.
  • Increased capacity for daily traffic.
  • Increased download speeds.
  • Exclusive IP Address.
  • Full SSL and anti-virus protection.
  • and much more.

Our move to a Dedicated Private Server enables our team to give you a safer and better online experience.

Best Choice

I explained our move to someone a few days ago this way. Imagine you are renting a room in a share house, or perhaps an office in a shared business premises. If someone leaves the backdoor unlocked, or they forget to turn off an electrical device – everyone is threatened. The same applies when a web site is using shared hosting. Everyone on that shared server is threatened, and every customer of every web site is threatened.”

Our decision to move to a Dedicated Private Server arose because…

  • we were quickly running out of storage on the shared server we were using, as Internet Hypnosis dot Shop continues to grow.
  • our previous shared hosting site had a ‘hack attack’, that comprised the security of client/customer information.
Poor Shared Server
Customer Service: Most use a poor shared server

The move has cost us more in the short term, but it demonstrates our commitment to be a leader in the field of downloadable MP3 therapies on the internet. We are achieving this by creating the largest and most diverse resource of health and lifestyle products, and online psychotherapy, available in English plus other languages. This means THE BEST possible security.

This also gives you THE BEST possible security, greater efficiency, and of course more choice at value prices.

Internet Hypnosis. Shop Studio, Peter Zapfella. Min

Energy Savings – Dedicated Private Server


Our web pages have been designed to reduce energy as much as practical.

Peter Zapfella has been powered by solar for more than 10 years. He continues to use roof top solar panels to run his electronic equipment as part of his commitment to sustainable energy, and zero carbon emissions. Peter plans to install (off the electrical grid) battery storage supplemented by new offshore wind turbines replacing all fossil fueled electrical generators on the electricity grid, in a few short years.

solar powered electronics, minimal carbon emissions, Dedicated Private Server, roof top solar panels
Roof top solar panels

In the not-too-distant future zero carbon emissions will extend to the dedicated private servers too.

You Can Help the Environment – Dedicated Private Server

You can help support our environment by choosing to shop from our web sites.

Best Choice

Created by Peter Zapfella © Copyright 2018-2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Relevant Backlinks Invited.


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