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Greater Self Confidence and Enthusiasm


The Four Cornerstones of High Self-ConfidenceThe Four Cornerstones of High Self-Confidence
Greater Self Confidence and Enthusiasm

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and abilities, it describes an internal state made of what we think and feel about oneself. It is a self-evaluation or judgment.

The level of one’s own self-confidence can be observed in the way you carry yourself – behavior, body language, what you say and how you say it.

Confidence is a belief in one’s own ability to successfully perform a task. However, it does not necessarily mean there is an emphasis upon the outcome of the task, as much as the enjoyment and experience of it.

Confident individuals inspire others. They are often perceived as successful role models because people admire them. Related words include self-assurance, braveness, boldness, buoyancy, self-confidence, poise, self-reliantly, and tenacity,

A lack of self- confidence can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as one may self-sabotage one’s self and not attempt to win when the ability and opportunity are accessible. Low self-confidence is negative. It can be self-destructive. Related words include apprehension, cowardice, distrust, doubt, fear, hesitation, timidity, uncertainty, and weakness.

Self-confidence is founded upon a good balance between ability and the reality of informed risk. Under-confident people are either not prepared to take risks, or are self-defeatist. They underrate their own ability and overrate the risk. Over-confident people overrate their own ability, while underestimating the risk.

Self-confident people do not need to ‘win’ to feel fulfillment. They understand that ‘failure’ is only ‘feedback’ – a learning experience.

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In the early 1980s, psychologist and author Dov Eden published the first in a series of extraordinary research results.

He could tell which soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would become top performers before they even started training.

In one study he examined comprehensive assessments of almost 1000 soldiers who were about to arrive for training with their platoons.

He had their aptitude test scores, evaluations during basic training, and appraisals from previous commanders.

Using this information alone, which was gathered before the beginning of training for the special forces, he was able to identify a group of high-potential trainees who would emerge as stars.

And sure enough, the candidates Eden spotted as high-potentials at the outset did ‘significantly better’ than their peers over the 3 months of training.

So… How did Dov Eden select the high-potentials? Did he get an insight from their aptitude tests?

Surprisingly not at all!

Did he get an inclination based on a soldier’s appraisal from a previous commander?

Not that either!

Did he, perhaps, have statistics built up from other evaluations?

None at all.

Turns out the psychologist Dov Eden just picked the names of those soldiers at RANDOM!

Then the chosen soldier’s were notified they had been assessed as high-potentials.

And the training officers of the Israel Defense Forces were also told which soldiers had the identified as high-potentials.

Then it was all just a matter of self belief and they were able to Welcome Self-Fulfillment.

There’s a lesson here;

If you want to perform at your highest potential – believe in yourself.

If you wonder how that is possible – keep reading.

If you want someone else to fulfill their highest potential – let them know in ADVANCE that they are special and absolutely capable of achieving their goals. They have the potential to perform at an elite level.

It works in the armed forces.

It works particularly well for children.

It works in sports.

It works across all spectrums of living, with people of all ages!

Welcome’ subliminal affirmations can be nothing less than miraculous.

Our unconscious mind gathers information to create beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors and emotions too. Our unconscious mind is the ‘foreman’ of the metabolism. So, we can create unconscious emotions and beliefs to Self Confidence.

As a young boy I was bereft of confidence. I recognized other boys had confidence, sureness, spunk, determination – all the qualities we see in confident people. I struggled through my school days against my own internal foes that controlled me.

I now realize my father had no confidence either. He was the youngest child in a large family dominated by a strict father and older brothers. He suffered from Aspergers Syndrome (undiagnosed) and was the most introverted person I have ever known. He had left school at the age of 12. As a role model he gave me zero confidence because he had none for himself. More often than not he would fall to pieces if talking to a stranger. His voice cracking, his body language betraying his inner thoughts and feelings. What chance did I have?

Luckily for me, my parents sent me away to boarding school for 7 years. There I was influenced by the other boys I lived with, and the various House Masters and teachers who taught me a different way to think and feel. It took time, years and years. In time something blossomed within me – self-confidence.

Initially my grades were dreadful. But as my confidence grew so did my grades. At the start of every school year, they expected I would fail, and every year I passed. Not only that, I began to excel. I did the impossible and achieved university entrance grades in my final exams. This was only possible because of my growing self-confidence and belief in myself.

Recently, when meeting old school friends, they told me how I inspired them. They said they saw me succeed and do the impossible. Now, as I look back over the years, I recognize many things I have done and achieved that still amaze me.

Those ‘milestones’ in my life may have been difficult. they may have been uncomfortable, even painful – but I did them. And every one of them built my self-confidence even more, like bricks in a wall.

“Self Confidence” Ted Talk Video by Dr Ivan Joseph

Doctor Joseph spoke about his experiences as a sports coach.

He said, “believe in yourself to accomplish any task no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity”. He added “self confidence is the belief that you can accomplish it”.

Self Confidence is a skill that can be learnt, not in an instant, not over night ”because it takes repetition, repetition and more repetition”.

“Do it a thousand times to develop the (particular) skill (you want to develop). It takes practice”, he said. He used the word “persistence”.

The second most important thing in developing self confidence he said is to use positive self-talk. Say it the way you want it. Get away from people who choose to tear you down. You do not need or want their negativity.

Doctor Joseph said, “Our thoughts influence our actions, and our own self beliefs”. Use positive affirmations to build your own self confidence and self-beliefs about yourself.

Mistakes are only learning opportunities. They are only mistakes if you never learn from them. As a coach he said, coaches fix players mistakes. So be your own life coach.

He suggested you write a sincere letter to yourself listing all your qualities and skills you are most proud. Then when you are feeling down, bring it out and read it to yourself aloud.

Do it right, then do it the same way again and again. Give zero energy to the negative.

The third and final message Doctor Joseph had about self-confidence was “Self-confident people interpret life the way they choose, they look for the positive in everything”.

There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. 

“The one YOU feed*” said the old man.

‘Click’ > to listen.

* with constant thoughts and words driving depression, anxiety and fears, self-limiting beliefs, and behaviors leading to phobias and bad habits. Or alternatively constant positive, self-empowering thoughts, feelings and words (such as Welcome subliminal affirmations, Prime Hypnosis and Hypno Hop Rap only at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop) which help to defeat anxiety, depression, fears (phobias), self-limiting belief’s, behaviors and bad habits.

It all starts somewhere. Internet Hypnosis dot Shop has various MP3’s to assist you. They start with Welcome subliminal affirmations, Prime Hypnosis and Hipno Hop Rap.

You can organise and plan your actions for greater self-confidence and success.

You can prioritize projects based upon your strengths, with a passion to win. 

You can start to welcome life with greater self-confidence and enthusiasm now because like other enthusiastic people you feel passionate about life.

You ooze self confidence. You approach every challenge with an energetic ‘can do’ attitude. You get satisfaction and enjoy doing what you do.

At least, that is your desired outcome, right?

A fundamental factor for enthusiastic people is their focused intent to overcome challenges that stand in the way of them achieving their desired goals. so, it is clear you need focused intent to start the process. Perhaps you need a workable plan? But most of all you need action. Needless to say, confidence is part of the mix too.

Enthusiasm is defined as ‘intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval:’ It is usually accompanied by confident playfulness, positivity, and energy.

Self-confidence is specifically belief in one’s own ability to achieve a goal, a specific task, or challenge.

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Some words associated with enthusiasm include … craze, as in the latest craze. Buzz, trend, fad and in vogue have the same meanings too. Infatuation, lust and crush are used in a romantic sense. Cult, movement or fervor may be used when talking about political or religious enthusiasm.  

However, in modern terms perhaps the words that best align with enthusiasm are eagerness, excitement and passion for. I also like gusto, zeal, avidness and hunger.

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.’

………………………………………………………………………….George Washington

Surround yourself with positive people who have the same or similar aspirations as yourself. Avoid negative people who only want to drag you down to their level, even if they are long term friends. Never allow them to influence your decisions, so better to ‘keep them in the dark’ on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Keep in mind that ‘stuck’ people are fearful. They are not prepared to take calculated risks.

My own father would make a decision and stick to it it through thick and thin. The truth is he lacked flexibility to shift according to new information. He did not always consider all the facts when making a decision and he paid the price.

My mother now aged 100 was a nurse during WW2 and until she married.

On the other hand, my mother was a nurse, (her father was a Naval officer) she carefully evaluates the ‘advantages’ and ‘disadvantages’ before committing. She was frustrated by my father’s ‘gung-ho’ attitude. Yet they lived a long and successful marriage together. He lived well into his 80’s and she is now in her 100th year and still going strong.

In my own military training as an officer in the Australian Regular Army we learnt to use the best information (intelligence) when planning tactics. We would study all the available options and their relative ‘advantages and disadvantages, taking into careful consideration our resources and timings before committing to a decision. 

My advice to you is evaluate all reasonable possible risks. Consult widely as possible. Do your ‘due diligence’ (the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with another party or an act with a certain standard of care), you research and make decisions with a level head. 

Be flexible to change course wherever possible when circumstances change.

Do what you know best and do it better than others. as they say, “A job worth doing is worth doing well’. Give it 100  per cent and see it through to successful completion with confidence.

Above all else believe in yourself. Organize and plan your actions around motivated success. Prioritize with consideration of your strengths, with enthusiasm and passion to win. You will discover that success builds confidence.

“Self-confidence and enthusiasm are an attitude.”

– Peter Zapfella.

Synonyms of the word enthusiasm include; ardour, devotion, eagerness, emotion, energy, feeling, fervor, intensity, joy, passion, spirit, warmth, zeal, activity, craze, dash, ecstasy, exhilaration, fad, fanaticism, fever, fire, flame, flare, gaiety, glow, go, heat, hilarity, joy, life, mania, mirth, nerve, oomph, orgasm, rapture, relish, snap, verve, vim, and zest. Increase Self Confidence and boost self-esteem with self-confidence hypnosis by learning how to build self-confidence and self-improvement


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