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Your Genius Mind

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Your Henius Mind

The genius mind strategies of the Einstein’s, Edison’s, da Vinci’s, Darwin’s, Hawking’s, Tesla’s, Galileo’s, Hubble’s, Newton’s and Mozart’s of history had some things in common.

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The genius mind is not about IQ and Mensa. Psychologists studying the genius mind have reached the conclusion that creativity is not the same as intelligence. An individual can be far more creative than he or she is intelligent, or far more intelligent than creative.


Almost everyone has genius within them. It’s your duty to tap into it or be plain and boring. The genius mind is simply the result of your own beliefs. The genius mind is the level of consciousness and capacity for creative output.

You can introduce genius thinking into your own mind so that you can focus you passion and your potential to do something special.

The genius mind knows how to think, not what to think.

When confronted with a problem, the genius mind asks, “How many different angles can I look at this?”, “How can I rethink this?”, and “How many different ways can I solve it?” instead of “What have I been taught by someone else?” The genius mind’s all come up with many different unconventional and possibly unique responses.

Welcome Your Genius MindWelcome Your Genius Mind
Welcome Your Genius Mind

If one particular style of thought stands out about creative genius, it is the ability to make juxtapositions (that is placing two or more things side by side often to compare, or contrast, or to create an interesting result) between dissimilar subjects. Call it a facility to connect the unconnected that enables them to see things to which others are blind.

For example, Archimedes of Syracuse stepped into a bath and noticed that the water level rose, whereupon he suddenly realized the volume of water displaced must be equal to the volume of the part of his body he had submerged. This relation is not what is known as Archimedes’ principle—that deals with the upthrust experienced by a body immersed in a fluid. He then realized that the volume of irregular objects could be measured with precision, a previously intractable problem. How many people had stepped into a bath and never thought of the principal? Answer. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. But it took his genius to put A and B together and get C.

Archimedes anticipated modern calculus and analysis by applying concepts of infinitesimals and the method of exhaustion to derive and rigorously prove a range of geometrical theorems, including the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, and the area under a parabola. Other mathematical achievements include deriving an accurate approximation of pi, defining and investigating the spiral bearing his name, and creating a system using exponentiation for expressing very large numbers. He was also one of the first to apply mathematics to physical phenomena, founding hydrostatics and statics, including an explanation of the principle of the lever. He is credited with designing innovative machines, such as his screw pump, compound pulleys, and defensive war machines to protect his native Syracuse from invasion.

This is an example of the distinguishing characteristic of genius – immense creative productivity.

The genius mind is constantly combining and recombining ideas, images and thoughts into different combinations at all levels of their consciousness. 

The genius mind is able to think different thoughts because they can tolerate ambivalence between opposites or two incompatible subjects.

For the genius mind, an accident or mistake provokes the question: “What have we done? ‘What is this an example of?’ Answering that question is the essential creative act. Creative geniuses do not wait for the gifts of chance; instead, they actively seek their accidental discovery.

Synonyms for the word genius (in nonsensical sentences) include: ability or accomplishment also acumen & aptitude. Also brilliance and flair or  imagination and ingenuity plus inspiration. Intelligence and perhaps inventiveness or knack and originality with prodigy or prowess and talent with wisdom such as Einstein. Acuteness to adept or aptness & astuteness, Bent and brain or capability or capacity with creativity and discernment some say endowment. It is an expert  faculty with grasp and head for inclination and power with precocity and with propensity, and reach & sagacity to turn also understanding & virtuoso & mature & percipience, & super ability

One thing in particular that separates humanity from all the other animals on planet earth is the ability to use our minds to change and adapt to our environment, and to improve our lives from one generation to the next. No other animal species has ever been able to do this, and perhaps no other animal species ever will.

Over the past several hundred thousand years there have been various ‘human’ species that have become extinct. They failed to adapt to their changing environment, and they failed to exist. They became extinct, as have thousands of other animal species.

The Climate Change currently occurring on planet earth is nothing new. It has happened before, except it may be happening faster now, because of the effects of the Industrial Revolution that we humans created.

Other animal species have and will continue to decline as a result of Climate Change. Some have and some others will become extinct.

Humanity is not only resilient, it is also genius, because humans have the ability to research and discover not only how to survive Climate Change, and how to assist other animal and plant species to survive Climate Change. But we may have the ability to reverse Climate Change on a global scale? We may develop the ability to influence climate to some degree?  That is real genius in action.

Most humans have the ability to be genius. No other animal or plant species can become genius. They do not have the mental ability. however, we do.

Each of us has a potential. Each of us has a passion. You can use your passion and your potential together to understand and create something special, something unique. 

You can use your genius mind to make a profound difference not only in your life, but the lives of those around you. You can use your genius mind to change the lives of your nation, humanity and planet earth.  You have that ability, now go out and do it.

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.


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