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Greater Motivation

In order to become motivated to do or achieve something, we really need to change not only what we THINK, but also how we FEEL about that subject. It may be learning a new practical skill, or knowledge so we can pass tests and examinations. It may be cleaning and housework? It may be getting our weight under control? Overcoming bad habits or addictions?

Click Here to Listen to Motivation Podcast
Click Here to Listen to Organisation Podcast

A good place to start is at the beginning. So, ask yourself WHY? Why do you want to achieve that goal? Why is it important enough to invest your limited resources (time and energy)?


WHAT gets you out of bed at the start of everyday? No. The answer is not a biological function of the body. It is a need to survive or to make better your situation. What specifically is it?


HOW are you being prevented? What is un-motivating you?


The first and foremost belief of our unconscious mind is to protect us from harm, it is responsible for keeping us alive.

Therefore, we are ‘hard-wired’ to move us away from ‘pain’ and toward ‘pleasure’ as a ‘survival instinct’. If we perceive something as difficult or painful, we are ‘hard wired’ to move away from it.

When we are unmotivated about something, it is because we perceive it as unpleasant or even painful. So we avoid it. We look for distractions. List you most common distractions here.


I use a metaphor about crossing a river by stepping on stones to keep feet dry.

The goal is to cross the river to the other side without getting wet. Some stones are close and easy, while others are further apart and may need a jump rather than a step. Yet other rocks are slippery covered in moss or algae. Some are loose and unstable. The motivation is to cross the river while remaining dry. The other side of the river is in sight, but it takes effort, and has a risk value too.

In the same way, when needing motivation, we must

(A) Have a clear realistic goal in mind.

(B) Have an achievable plan of action, perhaps in multiple steps.

(C) Take the first steps.

(D) Be flexible, and ready to change to adapt to the unexpected.

(E) Consider cooperating with other likeminded people.

(F) Have fun.

There are two ways to overcome feeling and being un-motivated. I will call them ‘light’ and ‘premium’, much the way they label beer.


Firstly, are your tasks realistic? Do you have the resources to achieve them?


Are you setting yourself up for failure? Do you need to reassess your goals? Can you break them down into achievable steps, so they all lead to the same goal?

Are you being sabotaged? Is so, by WHOM?

Are there toxic people preventing you from success?

You may need to keep your plans and goals on a ‘need to know’ basis, in strict confidence?


George Washington

George Washington is quoted as saying “Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”

Your success may be better served by surrounding yourself with people who have the same goals. In that way you can motivate each other.

It may be easier to cross the river with other’s who share the same goal?

Are you un-motivated because you are unorganised? Do you lack personal discipline? Do you need a routine or strict schedule, so you set aside resources such as dedicated time to achieve your goals? So, you set aside distractions such as family commitments, so you can focus and ‘get into the zone’?

Disorganized, scattered thoughts create confused and wasted energy. At worst it can be frenzied, turbulent, chaotic and muddled.

Instead of giving up halfway across the river, look back at how far you have come. It will motivate you to continue toward your goal.

Create a plan of action using S.M.A.R.T.E.R goals. These are:


– Simple                      – uncomplicated

– Sustainable           – goals can be maintained

– Specific                    – to the point

– Stretching              – you to your limits


– Meaningful             – to you

– Motivating              – all concerned driven to succeed

– Manageable            – systems to control any circumstance

– Measurable             – how will you know progression?


– Achievable             – keep it real

– Attitude                   – be positive

– As if now                  – say it in the present tense, not the future.

– Attainable               – do you have the resources?

– Adjustable               – flexible to changing circumstances

– Aligned                      – all concerned clear about the BIG picture

– Aspirational            – all concerned inspired

– Acceptable              – all concerned agree

– Assignable               – others can take over roles


– Responsible           – everyone knows their role of responsibility

– Results                      – orientated

– Realistic                   – keep it real

– Relevant                  – stay on track


– Targeted                  – clear set goals

– Timed                         – to completion

– Toward                      – what you want

– Traceable                – keep records of who, how and what


– Ethical                     – no one is hurt

– Evaluated              – checks and balances

– Ecological             – win/win for all concerned

– Enjoyable              – keep it fun


– Recognition         – congratulate a job well done

– Reviewed               – constantly check progress

– Rewarded              – there must be some personal gain


My 99 year old mother is fond of lists. She writes out a list of jobs or tasks with the highest priorities at the top through to the lowest at the bottom. As they are completed, she proudly ticks them off once complete. From time to time she rewrites her list as new tasks or projects are added and older jobs are completed. She also writes down whatever resources may be needed to complete each task.

Happiness comes from successfully completing each task and needing to rewrite the list.  These feel-good experiences actually create endorphins in our brain as a reward. It is important NOT to take a well-earned break or reward until the task has been completed. That way we teach ‘the child mind within’ our deep unconscious mind, that it must complete the task before it earns the reward,

Synonyms of the word motivation include catalyst, desire, encouragement, impetus, impulse, incentive, inclination, interest, motive, passion, reason, wish, action, actuation, angle, disposition, drive, fire, hunger for, inclination, incitement, inducement, instigation, kick, persuasion, predisposition, provocation, push, spur, and stimulus.

Think about the emotions behind these synonyms for a moment. They are all positive. They all attract the unconscious mind toward something, and away from something else. That is the emotional secret to motivation.

By being motivated, what are you moving AWAY from?


What are you moving TOWARD?


Now you can make it practical. Before you begin a project, think about how to make the goal pleasurable, even if you promise yourself a reward at the end of it. And make the place or situation where you are moving away from physically and emotionally painful. Then, and only then start moving.


We take on board everything previously covered in ‘Light’ and build on it using some Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) techniques.

Ask yourself HOW will you know you have achieved your goal?



DO you give yourself permission to have an undeniable experience to confirm you have achieved your goal?


I counsel my clients to identify their own AWAY from and TOWARD emotions. Sometimes that takes a little digging to find it.

Using the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT) I assist my clients to resolve the specific ‘pain’ issues ‘blocking’ their path forward. In other words, the deep unconscious fears that drive the survival instinct and create un-motivation. The intent is to clear a path TOWARD.

Then we use the ‘Power No’ and if appropriate the ‘Zap Away’ techniques to magnify the AWAY   and make them emotionally ‘painful’.

Next, we use the ‘Power Yes’ technique to empower the ‘pleasure’ and ‘reward’ or TOWARD emotions and motivate successful competition of the tasks leading to the goal.

In other words, we magnify the AWAY from and the TOWARD emotions so that the deep unconscious mind becomes powerfully motivated about the clients specific goals.

Finally, I wrap it up with a custom hypnotherapy filled with ‘pleasure’ and positive emotion around the task/s and competition of the goal. Specific motivation for the individual’s personality and circumstances completes the therapy.

I have created specific Prime Hypnosis and Welcome Subliminal Affirmation MP3’s which can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate images above. (Some are currently in production). Vanish Hypnotherapy MP’3s will follow.

Before you know it you are on the other side of the river, exactly where you wanted to be!

© Copyright Peter Zapfella 2023

Is a Master Hypnotherapist and Master and Trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming.




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