LOVE – What is it?


Love is a word. We use it to describe the most profound of all emotions. Yet those emotions are so confusing and can cause us so much emotional pain.  In order to understand better and avoid that pain let me shed some light on that four-letter word and what it really means.

According to the “Book of Miracles’ it is the one true emotion, all positive emotions derive from love.

All negative emotions are forms of fear. Love is the one true emotion because fear is an illusion. The only power in fear is the power we give it over us. Once confronted it disappears.

Welcome Love min
Love at first sight? Welcome Love

Love is a basic necessity in everyone’s life. Without it, we would be physically and psychologically maladjusted. 

“When emotional deprivation and lack of love occur, physical growth slows down or stops. The body enters into a survival mode where vital, basic physiological functions are preserved at the cost of physical, mental, and social development. The longer the child is in survival mode, the more permanent and negative the effects will be. Once a child is adopted and the amount of love, care, and stimulation increases, the body ceases to be in survival mode and will start recuperating.” The Conversation.

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The brain changes triggered by love certainly affect our mood and behavior. The neurotransmitters and hormones associated with attraction, sex and love are oxytocin, dopamine, norepinephrine, vasopressin and testosterone.

Love apparently affects the immune system. A 2019 study found that falling in love results in immune system changes similar to protective viral infection responses.

Love seems to help safeguard against cancer, according to a 2021 study. It found tissue from pair-bonded mice was less likely to grow tumors than tissue from mice with disruptions to their pair bonds.

Research from 2010 also suggests people who are romantically in love enjoy lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. They are less stressed. Love assists in pain relief, and lower blood pressure.

Love can blow depression out of the water Peter Zapfella

Researchers say that a sure-fire cure for depression is romantic love. The neuro hormones blow depression out of the water.

“They have shown us that those couples who have happy, intimate marriages and are in love live on average, 10 years longer than those who are not in relationships.” The Studies on Love and Longevity

Love is wonderful, it is madness. It is a form of obsessive-compulsive behavior. 

When we first romantically fall in love with someone, it’s normal for them to be the focus of everything on our mind. We think of them constantly. (There is no place for depression) Over time this thought/feeling subsides as the neurotransmitters in the brain fade. Hopefully our love is requited (returned), and it develops into something saner and more long term for both (in more or less equal and balanced measure).

If the subject of our emotions does not return those love feelings to us, we tend to fall into depression. There we experience rejection, self-loathing, unhappiness etc.

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Addiction Monitor

Some individuals crave the euphoric feelings of infatuation and the early pangs of love. Thats all they want – nothing more, nothing deeper. So, their cravings lead to an addiction. They seek other people to fall in love with in an   idealized romantic attachment, until the neuro hormones begin to fade. Then they abruptly move on to another (victim).  They lack commitment. Perhaps they fear commitment? If this is you get help.

Scientists‘ from Aalto University in Finland used magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity, while they induced feelings of love in volunteers using short stories. They investigated the neural activity during feelings of love for six different types of objects: romantic partners, one’s own children, friends, strangers (varieties of interpersonal love), nonhuman pets (interspecies love), and nature (nonsocial love).  

The results found that love for their children induced the most amount of brain activity, followed by romantic love.

Yet love is such a difficult thing to define. It is perhaps the most misunderstood and confused word in the English language. What is love?

American psychologist Dr. Robert Sternberg theorizes that love is based on three domains:

  • intimacy (emotional)
  • commitment (cognitive)
  • passion (physical)
Sternberg’s triangular theory
Sternberg’s triangular theory

Each domain represents a triangle corner in Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. I like it.

The seven kinds of love in Sternberg’s triangular theory cover a range of relationship types, created by which domains are involved.

  • Liking. Friendship You share emotional intimacy, but there’s no physical passion or commitment.
  • Infatuation. ‘Puppy Love’ Passion is the key ingredient. You are physically attracted to another, but you have not developed the emotional intimacy or established a commitment. Infatuation can and often leads to something more. but more often it fades.
  • Empty Love is a committed relationship that lacks passion or intimacy. 
  • Romantic Love. Romantically involved, sharing physical passion and emotional intimacy, but no commitment.
  • Companionate Love. Committed and emotionally bonded, such as best friends or family. Marriages with no passion. 
  • Fatuous. You have been swept off your feet. Perhaps all the way, powered by passion, into an engagement or marriage without any emotional intimacy.
  • Consummate Love. Consummate love is the ultimate goal through spousal partnerships and marriage.  Ideally it includes balanced commitment, passion, and emotional intimacy. The one true love between two people.

One way to achieve this is through committed Tantric – Sexual Wellness training with your partner.

Meditation – better communication

When is the ‘right time’ to have sex for the ‘first time’ with your partner? Some say, ‘on the third date’ with reference to something said in the TV series ‘Sex in the City’. Some long-term couples say they had sex together on their first date together. Sometimes they say ‘something happened’ as they were chatting, they had ‘a connection’, and they just knew it was right. Some say they won’t have sex until they are officially engaged or even married – no matter what they feel. Who is right, and who is wrong? They all are right! Just as long as it is consensual, not pressured. You certainly do not have to have sex because of something said in a TV show! Or, because you were drunk on alcohol or stoned on illicit drugs and do not remember anything that happened! That will more often lead to regret next morning.

There are some basic ‘rules’ to achieving and maintaining a deep romantic loving relationship with another person. These include (in no particular order);

1. Never rush into a romantic relationship. Never force it, let it grow. at its own pace Give it space to become Consummate Love. Never expect the other person to live up to your expectations. It is not a competition. Accept that your love interest cannot give you attention 24/7. If you cannot do that get help.

2. Jealousy has no place in a loving relationship. The emotions that build include trust and acceptance.  Jealousy sparked by love can suggest you have a strong commitment to your partner and don’t want to lose them. However, jealousy is born from your own insecurities. Never snoop on their privacy. (Social media is in the public arena, so checking his or her social media accounts is not snooping). If you feel jealous discuss it with your partner. 

3. Love means doing things together yet giving each other space to pursue individual interests too. It is sharing without resentment.

4. Love is a risk. Everything worthwhile is a risk, including personal relationships. Are you brave enough to let yourself commit to another person unconditionally?

5. Love is not controlling, changing, or manipulating another person. If you feel a need to do those things – you are in the wrong relationship. 

6. Your Consummate lover should be your best friend to the exclusion of all others. Do you keep secrets from your partner but share them with someone else? So, love includes trust. Without trust – you are in the wrong relationship.

7. Consummate Love is being open and honest with your partner. Keep secrets between you and your partner. Prove you can be trusted. People outside the relationship do not need to know the details.

8. Love should involve some level of mutual compromise and sacrifice with your partner. If they are doing all the taking while you are doing all the giving. If your partner refuses to compromise, even after talking to them about it, then you are in the wrong relationship.

9. How to restore passion in your relationship? This and more relevant research and information is discussed in this article in the Psychology Today magazine.

10. If you are having difficulties within your relationship the person to talk about it with is your partner. It is about effective interpersonal communication, both ways. Thats what Marriage Counsellors are about –


11. Love is accepting we are all different and we have different opinions. So, it includes mutual respect.

12. No one is perfect. We all have imperfections – including yourself. So, love includes acceptance of yourself and your partner. Warts and all.

13.  A great marriage takes effort from both partners to commit to each other. If one is not in the relationship, then there is no relationship.

14. Ultimately, love is about accepting the other person for who they are. For better or worse. For richer or In sickness and in health. If you are not prepared for that, you are in the wrong relationship. So, love includes being unconditional.

15. ‘Lust’ is not love. Although Consummate Love often starts with lust and overtime develops into something more. However, lust can also develop into ….  hate! We all know a couple who met and enjoyed a passionate whirlwind ‘romance’. Perhaps a baby was born, and it all became too much hard work. Then what they had together burnt out and died (typically somewhere between 6 and 24 months). The lust filled relationship – not the baby of course. They had the passion but no commitment. Then the passion died, and they had nothing.

16. The introduction of children into a relationship change the dynamics forever. What was before the birth of the first child is gone, with perhaps fleeting moments from time-to-time. A couple who have love can adapt and change with the circumstances.

17. When you have those important talks you can both have a ‘special word’ that means turn off the phone we need to talk. Stop everything and actively listen. Aim to listen at least 50 per cent of the conversation by silencing the self-talk in your head and listening. Then ask intelligent questions to clarify and understand what your partner is communicating. Look into your partners eyes – very important as you listen.

18. Physical, non-sexual, touch. Hugs caresses. whispers. Time alone. A favorite tune? Long walks on the beach together? Which of these are your ‘love language’? Do you have others?

19. Never forget the little things you used to do for your partner – and do them again. Fresh flowers? A favorite home cooked meal? A special song? Her favorite perfume? Make time for each other – if only a few minutes.

20. You are never too busy to say “I love you” every day with a gentle kiss.

Always ask your partner about their day. Listen and share.

“You get all the love you think you deserve. You deserve it all. But you need to work on it together.”

Peter Zapfella. © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.
Peter Zapfella

If you have trouble finding someone who can love you, maybe you should be looking at yourself. Do you have a deep self-belief that you ‘do not deserve love’, or perhaps you believe you ‘do not deserve happiness’? If this rings true for you get help.

There are many kinds of love, but the inter-personal love of a romantic relationship with a compatible partner begins with learning how to be loving through the inter-personal love between a mother and child.

It is vital that a mother loves her child so that child feels secure and develops the foundations of a healthy self-esteem. The joys and the pain, because it is through those that we learn and grow the most.

Children need to feel love and to feel wanted. Children need to learn about balanced commitment, passion, and emotional intimacy from their primary role models. I don’t think it matters if the parents are heterosexual or lesbian or homosexual as long as they have balanced commitment, passion, and emotional intimacy for each other. and their children witness and enjoy unconditional love.

Romace & Love min, travel-and-excitement_optimized Welcome Travel and Excitement

Now that I have 20/20 vision about my own marriage, I realise I/we would have benefited by asking a series of probing questions on our first and second dates. These could be revealing questions on a first date for anyone.

  • Q. Tell me about your parents and siblings?
  • Q. Who is your best friend, that you share all your secrets with?
  • Q. What items are at the top of your bucket list?
  • Q. If you inherited a fortune tomorrow what would be the first things you would do with it?
  • Q. What is your dream job?
  • Q. What do you do for charity, for other people, without expectation of anything in return?
  • Q. How do you feel about having children?
  • Q. Are you prepared to sacrifice your own wants and desires (your bucket list) for your relationship. and for your future children?
  • Q. If they made a movie about you, who would you choose to play the role of you?
  • Q. If they made a movie about your life who would you choose to play the role of your leading man/lady?
  • Q. What is your language of love?
  • Q. What is your hidden talent?
  • Q. What is your hidden addiction?
  • Q. What did you do with your spare time during the pandemic?
  • Q. Have you had a relationship (or an affair) with a married person? (Are you currently married?)
  • Q. Why did you come on this date with me? What/who are you looking for and why?

Of course, you must be prepared to answer these same questions truthfully in return.

Synonyms of the word love include; acceptance and affection and appreciation and commitment and devotion and emotion and fondness and friendship’s and infatuation and lust and passion. Also tenderness and trust and adulation and , allegiance and attachment and cherishing and delight and devoted and enjoyment and fidelity and involvement and like and rapture and regard and worship.

bike, Bicycle outside bookshop photo copyright owned by Peter Zapfella 2022. all rights reserved.
pleasant masking music & relaxing environmental sounds prevent conscious analytical thinking Photo © copyright 2020 owned by Peter Zapfella.

The image above shows the same bike as the previous image, yet the loving couple now hidden (subliminal) – have arrived and inside the Grand Secret Bookshop of Hidden Knowledge? Come inside …

The Welcome Love subliminal messages and others are simply ‘hidden’ from the conscious mind within pleasant masking music and relaxing environmental sounds to prevent conscious analytical thinking, which may ‘filter out’ messages.

Welcome Freedom From Pain, Welcome Integrity, Free From Fear of Dental Surgery, welcome subliminal affirmations. Internet hypnosis. shop. Unconscious mind learnings, Dynamic Action, Welcome Life Free From Fear of Dentists. Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Failure, Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Snakes, - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

People who feel they have love in their lives also feel self-fulfillment and self-love. The first step toward finding love is changing one’s own self-talk. Even if that self-talk means ‘faking it until you make it’, so that you can create your own new self-beliefs.

Another simpler way is to listen to the Welcome Love MP3 often.


Our unconscious mind gathers information to create beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors and emotions too. Our unconscious mind is the ‘foreman’ of the metabolism. So, we can create unconscious emotions and beliefs to Welcome Love.

Welcome Life Beyond Homophobia, love
Welcome Love … all love.

love, hypnosis

PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up


All of the ‘Welcome Love’ MP3’s are available individually or bundled together and discounted by 50 per cent.
They are; (1) Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’ (2) Pleasant ‘guitar and piano’ music (3) ‘Zumba’ style Latin dance music and (4) seXXX binaural waves. Bundled discount price is $19.98. So you save $19.98

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Hipno Hop Rap Love

Rhythmic, rhyming Rap speaks to the ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions. They may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap. In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful.

Skin Whitening with Glutathione Dependency

Welcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency min
Image  © Copyright 2019 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved.

Almost forty percent (40%) of those surveyed in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan admitted to using skin whitening products.

Global spending on skin lightening products is growing at the rate of 10 per cent every year. It is projected to hit US$31.2 billion by next year, according to a report released by the research firm Global Industry Analysts.

“This is a reflection upon users low self-esteem and lack of self-worth. They would be better to treat their emotional well being than the tint of their skin colour” says Peter Zapfella.

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Addiction Monitor

It is one thing to ‘like it‘, another to ‘want it’. But when a user ‘needs it‘ or ‘craves it’ chemical skin whitening becomes a dependency.

In some countries where locals have naturally darker skin, they visit saloons for regular injections of glutathione to help whiten their skin. It has also become a hot whitening topical ingredient in toners, soaps, facial wash, sunblock, moisturizers, lotions, and creams. W

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elcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency

“The grass is always greener on the other side.

We are busy applying fairness creams while

people in the West go bare-bodied

on the beach to get a tan”

Shilpa Shetty, skin whitening
………………Shilpa Shetty

Maria Thattil who was crowned Miss Universe Australia 2020 is of Indian descent. She said all Bollywood actors have light colored skin. This sends subliminal messages to Indian people about the relationship between fair skin and success. Fair skin and perceived beauty.

In the Philippines media celebrities are often of mixed-race, Filipino/Caucasian heritage. They have lighter skin tones.

Colourism or colorism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group:

Colorism drives self-rejection and self loathing in sufferers. usually within the suffers own race and often within their own family fair skinned children are perceived to be more valued and superior to darker skinned children based on the color of their skin. It is related to racism but is worse because it is about people of the same race and perhaps the same family.

While some say colorism has its roots in European colonial attitudes others argue that it existed before colonial settlement.

In an effort to overcome low self-esteem, self-respect and validate themselves many dark-skinned people, particularly girls, are trying to become more fair skinned.

Treatments are not cheap. Yet they are popular because they suggest beauty, mixed-race heritage, and up-market lifestyle. 

The driving force, they say, is “rampant darker skin stigma and the rigid cultural perception that correlates lighter skin tone with beauty and personal success”. Around the world, the well off and better-educated generally work indoors while the poor work outside in full sunlight, engaged in manual labor. Because of the long hours of sun exposure, they are more dark-skinned than those who spend less time in the sunlight.

Therefore, it follows that light skinned people must be better educated and better paid than dark skinned people.

This preference for fair skin is reinforced in movies, television programs, and especially advertising, where models and actors always have fair skin.

Global spending on skin lightening products is growing at the rate of 10 per cent every year. It is projected to hit US$31.2 billion by next year, according to a report released by the research firm Global Industry Analysts.

Welcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency min
A young man is injecting a young (Muslim) lady with glutathione. Welcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency. © Copyright 2019 Internet Hypnosis. Shop exclusive photo.

In Nigeria, 77 percent of women use skin-lightening products, compared with 59 per cent in Togo and 27 percent in Senegal. But the largest and fastest-growing markets are in the Asia-Pacific region.

Dr. Sonya Baluyot, a Filipina dermatologist, says around 90 per cent of her patients come to seek out ways to whiten their skin. Yet, she says most of them are already fair-skinned. 

In a 2004 Synovate Asia BUS survey conducted among 2,496 respondents from five Asian countries. Skin whitening was most popular in the Philippines. At least 50 percent of respondents claimed they use whitening products and always opt for the popular brand. Now, more than 18 years later the market has exploded in popularity. So the numbers must be much, much higher.

Overall results of this survey showed that 38 percent of those surveyed in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan admitted to using whitening products. India is also a mass-market for Glutathione skin whitening. In these countries, a typical supermarket will have a wall of personal care products featuring “whitening” or “lightening” toners, soaps, facial wash, sunblock lotions, moisturizers, lotions, and creams. from recognizable brands.

Welcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency min
Welcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency

“Although the use of intravenous glutathione injections is popular, there is no evidence to prove its efficacy. In fact, the adverse effects caused by intravenous glutathione have led the Food and Drug Administration of Philippines to issue a public warning condemning its use for off-label indications such as skin lightening,” according to Dr. Sidharth Sonthalia

The Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned “It is alarming that they (clinics, spas, and salons) also offer services such as intravenous drip or infusion using skin lightening agents including reduced glutathione, vitamin C, and other injections,” the FDA said in an advisory released today.

They went on to say … “Risks include the possibility of developing skin cancer and contracting HIV, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B, especially when the IV is administered by someone not in the medical field or in a non-sterile place.” The side effects of using injectable glutathione for skin lightening include toxic effects on the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. There is also the risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. The FDA warned glutathione can also cause the forming of kidney stones.

The late Michael Jackson used dangerous skin whitening creams.

Detectives found 19 tubes of hydroquinone and 18 tubes of beniquine  in Michael Jacksons home following his death.

People who are more likely to develop a Glutathione skin whitening dependency include those who:

  • suffer from depression,
  • bipolar disorder,
  • anxiety disorders, or
  • schizophrenia, and
  • Have easy access to Glutathione and excess skin whitening behaviors.
  • Experience low self-esteem.
  • Have relationship problems.
  • Live a stressful economic or emotional lifestyle.
  • Associate with people, or live in a culture where there is a high social acceptance of Glutathione Skin Whitening abuse.
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Addiction Monitor

The chances of psychological dependency are very real, while “Hypothetically, long-term (excessive) supplementation with any external synthetic compound may signal the body to stop its own production resulting in (physical) dependence upon synthetic supplements,” Mercola D, Hofmekler O. Glutathione: This One Antioxidant Keeps All Other Antioxidants Performing at Peak Levels.

Rwandan police crack down on harmful skin bleaching products (Click Here)


“Naturally love the skin you are in.”

Peter Zapfella
Peter Zapfella


The synonyms for the word compulsive include; enthusiastic and passionate or irresistible. Also compelling or urgent, and overwhelming.

The synonyms for the word excessive include; disproportionate or exaggerated and sometimes excoriate. Also extravagant and extreme and inordinate. Perhaps needless or redundant and superfluous also unconscionable or unreasonable and boundless. Perhaps dissipated and dizzying and immoderate or indulgent. Some say intemperate or limitless and  more. Others go overboard with overkill and plethoric or prodigal. Also profligate and self-indulgent or sky-high as in stratospheric like a superstar with is unbounded if not unmeasurable and way out.


Prime hypnosis

Hipno Hop rap Sin Whitening

All of the “Welcome Life Free from Skin Whitening” Classic MP3’s are bundled and discounted by 50%. They are; (1) Binaural Anti-anxiety (2) Environment Lake Waves (3) Music Piano and Guitar (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance (5) Binaural Theta. Full price: $49.95. Bundled discount: $24.75. You save: $24.75

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Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved.

Acceptance of Sexuality As Gay


Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men. min
Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men.

Adult Content Warning

A man’s sexual preference does not make him more or less a man. Just because heterosexuality is more ‘common’ does not make it ‘right’ while making homosexuality ‘wrong’.  

‘Tall’ is no more ‘right’ than being ‘short’.

Being ‘light skinned’ is no more ‘right’ than being ‘dark skinned’.

Being ‘European’ is no more right than being ‘Asian’.

That type of thinking was discarded a long-time ago because it is both discriminatory and untrue.

People who still think that way are stuck in the first half of the 20th century or even earlier. That type of thinking does not belong here in this day and age.

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Click Here to listen to ‘homophobia’ Podcast.

Almost every homosexual has ‘straight’ parents. They are raised in a ‘straight’ family, religion and culture that teaches them that heterosexual relationships are ‘normal’.

Media is most often biased toward the concept that heterosexuality is ‘normal’. Media portray relationships as male and female. If there is a homosexual relationship depicted it is usually ridiculed.

They may learn that anything outside the ‘norm’ is unacceptable, a sin, unnatural, or even illegal.

No wonder they grow up feeling as if they are the round peg in a square hole.

Too often young gay boys and men feel isolated and alone. They fear being ‘found out’ and tormented, even rejected by family and friends.

Some feel so overwhelmed and trapped they commit suicide before they learn that it is not them that is at fault.

Young gay men may ‘play the straight game’ seeking acceptance. A gay friend told me how as his straight friends and brothers talked about girls; he was feeling same sex attraction instead. So, he ‘played the straight game’ to hide his true feelings and had sex with a few girls.  “Is this what they are talking about?” he thought.  “It does nothing for me. If this is what my brothers and my friends are talking about then I want out. I want cock not pussy”.

There are many factors that influence both sexual and romantic attraction to either gender. These include genetic, cultural, media, religious, experiential and peer pressure. 

He tried to appear straight on the outside, while keeping his real desires inside, but his friends and brothers realised he was gay. By the time he ‘came out’ everyone already knew.

He realised he had been worrying about nothing. They loved him and did not care about who he was attracted to, or not.

Okay, his father tried to straighten him up, but eventually accepted it was not a passing phase. 

Straight? Bisexual? Gay?
Straight? Bisexual? Gay?

Fact: No one knows how many boys and men are homosexual or bisexual. Perhaps the majority feel it is better kept on a ‘needs to know basis‘, so only their close confidants and sexual partners know the real truth.

Then there are the guys who only have same sex on an impulse when the opportunity and desire cross paths.

Surveys generally put the number of exclusively homosexual men somewhere around 10 per cent of the male population. Those are men who self-identify as gay. They only ever have sex with same sex. I have a few friends who you would think are straight8, but they have never and cannot imagine having sex with someone of the opposite sex. It is beyond their comprehension. They say it would never happen.

But what about the other 90 per cent of boys and men? We tend to assume they are exclusively straight and only attracted to girls and women.

The picture becomes more confusing when we add the complexity of bisexuality, the guys who are attracted to both other guys and girls somewhere around the same proportion (50/50). It includes romantic or sexual attraction to people regardless of their gender.

When I was in the Army, around the age of 19 or 20, there were a couple of guys in my company who had an active bisexual relationship. They were inseparable lovers. While both guys were physically fit, they were AWOL when ‘good looks’ were being handed out. Every weekend they would head for the city and book a hotel room together.  On Saturday night they would go to a nearby ‘straight’ night club to pick up girls for the night where they shared a double bed, back in their hotel room. If they only scored one girl that was fine. They could share her together. Or, perhaps they found a guy or guys they liked. Either way they had ‘company’ and could explore every known sexual combination possible.

A subset of bisexuality is “hetroflexibility”. People define themselves as “mostly straight” with a little same sex attraction.  Sometimes called “bi-curious”.

“Homoflexible” people primarily identify as homosexual but are sometimes attracted to the opposite gender.

The term “attracted” does not necessarily mean that they physically act on their attraction. They may and yet they may not.


The Common Bell Curve of Male Sexual Desire and Attraction.

Male sexuality and desire apparently follows the pattern of the ‘common bell curve’. We can argue about the proportions or percentages, however the green ‘C’ area represents bisexuality. Boys and men who find themselves sexually attracted to both genders, more or less the same. They could swing either way depending on who, where and when.  ‘B’ blue boys and men are mainly same sex attracted. They usually prefer other males but may swing over to the opposite gender sometimes. ‘A’ purple are exclusively same sex homosexual. They are the 10 per cent the surveys quote. Yellow ‘D’ usually only find themselves attracted to the opposite gender but if the stars align, they will jump the fence, or at least think about it. Those in the red ‘F’ section would never never find other boys and men sexually attractive. They are actually exclusively straight8. My guess is they represent somewhere around 10 to maybe 20 per cent of the male population.

Note; This graph represents inner desires and attraction. It does not represent actual physical sexual activity, which may be influenced by legal, cultural, family, media, and religious circumstances for an individual or grouping.

So how many boys and men are attracted to other boys and men at least sometimes? Your guess is as good as mine, but I have seen surveys where as many as 80 per cent of respondents admitted they have been sexually excited to the point of orgasm by their own gender. Perhaps that includes masturbation fantasy? I really don’t know. But it fits the common bell curve of male sexual desire and attraction.

I knew a guy who had several girlfriends in the time I had known him. Yet, a couple of times I had noticed him looking at guys in a certain ‘lustful’ way. So, I asked him about it.   “Yeah. He is hot. I would ‘do him’ in a flash if I could.” So, I loaned him a book about bisexuality. He read it and handed it back to me saying “Yup. I am bisexual. I think about it, but I don’t actually do it, yet. It is not a case of ‘if’ but ‘when’.”  He had left the door open to the possibility.  More recently I heard he is now living with another guy. Perhaps he found his ‘when’ and ‘who’ moment?

Sports and entertainment celebrities, business leaders and politicians, everyone, are included together with ‘happily married men’ are members of this diverse group.

We are sexual beings. We do not control who we are attracted to sexually. It is part of who we really are. We can try to tame the beast, yet it is a wild animal.

Fact: Homosexuality is not a mental illness. Psychiatry and religion cannot convert gay men into ‘straight’ men. They have tried many times, usually using ‘guilt’ and ‘shame’ as a weapon, and failed every time. A few men have ‘played the straight game’ but they have tortured themselves and ultimately failed. Some have been driven through depression to self-harm and even suicide. This has ultimately caused others heartache too. It is always better to accept your own sexuality and accept yourself.

More than 20 years ago I had a client, a young man, who self-harmed by cutting himself.  He never revealed the issue that was driving his behavior.  Later I found out his closest friend was gay. Connect the dots.

My late wife’s nephew, a young gay slightly effeminate man, met a girl at the theater where he worked. She had two gay brothers. She felt an attraction to him, which may have been based on something familiar that made her feel comfortable. He was very attractive, tall, blonde and blue eyed. A nice friendly personality.

I might add, his mother did not approve of his homosexuality.

Eventually, he gave up his gay lifestyle to marry her. His mother was ecstatic. They had a daughter, and about two years later he left her and their child to return to his former gay lifestyle. He was obviously conflicted. He had tried to make his mother happy, but he was not. His real self-won, and he stopped playing the straight game. His mother then blamed his father, claiming he had ‘made their son gay’.  The truth is their son was more likely to be gay because of her genetics (He was an only son with two sisters. I don’t know for sure, but I would not be surprised if his sisters had gay sons too)

While this scenario is not uncommon, some other gay men find a ‘middle path’ where they can live an outward ‘straight’ life and keep their gay lifestyle in the ‘closet’ (a secret).

I know a man now aged in his 70’s. He told me while he is gay, he married when young because his family did not approve of homosexuality. At the time he was in a very happy closeted homosexual relationship. Then he married because of pressure from his family.  He remained closeted and continues to ‘see’ other men to this day. He said, although he loves his wife, he is disappointed he made the wrong decision to marry all those years ago.

I know another man who is gay. He is slightly effeminate. I have witnessed him trying to seduce other men after a few drinks. He is married to a motor bike riding lesbian. They are romantically attracted but sexual desire is not part of their relationship.  She ‘goes out’ with other lesbians.

Increasingly, in many countries, young men who are same sex attracted feel no need to hide who they really are.

More than 'just friends'.
More than ‘just friends’.

Fact: While there is no single “gay gene,” there is overwhelming evidence of a biological basis for sexual orientation that is programmed into the brain before birth based on a mix of genetics and prenatal conditions, none of which the fetus chooses, according to ‘Stop calling it a choice: Biological factors drive homosexuality’

Two strong indicators exist. Either could apply in your circumstance.

  1. Homosexuality appears to follow down the maternal side of your family. If you are gay, chances are more likely than not your mother has more than average gay brothers and maternal cousins and uncles. Your sisters have gay sons. Or,
  2.  Unrelated to close ‘gay’ relatives on the maternal side, you have a number of ‘straight’ older brothers.

These are genetic and prenatal conditions way beyond your control. 

Fact; While many ‘out-of-touch’ heterosexuals think homosexuality is a choice, they are confused with their own adolescent ‘same-sex attractions’, which are part of every man’s sexual maturity. Heterosexuals are no ‘gayer’ than homosexuals are ‘straight’.

Some men happily ‘swing both ways’. They are happy with a sexual partner of either sex, although they usually have a preference. Although that preference often changes. We generally call them ‘bisexual’. They call themselves lucky.

Accept yourself and find true happiness whatever your sexual attraction. Just remember you cannot make everyone happy all the time – so accept yourself for who you are in the moment and be happy with your choices.

It can all become so much more confusing when we consider that romantic and sexual attraction are two different things. You can be romantically attracted to a man and sexually attracted to a woman. or the other way around. For that matter you can be romantically attracted to one man and sexually attracted to another. I am going to leave you with that conundrum to sort out for yourself.

Fact: Homosexuality is still illegal in some countries. See the map below. Gay men can be sacked by their employers in some countries, for example Singapore. It is punishable by death in a few. For example, Uganda. Where I grew up in Australia homosexuality was still illegal when I was aged in my 20’s. Now we have legal same-sex marriage. The tide is turning around the world.

The map below shows (in brown, orange and yellow) the remaining ‘anti-gay’ countries.

The dark blue colour on the map shows countries where same sex marriage is now legal. Some Asian countries, such as Taiwan and Thailand now have same-sex marriage. Others such as Vietnam, the Philippines and some Pacific nations will follow in time.

New Zealand is a socially progressive country and should be marked dark blue on this map.

I think Central and South America will eventually infill in blue too.

Welcome gay men

Worldwide laws regarding same-sex intercourse, unions, and expression.

  Death Prison Marriage Civil unions  Limited domestic  

Limited foreign Restrictions of expression.

Vietnam is a Catholic/Buddhist country. Following the war many Vietnamese escaped the communists and fled to other parts of the world. They took their language, culture, food and traditions with them, of course.

I learned that in Melbourne Australia, Vietnamese fathers often take their 13-year-old sons to a prostitute to lose their virginity to an ‘older woman’ (she might only be 5 years his senior, but she has experience to share).

I have it on authority from former prisoners that in prison the Vietnamese crime boss (who usually owns the prostitutes on the outside) will select an attractive young Vietnamese man to sleep with every night. It is apparently considered an honor to be chosen by the boss. Next his deputy will select a sleeping partner and so on down the ranks. 

I am told teenage Vietnamese visit the boss in prison and swear their allegiances to him. They do his bidding on the outside, and if they are jailed, they gladly become one of his ‘prison bitches’ on the inside. Everyone is gay for the stay, and that can be for many years.

Fact: Gay men usually make wonderful uncles, and sometimes choose to be parents themselves. While ‘straight’ men may have accidental children, the child of a gay father was no accident. Your happiness inspires unconditional love in them.

“LGBTQ folks served and serve in the military. We are cops, we are firefighters, we are your family members and neighbors,” Democratic Colorado State Representative, David Ortiz wrote on X in response to Valdamar Archuleta, the president of the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans, who called for the burning of the rainbow flag. “We will outlast your bigotry and hate.”


Fact: Some ‘straight men’ want oral and perhaps anal sex with another man, not because they are gay and attracted to another man or men. They just enjoy the sex. For them gay men are better at oral sex than women, and gay men enjoy giving and receiving anal sex more than women. It’s more about the sex, not the individual. These men have a desire for giving and receiving erotic pleasure with another man, often governed by individual boundaries. These boundaries could be “You can suck me, but I won’t suck you’, ‘I don’t kiss other guys, but everything else is fine’, “Mutual masturbation is fine with me, but no more than that’, ‘Yeah, I like to 69 with a guy’, “I am strictly a ‘top'” or “I need to be fucked hard in the ass by a real man sometimes”. Are they ‘gay’ or ‘bisexual’? They may be bisexual or perhaps ‘closet gay’? Does it really matter?

For a while I worked with a guy who said “My thing is oral sex. Thats what I do and that’s what I want. Pussy or cock.”

While there is white, brilliant white, and black, pitch black, there are many shades of grey. Perhaps as many as 50.

Fact; Homophobes make-up excuses to disguise their own prejudices and fears. One unfounded claim is that gay men are more inclined to drug and alcohol problems than straight men. While this may be true for some individuals caused by the bigots and prejudices from homophobes they live with every day, it is not generally true at all. Your unconditional love defeats fear and anxiety.

Gay couple

Fact: Another claim by bigots and chauvinists is that the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) were sent by God to punish homosexuals. This unfounded claim ignores the science. The retrovirus that causes HIV passes from one person to another through body fluids. It can and does pass between genders (male and female) through any exchange of body fluids from an infected person to an uninfected person.

Yes, HIV/AIDS infection is common among gay men, as it is among intravenous drug users who share needles of any gender too. That is because they are inclined to share body fluids through their activities.  However, there are roughly 24 million people of both genders infected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. More than 90 percent of the world’s HIV-positive children live in Africa. Gender and sexuality have nothing to do with it.

People have been infecting each other with sexually transmitted infections for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Sexual preference never came into it, and nor did God’s will.

So why drag homosexuals into the fray now? It is thinly disguised homophobia and anti-gay bias, that’s all.

Doctors at the Sexual Infections Clinic have told me that Local infections of HIV have virtually disappeared because of the widespread use of PREP medications by sexually active homosexual and bisexual men. The majority of infections are a result of unprotected sex while travelling overseas, particularly in Southeast Asia. They advise the use of PREP plus condoms for protection.

‘They doth protest too much, methinks” 

william-shakepeare. Welcome The Authentic Self min
——–William Shakespeare. ‘Hamlet’

Fact or Fiction? Gay bashing and gay bullying is an attackabuse, or assault committed against a person who is perceived by the aggressor to be LBGTIQ. The aggressor is more often than not a homophobic closet gay themselves. Are they trying to deflect attention away from themselves and their secret?  Are they suffering inner conflict and incongruence? We ask the question: Why are they out after dark looking for gay men when they could be looking for straight women? Perhaps they need counselling themselves?

Do you want some research to help you decide? Science magazine reported there is a “scattering of research” that suggests “some conflicted gay men might indeed be homophobic,” like a small 1996 study in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology that measured penile arousal and found a link between “homophobia” and “homosexual arousal.”

I remember meeting two house mates of a friend of mine many years ago. They proudly boasted about their ‘gay bashing’ exploits as if it somehow made them more ‘macho’. In the next breath, they talked about their intention to share a prostitute and how they wanted to experience double penetration together. They seemed conflicted to me. As they were talking, I felt as if they were boyfriends.

Rather than being heard to “protest too much” and drawing attention to contradictions about their own sexuality, perhaps these people should be listening to their ‘Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men’ MP3?

Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men
Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men

Fact: Then there is the religious argument. Some people claim their interpretation of Leviticus 18:22 in the Old Testament of the Bible states that homosexuality is wrong. (this passage encompasses Muslim, Christian and Jewish religions) Others point out it is a reference to prostitution, specifically male prostitution. This is supported by 1 Kings 15:12. “He expelled the male shrine prostitutes from the land and got rid of all the idols his ancestors had made.”

Leviticus was recorded at the time of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. The instructions of Leviticus emphasize ritual, legal and moral practices including animal scarifies to God. I question people who like to quote this passage suggesting homosexuality is wrong – ‘do you also do animal scarifies to God?’ If they do, then they can claim the ‘high ground’. If they do not, they are hypocrites.

Fact: Temple prostitutes, both male and female were a part of Egyptian religion. Moses was trying to divorce his people from those practices.

Welcome Accepyance Of Sexuality – for gay men

There will always be bigots who will mis interpret the Bible to support their own prejudices. But that is no excuse for them trying to enforce their position on other people in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Jesus taught ‘love’. He had nothing to say about homosexuals anywhere in the New Testament of the Bible. In my view Christians should be led by the teachings of Jesus Christ (who said ‘I am the way’ while the instructions of Leviticus were now irrelevant. Mathew 12:1 to 12:8).

The teachings of ancient religious practices (such as animal sacrifices) have been dumped by Christians. So why hang on to references to Egyptian temple prostitutes?  They are irrelevant to Christians today. In my view some Christians focus too much on the Old Testament and the books written by Paul, while they seem to ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ. who taught unconditional love Are they really Christians at all?

Bible bigots like to quote Paul. But the truth is Paul was not one of the 12 disciples. He never knew Jesus in his lifetime, although he conveniently claimed to have met Jesus after his crucifixion and death. He was in fact a Roman citizen, a tax collector. Paul has a lot to say in the New Testament of the Bible. He wrote 13 of the books, a significant proportion. But one thing is certain for theologians who have studied Paul. He was disliked by many. He was apparently a small, ugly man who had a ‘chip on his shoulder‘. He seems to have been a bigoted misogynist who hated women, and gays, and others. He was certainly not speaking for Jesus who preached unconditional love. He was speaking for himself. People who quote Paul in their anti-gay rants are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Thye perpetuate Paul’s bigoted misogyny. I truly believe real Christians should be following the teachings of Jesus Christ, rather some interloper who had never met the living Jesus.

Fact: The Bible outlaws many different things we do today. Here are just a few,

  1. According to Leviticus 19:19, people were forbidden to wear clothing made of two or more different materials. Wool and cotton are not permitted together.
  2. Eating pork, rabbit, or fish without fins and scales (e.g., clams, oysters, shrimp, crabs etc) are forbidden. Leviticus 11:7-12.
  3. Eating any creatures that creep or have been strangled cannot be eaten. “You shall not eat any detestable thing”. Deuteronomy 14:3  
  4. No honey, with certain exceptions. Leviticus 2:11.
  5. Rare steak is banned. Leviticus 17:10-14.
  6. Drinking wine is fine, but only in moderation. Jesus first recorded miracle was turning water into wine. He apparently liked a glass of Chardonay. Proverbs 23:20-21. He drank wine ritualistically with his disciples. 
  7. Shaving the face is forbidden. (but the head must be shaven under certain circumstances) Leviticus 19:27.
  8. Tattoos or body piercings are forbidden.  Leviticus 19:28.
  9. Women must cover their heads. 1 Corinthians 11;6.
  10. No jewelry. No hairstyling. Men must not cut or shave the hair on the sides of their head.  hair that grows forward of the ears must not be cut. Timothy 2:9.
  11. Women speaking in the church is forbidden, but ‘speaking in tongues’ is fine. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.
  12. Banning mothers from the church. Leviticus 12:2, 
  13. Women cannot wear men’s clothing and men cannot wear women’s clothing. Jeans and pant suits are out for women, and Scottish kilts are not on for men. Deuteronomy 22:5.
  14. Divorce is banned. Mark 10:9-12.
  15. No Tarot readings. No fortune tellers. But ‘religious prophets’ are fine. Leviticus 19:31.
  16. A priest cannot have a ‘blemish in the eye’ or ‘be lame’ or have a flat nose. So those with authority in the church cannot wear glasses or have difficulty walking, according to Leviticus 21. The current Pope is out according to Leviticus.

and the list goes on and on. If some people want to use the Bible verses to attack gays, perhaps they should look at their own practices first. Jesus warned against hypocritical, self-righteous people in Matthew 7:1-5.

A quick look into Islamic male practices around same sex is very confusing for someone looking in from the outside.

Muslim men, and for that matter Hindu men grow facial hair as soon as they are able. They say, “its purpose is to differentiate between the male and the female”. Exactly how they become confused between men and women I don’t know.

At the same time unwed men have no opportunity to have sex with a woman because for religious reasons premarital sex, or even the suggestion of it is banned. So, they seek out other opportunities. Rape of women is an all-too-common problem by some Hindu men in India.

In some Muslim countries Arab men sometimes rape Asian men who live and work in their country because they have no facial hair. If the Asian man were to report the attack in those Arab countries he would be punished and deported, so it usually goes unreported to police.

In East Malaysia several young Muslim men told me that in their culture and religion young men have sex with each other until they marry. Then, of course they have sex with their wife. They told me, ‘We all do it, so did our fathers and uncles before they married’

The contradiction is that The Koran states men who have sex with other men should be punished, although no punishment is specified. The exact passage in the Qu’ran states “men who are guilty of lewdness …. if they repent then let them be. Lo! Allah is Merciful.”

From that I interpret Allah is not too bothered about same sex between Muslim men. However, unwed hetrosex is not on, no way. In some Muslim countries at least, culture and tradition outweigh religion.

Fact: Humans share homosexuality and bisexuality with animals. 

“No animal species has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphids”  –Petter Bøckman

Homosexual behavior has been observed by researchers in more than 1,500 animal species.

Fact: Since prehistory, gay men have proven themselves as talented creators and innovators in almost every human endeavor. You are in good company and can be proud as a gay man.

How you choose to live your life as a gay man is your choice. Some choose to be ‘out’ and perhaps flamboyant, while at the other end of the spectrum some choose to be ‘closeted’ and keep their bed-room preferences on a ‘need to know’ basis. Your choice should always be based on what makes you most comfortable and happy.

I have conducted an informal ‘straw ballot’ of gay men online and asked them all the same simple question. “If you could take a pill that would make you straight, would you take it?” I think I have had only one who said ‘yes’, and since then he has changed his mind and said ‘no‘.

I then asked them ‘Why?” and the typical answer was “I feel happy in myself.” and a few added. “Plus, I love cock.”

Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men
Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men

Homophobes want homosexuality to be invisible. That way they somehow feel ‘safer’. They feel that way because of their own upbringing and culture.

Change is constant, and our cultures adapt to those changes. To quote the Borg ‘Resistance is futile.’ Change is constantly happening, and if that change is in the face, it cannot be ignored.

Many people who come out as gay and lesbian are accepted by their loved ones, but not all are. So be prepared. Talk to other gays about their experiences.

Prepare your responses to the most likely questions and comments from your family and friends. Perhaps contact organisations such as PFLAG for support. PFLAG are the parents, guardians, family and friends of LGBTIQ+.

If you are unsure how someone who is important in your life will react to you telling them you are gay, try ‘testing the waters’ by asking them what they think about other gay men.

You can:

  • Ask them if they personally know or have known any gay men?
  • Ask their opinions about famous and celebrity gay men?
  • Ask them what they think about same-sex marriage and gay couples who have children.

Through these discussions you will be able to determine if they are generally positive or negative about gay men. Do not expect them to be gushing with positivity about everything and everyone. Ultimately you want to determine how they might react and if they will support you.

It is true that some people have difficulty accepting other people who are different from themselves in some way. That is their prejudice. That is their problem to deal with and perhaps overcome.

Their prejudice is not the responsibility or problem of the person, persons or community they feel prejudiced against – it is their own problem. Being faced, close up, with their prejudice is also an opportunity for them to learn and grow, and change.

Your Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men subliminal affirmation MP3’s can assist you to overcome low self-esteem and confidence while building a strong belief in who you are.

I had a young gay man come to me to quit tobacco smoking. He was somewhat masculine, a truck driver who appeared ‘straight’. He told me that he was very happy in his sexuality and added that his single ‘straight’ co-workers and friends were lucky if they could ‘score’ sex more than twice a year, unless they paid for it. Meanwhile he had sex with a new partner every weekend, and more often anytime he wanted – for free. “I can go online and ‘hook up’ with another hot guy within minutes,” he told me. “My mates have to pay for it,” he laughed.

“For me being gay is the best. I would never want to be straight.”


The Welcome Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men MP3’s are available individually and bundled together and discounted by 50 per cent. They are (1) Environmental gentle lake waves (2) Environmental gentle rain on a tin roof (3) Piano and guitar melodies (4) Country guitar, banjo and fiddle (5) Zumba style Latin dance (6) Calming anti anxiety binaural waves.

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Hipno Hop Rap Acceptance of Sexuality for Gay Men

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Learning Morse Code – The Easy Way

Ham radio operators can often upgrade their license and operating privileges by learning morse code.

Learning Morse Code

In a world with electronic communications including mobile cell phones, SMS texts, emails, Voice Over Internet Protocols such as Skype, Facetime and Facebook Messenger people still welcome learning morse code.

Welcome Learning Morse Code – Podcast

Click Here to Listen button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

I originally tried to learn the Morse Codes series of “dits” and “dahs” as they correspond to the many letters of the alphabet in 1975. I struggled, while some of my friends excelled.

More recently I discovered a whole new Morse code learning experience.

Fact: Learning Morse code by traditional methods is slow and difficult. Studies by Alden B. Sears (University of Denver) using both hypnotized subjects and a control group using traditional methods to learn Morse code found the hypnotized group scored better, more accurate results when tested. 

History; Welcome Learning Morse Code

Welcome Learning Morse Code, Samuel Morse,
Samuel Morse co-developed the  American Morse code.

Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791 to 1872) contributed to the invention of the single-wire telegraph system. Then in 1837 he co-developed the  American Morse code, and helped to develop the commercial use of telegraphy. It was complicated and included a Code Book.

Morse’s telegraph receiver used a mechanical clockwork to move a paper tape. Indentations on a paper tape corresponded to numerals. Each number had to be decoded using a book. The process was slow and tedious. Alfred Vail included letters and special characters. He estimated the frequency of letters that were used in a printer’s shop. The letters most commonly used were assigned the shortest sequences of dots and dashes.

In 1848 Friedrich Clemens Gerke (1801  to 1888) simplified the original Morse code into the “dits” and “dahs” we know today. Samuel Morse’s overly complicated code was superseded by the International Morse code in 1865. The International Morse code we use today was an improvement over the American Morse code. Perhaps the thing we need to acknowledge is that Gerke was a musician (his primary communication modality was auditory). He understood something that Samuel Morse, as an artist (his primary communication modality was visual) did not. More on that later.

Morse code can be transmitted using sound or light pulses by people skilled in sending and receiving through radio and other methods. Morse code can be transmitted as a visual signal using flashing lights or reflections such as between ships during radio silence. In the past, it has famously been used by prisoners in jails tapping on walls and water pipes.

It can also be used as a subtle form of communication using the tapping of fingers or even blinking of eyes.

Click to see video

…………………………………………Morse Code by blinking eyes video.

Welcome Learning Morse Code
Welcome Learning Morse Code. Telegraphic Key.

International Morse code encodes the 26 basic Latin letters a through z, one accented Latin letter (é), the Arabic numerals, and a small set of punctuation and procedural signals (prosigns). There is no distinction between upper and lower case letters.

In the late 1800’s before the invention of voice radio, Morse code was used through telegraph lines, undersea cables, and radiotelegraphy to link ships and countries. A series of abbreviations called the ‘Q codes’ were developed to speed accurate communication.  By 1930 aircraft pilots were required to be able to use Morse code because navigation beacons used it to identify themselves.

Through the final years of the 20th century the commercial and military use of Morse code was replaced by new technologies.

In July 2003 the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) removed the requirement for Morse code proficiency as part of world-wide amateur radio licensing for HF bands and other bands below 30 Mhz.

Today: Welcome Learning Morse Code 

Welcome Learning Morse Code Young Amateur Radio Enthusiast
Welcome Learning Morse Code. Young Amateur Radio Enthusiast

However, Morse code is as popular as ever in the world of amateur radio. Morse code ‘cuts through’ most natural (QRN) and made (QRM) noise and interference by using a mode called Continuous Wave (CW). CW (or continuous wave) is a form of ‘digital transmission’ in that it is either ‘on’ or ‘off’. It is interrupted continuous wave (ICW). Using Morse Code or CW one can work hundreds of countries with only a few watts and a basic antenna.

Operators are also known as ‘hams’. The term “ham” (like “ham actor”) is a nickname for amateur radio operators. It originated with commercial and professional radio operators to differentiate themselves from amateurs, although many are themselves professionals who choose a hobby related to their skills and interests.

Amateur radio operators around the globe use lingo or jargon to speed and simplify communication. These have generally been inherited from the military and other professional communications users. (Many licensed ham radio operators are former military or professional electronics technicians) Much of this jargon has been included in the downloads here.

I guess when it all boils down to it,  Morse is an international language that only we know. We can communicate using it worldwide even when all other forms of communications have failed.  It is a widely understood international language.

Morse and CW works when radio voice (SSB and AM) fails due to interference. Radio works when mobile cell phones, Internet, and landlines are down due to someone digging up cables by mistake, or perhaps hackers and disasters such as earthquakes, storms and floods, and even war. Morse and CW are incredible fun. But only if you know how to send and receive.

In addition, ham radio repeaters and beacons usually identify themselves with their call signs in morse code, just as aircraft navigation beacons used to do in the past.

I am one of almost three million licensed amateur radio operators world-wide. My official call sign is VK6 PBS. To other ham operators around the world the VK prefix represents Australia. The number 6 represents my home state of Western Australia (WA). I was able to choose and register the PBS suffix myself (for an extra fee) with the Australian governments relevant regulatory authorities – the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

Special Event/Day & Competitions in Australia may use these prefixes. AX, VJ, VL

AX prefix. A special event prefix of ‘AX’ can be substituted for ‘VK’ on occasions of national significance (e.g. each year on Australia DayAnzac day and World Information Society Day).

VI prefix. A special event prefix of ‘VI’ can be substituted for ‘VK’ on occasions of state/territory significance.

Australian Amateur Radio Callsigns by state.
Australian Amateur Radio Callsigns by state.

Australian state and territory numbers are;

  • 0   Antarctic Territory & Heard Island, Macquarie Island (Not shown on map).
  • 1    Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) (see arrow lower right on map).
  • 2    New South Wales
  • 3    Victoria
  • 4    Queensland
  • 5    South Australia
  • 6     Western Australia
  • 7    Tasmania (Large Island south of Victoria).
  • 8    Northern Territory
  • 9    External Islands (such as Lord Howe Island, Norfolk and Christmas Island. Since November 2009 VK9 individual islands callsigns are no longer designated by a special letter.) Not shown on map.

In Australia the Advanced level only (vanity callsigns) are AA to ZZ

In Australia the usual Advanced, Standard and Foundation callsigns are AAA to ZZZ

(This means as an Australian operator increases their level of class through examinations, they can retain their original callsign, unless they want to change to a vanity 2 letter callsign)

Former Foundation 4 letter callsigns FAAA to FZZZ

(A few early Foundation licensees still use their ‘F ‘callsigns, although they can update to a 3 letter callsign at any time)

In most countries the callsign suffix may indicate the licensee’s level or class. That was the same in Australia until July 29, 2020, however that now only applies to vanity 2 letter callsigns and some older Foundation callsigns.

Generally, the higher the level of license the more likely the requirement for more advanced skills, which may include Morse code in some countries. The higher the level of license the higher transmit power levels permitted, and the more radio spectrum frequencies permitted to be used. These radio bands have portions set aside only for Morse Code CW.

In the USA the amateur radio operator callsign denotes their license after having passed examinations in applicable regulations, electronics, radio theory, and radio operation type/level of competency and therefore the frequency bands they can access. In the USA the 3 levels of ham radio license are Technician, General, and Extra.

In some countries there is still a specific examination to prove the skill of amateur radio operators in the receiving and sending of Morse code.

In the Philippines for example, Class A (Extra Class) ham radio operators must still pass a Morse Code send and receive test at the rate of 5 words per minute plus a written theory exam. As a result, they have greater privileges than Class B (General Class), Class C (Technician Class) and Class D (Foundation Class) licensees. In addition, all radio transceivers must be registered by the government. The Radio Amateur Operator Certificate (RAOC) is available to those who have qualified for a callsign, but do not own registered radio equipment.

It should be noted that in July 2003 the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) removed its requirement for proficiency in Morse code to be part of global amateur radio licensing for bands below Very High Frequency (VHF) bands (30 MHz). Therefore, the requirement by some countries for ham radio operators to qualify at a certain Morse Code send and receive speed is their own prerogative, perhaps for historical reasons?  There may be some consideration given to having a grouping of certified operators in case of disasters or war? This security measure may also be a consideration for registering radio equipment. 

Yet ham radio operators around the world still want to learn the skill because it opens up a whole realm of enjoyment of the hobby. It ‘cuts through’ adverse propagation conditions when other modes fail. It is truly international, allowing ham radio operators from different countries and languages to communicate. (Often using ham radio jargon).

modern morse code key,
Modern Morse code key used by amateur radio operators. Learning Morse Code.

Amateur radio operators continue to use the ‘Q codes’ and the Phonetic Alphabet, which were originally developed for the original telegraph networks and the military.

Back in 1974 I learnt the phonetic alphabet, then the Q codes, and other amateur radio jargon. I originally tried to learn the Morse Codes series of “dots” and “dashes” using a wall chart and listening to cassette tapes, as they correspond to the many letters of the alphabet. I focused on wall charts and struggled, while some of my friends excelled. At that time, I worked in the field of emergency communications using modern HF/SSB, VHF/FM and UHF/FM radios and repeaters – not CW/morse code.

As I said earlier Samuel Morse was an artist. His primary communication modality was visual. Not surprisingly he developed a complex communications system called the American Morse Code that needed a Code Book. It did not translate well into sound for many people and was eventually replaced in 1865 by the more practical International Morse Code.

Friedrich Clemens Gerke, Wellcome Learning Morse Code, subliminal, hypmosis,
Friedrich Clemens Gerke

More recently I discovered that Friedrich Clemens Gerke was a musician. Obviously, his primary communication modality was auditory. So, if we approach Morse code as musical rhythm, rather than a visual “dots” and “dashes”, it is whole different learning experience.

You no doubt know it is easier to remember the words of a song when it is connected to a melody rather than learning the written words on a page. Once you have learnt the song through the melody it is easier to recall the words of the song without the melody. That is a secret to learning Morse code! Another is practice and more practice. (More details follow)

The Future: Welcome Learning Morse Code

Fact: Learning Morse code by traditional methods is slow and difficult. Studies by Alden Sears from the University of Denver, using both hypnotized subjects and a control group using traditional methods to learn Morse code found the hypnotized group scored better, more accurate results when tested. Source: A comparison of hypnotic and waking learning of the International Morse Code. Sears, Alden B. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 1955/10/01

Dr. Ainslie Meares M.B., B.S., BAgr., Sc.D.P.M. Melbourne, Australia reported his research proved that hypnosis could improve motivation to learn.

The two Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminal MP3s (#1 covers A to M and #2 N to Z AND numbers. Code tones AND words) are coupled together. BONUS: You also receive a wall chart showing the Morse code “dits” and “dahs” AND the corresponding melody or poetry method used in the MP3s, so you can both see and hear as you learn. Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminal MP3 covers numbers 0 to 9. You also receive the Q Code Chart and the (ICAO, ITU or NATO) Phonetic Alphabet Chart used by Amateur radio operators world-wide.

You will receive an HF Logbook page. It is important to keep a log record of all of your HF contacts be they Morse Code/CW or SSB or AM or other modes. One good reason is, your log is a legal document and can be used to analyze possible causes if you are accused of causing TVI/RF interference. In addition, Radio Inspectors may want to examine it. Another good reason for a logbook is to confirm QSO’s with other ham radio operators. The third is for your own information. You can see what time of day or night, what antenna, what bands and frequencies achieve best results for you.

… and other PDFs ready to print.

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Advantages of Welcome subliminals

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中文普通话视频. Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो فيديو عربي .

These are subliminal MP3s available separately with various foreground environmental effects and music. It is also available with a preceding hypnosis induction.  

New MP3 Available button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Welcome learning morse code

Prime Hypnosis for Learning Morse Code is available now. You get the following 3 MP3s (1) Learning Morse Code Hypnosis with code tones AND corresponding ‘melody’ words set to music following a hypnotic induction by Peter Zapfella. (2) Morse code numbers. Code tones AND words. (3) Morse code alphabet in plain language ‘melody’ words AND code tones. (4) BONUS FREE charts and information on PDFs as listed in product description. That’s incredible value because research proves hypnosis for improving retention of Morse code really works!

Add to Cart, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video. Chinese Mandarin  中文普通话视频.   Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो

Everything has been bundled together and discounted by 50 per cent. This is incredible value for anyone wanting to learn Morse code.

Once you have learnt to recognize the Morse code alphabet you can practice listening (RX) to ‘slow Morse’ sessions broadcast by various Amateur Radio clubs, groups and organizations around the world to develop your speed. Then you can practice sending (TX) by using your own key.

  • Morse code wall charts might help in the early stages to consciously clarify a few things about the series of “dots‘ and “dashes”. Morse code is really a rhythmic language using “dits” and “dahs”. You can take my word for it, you cannot learn morse code by looking at a wall chart or poster alone.
  • Morse through radio is a sound. While it can be visual using other methods, the easiest way to learn it is through the melody or rhythm. 
  • Become familiar with the sound of every letter and number (and punctuation).
  • Practice sending (TX) every day for 20 to 30 minutes. Start with your full name. Then whole sentences.
  • While a pencil is handy while learning at low speeds, they are really used for logbook entries, not for writing received (RX). Morse code faster than about 15 words-per-minute is too fast to write down. At higher speeds you need to be able to hear whole words – not individual letters. That’s how we speak! Can you imagine if we all had to communicate by spelling out every word we say?
  • Once you have a handle of the individual letters and numbers start learning whole words to increase your receive (RX) speed.
  • The Koch-Farnsworth method is one way to increase speed and learn words.
  • The CW Academy claim if you do their online Zoom course, plus 30 minutes home study every day, within 8 weeks you will be able to send and receive at the rate of 15 to 25 words.
  • The Morse Mail Phone App is another way to practice.
Kids Welcome Learning Morse Code during Covid lock down
Kids Welcome Learning Morse Code during Covid lock down

If you are not already a licensed Amateur Radio operator you can join a local club, group or association where they usually run trainings in preparation for license exams, on a regular basis. Courses are also available online. Some have a small fee and some are free.

For many years I put off siting for my Amateur Radio License until a licensed ‘ham’ friend (Ken VK2MKK) encouraged me to ‘have a go’. I sat the exam and attained a 100 per cent pass rate. If you have the passion, you can do it too. Information about Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory MP3s is listed below.

For many people Covid-19 has emphasized the potentials for unanticipated natural disasters, calamities and even war (think Ukraine), Cell mobile phones, Internet and landline communications are vulnerable and unreliable. Amateur radio has a wide range of modes (including morse code/CW) and frequency bands available. They can quickly establish reliable local. national and international communications. Ham radio enthusiasts are experienced in portable operation, including handheld and backpack communications. People who choose to plan for the worst possible scenario (including preppers) would do well to attain their amateur radio license and learn Morse Code.

PARG 1, Amatuer Radio Club,
Amateur Radio Club Mobile Emergency Communications Unit Peel Amateur Radio Group. Thats me on the right. PARG 1. 

There is no minimum age you can qualify as a licensed amateur radio operator in Australia.  The youngest member of the Peel Amateur Radio Group is 14. He has had a license for about 2 years.  We also have a couple of members aged in their 80’s.

If you are already a licensed Amateur Radio operator and seeking to upgrade your license and therefore your operating privileges, you can join a local club, group or association. You can get involved in trainings, tech building workshops and amazing new technology (including repeaters, amateur radio satellites and ISS. (talk directly with crew members of the International Space Station through amateur radio). , light cube satelliteantenna design and building, skills development, and RF signal propagation, fox hunt competitions, weekends away, social groups, swap meets, slow CW sessions, WIN LINK, ECHO LINK, MESH,  old fashioned HF/DX around the world, Scouts Jamboree of the Air (JOTA), emergency communication preparedness, community service, and more.

Welcome Learning Morse Code, HEROs Philippine Armature Radio Association
Welcome Learning Morse Code, HEROs Philippine Armature Radio Association

ALL PROCEEDS from the sale of the Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminals and hypnosis MP3s go to support the Philippine Amateur Radio AssociationHam Emergency Radio Operations, to help provide emergency communications during disasters such as tropical storms, typhoons (hurricanes and cyclones), earthquakes, floods and landslides. Your purchase directly helps many poor people to survive natural disasters in a country that gets more than it’s fair share of calamities 

“Education and knowledge is for life.”

Peter Zapfella. © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.
………………………….Peter VK6 PBS

Subliminal Affirmation Text: Welcome Learning Morse Code

MP3 #1

1 dash = 3 dots. Space between dots and dashes of same letter = 1 dot. Space between letters = 3 dots. Space between words = 7 dots.

(Lower case word is one dot. Words in caps are one dash)

A             a (1 dot pause) PART

B             BOB (1 dot pause) is (1 dot) the (1 dot pause) man

C             COK (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) Col (1 dot pause) a

Audio Player

Sample C ‘Charlie’ Click > to listen

D             DOG (1 dot pause) did (1 dot pause) it

E              e

F              fetch (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) FIRE (1 dot pause) man

G             GOOD (1 dot pause) GRAV(1 dot pause) y

H             hi (1 dot pause) pi (1 dot pause) ti (1 dot pause) hop

I               i (1 dot pause) bid

J              in (1 dot pause) JAWS (1 dot pause) JAWS (1 dot pause) JAWS

K             KANG (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) ROO

L              los (1 dot pause) AN (1 dot pause) ge (1 dot pause) les

M            MMM (1 dot pause) MMM

Each letter includes the Morse code with the corresponding “dits” and “dahs” tones.

MP3 #2

1 dash = 3 dots. Space between dots and dashes of same letter = 1 dot. Space between letters = 3 dots. Space between words = 7 dots.

(Lower case word is one dot. Words in caps are one dash)

N             NU (1 dot pause) dist.

Audio Player

Sample N ‘November’ Click > to listen

O             OH (1 dot pause) MY (1 dot pause) GOSH

P             a (1 dot pause) POO (1 dot pause) PY (1 dot pause) smell

Q             GOD (1 dot pause) SAVE (1 dot pause) the (1 dot pause) QUEEN

R             ro (1 dot pause) TATE (1 dot pause) ion

S              si (1 dot) si (1 dot pause) si

T              TEE

U             un (1 dot pause) I (1 dot pause) FORM

V             vic (1 dot pause) t (1 dot pause) or (1 dot pause) VEE

W            the (1 dot) WORLD (1 dot pause) WAR

X             XSS (1 dot pause) marks (1 dot pause) the (1 dot pause) SPOT

Y              YOU’RE (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) COOL (1 dot pause) DUDE

Z              ZINC (1 dot pause) ZOO (1 dot pause) ki (1 dot pause) pa

Each letter includes the Morse code with the corresponding “dits” and “dahs” tones. If you are wondering a “dot” is a written “dit” and a “dash” is a written “dah”.

Since many natural languages use more than the 26 letters of the Latin alphabetMorse alphabets have been developed for those languages, largely by transliteration of existing codes  For more information see ‘Morse code for non-Latin alphabets’ 

Welcome Learning Morse Code variants are available as #1 and #2 coupled for each variant at $19.98, or bundled together with all the other variants and discounted by 50 per cent. They are; (1) Binaural Anti-anxiety (#1 and #2) (2) Environment Lake Waves (#1 and #2) (3) Music Piano and Guitar (#1 and #2) (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance (#1 and #2) and Prime Hypnosis (#1 and #2 combined) plus a Hypnosis MP3 covering numbers 0 to 9. Plus a plain speech MP3 of the alphabet (#1 ad #2 combined) with the “dits” and “dahs” tones. Full price: 9 x MP3s $89.91. The discounted Bundle is just: $44.95, That is 11 MP3s.  So you save an incredible $44.95.

Plus these FREE BONUSES; Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminal MP3 covering numbers 0 to 9. The Morse Code Wall Chart showing the Morse code “dits” and “dahs” AND the corresponding melody method used in the MP3s , and the Q Code Chart and the (ICAO, ITU or NATO) Phonetic Alphabet Chart and more absolutely free! All PDFs ready to print. Free hypnosis

ALL funds raised support the Philippine Amateur Radio AssociationHam Emergency Radio Operations. Helping provide emergency communications during disasters.

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foreground variants, BIO Peter Zapfella foreground variants, BIO Peter Zapfella foreground variants, BIO Peter Zapfella,  paypal verified Best ChoiceSecurity Seal

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Please let us know about your experiences. We love to hear feed-back comments.

In Production Now: Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory

Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory, study stress, internet hypnosis dot shop
Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory – Study Stress

Learning Ham Radio Theory

Do you want to study for your Amateur Radio  License, but feel you cannot possibly learn the technical detail needed? Easy way to get your ham radio

Is the required math too complicated? Pass your ham exams

Do you lack confidence and belief in your ability?

Perhaps you have not studied or sat an exam in many many years?

This series of subliminal affirmations and hypnosis was designed specifically for YOU! Plus loads of secrets to passing Amateur Radio licensing exams!    ree Hypnosis


There is no minimum age for people to sit the Australian Amateur Radio Theory exams. The youngest to pass so far was only 7 years old! The average Australian ham radio enthusiast is a male aged more than 50 years.

Text Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory

“To qualify as a licensed amateur radio operator you decide which class of license you will sit for and set aside enough time to regularly study. You choose to thoroughly learn the course content according to the syllabus, so you comfortably achieve the required pass mark.

You consult current textbooks and consider attending classes either online or in person. You make full use of online video courses and resources. You practice following the steps to successfully answering multiple choice questions and making accurate math calculations.

Every day in every way you feel better and better about yourself. You are now more-clear in the mind and more relaxed in the body about tests and examinations. You are more confident and coping better with everything and everybody, because you welcome learning ham radio theory.”

‘Freedom from Examination Stress‘ hypnotherapy MP3 (English language) will be added to the Bundle. Valued at $19.99 for FREE!

Click-to-read-more-button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop    F

Do you want to be advised when WELCOME LEARNING HAM RADIO THEORY is  (#495) released? Register here

Amateur Radio for kids. HamRadio.World



Alara, amateur radio

There are hundreds of women and girls who are licensed Amateur Radio operators in Australia and many thousands around the world. In Australia they have an association called ALARA, which provides a grant to women who qualify at any level of license. There are other women’s ham radio associations in many other countries. Such as Young Ladies Radio League – USA and the British Young Ladies Radio Association. Others are listed with links on the Alara web site.

Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video. Chinese Mandarin  中文普通话视频.   Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो . Learning Ham Radio Theory also coming in these languages.


‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Internet Hypnosis. Shop Proudly Australian


Talking Hypnosis Podcast and Weekly Radio Show
Talking Hypnosis Podcast and Weekly Radio Show
Peter Zapfella 25th Anniversary 1995-2020
25th Anniversary 1995-2020




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Our Own Dedicated Private Server

Welcome Learning Morse code, Peel amateur radio group,PARA, Philippines Amateur radio association.

Welcome Learning Morse Code, HEROs Philippine Armature Radio Association


WA VHF Group

PARG Fox logo

hamcall, Morse, amatuer radio

Recommended and relevant products.

Flow and Balance, Welcome Better Learning

Welcome Better Learning


Welcome Successful Study Skills

Created and © Copyright 2017-24 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Backlinks invited from morse code enthusiasts, ham/amateur radio operators, clubs, groups, associations and ham equipment retailers, and manufacturers world-wide.

Nicotine CONspiracy


‘Nicotine addicts’ have been scammed by unscrupulous multi-national companies, including drug companies, and giant retail groups, who want to make money from the so called ‘nicotine addiction’.

Click Here to Listen to MP3, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
Click Here to Listen to Podcast

Those ‘addicts’ have been tricked by years of false advertising based not on science but marketing. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it, and they will be prepared to die for it,” said Nazi Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.

Audio Player

If nicotine did only half the things attributed to it (such as increasing concentration, relaxation, overcoming anxiety, boredom, stress, and negative emotions) drug companies would have synthesized the active ingredients, and mass-produced a range of new wonder drugs. but they haven’t … because none of it is actually true. Many people say they smoke ‘to relax’. How is that possible when nicotine is a stimulant? It makes the heartbeat faster. In fact, in a large dose, it can cause a heart attack. (The gas in tobacco smoke is carbon monoxide which starves the brain of oxygen and kills brain cells. Chemically the so called ‘relaxation’ is the brain starving of oxygen).

Welcome Life Beyond Nicotine
Welcome Life Free From Nicotine

From the US Surgeon General to the local doctor it has been ‘enshrined’ that nicotine is ‘physically addictive’. They say so. You have heard it said, over and over again for as long as you can remember. “It must be true. My doctor would never lie to me” I hear you say.

Stop Vaping It Podcast

Click Here to Listen to MP3, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
Click Here to Listen to Podcast

Click Here to Read More, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

‘Click Here’ to Quit Vaping E Cigarettes in one session, without withdrawals.

Nicotine CONspiracy Podcast

Click Here to Listen to MP3, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Click Here to Listen to The Nicotine CONspiracy Podcast (in production)

Click Here to Read More, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

‘Click Here’ to Quit Tobacco Smoking in one session, without withdrawals.


‘Click Here’ to go to ‘Life Free From Nicotine Addiction.’

Could we (your doctor included) possibly be victims of a massive scam?  In the University published text book “A Critique of Nicotine Addiction” by doctors Hana Frenk Ph.D and Reuven Dar Ph.D of the Department of Psychology. Tel Aviv University, they explain ….

“Nicotine is almost universally believed to be the major factor that motivates smoking and impedes cessation (quitting). Authorities such as the Surgeon General of the USA and the Royal College of Physicians in the UK have declared that nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine. (Well, that’s good enough for your doctor. He will not read anymore after that) This book is a critique of the nicotine addiction hypothesis (or theory), based on a critical review of the research literature that ‘purports to prove’ that nicotine is an addictive drug. The review is based on a re-examination of more than 700 (scientific) articles, and books on this subject, including animal and human experimental studies, effects of ‘nicotine replacement therapies’, and many other relevant sources. This review concludes that on the evidence, there is EVERY REASON TO REJECT THE GENERALLY ACCEPTED THEORY (Note: it was only ever a theory) THAT NICOTINE HAS A MAJOR ROLE IN CIGARETTE SMOKING. (those are my capitals – not theirs). A critical examination of the criteria for drug addiction demonstrates that NONE OF THESE CRITERIA (again those are my capitals) is met by nicotine and that it is much more likely that nicotine in fact limits rather than facilitates smoking.”

A study by the Queen Mary University of London and published in the New England Journal of Medicine into the effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum, lozenges and sprays, and nicotine E-Cigarettes has found;

  • The trial recruited people who were committed to quit tobacco smoking.
  • Participants in the trial also received free weekly one-on-one behavioral support for the first month of the study.
  • The study participants received free Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum, lozenges, and sprays.
  • Around 90 percent of NRT users had relapsed back into smoking, within a year.
  • More than 80 percent of E-Cigarette users had relapsed back into smoking tobacco again, within a year.
  • 8 out of 10 e-cigarette users who quit tobacco smoking successfully, and did not relapse, were still vaping at the end of the 12 months trial. They had simply transferred their bad habit from one to the other. They did not overcome it.
  • So fewer than 2 in every one hundred people in the study quit tobacco smoking AND vaping. I think that is a very poor outcome, when ‘cold turkey’ can get a 5 percent success rate.
  • TV ads falsely claim that NRT is ‘two and a half times better’. Better than what? The small print says … better than nothing at all. (Two and a half times nothing is still nothing.)
  • These results reflect similar results in other trials.

Studies have shown that fresh and processed ripe potatoes and tomatoes contain nicotine, while eggplant (aubergines) has the highest level by far. More than 60 different plants, including many vegetables, contain nicotine. 

  • Aubergine. For every gram of aubergine, there is 100 µg of nicotine.

  • Potatoes. Ripening and green potatoes contain about 42 µg/gram of nicotine. If you decide to mash your potatoes or puree them, it can also increase the nicotine concentration to around 52 µg/gram!

  • Tea. Some brewed and instant teas (both black and green) contain nicotine, with concentrations as high as 285 µg/gram.

  • Tomatoes contain around 7.1 µg/gram of nicotine. Green tomatoes have a higher concentration of nicotine.

  • Cauliflowers are not in the nightshade plant family, never-the-less they contain nicotine – around 16.8 µg/gram.

  • Green Peppers contain upwards of 9.2 µg/gram of nicotine.

“How many people do you know who are addicted to vegetables? If we consume nicotine in various vegetables, then why are not some people at least addicted to the nicotine in their vegetables? 

Some Australian Aboriginal ‘bush tucker’ (Solanaceae: Nicotiana) contains nicotine, with up to twice the concentration of tobacco. 

eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes contain nicotine.
eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes contain nicotine.

I think, most people would be shocked to learn that nicotine is not restricted to tobacco when in fact it is found in many plants in various concentrations. You have been eating nicotine most of your life. Do you think you are addicted to vegetables that contain nicotine, and not those that do not?

An analysis in the UK medical journal Lancet found of 42 university-based studies from around the world into 42 NRT gum (30 followed up at 12 months, 12 at 6 months) and 9 patch (NRT) studies (followed up at 12 months) reported that the mean gain (average) in quitting attributed to ‘nicotine replacement‘ was only  8 percent. that is even less than the placebo study results. “… the long‐term benefit of NRT is modest.”

In 2003, Dr. John R. Hughes and Dr. Saul Shiffman as paid consultants to GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of Nicorette, Nicoderm CQ, and NiQuitin CQ, published a report entitled “A meta-analysis of the efficacy of over-the-counter nicotine replacement.” In that publication, they reported only 1 out of 149 nicotine transdermal patch users were still not smoking six months after using the patch.

Remember inhaling tobacco smoke causes cancer in the majority of long-term smokers. Is chewing nicotine any safer? New genetic research from the U.K.’s Medical Research Council suggests that nicotine-replacement drugs like nicotine gum and lozenges could raise the risk of mouth cancer, Medical News Today

On this, and other evidence in the premier medical journal in the world, how can doctors honestly recommend NRT? The real reason is … family doctors recommend to their patients what the drug companies tell them to sell. Drug companies give the local doctor false and misleading information which has been labeled ‘junk science’ by independent researchers.

NRT products such as patches and gum also have unpleasant side effects for many people, such as skin rash, headaches, and vomiting. The cost, inconvenience, and very high failure rate make NRT a waste of time and effort because nicotine is NOT addictive.

There is far more scientific evidence to prove nicotine is not physically addictive including, for example …

“No studies involving animals, such as rats and mice, have been able yo capture the experience of human smoking and nicotine addiction. Animals DO NOT (those are my capitals – not theirs) get addicted to nicotine in laboratory experiments.” The laboratory on the Biology of Addictive Diseases (Ref; Mathiew-Kia A., Kellogg G.H, Buyelman E.R, Kreel M.J Psychopharacoloy )Berl) 2002; 162(2). 102-18. Rockefeller University. New York. USA)

” … the nicotine addiction thesis is only defensible on political, not scientific grounds…” Ref: Journal of Drug Issues 31 (2), 325-394.200) Dale Atrens Ph.D 

” … data do not support the assertion that nicotine is addictive” Ref ‘Is Nicotine Addictive?’ Ref; Michael. A. Bozarth Ph.D. Department of Psychology State University of New York.. Buffalo. New York. USA.

“Studies DO NOT (those are my capitals – not theirs) provide unequivocal evidence for nicotine producing reward either via euphoric actions or through reduction of pain, anxiety, or negative affect” Ref. page 20. Journal of Drug Issues. publication  (200}-04-01.

As part of my research, I visited a pharmacy and while reading the small print on packets of NRT (nicotine transdermal patches, gum, lozenges, and sprays) a young pharmacy assistant approached me offering to help. “This one is the most popular,” she said.

“I am confused,’ I lied. “I smoke a 4 mg cigarette. The label says I must start with a 21 mg patch for 4 weeks, then cut down to 16 mg for another 4 weeks, then cut down to 12 mg for another 4 weeks. Then I am weaned off. But I am already on 4 mg. I just want to go 4, 3, 2, 1 and none. How can I be weaned off at 12 mg when I am already at 4mg?” 

“I don’t know,” she said, adding. “Let me get the pharmacist.”

“I don’t know how they work,” he angrily replied to my question. “Just buy the 21 mg patches. I don’t have time for these stupid questions.” 

Talking of pharmacists who have no idea, and just want to make a quick $ale. I had a client come to me to quit smoking. She told me she went to a pharmacist and followed his advice. She purchased the 21 mg patches and the 16 mg patches and used them according to the instructions.

She told me that for 8 weeks she was ‘climbing the walls’ with withdrawals. Her husband (a non smoker) almost divorced her because she had become ‘the bitch from hell’.

After struggling through she went back to buy the final pack of patches from the pharmacist. “Oh. We don’t sell those,” he said. “There is no demand. You are the only person to have got as far as you have. everyone else gives up and starts smoking again.” She told me she could hardly stop herself from grabbing him by the neck and squeezing the life out of him. She quit smoking the day she saw me without any withdrawals.

Local general practitioner doctors and pharmacists, as salespeople for the drug companies are spoon fed lies and deceit interspersed with real amazing medications that actually work for many people.  Their training is chemistry. They are not interested in researching the facts about the products they peddle. They trust the drug companies. 

As consumers you should not. It is your physical body and mind they are playing with. Do you own research and get the facts. I expect you to question everything I have said here.

If you have found something I should be made aware tell me.

Click Here To Contact. Internet Hypnosis. Shop and Peter

I have many more references, as does a search of the scientific literature. Here are a few more.

“Moreover, once established, smoking in primates does not produce any evidence of a habit; they stop at the first opportunity.” Ref; Swedberg, Henningfield and Goldberg. 1990 Wood 19190.

Before you say, “But I saw Amy’s tobacco smoking addict monkey on ‘Big Bang Theory’. Yes. You did. But the producers added this message at the end of the episode. Thanks to the magic of computer graphics (CGI), the monkey in tonight’s episode was not actually smoking a cigarette, nor was he ever exposed to secondhand smoke. At all times, every effort was made to make the monkey feel happy and safe. Nevertheless, he proved impossible to work with. During the week of production his behavior became increasingly erratic, to the point of refusing to come out of his trailer to rehearse.”

“In marked contrast to humans, smoking in infrahuman primates can only be established by coercive procedures” Ref Ando, Hironaka, and Yanagita 1986.

‘”Animals will quickly learn to press a lever thousands of times per hour to get cocaine” Ref; Iwamoto and Martin. 1988 Ward et al 1996. “With nicotine, the highest self-administration rates ever reported in rats are around 25 per hour.” 

On 14 April 11994, the heads of the nation’s largest cigarette companies were sworn in before Congress, where they claimed to believe nicotine was not addictive. Photograph: John Duricka/AP

The nicotine addiction was only psychological. It was a trick designed to make money by the drug companies who make NRT from unsuspecting smokers. It also kept many smokers psychologically trapped (and still does) within an illusion. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it, and they will be prepared to die for it,” said Nazi Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.

Audio Player
Joseph Goebbels.
……………Joseph Goebbels

As a result of inhouse research done by Philip Morris they began using ammonia to reduce the concentration of nicotine by weight in Marlboro in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. Because nicotine is acrid to taste this made Marlboro a better smoking taste than its opposition. Hense, they used the advertsing slogan “Come to where the flavor is – Marlboro Country”.

Tobacco advertising which is actually saying ... we have have improved the flavour by reducing the concentration of acrid nicotine.
Tobacco advertising which is actually saying … we have improved the flavour by reducing the concentration of acrid nicotine.

Philip Morris went from a tobacco company with no leading brands (the top sellers at that time were ‘Lucky Strike’, ‘Camel’, ‘Pall Mall’ and ‘Chesterfield’. None had filters because market segmentation meant that men did not need filters). Suddenly Marlboro appeared as a man cigarette with a filter, and it shot to number one worldwide.  The former market leaders were stunned senseless. Philip Morros adopted the technology to all their brands and became the biggest tobacco company across the world.  Then they started buying other food and beverage companies including Kraft. Nabisco and Cadbury. They brew beer, make wine and vapes (E-cigarettes). I think they owned Coke at one time?

The other tobacco companies scrabbled to find the secret to the Marlboro man’s success. In part it was the first man’s cigarette to have a filter. But the real secret was freebasing nicotine with ammonia during manufacture. By the 1970’s they were all doing the same. Have you noticed that in those days’ smokers had orange/brown nicotine stains on their fingers and moustaches? Now they don’t. The reason is simple.

They took out much of the nicotine while no one was watching, yet people still think they are addicted to the nicotine in tobacco.

Now the US government wants the tobacco companies to reduce the amount of nicotine in their products. Why? To be seen to be doing something without really doing anything. Political smoke and mirrors.

Fact: Nicotine is a poison.

Solution: Require a doctor’s prescription for ‘addicts’ and make it only available from a pharmacy.

Problem: Political influence by multi-national companies who are making ma$$ive profits.

What can you do about it? Quit Tobacco Smoking and Stop Vaping It with Peter Zapfella. 

tobacco plantation. King Valley. Victoria.
tobacco plantation. King Valley. Victoria.

“When I was growing and picking ripe tobacco leaves in the King Valley, Victoria I ended every day with my skin on my hands and arms coloured orange with nicotine stain. At the end of the season, I suffered zero nicotine withdrawals. “

Peter Zapfella Welcome Life Free from Excess Fat

said Peter Zapfella.

I asked Government ‘advertising watch dogs’ (by law I cannot identify them beyond that vague reference) why they allow multinational drug companies to run false claims about nicotine replacement therapy and so called quit smoking drugs? They said they allow these companies, and I quote word-for-word their response …. ‘a certain amount of fluff’.  We are being ‘had’ by these companies with the full approval of government bureaucrat$. Why?”

There is one simple thing you can do right now to make a fundamental change to your so-called ‘nicotine addiction’. Download and start listening to your Welcome Life Free From Nicotine MP3 now. The script is available below for you to clearly read.

Welcome Life Beyond Nicotine
Welcome Life Free From Nicotine

Next time you see or hear ‘an authority’ tell you that ‘nicotine is physically addictive’ you know they are part of the ‘nicotine CONspiracy’ whether they know it or not. 

Meanwhile, scientists have proven beyond reasonable doubt that nicotine is not at all physically addictive.

Greater Self Confidence and Enthusiasm


The Four Cornerstones of High Self-Confidence
Greater Self Confidence and Enthusiasm

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and abilities, it describes an internal state made of what we think and feel about oneself. It is a self-evaluation or judgment.

The level of one’s own self-confidence can be observed in the way you carry yourself – behavior, body language, what you say and how you say it.

Confidence is a belief in one’s own ability to successfully perform a task. However, it does not necessarily mean there is an emphasis upon the outcome of the task, as much as the enjoyment and experience of it.

Confident individuals inspire others. They are often perceived as successful role models because people admire them. Related words include self-assurance, braveness, boldness, buoyancy, self-confidence, poise, self-reliantly, and tenacity,

A lack of self- confidence can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as one may self-sabotage one’s self and not attempt to win when the ability and opportunity are accessible. Low self-confidence is negative. It can be self-destructive. Related words include apprehension, cowardice, distrust, doubt, fear, hesitation, timidity, uncertainty, and weakness.

Self-confidence is founded upon a good balance between ability and the reality of informed risk. Under-confident people are either not prepared to take risks, or are self-defeatist. They underrate their own ability and overrate the risk. Over-confident people overrate their own ability, while underestimating the risk.

Self-confident people do not need to ‘win’ to feel fulfillment. They understand that ‘failure’ is only ‘feedback’ – a learning experience.

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In the early 1980s, psychologist and author Dov Eden published the first in a series of extraordinary research results.

He could tell which soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would become top performers before they even started training.

In one study he examined comprehensive assessments of almost 1000 soldiers who were about to arrive for training with their platoons.

He had their aptitude test scores, evaluations during basic training, and appraisals from previous commanders.

Using this information alone, which was gathered before the beginning of training for the special forces, he was able to identify a group of high-potential trainees who would emerge as stars.

And sure enough, the candidates Eden spotted as high-potentials at the outset did ‘significantly better’ than their peers over the 3 months of training.

So… How did Dov Eden select the high-potentials? Did he get an insight from their aptitude tests?

Surprisingly not at all!

Did he get an inclination based on a soldier’s appraisal from a previous commander?

Not that either!

Did he, perhaps, have statistics built up from other evaluations?

None at all.

Turns out the psychologist Dov Eden just picked the names of those soldiers at RANDOM!

Then the chosen soldier’s were notified they had been assessed as high-potentials.

And the training officers of the Israel Defense Forces were also told which soldiers had the identified as high-potentials.

Then it was all just a matter of self belief and they were able to Welcome Self-Fulfillment.

There’s a lesson here;

If you want to perform at your highest potential – believe in yourself.

If you wonder how that is possible – keep reading.

performance coaching - success,Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?

If you want someone else to fulfill their highest potential – let them know in ADVANCE that they are special and absolutely capable of achieving their goals. They have the potential to perform at an elite level.

It works in the armed forces.

It works particularly well for children.

It works in sports.

It works across all spectrums of living, with people of all ages!

Welcome’ subliminal affirmations can be nothing less than miraculous.

Welcome Freedom From Pain, Welcome Integrity, Free From Fear of Dental Surgery, welcome subliminal affirmations. Internet hypnosis. shop. Unconscious mind learnings, Dynamic Action, Welcome Life Free From Fear of Dentists. Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Failure, Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Snakes, - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Our unconscious mind gathers information to create beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors and emotions too. Our unconscious mind is the ‘foreman’ of the metabolism. So, we can create unconscious emotions and beliefs to Self Confidence.

As a young boy I was bereft of confidence. I recognized other boys had confidence, sureness, spunk, determination – all the qualities we see in confident people. I struggled through my school days against my own internal foes that controlled me.

I now realize my father had no confidence either. He was the youngest child in a large family dominated by a strict father and older brothers. He suffered from Aspergers Syndrome (undiagnosed) and was the most introverted person I have ever known. He had left school at the age of 12. As a role model he gave me zero confidence because he had none for himself. More often than not he would fall to pieces if talking to a stranger. His voice cracking, his body language betraying his inner thoughts and feelings. What chance did I have?

Luckily for me, my parents sent me away to boarding school for 7 years. There I was influenced by the other boys I lived with, and the various House Masters and teachers who taught me a different way to think and feel. It took time, years and years. In time something blossomed within me – self-confidence.

Initially my grades were dreadful. But as my confidence grew so did my grades. At the start of every school year, they expected I would fail, and every year I passed. Not only that, I began to excel. I did the impossible and achieved university entrance grades in my final exams. This was only possible because of my growing self-confidence and belief in myself.

Recently, when meeting old school friends, they told me how I inspired them. They said they saw me succeed and do the impossible. Now, as I look back over the years, I recognize many things I have done and achieved that still amaze me.

Those ‘milestones’ in my life may have been difficult. they may have been uncomfortable, even painful – but I did them. And every one of them built my self-confidence even more, like bricks in a wall.

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“Self Confidence” Ted Talk Video by Dr Ivan Joseph

Doctor Joseph spoke about his experiences as a sports coach.

He said, “believe in yourself to accomplish any task no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity”. He added “self confidence is the belief that you can accomplish it”.

Self Confidence is a skill that can be learnt, not in an instant, not over night ”because it takes repetition, repetition and more repetition”.

“Do it a thousand times to develop the (particular) skill (you want to develop). It takes practice”, he said. He used the word “persistence”.

The second most important thing in developing self confidence he said is to use positive self-talk. Say it the way you want it. Get away from people who choose to tear you down. You do not need or want their negativity.

Doctor Joseph said, “Our thoughts influence our actions, and our own self beliefs”. Use positive affirmations to build your own self confidence and self-beliefs about yourself.

Mistakes are only learning opportunities. They are only mistakes if you never learn from them. As a coach he said, coaches fix players mistakes. So be your own life coach.

He suggested you write a sincere letter to yourself listing all your qualities and skills you are most proud. Then when you are feeling down, bring it out and read it to yourself aloud.

Do it right, then do it the same way again and again. Give zero energy to the negative.

The third and final message Doctor Joseph had about self-confidence was “Self-confident people interpret life the way they choose, they look for the positive in everything”.

Think and feel what you want most of all in your future as if you have it right now.© Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.

There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. 

“The one YOU feed*” said the old man.

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‘Click’ > to listen.

* with constant thoughts and words driving depression, anxiety and fears, self-limiting beliefs, and behaviors leading to phobias and bad habits. Or alternatively constant positive, self-empowering thoughts, feelings and words (such as Welcome subliminal affirmations, Prime Hypnosis and Hypno Hop Rap only at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop) which help to defeat anxiety, depression, fears (phobias), self-limiting belief’s, behaviors and bad habits.


Welcome Confidence Around the Opposite Sex


It all starts somewhere. Internet Hypnosis dot Shop has various MP3’s to assist you. They start with Welcome subliminal affirmations, Prime Hypnosis and Hipno Hop Rap.

You can organise and plan your actions for greater self-confidence and success.

You can prioritize projects based upon your strengths, with a passion to win. 

You can start to welcome life with greater self-confidence and enthusiasm now because like other enthusiastic people you feel passionate about life.

You ooze self confidence. You approach every challenge with an energetic ‘can do’ attitude. You get satisfaction and enjoy doing what you do.

At least, that is your desired outcome, right?

A fundamental factor for enthusiastic people is their focused intent to overcome challenges that stand in the way of them achieving their desired goals. so, it is clear you need focused intent to start the process. Perhaps you need a workable plan? But most of all you need action. Needless to say, confidence is part of the mix too.

Enthusiasm is defined as ‘intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval:’ It is usually accompanied by confident playfulness, positivity, and energy.

Self-confidence is specifically belief in one’s own ability to achieve a goal, a specific task, or challenge.

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Some words associated with enthusiasm include … craze, as in the latest craze. Buzz, trend, fad and in vogue have the same meanings too. Infatuation, lust and crush are used in a romantic sense. Cult, movement or fervor may be used when talking about political or religious enthusiasm.  

However, in modern terms perhaps the words that best align with enthusiasm are eagerness, excitement and passion for. I also like gusto, zeal, avidness and hunger.

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.’

george_washington, Welcome More And More Motivation min
………………………………………………………………………….George Washington 

Surround yourself with positive people who have the same or similar aspirations as yourself. Avoid negative people who only want to drag you down to their level, even if they are long term friends. Never allow them to influence your decisions, so better to ‘keep them in the dark’ on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Keep in mind that ‘stuck’ people are fearful. They are not prepared to take calculated risks.

My own father would make a decision and stick to it it through thick and thin. The truth is he lacked flexibility to shift according to new information. He did not always consider all the facts when making a decision and he paid the price.

Welcome Fun © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.
My mother now aged 100 was a nurse during WW2 and until she married.

On the other hand, my mother was a nurse, (her father was a Naval officer) she carefully evaluates the ‘advantages’ and ‘disadvantages’ before committing. She was frustrated by my father’s ‘gung-ho’ attitude. Yet they lived a long and successful marriage together. He lived well into his 80’s and she is now in her 100th year and still going strong.

In my own military training as an officer in the Australian Regular Army we learnt to use the best information (intelligence) when planning tactics. We would study all the available options and their relative ‘advantages and disadvantages, taking into careful consideration our resources and timings before committing to a decision. 

My advice to you is evaluate all reasonable possible risks. Consult widely as possible. Do your ‘due diligence’ (the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with another party or an act with a certain standard of care), you research and make decisions with a level head. 

Be flexible to change course wherever possible when circumstances change.

Do what you know best and do it better than others. as they say, “A job worth doing is worth doing well’. Give it 100  per cent and see it through to successful completion with confidence.

Above all else believe in yourself. Organize and plan your actions around motivated success. Prioritize with consideration of your strengths, with enthusiasm and passion to win. You will discover that success builds confidence.

“Self-confidence and enthusiasm are an attitude.”

– Peter Zapfella.

Synonyms of the word enthusiasm include; ardour, devotion, eagerness, emotion, energy, feeling, fervor, intensity, joy, passion, spirit, warmth, zeal, activity, craze, dash, ecstasy, exhilaration, fad, fanaticism, fever, fire, flame, flare, gaiety, glow, go, heat, hilarity, joy, life, mania, mirth, nerve, oomph, orgasm, rapture, relish, snap, verve, vim, and zest. Increase Self Confidence and boost self-esteem with self-confidence hypnosis by learning how to build self-confidence and self-improvement

Your Genius Mind

Welcome Psychological Flexibility min
Your Henius Mind

The genius mind strategies of the Einstein’s, Edison’s, da Vinci’s, Darwin’s, Hawking’s, Tesla’s, Galileo’s, Hubble’s, Newton’s and Mozart’s of history had some things in common.

Welcome Your Genius Mind Podcast

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The genius mind is not about IQ and Mensa. Psychologists studying the genius mind have reached the conclusion that creativity is not the same as intelligence. An individual can be far more creative than he or she is intelligent, or far more intelligent than creative.


Almost everyone has genius within them. It’s your duty to tap into it or be plain and boring. The genius mind is simply the result of your own beliefs. The genius mind is the level of consciousness and capacity for creative output.

You can introduce genius thinking into your own mind so that you can focus you passion and your potential to do something special.

The genius mind knows how to think, not what to think.

When confronted with a problem, the genius mind asks, “How many different angles can I look at this?”, “How can I rethink this?”, and “How many different ways can I solve it?” instead of “What have I been taught by someone else?” The genius mind’s all come up with many different unconventional and possibly unique responses.

Welcome Your Genius Mind
Welcome Your Genius Mind

If one particular style of thought stands out about creative genius, it is the ability to make juxtapositions (that is placing two or more things side by side often to compare, or contrast, or to create an interesting result) between dissimilar subjects. Call it a facility to connect the unconnected that enables them to see things to which others are blind.

For example, Archimedes of Syracuse stepped into a bath and noticed that the water level rose, whereupon he suddenly realized the volume of water displaced must be equal to the volume of the part of his body he had submerged. This relation is not what is known as Archimedes’ principle—that deals with the upthrust experienced by a body immersed in a fluid. He then realized that the volume of irregular objects could be measured with precision, a previously intractable problem. How many people had stepped into a bath and never thought of the principal? Answer. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. But it took his genius to put A and B together and get C.

Archimedes anticipated modern calculus and analysis by applying concepts of infinitesimals and the method of exhaustion to derive and rigorously prove a range of geometrical theorems, including the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, and the area under a parabola. Other mathematical achievements include deriving an accurate approximation of pi, defining and investigating the spiral bearing his name, and creating a system using exponentiation for expressing very large numbers. He was also one of the first to apply mathematics to physical phenomena, founding hydrostatics and statics, including an explanation of the principle of the lever. He is credited with designing innovative machines, such as his screw pump, compound pulleys, and defensive war machines to protect his native Syracuse from invasion.

This is an example of the distinguishing characteristic of genius – immense creative productivity.

The genius mind is constantly combining and recombining ideas, images and thoughts into different combinations at all levels of their consciousness. 

The genius mind is able to think different thoughts because they can tolerate ambivalence between opposites or two incompatible subjects.

For the genius mind, an accident or mistake provokes the question: “What have we done? ‘What is this an example of?’ Answering that question is the essential creative act. Creative geniuses do not wait for the gifts of chance; instead, they actively seek their accidental discovery.

Synonyms for the word genius (in nonsensical sentences) include: ability or accomplishment also acumen & aptitude. Also brilliance and flair or  imagination and ingenuity plus inspiration. Intelligence and perhaps inventiveness or knack and originality with prodigy or prowess and talent with wisdom such as Einstein. Acuteness to adept or aptness & astuteness, Bent and brain or capability or capacity with creativity and discernment some say endowment. It is an expert  faculty with grasp and head for inclination and power with precocity and with propensity, and reach & sagacity to turn also understanding & virtuoso & mature & percipience, & super ability

One thing in particular that separates humanity from all the other animals on planet earth is the ability to use our minds to change and adapt to our environment, and to improve our lives from one generation to the next. No other animal species has ever been able to do this, and perhaps no other animal species ever will.

Over the past several hundred thousand years there have been various ‘human’ species that have become extinct. They failed to adapt to their changing environment, and they failed to exist. They became extinct, as have thousands of other animal species.

The Climate Change currently occurring on planet earth is nothing new. It has happened before, except it may be happening faster now, because of the effects of the Industrial Revolution that we humans created.

Other animal species have and will continue to decline as a result of Climate Change. Some have and some others will become extinct.

Humanity is not only resilient, it is also genius, because humans have the ability to research and discover not only how to survive Climate Change, and how to assist other animal and plant species to survive Climate Change. But we may have the ability to reverse Climate Change on a global scale? We may develop the ability to influence climate to some degree?  That is real genius in action.

Most humans have the ability to be genius. No other animal or plant species can become genius. They do not have the mental ability. however, we do.

Each of us has a potential. Each of us has a passion. You can use your passion and your potential together to understand and create something special, something unique. 

You can use your genius mind to make a profound difference not only in your life, but the lives of those around you. You can use your genius mind to change the lives of your nation, humanity and planet earth.  You have that ability, now go out and do it.

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Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.

Better Language Learning


Internet-Hypnosis-Shop-Multiple -Languages min - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop, Multiple Languages © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.

Language learning builds new synaptic connections in the brain, thereby helping to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Language learning will help improve your memory.

Language learning can improve your career prospects and increase your income.

You know some businesses pay multi-lingual employees a bonus.

Travelers who can understand and speak the local language get more respect from locals and save money too.

Once you learn an extra language you could learn a new language every year!

The fastest way to learn any language is with the assistance of a ‘pillow teacher’, a native speaking partner or spouse who can help you practice correct pronunciations every day. Most language is learned by listening and repeating the most commonly used 800 words in the appropriate context; just as you learned your first language as a small child.

While native speakers can speak the words and phrases, do they understand the rules of grammar and vocabulary? Can they teach that to you?

It actually speeds up what can take years of immersion into a culture to absorb and appreciate, if you can somehow grasp the rules of grammar and vocabulary.

In short, learn the correct pronunciations and meanings of the most commonly used 800 words of the language. Also, understand and recognize the rules of grammar and vocabulary – and you have learned the language.

Welcome Better Language Learning min
Welcome Better Language Learning
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Click Here to Listen to Better Language Learning Podcast


Welcome better language learning by adopting these skills:

  • Download and listen to the ‘Welcome Better Language Learning’ MP3
  • Set aside at least 30 minutes every day to practice.
  • Start with basic words, such as counting and simple phrases used in daily conversation.
  • “How do you say ….” Is the most important sentence you can learn in your new language.
  • You can use audio and FREE online language courses to get you started, for the first 100 – 500 words and basic grammar, but the real classroom is with fluent native speakers in the real world.
  • Learn enough grammar to string the words together into a coherent sentence. As you feel more confident add more words and polish the grammar and vocabulary.
  • Then learn phrases for things that interest you most with fluent speakers of the language you are learning.
  • Intensive repetition makes language learning faster. Have fun with it.
  • When you learn a new word repeat it and use it over and over as often as possible in the next hour, the next day and the next week. Imprint it on the mind.
  • Emotion makes learning easier – interaction and conversation is the key.
  • Forget the language classrooms because everyone is at a different level and learning at a different pace.
  • The fastest wayto learn a new language is by immersing yourself into the everyday culture among native speakers. Constantly ask them how to say words and sentences in their language and repeat it out aloud over and over until you get the pronunciation perfect and imprint it in your mind. Then review those new words and phrases daily. Use them all the time, over and over. You will be confident and speaking your new language within months.
  • It may cost more, but the best way to learn a new language quickly is to spend hours everyday with an experienced/professional language tutor. This is because they will teach not only the correct pronunciations, but more importantly … the grammar and vocabulary too.
  • Use technology and learn from a native speaker in online language exchanges. Find someone who wants to learn English from you in exchange for learning their language from them. Get together regularly online.
  • Watching movies in your new language will help to contextualize what you have learned already.
  • Learning songs in your new language can help you remember.
  • Be prepared to discover sometimes there is no word, no direct translation. If that is the case you may need to use the English word in a sentence.
  • People always want to encourage you to learn their language, so they will help with words you don’t know.
  • When traveling carry a pocket dictionary or digital translator on your phone or another device.
  • Keep practicing words and phrases that you can use in everyday language.
  • As your pronunciation improves your grammar will also improve too. Start adding slang, jokes, popular songs as your confidence improves.
  • Challenge yourself to think in the new language.
  • There is always something new to learn.

“A different language is a different vision of life.”

Federico Fellini. Welcome Better Language Learning min
Federico Fellini. Welcome Better Language Learning

These are the stages of learning a new language.

  • You learn to speak a little but understand nothing.
  • You can understand far more than you can speak.
  • You become more conversational but your translating everything in your mind.
  • You are able to speak and understand without needing to translate words in your mind.
  • Then you begin to actually think in that language, without effort. Once this happens if becomes even easier. Then you can say you are fluent, but there is always more to learn. For example; I know multi-lingual Singaporean Chinese who admit to me they still have a lot to learn about Mandarin, yet it is their first language.
Welcome Quick Easy Learning min
Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher.

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Multiple Languages Spoken at Internet Hypnosis Shop – Article.

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.

Social Media Dependency


Social Media Dependency

Social media are computer-based, interactive technologies which facilitate virtual communities and networks for sharing information, opportunities and comment plus photo’s and videos or ideas. 

Instead of using these as a resource for information and connectivity with community, have you become obsessed?

Many people experience withdrawal and dependency.

Are most of your friends in the cyber world, rather than the real world?

Have you developed a need to connect and be relevant in the cyber world.?

As a result, do you tend to ignore the real world around?

As a result, are your real relationships, work, and education suffering?

Has your cyber world ‘Avitar’ taken on a personality of its own, which may be at odds with your own personality?  Do you live through the Avitar?

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‘Click Here’ Penny is addicted to online gaming. Big Bang Theory.

Do you feel a need to be connected, to stay in touch all the time so you can respond immediately? Are you constantly checking your social media, often day and night?

Do the people around you feel as if it has taken over your life?

Any and all of these may indicate you have a social media dependency.

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Click Here to Listen to ‘Life Free From Social Media Dependency’ Podcast

Over time their popularity comes and goes. Currently, the most popular platforms are;

  • Facebook.
  • TikTok.
  • WeChat.
  • YouTube.
  •  Instagram.
  • Twitter.
  • Linked In
  • Tumblr.
  • Viber.
  • Skype.
  • Facetime.
  • Messenger
  • Telegram
  • Snap Chat
  • Weibo
  • Reditt
  • Pinterest
  • QQ
  • Qzone
  • JOSH
  • Teiba
  • Twitch
  • Line
  • VK
  • Threads
  • Truth Social
  • Vivo
  • WhatsApp.
  • Zoom
  • and many others..
Welcome Life Beyond Social Media Dependency
Welcome Life Beyond Social Media Dependency

In some countries the main purpose of Internet in the general population is social media access.

Social media dependency is a behavioral addiction whereby people are driven by an uncontrollable urge to use social media. They devote so much time and effort to social media that it affects their family, study or work, and real life social relationships. They cannot stop, avoid or limit their use.

Teenagers are particularly at risk from social media dependency because they are going through a ‘socialisation stage’ in their lives. They feel a need to ‘connect’ with others beyond their immediate family. Traditionally we did this within our own school and community environment. it came with challenges, which are valuable life learning experiences. 

Social media gives young people an opportunity to play with their identity protected by a screen. While it can have some advantages it can and often does come with disadvantages, even dangers. Sharing gossip can be fun, however it can descend into outright abuse.

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Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying exists within social media. that’s a fact. But the problem is it can become 24/7. The only way to escape it is to withdraw and switch it off.

Some people use social media to create fake identities so they can access young people for their own gratification. They seek to manipulate and control young minds and bodies. 

social media gaming addiction

Some people actually die as a result of social media and online gaming. ‘Click Here’ to read more.

Even within social groups such as school sharing of explicit sexual images and videos is common. Almost every girl receives unsolicited images of boys and men’s ‘junk’ via social media. 

Many people fall victim to ‘mind control’ techniques used by social media companies to keep people engaged on their platform for as long as possible, so that search engines will reward them for their popularity.

Others are attracted to social media because they feel it provides them with something missing in their ‘real lives’, such as ‘like minded’ friendships. Some create make believe profiles with fake photos. Some swap their gender, age or nationality to make themselves appear more attractive. They hide behind their fake identity – something they cannot do in real life. They can then live out an existence as another person. However, it is all fantasy and they run the risk of bribery, manipulation and exposure. There are recorded cases of young people being driven to suicide as a result of these fantasy identities. They have the potential to overtake and ruin lives if allowed to ‘run riot’.

Social media dependency may include:

  • Thinking about it, checking in on social media accounts often, even obsessively.
  • Feeling a need to be relevant.
  • Neglecting real life relationships, study and work ethic.
  • Difficulty focusing on things other than social media.
  • Perhaps feeling restless, anxious, or agitated when unable to access social media.
  • Retreating into social media to escape the realities of real life.
  • Increased social media access use over time to achieve satisfaction and happiness.
  • hypnotherapy-for-Quit Addiction min, Welcome Life Free From Fear of Problem Gambling,
    Addiction Monitor

The primary sign of a dependency is a need, or a compulsive habit, that may cause a struggle to limit or stop the behavior.  They may suffer from emotional outbursts if unable to connect.

The good news is technology can be used to limit, control or even overcome social media in one’s life. This can be done in the privacy and safety of home without struggle.

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Prime hypnosis

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Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.