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Better Language Learning


Internet-Hypnosis-Shop-Multiple -Languages min - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop, Multiple Languages © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.Internet-Hypnosis-Shop-Multiple -Languages min - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop, Multiple Languages © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.

Language learning builds new synaptic connections in the brain, thereby helping to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Language learning will help improve your memory.

Language learning can improve your career prospects and increase your income.

You know some businesses pay multi-lingual employees a bonus.

Travelers who can understand and speak the local language get more respect from locals and save money too.

Once you learn an extra language you could learn a new language every year!

The fastest way to learn any language is with the assistance of a ‘pillow teacher’, a native speaking partner or spouse who can help you practice correct pronunciations every day. Most language is learned by listening and repeating the most commonly used 800 words in the appropriate context; just as you learned your first language as a small child.

While native speakers can speak the words and phrases, do they understand the rules of grammar and vocabulary? Can they teach that to you?

It actually speeds up what can take years of immersion into a culture to absorb and appreciate, if you can somehow grasp the rules of grammar and vocabulary.

In short, learn the correct pronunciations and meanings of the most commonly used 800 words of the language. Also, understand and recognize the rules of grammar and vocabulary – and you have learned the language.

Welcome Better Language Learning minWelcome Better Language Learning min
Welcome Better Language Learning
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Click Here to Listen to Better Language Learning Podcast

Welcome better language learning by adopting these skills:

  • Download and listen to the ‘Welcome Better Language Learning’ MP3
  • Set aside at least 30 minutes every day to practice.
  • Start with basic words, such as counting and simple phrases used in daily conversation.
  • “How do you say ….” Is the most important sentence you can learn in your new language.
  • You can use audio and FREE online language courses to get you started, for the first 100 – 500 words and basic grammar, but the real classroom is with fluent native speakers in the real world.
  • Learn enough grammar to string the words together into a coherent sentence. As you feel more confident add more words and polish the grammar and vocabulary.
  • Then learn phrases for things that interest you most with fluent speakers of the language you are learning.
  • Intensive repetition makes language learning faster. Have fun with it.
  • When you learn a new word repeat it and use it over and over as often as possible in the next hour, the next day and the next week. Imprint it on the mind.
  • Emotion makes learning easier – interaction and conversation is the key.
  • Forget the language classrooms because everyone is at a different level and learning at a different pace.
  • The fastest wayto learn a new language is by immersing yourself into the everyday culture among native speakers. Constantly ask them how to say words and sentences in their language and repeat it out aloud over and over until you get the pronunciation perfect and imprint it in your mind. Then review those new words and phrases daily. Use them all the time, over and over. You will be confident and speaking your new language within months.
  • It may cost more, but the best way to learn a new language quickly is to spend hours everyday with an experienced/professional language tutor. This is because they will teach not only the correct pronunciations, but more importantly … the grammar and vocabulary too.
  • Use technology and learn from a native speaker in online language exchanges. Find someone who wants to learn English from you in exchange for learning their language from them. Get together regularly online.
  • Watching movies in your new language will help to contextualize what you have learned already.
  • Learning songs in your new language can help you remember.
  • Be prepared to discover sometimes there is no word, no direct translation. If that is the case you may need to use the English word in a sentence.
  • People always want to encourage you to learn their language, so they will help with words you don’t know.
  • When traveling carry a pocket dictionary or digital translator on your phone or another device.
  • Keep practicing words and phrases that you can use in everyday language.
  • As your pronunciation improves your grammar will also improve too. Start adding slang, jokes, popular songs as your confidence improves.
  • Challenge yourself to think in the new language.
  • There is always something new to learn.

“A different language is a different vision of life.”

Federico Fellini. Welcome Better Language Learning

These are the stages of learning a new language.

  • You learn to speak a little but understand nothing.
  • You can understand far more than you can speak.
  • You become more conversational but your translating everything in your mind.
  • You are able to speak and understand without needing to translate words in your mind.
  • Then you begin to actually think in that language, without effort. Once this happens if becomes even easier. Then you can say you are fluent, but there is always more to learn. For example; I know multi-lingual Singaporean Chinese who admit to me they still have a lot to learn about Mandarin, yet it is their first language.
Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher.

Multiple Languages Spoken at Internet Hypnosis Shop – Article.

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.


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