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Better Martial Arts


Better martial arts performance helps a person to;

  • stress release.
  • frustration and anger release,
  • builds immunity.
  • increases stamina.
  • improves focus, breaking free of distractions.
  • builds self-disciplined.
  • create friendships.
  • builds self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • improves physical flexibility.
  • encourages weight control.
  • improves focus and concentration.
  • self-control.
  • goal setting and achieving results through application.
  • teaches respect and values.
  • improves coordination, and athleticism.
  • builds mental resilience.
  • building integrity, the honorable way.
  • shapes personal values of respect, tolerance, fairness and humility.
  • comradery and team building.
  • develops a strong mind, body and spirit.
  • discourages bullying by others.
  • confidence to protect yourself and others.

It is not about promoting violence as a way to deal with life’s challenges. In fact, it is the direct opposite of that.

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As people search for a better exercise regime, martial arts has emerged as a viable option. It caters to people of all walks of life, and of almost any age, making martial arts a viable option. It can be a great physical workout, and an effective boost to mental and spiritual wellness. 

Martial arts encompass the full range of body motion, from every joint and muscle of every limb, not to mention the trunk of the body and head.  Combining aerobic and anaerobic workouts with resistance training, it burns excess fat and builds lean muscle too. It is got for the heart and good for the brain – it makes a person move and think at the same time.

Different martial arts focus on different skill sets, so choose wisely to suit your needs, plus personality, interests and skills set. Think about the right Ryu for you too. Some focus on competition while others focus on skills and techniques.  It is important they also focus on the mental aspects too.

Boxing and Muay Thai emphasis is on both the arms and legs in varying rotary motions. The focus is on strength and speed, which are key components in delivering powerful blows.

All wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu have a focus on core strength, to use the weight of the body to maneuver opponents into various positions. 

Ninjitsu encompasses adaptability and flexibility through the integration of many different techniques, including  shurikenjutsukenjutsusōjutsubōjutsu  and others. Ninjitsu is a fighting system based around joint locks, striking, weapon fighting, and these days particularly – self-defense.

Ninjitsu skills relating to espionage and assassination were highly useful to warring factions in feudal Japan (around 1000 years ago). Traditionally Ninja used non-detection (keeping a low profile), avoidance, and misdirection together with stealth and deception to confuse and escape, hence their typically black keikogi (稽古着) or  dōgi (道着) or keikoi (稽古衣) rather than the traditional white seen with other martial arts.

With regular training a person becomes self-aware of their physical body and how it can move to advantage. The mind develops spatial intelligence. A ‘black belt’ is more than just a collection of skill sets and techniques, it is the mastery of self-awareness and understanding of the body and the mind as a connected system.

Martial Arts have an important role in the preservation of some nation’s intangible cultural heritage in the same way as language dialects, dance, music, rituals, crafts and traditions.

In addition to instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces the Intangible Cultural Heritage includes the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills – such as a countries own Martial Art/s.

All martial arts have a history and provide participants with a sense of identity and continuity from Sensei to student as they progress through their coloured belt system of advancement.

The Chinese character “mu” literally means “to stop fighting” or “to put down weapons.” The word “arts” points to skill, expression of beauty or creativity. “martial arts” means the ending of conflict. Peace is the ultimate goal of martial arts.

The most popular martial arts are;

  • Aikido – Japanese technique is about redirecting the strikes of an attacker with joint locks, throws, and Japanese weapons.
  • Jiu-Jitsu – is grappling and ground fighting. Stikes help move action to the ground.
  • Judo – a sport consisting of Japanese throws, joint locks, and grappling.
  • Jujutsu – a Japanese art that manipulates the power of the attacker, Great for kids.
  • Karate – hand, elbow, and knee strikes, as well as kicks. Hands down the most popular martial arts in the world.
  • Kendo – sword fighting.
  • Sulkendo – it means “the way of the fist that flows like a water” which describes the entire concept of this style.
  • Kickboxing – power kicks and punches.
  • Kung Fu – Chinese martial art with 10 styles.
  • MMA – mixed martial arts combine boxing, wrestling, karate, and Jiu-Jitsu
  • Muay Thai – Thailand martial art adds elbows and knees, which are not part of kickboxing.
  • Lerdrit – used by the Royal Thai Army’s Palace Guard and other military and police forces. The art has its origins in Muay Thai.
  • Ninjutsu – Japanese ninja. Began among oppressed farmers and became the martial art of assassins and spies as agents of Japanese Feudal Lords.
  • Sumo – Japanese wrestling.
  • Bando –  Burma. Techniques use the names of animals.
  • Silat – Malaysia. Based on hundreds of different fighting styles. Practiced in Vietnam, Laos, and India from around the 3rd century BCE.
  • Kalaripayattu – Indian martial art with its origins dating back over 3,000 years ago.
  • Bokator – Cambodian ancient Martial Art used by the armies of Angkor against their enemies 1700 years ago.
  • Taekwondo – Korean kicks, blocks, punches, and open-hand strikes.
  • Tai Chi – techniques in slow motion. This martial art is good for reducing stress and improving balance and health.
  • Kino Mutai is a Filipino self-defense art. This art teaches grappling, pinching, biting to defeat a stronger and bigger attacker in a street fight.
  • Arnis – from the Philippines. Also called kali. Developed as a self-defense against slave traders and invaders (including the Spanish and Japan WW2). They use knives, swords, and rattan sticks, along with blocking, footwork, and disarming maneuvers. Just as poor Japanese farmers developed Ninja using farm tools and improvised weapons along with unarmed techniques in Feudal times, the Filipinos developed Arnis for self-defense along similar lines when the Spanish colonizer’s banned bladed weapons among poor farmers. Instead they developed improvised bladed tools as weapons for protection. Even today people in Palau, use the term chad ra oles, for Filipinos meaning “people of the knife” because of Filipinos’ reputation for carrying knives and using them to fight.
Welcome Better Martial Arts

When we think of Martial Arts we tend to think of the Orient. However, there are other Martial Arts beyond Asia.

  • Krav Maga – from Israel. Used by military and police to deal with armed and unarmed opponents,
  • Capoeira – from Brazil. Originating from African slaves it employs rapid dance spins and acrobatic kicks.
  • Sambo – Russian martial art.
  • Chun Kuk Do – developed by TV actor and martial arts expert, Chuck Norris
  • Systema – Russia used by various Special Forces and KGB and modern Spetznaz.
  • Highland Wresting – from Scotland.
  • Pankration, which roughly translates to “Anything goes” from ancient Greece.
  • Fencing – Swordsmanship from western Europe dating back to the 14th and 15th centuries.
  • Canne – Traditional French self-defense using a walking stick used by upper class to defend themselves in the street from pick pockets and thieves. “Savate” have actually emerged from Canne de Combat.
  • .Bataireacht – Irish stick fighting.
  • Apache Knife Throwing – the US military employs several trainers of Apache ancestry to teach special forces troops survival and knife fighting.
  • Zulu Nguni – stick fighting.
  • Okichitaw – developed by George J. Lepine in 2002 in Canada influences by Taekwondo, Judo, and Hapkido. It focuses on aggressive hand to hand fighting.
  • Rough and Tumble – or “gouging”. Dirty street fight style without weapons. Biting the opponent, gouging the eyes, throws, strikes to the groin area, and any other dirty and brutal moves. Originating in 18th century USA.
  • Jeet Kune Do – developed by legendary martial arts movie star Bruce Lee in the USA.

My 15-year-old nephew was being bullied by a couple of boys at school, who were jealous because of his academic achievements.  It all went sour when one of them videoed a physical attack and posted it on social media. Someone reported it to the police and the boys in question were arrested and charged by the police with assault. They now face the justice system.

My nephew’s parents discovered what had been happening at school and decided to enroll him in Muay Thai classes. He really enjoys attending and has excelled. Now he has no fear of his attackers as he can confidently protect himself. His confidence and self-esteem has benefited, and he has a girlfriend too.

Generally, the younger boys and girls start learning self-defense the better.


At Internet Hypnosis dot Shop we have subliminal affirmations and Prime Hypnosis and Hipno Hop Rap to help train you to visualize and perform better Martial Arts.

Imagery, or creative visualization techniques are used by elite sports people everywhere to better achieve their goals. It is mental rehearsal with repetition of exactly what they want to experience in reality.

Repeated imagery can build confidence in an athlete’s ability to perform skills and perform them under pressure.

As with physical practice sessions mental visualization’s can train the mind to rehearse, as if real, the performance of martial arts skills and successful competition performances.

For best results these scenarios should include visual (images), kinesthetic (physical body feelings), and auditory (sounds). These sensory details assist to make the visualization compelling and as if real for the deep unconscious mind (which does not understand the difference between reality and imagined scenarios. That is why they should be as realistic as possible).

Researchers have been studying the impact of imagery on sports performance and publishing their findings in sports psychology books and papers. 

In psychology, the deep unconscious mind is often referred to as ‘the child within’. Like a child, the deep unconscious is not logical. It does not understand time or reality. Just like a small child, a simple message repeated often enough will eventually become a new deep unconscious belief.

The ‘adult’ logical conscious mind usually filters incoming information. So, if it does not ‘fit with’ current beliefs it may be rejected, and not passed down to the deep unconscious for processing and storage as long term memories Welcome Better Martial Arts subliminal affirmations are skillfully written messages, professionally camouflaged below music or environmental foreground sounds, so the logical conscious mind cannot hear them (and therefore cannot filter them out either.


There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. 

“The one YOU feed*” said the old man.

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.


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