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Penis Enlargement Fact and Fiction

Many boys and men are concerned with their penis length and thickness.  They are inclined to think their symbol of virility and manliness does not measure up compared to others. They think a larger penis will make them more attractive and a better lover.

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They can work out in the gym to sculpt their body, but there are apparently no exercises at the gym that seem to build a larger penis.

Some compensate for what they perceive as a smaller penis by building a gym body to impress. That is something within their control.

Our genetics are the strongest predictors of our penis size. Not much we can do about that with current technologies, however there are a number of effective things we can do  …. read on.

First let us look into genetics a little further. Y chromosomes carry genes that oversee the development of male genitalia and fertility.

The male hormone testosterone may relate more to length, and growth hormone more to girth of the penis. Length growth stops before late puberty, yet girth may increase slightly following puberty. Men produce testosterone all their lives, yet the penis does not grow in length beyond puberty. Go figure?

Y chromosomes determine the development of the penis and testes but not necessarily penis size. Those characteristics may be dependent on the X chromosome/s.

Hey wait! 

Males inherit one Y chromosome from their male parent and one of two X chromosomes from their female parent. 

Does that mean we inherit our penis size from our maternal grandfather and great grandfathers, not our father? The researchers say, ‘Yes and No’.

When it comes to genetics and penis size it is complicated. Generally, they say, you can expect a boy to turn out more or less like his father (that’s because around 90 per cent of adult men’s penises are somewhere around similar lengths and thicknesses), but mummy’s two X chromosomes are the wild card. 

Two Brothers. Same Parents. Different bodies.

Two brothers with the same parents can be similar or very different. This difference depends on which X chromosome they inherited from their mother. It may influence why penis size, and other traits may vary between brothers who share the same biological parents, when genetic mutations ( Kallmann syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome), hormonal and environmental causes are discounted.

Also, during pregnancy, variations in testosterone levels in the mother to be can cause differences in the development of her male child’s penis as he matures. For example, if she does not produce enough human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone, which stimulates testosterone development in the fetus.

Exposure to environmental pollutants, such as pesticides, plasticizers, and other chemicals, may have a negative effect on penis size. This could occur prenatal or in childhood researchers think. They say the average global penile length has increased by 24 per cent over the past 29 years, a new meta-analysis from Stanford University has concluded.

Researchers compiled data from 75 studies, conducted between 1942 and 2021, that reported on the penile length of 55,761 men. Chemical exposure has also been posited as a cause for boys and girls going into puberty earlier, which can affect genital development.

At the same time, ‘sperm counts’ among men in Western countries had dropped by 59 per cent between 1973 and 2011, and sperm mutations had increased (with a corresponding decrease in fertility rates), according to one meta-analysis of 185 studies involving 45,000 men.

Another small study involving 248 men aged between 18 and 28 found those who were circumcised as an infant seemed to have had their penis size negatively influenced as a result.

So, if you want to increase the length and or thickness of your penis, what can you do with what you have already got to work with?

There are an endless supply of pills, devices, techniques, and surgery for penis enlargement. None of them have been proved successful. While some have short-term results, none work permanently. Some can cause lasting disfigurement. Many are nothing less than scams.

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Devices include vacuum pumps, stretching devices such as weight’s. There are an almost endless supply of unproven pills and supplements. None of these pills are manufactured, tested, or approved by government authorities. We don’t know anything about where they are manufactured, or what chemicals are in them. We place about as much trust in these pills and supplements as some addicts do the illicit drug dealer down the street.

I regularly find spam emails promoting these penis enlargement pills in my junk file. They make unbelievable, indeed impossible claims (such as “grow your penis 2 inches in 4 weeks”). Of course, they are unsupported by any research or facts.

They prey on men who have ‘penile dysmorphophobia’.

Diagram Penis and testicles. Welcome Penis Enlargement

Penis Enlargement Physical Facts

The erectile tissue in a penis is a spongy material called corpus cavernosum. It fills with blood causing an erection. The penis does not contain fat. So be aware of promises that adding fat to the penis with surgery will make it larger. It won’t.

Perhaps you have seen the hypnosis MP3 download web sites where they claim they can direct fat cells into the penis and make it larger, using hypnosis? Those web sites are a scam and give real hypnotists a bad name. Those products do not work. They cannot work because the penis does not contain fat cells.

A registered nurse friend, working in another country, told me how several young military men were admitted into the hospital emergency department at the same time. They had all injected their penises with hardware silicone, usually used for waterproofing bathrooms and kitchens. The physical damage they caused to themselves was so severe they risked amputation. WARNING: Never inject anything into your penis. Never let anyone inject anything into their penis without medical supervision.

Surgeries, performed by unscrupulous ‘get rich quick’ surgeon’s where they inject fat from other parts of the body into the penis can not only disfigure its appearance with lumps (and who wants an ugly penis?) but within months of surgery, the fat can be reabsorbed by the blood and carried away and deposited in other parts of the body. A 2017 review suggests that penile fat grafts may decrease in volume by 20–80 per cent within one year. following surgery. These unscrupulous surgeons legally protect themselves by advising (in the small print) there are no guarantees their expensive penis enlargement surgery is effective.

Ligamentolysis or suspensory ligament division surgery is severing the ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone. The idea is to make the flaccid penis hang down further, but it does not increase the actual size of the penis either soft or hard. Patient and partner dissatisfaction rates for this procedure range from 35–70 per cent.

All penis enlargement surgery comes with unacceptable risks, including sexually disabling penile deformity and severe shortening, curvature, edema, subcutaneous masses, infection, non-healing wounds, and sexual dysfunction. 

“Many men seeking elongation (of their penis) actually have normal length penises, but perceive themselves to be small, a psychologic condition termed ‘penile dysmorphophobia”, according to Jeffrey Campbell at the Division of Urology, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, and Joshua Gillis at the Division of Plastic Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The American Urological Association considers fat injections and suspensory ligament division procedures to be unsafe and ineffective.

The Penuma procedure  involves the insertion of a crescent-shaped piece of medical-grade silicone under the skin. It is used to enhance flaccid penile length and girth in patients with retractile penis or other cosmetic deformities.

Does it work? Are patients and their partners satisfied? Does it costa lota? For sure it does. Like all cosmetic surgery penis enlargement surgery is expensive. 

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The Mayo clinic warns that while penis vacuum pumps draw blood into the penis, making them swell temporarily, using one too often or for too long can damage the spongy tissue in the penis, leading to permanent soft ‘limp dick’ erections. This can make penetration difficult and frustrating.

Stretching devices and weights used to stretch the penis can tear the spongy corpus cavernosum material. Claims of growth of one-half inch up to as much as 2 inches in length have been made. However, if these claims are true they were apparently achieved following months of consistent stretching exercises taking as much as 6 hours a day. If these claims are true, then they take dedication and time few of us can afford.

The penis is not a muscle. Therefore, it cannot grow in size with exercise in the same way as muscles do. Gyms are filled with guys who are trying to compensate for their small dicks. If there was an exercise available to grow their penis larger, they would all be doing it.

The only possible exercise for penis enlargement is stretching. However, there has been no definitive scientific research to prove stretching actually works.

Puberty usually begins between the ages of 9 and 14 and lasts up to 5 years.

Researchers tell is that the average boys penis growth is about half an inch per year between ages 11 and 15.  By age 18 or 19 it has reached maximum length for the majority. Thickness growth continues a little after that. Having said that, some may continue penis growth for a couple more years. But they are the exception, not the rule.

When it comes to the length of an erect penis what is average? In search of the definitive answer to that question I have read the results of a lot of surveys each conducted within different parameters. The results are about as confused as predicting a US Presidential Election result in May.

But the following rings true. Almost all men measure up somewhere between 5 and 7 inches when measured correctly. (That is along the top as you look down, from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis when fully engorged and about to ejaculate). Logically the number would be about halfway, that is 6 inches. However, surveys suggest the number is much closer to 5 inches. I guess this accounts for self-measurement exaggeration where everyone seems to add an extra half inch or more.

For almost all men the penis size they have at the end of puberty is the size they will have for the rest of their life. But that need not be the case for you.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel exercises, which are responsible for controlling and restricting the blood flow which causes increased blood pressure. It can potentially stretch the corpus cavernosum and eventually create larger erections. This is because the penis is not just the external/visible structure. That is only half of it. The other half extends inside, almost as far back as the anus. Kegel exercises actually strengthen the ‘root’ of the penis, resulting in better control and responsiveness of the external structure.

Research proves that Kegel exercises can, in fact, overcome both Premature Ejaculation (PE) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). They also prevent Urinary Incontinence,  stronger orgasms in men, and the ability to control and hold an erection for longer periods of time. For this reason, we recommend you take a few minutes in every day to do Kegel exercises for a period of no less than 6 months. It is free! 

At Internet Hypnosis dot Shop we have included Kegel exercise instructions with every Penis Enlargement Bundle.

It has not been proven by research that Kegel exercises can actually cause the penis structure to stretch larger, but there is absolutely no harm in trying. There are no negative side effects and many benefits if you follow the instructions.

Online surveys show that wearing loose-fitting, or no underwear (free-balling) seems to increase penis length by perhaps one-half inch, over time. It is usually risk free.

I knew a guy who free balled (going ‘commando’) over the years I knew him. He claimed to increase his penis length. It is not definitive proof, so it leads to the question about the difference between boxer’s shorts versus tight fitting underwear?

Logic follows that attaching a weight of some kind to the end of the penis could perhaps increase the stretching of the corpus cavernosum and eventually create larger erections. WARNING: Attaching weights to the penis with the intention of stretching can cause tissue rupture and tearing, resulting in permanent damage to the corpus cavernosum. For this reason, while it may or may not be effective for some men, we do not recommend it.

A lot of good things have been said about the gentler Jelqing exercises. It is a gentle hand stretching exercise accompanied by warm to hot wraps before and after the daily procedure. Apparently, it can increase either length or thickness over time. It takes many months and dedication to achieve and maintain. I have personally chatted with a few different guys online who say they achieved amazing results with this approach. (none were trying to sell me anything) I also have a friend who said he has tried it and achieved encouraging results; however, he said the procedure takes daily dedication over a period of many months. Once the desired length and thickness have been achieved a maintenance level must be continued to prevent shrinkage.

Various Jelqing devices or machines, to make the process simpler are available online. Warning: Jelqing can have very real physical dangers to penile health if instructions are not followed precisely. The process takes dedication and a lot of work. No one says it is easy, but it seems more men achieve satisfactory results if they follow instructions precisely, including the critical warm to hot wraps before and after the daily procedure. At Internet Hypnosis dot Shop we have included Jelq exercise instructions with every Penis Enlargement Bundle.

Penis Enlargement Diet

A well-balanced intake of vitamins and minerals will be more beneficial to your overall health and well being, and perhaps natural penis enlargement? Avoiding certain foods, such as sugar, fats, and tofu may help too.

Welcome Penis Enlargement

The following will assist penis enlargement.

  • Bananas – potassium and vitamin B.
  • Pumpkin seeds – zinc.
  • Celery – trace minerals
  • Watermelon – arginine, an amino acid that encourages testosterone production.
  • Apricots – lycopene

Malnutrition during adolescence, usually seen in anorexia or bulimia, can delay normal puberty. Delayed puberty can result in a smaller penis and testicles.

“Conceive it, then Perceive it as if real.

Then your unconscious mind will Believe it, so it can Achieve it”

– Peter Zapfella.

“I had a young man come to see me about his lack of confidence and self-esteem problems. Eventually, he opened up about his problem. His girlfriend had told her friends that he had a small penis. Those girls told their boyfriends and it spread through the social grapevine, eventually looping back to him again. He was devastated and highly embarrassed. He offered to show his equipment to me to prove his problem. I declined his offer and instead asked him some relevant questions. Then I explained some simple ‘home-truths’ to him. For starters, he was a ‘grower’ not a ‘shower’. His penis looked small when flaccid. However, when he was fully erect he told me he was about five and a half inches, which is within the ‘average’ range. I also explained that his girlfriend may have been watching too many porno movies starring over-sized, rather than average guys. It was more likely a statement about her inexperience and naivety. I suggested an honest discussion with his friends would probably reveal most of them, just like him, are within the average range too. We then did some therapy to banish his unconscious fears and anxiety. We then built his self-confidence. I happened to meet him again a year-or-so later while shopping. He was happy and smiling and told me he was in a great relationship, and never gave the small penis thing a thought anymore.”

Peter Zapfella

I recently had a 14-year-old boy tell me he is small ‘down there’. I hope I dispelled concern by telling him “All 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds think they are small ‘down there’. The truth is they are not all going through puberty at the same time, and like our nose’s penises also come in many shapes and sizes. ” I did not ask him what size he is when erect. At his age that is irrelevant, and I think inappropriate. I was more interested in his self-confidence. (concern and embarrassment about changes in the body are a form of body dysphoria in pubescent boys, who witness their bodies developing, and naturally compare themselves to others) He needed to stop comparing himself to videos and images he would have found online, of well-endowed men.

I suggested he might consider doing Kegel exercises and ‘free balling’ to add some penis length over time. Truth is, he almost certainly had some further genital growth to come.

Many guys think they have a small penis, and this then plays upon their confidence and self-esteem. It may impact their sexual performance too. In the locker room, some guys may appear to be larger while flaccid, however, when erect it is about the same size. We call them ‘showers’.  Other guys appear smaller when flaccid. Yet when they are erect their penis is much much larger. We call them ‘growers’.

According to an international Men’s Health survey 79 percent of men are growers while 21 percent are showers.

I am aware some guys appear larger in the showers because they are experiencing a ‘soft on’ (a semi erect penis), because they are excited by being surrounded by other naked bodies.

You can at least give the illusion of a larger penis by trimming or shaving pubic hair and losing excess tummy fat.

You can give the illusion of a larger penis when clothed (including when wearing bathers and underwear) by wearing a penis ‘cup’. These are available in a range of skin and underwear colours.

Pouch fits inside under wear and baths etc.

Cricket, hockey, and baseball players in particular and other contact sportsmen wear a similar device called a ‘box’ to protect their genitals in the event of a high-speed ball impact.

Sports genital protection box.

There are a range of men’s underwear available (which can be worn under swimming bathers and sportswear) that are designed to lift the testicles and ‘push them out’, thereby giving the illusion of a larger package.

Men’s underwear designed to ‘lift and present’ genitals.
Instant enlarged package on display.

That takes care of the illusion of an enlarged penis. The physical appearance, when clothed. But how do you look and feel when naked? You can trim or shave your genital pubic hair to help increase the illusion of size. You can flatten that belly fat to help increase the illusion of size. Walk, run, go to the gym and do some cardio exercises. Burn off that excess weight.

Plus, you should consider important physiological and emotional issues around your actual penis size.

Remember: Just as we have different shaped and sized noses and pensis’s, women have different shaped and sized breasts and vaginas. A friend had sex with a girl I had previously dated. Later we were talking about how we had both found her vagina particularly large. He said. “I fell in. I found a guy in there in his four wheel drive trying to find his way out’.

She later confessed her former fiancée was hung with a thick meat more than 10 inches long. We guess he stretched her, because her own sister was of normal size.

These experiences certainly are a good argument for ‘trial sex before marriage’. I can only imagine the long-term sexual/relationship problems between a man with a genuinely small penis and a woman with a massive vagina.

I once saw a post on social media which I suspected was a ‘sales funnel’ for penis enlargement pills or something. It was purportedly posted by a girl who claimed her boyfriend’s penis kept slipping out because it was too small. I was tempted to comment that maybe his penis was fine while she had a ‘volumised vagina’. If the post was true maybe they should have looked at the next link? Alternatively, they could have tried anal sex for a tighter fit.

If you are concerned you do not measure up, you can learn how to use what you have better here.

Penis Enlargement Confidence

The most important factor in love-making starts with ‘P’. No, it is not penis, it is personality. Women like guys who are confident. Many women say it is not the size that counts, but how a man uses what he has. Focus upon being an excellent lover, starting with romance and foreplay.

If my young client had confidence, romance and effective foreplay and potent sexual technique his social grapevine would have been abuzz with that, and the size of his equipment would not have featured at all.

Common or slang names for the penis include; boner & clarinet & dick & dipstick or dong or donga or erection or fire hose or fuck pole or fuck rod or fuck stick. Also genitalia and hard on and horn and  hotdog and  hunh or  johnson and  joystick or junk and knob plus  lingam and love muscle or love stick sometimes manhood or meat and old boy. Some say one eyed snake or  organ or pecker or pee wee. Of course penis and phallus perhaps pole or prick and privates, maybe prong or pud or putz or rod and roger or rooter. Foodies might say salami or sausage and schlong or sex organ and Shaft or snake or  stalk or stiff or stifie and thing also tool and weenie and whang and wiener or  willy. These names move in and out of popularity. The currently wood is on top.

Great sex is as much psychological as it is physical, perhaps more.

Welcome Penis Enlargement

Some men spend time in the gym to build a better body to compensate for their smaller penis size. Importantly this tactic seems to build their over all confidence.

In addition, burning up fat deposits over the pubic bone and tummy actually make the penis appear larger.

This one of the most practical ways you can apparently appear to have enlarged your penis.

How many gym junkies are compensating for their small penis?

How many men choose to drive a red sports car to compensate for their small penis size and lack of (sexual) confidence?

Red sports car with driver

Surveys have shown that boys and men exaggerate the size of their penis by at least one-half inch in discussions with others and through online surveys. This throws the results of  self measuring/online research into doubt. Plus, some men do not know how to measure themselves correctly.

Porn stars are the worst of all. They think nothing of adding a few extra inches to their vital stats.

On the subject of porn stars, remember they use tricks to make themselves appear larger.

  1. Male porn stars are often short. Therefore, their equipment appears larger by comparison to their body.
  2. Their female partners are also small.
  3. They use Viagra and similar medications to ‘get hard and stay hard’ for a scene.
  4. They use a ‘fluffer’ or vacuum pump.
  5. Camera positions, such as close ups, lenses, lighting are designed to create the illusion of an enlarged penis.
  6. Finally, in the edit room they cut shots that betray the truth.

Amateur exhibitionists who are proud of their beautiful bodies and erections are far more likely to post homemade sex videos of themselves. 

 Porn producers use tricks and hype to make us think the performers are better endowed than they really are in real life. Here are a few examples ….

Performers name: Mark Ashley
Claimed size: 10 inches
Actual size: 7 inches

Performers name: Billy Glide
Aliases: Billy Glyde, Tad Nolen
Claimed size: 9 inches
Actual size: 6.5 inches

Performers name: Scott Nails
Aliases: Scott Skools
Claimed size: 9.5 inches
Actual size: 7 inches

The promotional stats of these men are not true. Do not be sucked in by the hype, it only builds feelings of inadequacy in you. 

The various published average sized penis research results are conflicted. This is because most are based on self-measurements by participants who exaggerate their own erect size. Other researchers measure the flaccid penis of participants and then assume it’s erect size.

The only accurate results conducted have involved measuring the erect penis of a subject immediately before and again immediately following ejaculation, by researchers – not the participant.  The largest possible sample size possible is required for accuracy. (Covering race and ethnic backgrounds) We are talking about thousands – not hundreds of male participants within any one region.

Where do you find thousands of males prepared to be measured by a researcher immediately following ejaculation? While this procedure has been attempted by researchers it is simply not practical in sufficient numbers to have any meaning.

It is fairly safe to say the average adult male penis is between 5 and 7 inches, across racial groups. Some researchers report the average is therefore 6 inches. Others say the average is closer to 5.

One thing is certain, those men with 7 or more are in the minority. Women generally say that men with 8 or more are uncomfortable, even painful. Oral sex is generally less satisfying, and anal sex is often out of the question for those men. So, at a certain point, more is not better. Anal sex virtuoso’s say smaller is better. 

Generally, and I stress generally – Africans and those men of some African heritage, together with some Latino men seem to be slightly larger on average than say, those of a European background.  And Europeans seem to be slightly larger than those of an Asian and Pacific Islander background. But there are always exceptions. I have seen both smaller African heritage and larger Asian penises when erect.

I have seen studies that suggest Brazilian men of mixed race measure up better than most, while those of the Malay races (read that as Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Indonesian, Filipino and native Taiwanese), and let’s add Korean are often smaller.

Penis Enlargement Conclusion

Until now there is no ‘magic pill’ that can make your penis grow in length and thickness.  Genetics, surgery and devices have not yet been developed that can change what your ‘mummy gave you’  – your X chromosome DNA.  Perhaps in time, someone may develop a DNA transplant that will give you the genes to develop an enhanced and enlarged penis? But at what price?

In the meantime, you can give others the illusion of a larger penis by using underwear designed for that purpose. 

You can try gentle stretch exercises such as Jelq. It takes dedication and a lot of investment in time and effort.

Or you can focus on your love making skills and self-esteem and confidence.

You can start a fitness program. That is certainly the most economical option financially, and for your own well-being and mental health.

Many boys and men share photos of their penis in the hope they may impress and even attract a sexual partner. Most girls and women who receive these images quickly delete them in disgust. Only other guys look at them. So, who are you trying to attract? Girls and women are more likely to respond to photos of your partially clothed fit body, perhaps on the beach. (A cord strategically placed hanging in the right place might subliminally suggest a longer penis?)

photo © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella.

You can change the way you think and feel about your body, particularly your penis here.

Our unconscious mind gathers information to create beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors and emotions too. Our unconscious mind is the ‘foreman’ of metabolism. So, we can create unconscious emotions and beliefs, which cannot only influence our self-esteem and confidence, but also the potential to influence the physical body.

Our unconscious mind gathers information to create beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors and emotions too. Our unconscious mind is the ‘foreman’ of the metabolism. 


At Internet Hypnosis dot Shop we have a range of products available to encourage you to ‘do something’ to change the way you think and feel about your body, particularly your penis. You are encouraged to strengthen your self-confidence and self-esteem too.



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