‘Nicotine addicts’ have been scammed by unscrupulous multi-national companies, including drug companies, and giant retail groups, who want to make money from the so called ‘nicotine addiction’.

Those ‘addicts’ have been tricked by years of false advertising based not on science but marketing. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it, and they will be prepared to die for it,” said Nazi Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.
Audio PlayerIf nicotine did only half the things attributed to it (such as increasing concentration, relaxation, overcoming anxiety, boredom, stress, and negative emotions) drug companies would have synthesized the active ingredients, and mass-produced a range of new wonder drugs. but they haven’t … because none of it is actually true. Many people say they smoke ‘to relax’. How is that possible when nicotine is a stimulant? It makes the heartbeat faster. In fact, in a large dose, it can cause a heart attack. (The gas in tobacco smoke is carbon monoxide which starves the brain of oxygen and kills brain cells. Chemically the so called ‘relaxation’ is the brain starving of oxygen).

From the US Surgeon General to the local doctor it has been ‘enshrined’ that nicotine is ‘physically addictive’. They say so. You have heard it said, over and over again for as long as you can remember. “It must be true. My doctor would never lie to me” I hear you say.

‘Click Here’ to Quit Vaping E Cigarettes in one session, without withdrawals.
Nicotine CONspiracy Podcast
‘Click Here’ to Quit Tobacco Smoking in one session, without withdrawals.
‘Click Here’ to go to ‘Life Free From Nicotine Addiction.’
Could we (your doctor included) possibly be victims of a massive scam? In the University published text book “A Critique of Nicotine Addiction” by doctors Hana Frenk Ph.D and Reuven Dar Ph.D of the Department of Psychology. Tel Aviv University, they explain ….
“Nicotine is almost universally believed to be the major factor that motivates smoking and impedes cessation (quitting). Authorities such as the Surgeon General of the USA and the Royal College of Physicians in the UK have declared that nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine. (Well, that’s good enough for your doctor. He will not read anymore after that) This book is a critique of the nicotine addiction hypothesis (or theory), based on a critical review of the research literature that ‘purports to prove’ that nicotine is an addictive drug. The review is based on a re-examination of more than 700 (scientific) articles, and books on this subject, including animal and human experimental studies, effects of ‘nicotine replacement therapies’, and many other relevant sources. This review concludes that on the evidence, there is EVERY REASON TO REJECT THE GENERALLY ACCEPTED THEORY (Note: it was only ever a theory) THAT NICOTINE HAS A MAJOR ROLE IN CIGARETTE SMOKING. (those are my capitals – not theirs). A critical examination of the criteria for drug addiction demonstrates that NONE OF THESE CRITERIA (again those are my capitals) is met by nicotine and that it is much more likely that nicotine in fact limits rather than facilitates smoking.”
A study by the Queen Mary University of London and published in the New England Journal of Medicine into the effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum, lozenges and sprays, and nicotine E-Cigarettes has found;
- The trial recruited people who were committed to quit tobacco smoking.
- Participants in the trial also received free weekly one-on-one behavioral support for the first month of the study.
- The study participants received free Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum, lozenges, and sprays.
- Around 90 percent of NRT users had relapsed back into smoking, within a year.
- More than 80 percent of E-Cigarette users had relapsed back into smoking tobacco again, within a year.
- 8 out of 10 e-cigarette users who quit tobacco smoking successfully, and did not relapse, were still vaping at the end of the 12 months trial. They had simply transferred their bad habit from one to the other. They did not overcome it.
- So fewer than 2 in every one hundred people in the study quit tobacco smoking AND vaping. I think that is a very poor outcome, when ‘cold turkey’ can get a 5 percent success rate.
- TV ads falsely claim that NRT is ‘two and a half times better’. Better than what? The small print says … better than nothing at all. (Two and a half times nothing is still nothing.)
- These results reflect similar results in other trials.
Studies have shown that fresh and processed ripe potatoes and tomatoes contain nicotine, while eggplant (aubergines) has the highest level by far. More than 60 different plants, including many vegetables, contain nicotine.
Aubergine. For every gram of aubergine, there is 100 µg of nicotine.
Potatoes. Ripening and green potatoes contain about 42 µg/gram of nicotine. If you decide to mash your potatoes or puree them, it can also increase the nicotine concentration to around 52 µg/gram!
Tea. Some brewed and instant teas (both black and green) contain nicotine, with concentrations as high as 285 µg/gram.
Tomatoes contain around 7.1 µg/gram of nicotine. Green tomatoes have a higher concentration of nicotine.
Cauliflowers are not in the nightshade plant family, never-the-less they contain nicotine – around 16.8 µg/gram.
Green Peppers contain upwards of 9.2 µg/gram of nicotine.
“How many people do you know who are addicted to vegetables? If we consume nicotine in various vegetables, then why are not some people at least addicted to the nicotine in their vegetables? “
Some Australian Aboriginal ‘bush tucker’ (Solanaceae: Nicotiana) contains nicotine, with up to twice the concentration of tobacco.

I think, most people would be shocked to learn that nicotine is not restricted to tobacco when in fact it is found in many plants in various concentrations. You have been eating nicotine most of your life. Do you think you are addicted to vegetables that contain nicotine, and not those that do not?
An analysis in the UK medical journal Lancet found of 42 university-based studies from around the world into 42 NRT gum (30 followed up at 12 months, 12 at 6 months) and 9 patch (NRT) studies (followed up at 12 months) reported that the mean gain (average) in quitting attributed to ‘nicotine replacement‘ was only 8 percent. that is even less than the placebo study results. “… the long‐term benefit of NRT is modest.”
In 2003, Dr. John R. Hughes and Dr. Saul Shiffman as paid consultants to GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of Nicorette, Nicoderm CQ, and NiQuitin CQ, published a report entitled “A meta-analysis of the efficacy of over-the-counter nicotine replacement.” In that publication, they reported only 1 out of 149 nicotine transdermal patch users were still not smoking six months after using the patch.
Remember inhaling tobacco smoke causes cancer in the majority of long-term smokers. Is chewing nicotine any safer? New genetic research from the U.K.’s Medical Research Council suggests that nicotine-replacement drugs like nicotine gum and lozenges could raise the risk of mouth cancer, Medical News Today.
On this, and other evidence in the premier medical journal in the world, how can doctors honestly recommend NRT? The real reason is … family doctors recommend to their patients what the drug companies tell them to sell. Drug companies give the local doctor false and misleading information which has been labeled ‘junk science’ by independent researchers.
NRT products such as patches and gum also have unpleasant side effects for many people, such as skin rash, headaches, and vomiting. The cost, inconvenience, and very high failure rate make NRT a waste of time and effort because nicotine is NOT addictive.
There is far more scientific evidence to prove nicotine is not physically addictive including, for example …
“No studies involving animals, such as rats and mice, have been able yo capture the experience of human smoking and nicotine addiction. Animals DO NOT (those are my capitals – not theirs) get addicted to nicotine in laboratory experiments.” The laboratory on the Biology of Addictive Diseases (Ref; Mathiew-Kia A., Kellogg G.H, Buyelman E.R, Kreel M.J Psychopharacoloy )Berl) 2002; 162(2). 102-18. Rockefeller University. New York. USA)
” … the nicotine addiction thesis is only defensible on political, not scientific grounds…” Ref: Journal of Drug Issues 31 (2), 325-394.200) Dale Atrens Ph.D
” … data do not support the assertion that nicotine is addictive” Ref ‘Is Nicotine Addictive?’ Ref; Michael. A. Bozarth Ph.D. Department of Psychology State University of New York.. Buffalo. New York. USA.
“Studies DO NOT (those are my capitals – not theirs) provide unequivocal evidence for nicotine producing reward either via euphoric actions or through reduction of pain, anxiety, or negative affect” Ref. page 20. Journal of Drug Issues. publication (200}-04-01.
As part of my research, I visited a pharmacy and while reading the small print on packets of NRT (nicotine transdermal patches, gum, lozenges, and sprays) a young pharmacy assistant approached me offering to help. “This one is the most popular,” she said.
“I am confused,’ I lied. “I smoke a 4 mg cigarette. The label says I must start with a 21 mg patch for 4 weeks, then cut down to 16 mg for another 4 weeks, then cut down to 12 mg for another 4 weeks. Then I am weaned off. But I am already on 4 mg. I just want to go 4, 3, 2, 1 and none. How can I be weaned off at 12 mg when I am already at 4mg?”
“I don’t know,” she said, adding. “Let me get the pharmacist.”
“I don’t know how they work,” he angrily replied to my question. “Just buy the 21 mg patches. I don’t have time for these stupid questions.”
Talking of pharmacists who have no idea, and just want to make a quick $ale. I had a client come to me to quit smoking. She told me she went to a pharmacist and followed his advice. She purchased the 21 mg patches and the 16 mg patches and used them according to the instructions.
She told me that for 8 weeks she was ‘climbing the walls’ with withdrawals. Her husband (a non smoker) almost divorced her because she had become ‘the bitch from hell’.
After struggling through she went back to buy the final pack of patches from the pharmacist. “Oh. We don’t sell those,” he said. “There is no demand. You are the only person to have got as far as you have. everyone else gives up and starts smoking again.” She told me she could hardly stop herself from grabbing him by the neck and squeezing the life out of him. She quit smoking the day she saw me without any withdrawals.
Local general practitioner doctors and pharmacists, as salespeople for the drug companies are spoon fed lies and deceit interspersed with real amazing medications that actually work for many people. Their training is chemistry. They are not interested in researching the facts about the products they peddle. They trust the drug companies.
As consumers you should not. It is your physical body and mind they are playing with. Do you own research and get the facts. I expect you to question everything I have said here.
If you have found something I should be made aware tell me.
I have many more references, as does a search of the scientific literature. Here are a few more.
“Moreover, once established, smoking in primates does not produce any evidence of a habit; they stop at the first opportunity.” Ref; Swedberg, Henningfield and Goldberg. 1990 Wood 19190.
Before you say, “But I saw Amy’s tobacco smoking addict monkey on ‘Big Bang Theory’. Yes. You did. But the producers added this message at the end of the episode. “Thanks to the magic of computer graphics (CGI), the monkey in tonight’s episode was not actually smoking a cigarette, nor was he ever exposed to secondhand smoke. At all times, every effort was made to make the monkey feel happy and safe. Nevertheless, he proved impossible to work with. During the week of production his behavior became increasingly erratic, to the point of refusing to come out of his trailer to rehearse.”
“In marked contrast to humans, smoking in infrahuman primates can only be established by coercive procedures” Ref Ando, Hironaka, and Yanagita 1986.
‘”Animals will quickly learn to press a lever thousands of times per hour to get cocaine” Ref; Iwamoto and Martin. 1988 Ward et al 1996. “With nicotine, the highest self-administration rates ever reported in rats are around 25 per hour.”
The nicotine addiction was only psychological. It was a trick designed to make money by the drug companies who make NRT from unsuspecting smokers. It also kept many smokers psychologically trapped (and still does) within an illusion. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it, and they will be prepared to die for it,” said Nazi Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.
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As a result of inhouse research done by Philip Morris they began using ammonia to reduce the concentration of nicotine by weight in Marlboro in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. Because nicotine is acrid to taste this made Marlboro a better smoking taste than its opposition. Hense, they used the advertsing slogan “Come to where the flavor is – Marlboro Country”.

Philip Morris went from a tobacco company with no leading brands (the top sellers at that time were ‘Lucky Strike’, ‘Camel’, ‘Pall Mall’ and ‘Chesterfield’. None had filters because market segmentation meant that men did not need filters). Suddenly Marlboro appeared as a man cigarette with a filter, and it shot to number one worldwide. The former market leaders were stunned senseless. Philip Morros adopted the technology to all their brands and became the biggest tobacco company across the world. Then they started buying other food and beverage companies including Kraft. Nabisco and Cadbury. They brew beer, make wine and vapes (E-cigarettes). I think they owned Coke at one time?
The other tobacco companies scrabbled to find the secret to the Marlboro man’s success. In part it was the first man’s cigarette to have a filter. But the real secret was freebasing nicotine with ammonia during manufacture. By the 1970’s they were all doing the same. Have you noticed that in those days’ smokers had orange/brown nicotine stains on their fingers and moustaches? Now they don’t. The reason is simple.
They took out much of the nicotine while no one was watching, yet people still think they are addicted to the nicotine in tobacco.
Now the US government wants the tobacco companies to reduce the amount of nicotine in their products. Why? To be seen to be doing something without really doing anything. Political smoke and mirrors.
Fact: Nicotine is a poison.
Solution: Require a doctor’s prescription for ‘addicts’ and make it only available from a pharmacy.
Problem: Political influence by multi-national companies who are making ma$$ive profits.
What can you do about it? Quit Tobacco Smoking and Stop Vaping It with Peter Zapfella.

“When I was growing and picking ripe tobacco leaves in the King Valley, Victoria I ended every day with my skin on my hands and arms coloured orange with nicotine stain. At the end of the season, I suffered zero nicotine withdrawals. “
said Peter Zapfella.
I asked Government ‘advertising watch dogs’ (by law I cannot identify them beyond that vague reference) why they allow multinational drug companies to run false claims about nicotine replacement therapy and so called quit smoking drugs? They said they allow these companies, and I quote word-for-word their response …. ‘a certain amount of fluff’. We are being ‘had’ by these companies with the full approval of government bureaucrat$. Why?”
There is one simple thing you can do right now to make a fundamental change to your so-called ‘nicotine addiction’. Download and start listening to your Welcome Life Free From Nicotine MP3 now. The script is available below for you to clearly read.

Next time you see or hear ‘an authority’ tell you that ‘nicotine is physically addictive’ you know they are part of the ‘nicotine CONspiracy’ whether they know it or not.
Meanwhile, scientists have proven beyond reasonable doubt that nicotine is not at all physically addictive.