Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy

Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy.  


If life is not ‘delivering the goods’ for you, then you need to change the way you think and feel. You can change your reality by changing your deepest beliefs. Not all of them. Just the beliefs that are not working for you right now. You discover you think and feel different, in a good way. hypno hop rap

I had never considered myself a fan of Rap Music, until I started using it as a vehicle for sharing positive life changing messages or affirmations.

Welcome Freedom From Pain, Welcome Integrity, Free From Fear of Dental Surgery, welcome subliminal affirmations. Internet hypnosis. shop. Unconscious mind learnings, Dynamic Action, Welcome Life Free From Fear of Dentists. Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Failure, Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Snakes, - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Hipno Hop Rap is about changing the emotions and self-talk, so (with repetition) it can change deep beliefs and behaviors.

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As a boy world famous singer Ed Sheeran listened to ‘Eminem’ Rap until he knew every word. It spoke creativity, self-expression and authenticity to him. It gave him a voice. He said that cured’ his chronic stutter.

Ed Sheeran and ‘Eminem’ Rap

The rhythmic and rhyming syllables, words and phrases chanted to a beat which is Rap, and wider Hip Hop culture (including clothing fashion, deejaying using sliding and scratching turntable manipulation, a repertoire of acrobatic and occasionally airborne moves which is hip hop dancing moves (freestyle, krumping, popping, locking, up rock, boogaloo, reggae, and breakdancing (shuffles, spins, jerks) and graffiti art) are now a recognized link between psychotherapists and troubled youth everywhere.(Just to clear any confusion, Rap is the music genre (an acronym for rhythm and poetry). Hip Hop is the culture, and Hipno Hop Rap is where you are at)  hy pno hop rap

Rappers from ‘Eminem’ to ‘Ice Cube’ have echoed the idea of Rap as a replacement for traditional therapy, for troubled youth anyway. Their songs reference anxiety, depression, PTSD, suicide, relationships, police brutality, and environmental change. Rappers openly express what it is like to live with mental or emotional issues. They talk about it and normalise it, which is good because youth, particularly young males are inclined to ‘push down’ and internalise their emotional issues.

Acknowledging it, exposing the truth and talking about it is the first step toward recovery. But that is usually about as far as it goes. Just the first step.

However, the ‘Papageno effect’ of Rap (the theory that positive media publicity of celebrities and other people overcoming suicidal crises can protect against suicidal ideation and/or attempts by an individual) may have a positive effect on depressed people who could be in crises and considering self harm and even suicide

Hipno Hop Rap for Therapy, Puss in Boots

Peter Zapfella has taken Rap to the next level and made it the therapy. Peter say’s the fundamental difference between Rap and subliminal affirmations and hypnosis is that Rap is recited repeatedly, until the listener knows every word. It is Rapped in the first person therefore it is saying ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘My’. The Rapper and listener owns the statement with ‘attitude’.

Meanwhile subliminal affirmations and hypnosis are spoken to the listener saying ‘you’, ‘your’ and ‘you are’. They are suggestions given to the deep unconscious mind of the listener as a guide and reassuring gift. hypno hop rap


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‘Click’ > to hear a Hipno Hop sample

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop is the first and only hypnosis or subliminal affirmation download web site to feature rhythmic and rhyming chanted lyrics (based on almost 500 Internet Hypnosis dot Shop affirmations) presented in a Hipno Hop Rap format. 

This is a massive undertaking, eventually totaling almost 500 Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy songs specifically created for Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. This reflects the confidence in this formats effectiveness to cause positive change.

Subjects cover almost every conceivable life challenge that may confront young people today. They include overcoming various phobias, anxiety and depression, through to relationships and sexual challenges.

The words have been condensed down into a few powerful rhyming rhythmic lines usually in two or three verses.

With repetition it is learned in the same way as we learn any song, by listening over and over. The beat and melody make it easier to remember the inspiring and life changing messages.

By listening over and over and learning the words (the text of every Rap is available on the relevant product page) the deep unconscious mind of the listener is ‘imprinted’ with new positive messages. Over time these ‘overwrite’ past negative messages. These create new self-empowering beliefs and behaviors.

Therapies range from overcoming nail biting, through better surfing and peak athletic performance to overcoming premature ejaculation and vaping   E cigarettes. and many many more. hypno hop rap

This is a sample of Hipno Hop Rap written by Peter Zapfella for Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.

Audio Player

Click’ > above to listen to Hipno Hop Rap. Internet Hypnosis dot Shop


“Yo, check it, feel the vibe, let it flow,

This is Hipno Hop Rap, come on, let’s go.

[Verse 1]

Rhythmic Hipno Hop Rap, it’s hypnosis,

Mind control is the prognosis.

Listen to my words and the sound of my voice,

As you chill and learn, you have no choice.

In a world full of noise, let the silence unfold,

Let my rhymes guide you, into the bold.

Positivity flows like a river so wide,

With every word I spit, your worries subside.


I listen to the words, they have changed my life,

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,

I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.

Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,

With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.

[Verse 2]

Every day I vibe, chant Hipno Hop all night,

It’s not just a beat, it’s a powerful light.

Manifesting dreams, bigger than the sky,

Similes and metaphors, making hard times fly.

Life’s canvas painted with the colours of my flow,

It’s like a magic spell, let the good energy grow.

Rhythms resonate, deep inside my soul,

With each bar I drop, I feel completely whole.


I listen to the words, they have changed my life,

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,

I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.

Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,

With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.

[Verse 3]

Every day I vibe, chant Hipno Hop all night,

It’s not just a beat, it’s a powerful light.

Manifesting dreams, bigger than the sky,

Similes and metaphors, making hard times fly.

Life’s canvas painted with the colours of my flow,

It’s like a magic spell, let the good energy grow.

Rhythms resonate, deep inside my soul,

With each bar I drop, I feel completely whole.


I listen to the words, they have changed my life,

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,

I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.

Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,

With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.


Only Internet Hypnosis dot Shop, elevates my brain,

Learning Hipno Hop Rap, it’s a whole new game.

With repeated focus, it all becomes clear,

Sharing Hipno Hop secrets with friends, I got no fear.

It’s a revolution, a lyrical sensation,

Hypnotic flows bringing forth transformation.


So feel the rhythm, let it take control,

Hipno Hop Rap is the key to your soul.

With every word I spit, you know you can win,

Join the movement, let the journey begin.”

There is a segment of the younger population who may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap.

Hipno Hop Rap speaks to their ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions.

Think and feel what you want most of all in your future as if you have it right now.© Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.

There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. 

“The one YOU feed*” said the old man.

Audio Player

* with constant thoughts and words driving depression, anxiety and fears, self-limiting beliefs, and behaviors leading to phobias and bad habits. Or alternatively constant positive, self-empowering thoughts, feelings and words (such as Hypno Hop Rap only at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop) which help to defeat anxiety, depression, fears (phobias), self-limiting belief’s, behaviors and bad habits.

In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful. Just ask Ed Sheeran. hypno hop rap

welcome subliminal affirmations. Internet hypnosis. shop

Almost 250 English language Hipno Hop Raps are in production now. The repertoire is expanding to include Indian Hindi, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese, French, Arabic, and Chinese Mandarin. That is around 2,000 individual Hipno Hop Rap tracks – amazing!

This is incredible! Can you imagine not just 250 English language tracks but as many as 2000 therapeutic Rap tracks across the most popular Internet languages available on the one web site? hypno hop rap

Every English language Hipno Hop Rap has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined for even more effective change. Other languages to follow.

This will build into an amazing Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy resource for individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, professional counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists everywhere. rap


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Click Here to hear Childrens Podcast

© Copyright 2025 by Peter Zapfella and www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

The 20 Most Common Phobias

Welcome Life Beyond Phobias

By Peter Zapfella at the Phobias.Store

Life Free From Phobias – YouTube Video (Click Here)


All of us have something that may some-times frighten us or make us uneasy. In spite of this we can manage to carry on with our day-to-day activities

However, many people perhaps more than you suspect, experience very strong irrational and involuntary fear reactions. These cause them to avoid everyday places, social situations, animals or objects, even though they know logically there is no threat, and no danger. They know the fear reaction is illogical, but something deep down within something drives the fear.

For some, the fear reaction is so strong, and uncontrollable, they cannot function in normal, everyday situations.

When confronted with the feared situation, they may experience anxiety and a panic attack, the spontaneous onset of intense fearthat makes them feel as if they might stop breathing and pass out or have a heart attack and die.

Phobias can be defined as; persistent irrational fearsof specific objects or situations, with a strong desire to avoid the trigger and, in some cases, an inability to function at normal tasks and in certain social settings because of the fear and anxiety.

The American Psychiatric Association says that phobiasare more prevalent than depression andanxiety in the overall populationSomewhere between 10 to 20 per cent of people suffer from at least one significant phobia. Some individuals experience multiple phobias. It is the most common mental disorder among women and the second most common in men.

Typically, the severity of a phobia‘attack’differs from one individual to another. Some can simply avoid the ‘trigger’ that sparks their fear reaction, while others find that the level of fear is so over-powering, they cannot live a normal day-to-day life. Blood and physical injury related phobias may cause fainting in the sufferer.

The fear and anxiety symptoms can often be temporarily treated with drugs, such as the commonly prescribed benzodiazepines, which include Valium (diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam). However, the side effects can cause severe problems, such as drowsiness and addiction. I have had clients come to me who have been prescribed these drugs by their doctors to ‘treat’ their phobia. They have found through years of suffering that these drug therapies only treat the symptoms, and not the cause. They are only coping mechanisms and never overcome the problem.

Valium Diazepam

The risks of addiction to anti-anxiety drugs such as Valium is very real. No benzodiazepine medication can be considered safe for all people. It is important to review all of your medications with your prescribing doctor from time-to-time. It is never a good idea to quit any medication without first consulting a doctor.

There are three types of phobias at the Phobias.Store. They are;

  • Agoraphobia, a generalised fear about leaving a‘safe zone’and being exposed to some threat, such as large open spaces where there are few places to hide, social embarrassment (social agoraphobia), fear of contamination (fear of dirt and germs), or perhaps a fear triggered by a past trauma, that occurred out of doors.
  • Social phobias, such as fear of other people, performance anxiety etc. Also known as social anxiety disorder,which is when a situation causes fear and worry.
  • Specific phobias, fear of particular objects that immediately result in anxiety and can sometimes lead to panic attacks. such as irrational fear of spiders, snakes, dogs, water, blood, flying, heights, confined spaces etc. Specific phobia may be further subdivided into four categories: animal type, natural environment type, situational type, blood-injection-injury type.

Phobias vary in severity among individuals. Some can simply avoid the subject or ‘trigger’ of their fear, and they are fine. At the other end of the scale, others quickly and easily suffer full-fledged panic attacks, with all the associated disabling symptoms. 

The criteria for the diagnosis of a specific phobia include:

  • the persistent fear of an object or situation.
  • exposure to the feared object or ‘trigger’ provokes an immediate and uncontrolled anxiety/fear response.
  • adult sufferers understand the fear is excessive, unreasonable and irrational, but cannot stop it.
  • exposure to ‘trigger’ situations are therefore avoided where possible, or are endured with feelings of dread.
  • the fear reaction interferes with normal daily activities
  • there can be no other cause for the fear, anxiety, avoidance behaviour and perhaps panic attacks, but the phobia.

The symptoms of a phobia fear/anxiety and associated panic may include;

  • shortness of breath,
  • rapid shallow breathing,
  • irregular heartbeat,
  • excessive sweating
  • nausea,
  • dry mouth,
  • inability to articulate words or sentences,
  • shaking,
  • the fear reaction is either an uncontrollable ‘stand (as in freeze) and fight’ or ‘flight’ – run-away reaction.

Those with associated post-traumatic stress disorder may experience intrusive thoughts, or night-terror dreams representing the original cause.

The average age of onset of phobic symptoms is somewhere between ages 10 and 17. However, I have had many adult clients who have come to me with phobias which suddenly appeared for little or no apparent reason.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, if phobias are not treated, symptoms can worsen, over time, to the point where problems can occur with physical health, or sufferers may struggle to cope with relationships, school and work.

The 20 most common phobias, in no particular order are;

Social Phobia Social Anxiety Disorder) 


People with social phobia and anxiety may fear and excessively worry about appearing anxious, such as blushing, stuttering etc, or being thought of as stupid, awkward, or boring. 

They fear the possibility, however remote of being watched or humiliated in front of others. Normal, everyday tasks such as eating a meal in public can trigger anxiety for some. According to the American Psychiatric Association social phobias often appear during puberty and can last throughout life, without treatment.

Social phobias can force people to avoid social situations, including school and work, which can have a major impact upon their potential. Public speaking is the most common form of social phobia.



Arachnophobia or arachnephobiais the fear of spiders and other arachnids, such as scorpions. The negative emotion of fear has been created by the deep unconscious mind to protect from threats and danger. 

Obviously, people fear being bitten by spiders because they see them all as dangerous, however fear of online images, on television and as photos in books is irrational.

The phobia of spiders affects as many as 1 in every 3 women and 1 in every 4 men. 

While only a handful of the 35,000 different spider species, are potentially dangerous to humans, people world-wide fear them. 

Strangely, more people in New Zealand suffer from arachnophobia, where there are no dangerous spiders, than in South America where we find the massive and venomoustarantula spider and others. More people fear spiders in New Zealand where there are no harmful spiders than Thailand, where they eat them.

The prevalence of Arachnophobiais clearly not related to the threat, it really is irrational.


Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Snakes

snake Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Snakes

Ophidiophobiais the fear of snakes. About 1 in every 3 adults is ophidiophobic, which makes it the most common phobia of all. 

The negative emotions of fear and worry have been created by the deep unconscious mind to protect from potential threats. Obviously, people fear being bitten or strangled by snakes, as they see them all as dangerous.

“I have twice stepped, bare-foot, upon a poisonous snake while walking. Neither managed to bite me. My sister has twice been taken to hospital after being bitten by poisonous snakes in her own garden. Neither of us is ophidiophobic.Yet the majority of ophidiophobia sufferers have had little or no direct experiences with snakes.”

The prevalence of this phobia is very common around the world, even in countries such as Ireland and New Zealand where there are no snakes at all. It is an irrational fear because some people fear all snakes, including images online and in print. 


The word claustrophobia comes from the Latin word claustrum which means “a closed-in place,” and the Greek word, phobosmeaning “fear.”

People with claustrophobia will go to great lengths to avoid small spaces and situations that trigger their feelings of anxiety and fear. We often think of people who fear elevators, corridors and tunnels

I have had people tell me they feel these feelings when on a train or plane and the doors close. They feel trapped although they know it is illogical because a train or plane cannot leave the door open.

“Over the years I have seen many people with variations of this phobia. Some fear wearing tight clothing, others lifts (elevators), trains and planes with a closed door or windowless rooms. I have had clients who ask me to leave the door open while having their therapy, as they hate to be ‘inside’. From time-to-time I have had clients ask me to leave the door open because they feel unsafe. Of course, I respect their wishes.


The fear of thunder and lightning is an irrational fear within the deep unconscious mind of a sufferer of astraphobia, astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, tonitrophobia, or nicaduranaphobia.

The symptoms may include; extreme anxiety, dread and anything associated with panic such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, nausea, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking, and a feeling to run-away, are very real for the sufferer because the unconscious mind has activated the instinctive fear reaction.

There are some reactions that are unique to the fear of thunder and lightning. They may include seeking reassurance from other people, while symptoms may worsen when alone. Many people who have astraphobia will look for extra shelter from the storm. They might hide underneath a bed, in a closet, or in a basement where they may feel safer.

While the logical and analytical conscious mind knows the thunder is not dangerous to humans, and lightning is unlikely to be dangerous when indoors, however the unconscious mind never-the-less reacts with fear and anxiety.



When people suffering from trypanophobia need an injection, they may experience feelings of extreme dread and elevated heart rate leading up to the procedure. Some people even pass out (vasovagal syncope) during the injection. Because these symptoms can be so distressing, people with this phobia sometimes avoid doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals even when they have some type of physical or dental ailment that needs attention.

Sufferers may avoid all inoculations, blood tests, and in the more severe cases, all medical care.

Needle phobia may be associated with other phobias. Estimates suggest that as many as 10 ​percent of people in the U.S. are affected by this type of phobia.

Fainting, vasovagal syncope, as a result of thereaction to a fear of injections can cause an initial increase in blood pressure, followed by a sudden drop, which can result in unconsciousness. This loss of consciousness is sometimes accompanied by convulsions, which can be fatal in some cases.

A related phobia is Aichmophobia, the morbid fear of sharp objects. These can be pencils, knives, a pointing finger, the end of an umbrella and various protruding or sharp edges including furniture and buildings.

Other related phobias may include fear of bloodgerms, doctors, dentists and surgery.



Paruresis is the technical term for fear of public toilets, a social anxiety disorder that is found in people of all genders. This problem makes the sufferer uncomfortable to urinate in public restrooms, or where other people may see or hear the sufferer urinating.

The fear of public toilets is more intense and worrying for the sufferer than the common garden variety – shyness. It may be referred to as ‘pee shy’ or ‘bashful bladder’. Sufferers hesitate to travel far from home. They may avoid undertaking long journeys. They may also face problems in urinating within their own home, particularly if someone may be able to over-hear them. 

“It may be just an occasional problem for some, a form of performance anxiety. While for others it becomes a challenge. At school I remember a friend was unable to urinate at a urinal when flanked by other boys. He would always wait, sometimes uncomfortably, for a stall to be vacated. Then he would wait until everyone had left the toilets before commencing to urinate. It must have been a self-inflicted torture for him. I saved him any further embarrassment by saying nothing,” said Peter Zapfella.

The term by Paruresis was first used by Williams and Degenhart (1954) in their paper “Paruresis: a survey of a disorder of micturition” in the Journal of General Psychology 51:19-29. They found 14.4 per cent of 1,419 college students surveyed experienced it.

The phobia of bowl movements in public is called parcopresis.



Dentophobia is fear of potential or real dental surgery. The fear and anxiety causes some people to avoid urgent dental work, and only makes their inevitable dental surgery experience even worse. 

Just the thought of dental surgery is enough to strike fear into some people. Then there is the anxiety and sometimes panic for others. Avoidance of urgent dental work only makes their inevitable dental surgery worse. 



The hemophobic or haemophobic reaction can be triggered by the sight of the blood of another person, an animal, and sometimes in printed images or video of blood.

The fear of blood may cause the sufferer to avoid activities that they associate with an increased risk of injury. They may be unable to participate in sport and other outdoor activities such as hiking, camping or running. They may avoid social situations, including fairs, carnival rides and other activities they might perceive as potentially dangerous.

In extreme situations they may fear leaving the perceived safety of their home, or parents.

It is often related to other phobias. Aichmophobia or belonephobia, the fear of medical needles, is often associated with hemophobia. A fear of blood may be associated with other phobia’s including; germs,  doctors, dentists and surgery.

The physical reactions sometimes results invasovagal syncope (fainting). This is because the reaction to a fear of blood can cause an initial increase in blood pressure, followed by a sudden drop, which can result in fainting.


Acrophobia is the morbid fear of heights. It impacts millions of adults who fear to the point where they cannot do simple things. This fear can lead to anxiety attacks and avoidance of ladders, balconies and multi-level buildings. People who suffer from this phobia may go to great lengths to avoid other high places such as bridges and towers. It may be associated with the fear of flying too.

While it is common for people to have some degree of fear when encountering heights, a phobia involves a severe fear that can result in panic attacks and avoidance behaviours.


Aerophobia is the fear of flying. Around 1 out of every 3 people has some level of fear of flying. It affects an estimated 8 million U.S. adults despite the fact that airplane accidents x air miles is actually much safer than automotive travel. Aerophobia is an irrational fear.

The fear of flying sometimes causes people to avoid flying altogether. The phobia often has elements of or may actually be another phobia such as fear of confined spaces or fear of turbulence.


Cynophobia is the fear of dogs. It is often created by a past traumatic experience such as being attacked and perhaps bitten by a dog. Some estimates suggest that as many as 36 percent of people experience this phobia. Perhaps because dogs are so common place?

Cynophobia is an irrational and morbid fear that can force a sufferer to be unable to walk down a street because of barking dogs. This avoidance can impact the individual’s ability to function in their daily life and make it difficult to get to live normally outside of the safety of their home.


Agraphobia is the fear of wide open spaces, crowds (social anxiety), or travel. 

Some people may start to avoid these triggers, sometimes to the point they cease leaving the perceived safety of their home entirely. Occasionally I visit phobic clients in their homes because they fear travelling to my clinic for treatment.

Approximately one-third of people with panic disorder develop agoraphobia. The disorder often begins as a spontaneous and unexpected panic attack, which then leads to anxiety over the possibility of another attack happening.

Agoraphobia usually reveals itself between the late teens and the mid-30s. The American Psychiatric Association reports that two-thirds of people with agoraphobia are women. 


Mysophobia, verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia, bacteriophobia, or the fear of dirt and germs. It can lead people to engage in extreme, frenzied house cleaning, compulsive hand-washing, In some this phobia may be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I had a client come to me who washed her body and house every day in antiseptic solution. She slept in her car so she would not ‘infect’ her house with germs.”

Some avoid physical contact with other people because they fear becoming contaminated, some overuse disinfectants, some have an excessive preoccupation with news reports about diseases and infections. They may avoid places where they perceive germs to be present, such as hospitals, public transport, schools.



An irrational fear of frogs and toads is a specific phobia termed either ‘ranidaphobia’ or ‘batrachophobia’.

Most frogs and toads are absolutely safe to humans. They have more to fear from us than we have to fear from them. Frogs and toads have long been imbued in superstition. In some cultures, frogs and toads represent good fortune. Themoney toador fortune frog, called Chan Chuin Chinese, is a particularly powerful channel for the transference of good fortune. Romans believed the frog could bring good luck into one’s home.

I had a lady come to me to quit her phobia of frogs because she had just commenced a new job where they had many frogs hopping about. Her employers told her she must either except the frogs as part of her work environment or find another job. She successfully overcame her fear of frogs in just one painless therapy session.



Atychiphobia is the fear of failure. How many people suffer from this common phovia? Maybe all of us to some extent?

Have you feared failure so much you did not even try to succeed? 

Or, perhaps you defeated your failed attempt? Now you can step forward knowing that everyone fails on the path toward success. Failure is only a failure when it is allowed to defeat you. It can be transmuted into a learning experience – knowledge of what does and does not work!


Ornithophobia is the irrational fear of birds, or their feathers, or their claws or their beaks. In ancient Greek the words ‘Ornitho’ translated into English as ‘bird’ and ‘phobos” in Greek means to ‘dread’ or to ‘fear’.

A person suffering from Ornithophobia may be afraid of all birds, or just a particular species of bird. For example, their phobia might only be based around domestic laying hens, or pigeons, or birds of prey, or parrots, etc. 

Others specifically experience a fear reaction to bird feathers, beaks or claws. A person who has this morbid fear will usually avoid birds at all costs. They may become distressed when seeing photos of birds or could suffer a panic attack at the sight of a feather.


The irrational fear of rats and mice is a common specific phobia. It’s technical name is musophobia (from Greek μῦς “mouse”) or murophobia (from the taxonomic adjective for the family Muridae that encompasses rodents)

It may also include other rodents including squirrels, guinea pigs, hamsters, gophers, and gerbils.

While some people keep these animals as pets most people have a well-founded slight concern or slight fear of rats and mice because of their likelihood to consume and contaminate our food with their droppings. Wild rodents also carry various parasites and as many as 35 different diseases.


The fear of doctors is called Iatrophobia

Tomophobiais a fear of surgery or surgical operations.

Pharmacophobiais a fear of medicine.

Nosocomephobiais the name of the phobia relating to the fear of hospitals.

Patients suffering from tomophobia, Iatrophobia,pharmacophobiaand nosocomephobiatend to put off going to the doctor, although they may be suffering pain and discomfort. Therefore, itpotentially has dangerous results.


The No Phone Phobia or Nomophobia is a relatively new phenomenon. 

No Phone Phobia or Nomophobia is a very real fear for some people, perhaps more than you realised.

A 2008 study by the United Kingdom Post Office found that almost 53 per cent of mobile/cell phone users in Britain become anxious when they either;

  • have a flat phone battery
  • run out of available credit or load
  • are out of range of a cell
  • have no network coverage, or
  • misplace or lose their mobile phone
  • Others become anxious when they enter places where phone use is restricted or banned, such as hospitals, classrooms, and aircraft.

Those results were pre-smart phones, which are more feature packed than mobile/cell phones. They now incorporate SMS,internet connectivity, a mobile browser, the ability to sync more than one email account, embedded memory,a hardware or software-based QWERTY keyboardtouchscreen,wireless synchronization with other devices, such as laptop or desktop computers, Wi-Fi,digital camerawith video capability, gaming, unified messagingGPS — global positioning system, applicationsclockalarmcalendarcontactscalculator, games, access to social media, news and more.

“When I was regularly visiting off-shore oil rigs to conduct therapies mobile-cell phones were banned. The workers would be there for several weeks at a time. You can imagine the anxiety that ban caused some workers” said Peter Zapfella.

Sufferers of nomophobia or no phone phobia may be inclined to experience feelings of rejection, loneliness, insecurity, and low self-esteem because they are looking for reassurance through their phone. Or, they may have an extroverted personality and naturally use their mobile phone to excess. Others may have an existing social phobia or social anxiety disorder, or social anxiety, and panic attack disorders and depend upon their phone to avoid face-to-face communications.

While I have listed the 20 most common phobias here, there are countless potential phobic reactions. I have created an evolving and growing list athttps://www.peterzapfella.com/2018/08/the-phobia-list/If you do not see your phobia listed please let us know at https://www.peterzapfella.com/quit-phobias/

One of the old out-dated treatments for phobias was, or is called ‘desensitisation’. The method most often practiced by psychologists, involved exposing the sufferer to the object of their fear over and over again..

Other old, outdated techniques include, ‘flooding’, ‘counter-conditioning’ and ‘modeling’. Ultimatley they are all forms of ‘desensitisation’. Flooding is full exposure to the phobia, with full-on ‘abreactions’. It is hoped that when the anxiety or panic attacks eventually subside, the phobia has been overcome. Counter-conditioning involves exposing the sufferer to the trigger of their phobia gradually over time. Of course, by paying an expensive therapist it becomes prohibitively expensive for all but the rich. Modeling, on the other hand, is a passive NLP treatment which involves the sufferer watching other people confront the trigger of their phobia without harm. It is hoped that in time the deep unconscious learns that the trigger is not a threat. This approach may or may not be effective and it takes time which costs money too.

Abreaction is defined as ‘the expression and consequent release of a previously repressed emotion, achieved through reliving the experience that caused it’. Abreactions are strong, often disturbing emotional and even physical reactions to something being re-experienced from the past, as if real. 

Unfortunately, an abreaction can re-traumatize a sufferer rather than achieve the desired healing. This approach usually caused abreactionsmore than cures. 

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung expressed interest in abreactions as a possible way to purge trauma, but later decided it had serious limitations. Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer used hypnosis to assist patients to recall and relive traumatic experiences from their past, which had been repressed by the unconscious for protection. Freud abandoned this therapy approach. Science fiction writer and founder of ScientologyL. Ron Hubbard had observed abreactive therapy while in a Navy hospital during World War Two. He subsequently wrote about it in his book Dianetics, claiming it as his own. Scientology still advocate it’s use 70 years after he first wrote about it.

Some psychologists are experimenting with technology, such as virtual reality (VR) goggles, to create so-called ‘cyber desensitisation’. However, they persist in causing abreactions in a ‘safe environment’. The theory is that the conscious logical mind will know and understand the cyber experience is not real and threatening, while the deep unconscious will abreact, and perhaps discover a ‘cure’ for itself. This method has not yet been proven to be successful in any more than a handful of cases.

Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapies are age regression and progression techniques, which have proven themselves very effective. Peter Zapfella has successfully utilized this approach with thousands of clients for more than two decades. The success rate is almost 100 per cent, without abreactions.

A skilled hypnotherapist will almost always use an age regression technique to guide your deep unconscious to revisit the past event where the presenting problem was established. Usually from a ‘safe distance’ as an observer. There he or she guides your unconscious to ‘heal’ the phobia at its source. This is usually only possible in face-to-face consultations, although Peter Zapfella has been successfully using one-on-one online Skype therapy (see www.Skypetherapy.pro) with clients from around the world, for more than a decade. 

Skype therapy

You need never suffer from the debilitating effects of a phobia and the associated anxiety and panic again. There is a better way.

Peter Zapfella has created a range of advanced hypnosis treatments, using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Alignment Technique available world-wide via Skype and FaceTimeto overcome the root cause of irrational fears, so you can quit phobias forever!

Then you can ‘lock-in’ the change long-term with ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations for specific phobias (Click here).

‘Welcome’ positive subliminal affirmations (Click here) are ‘obscured’ from the analytical conscious mind within masking foreground sounds to prevent conscious logical thinking. Meanwhile they inspire and influence your deep unconscious mind following therapy with Peter Zapfella. The more the ‘Welcome’ messages are repeated, the more they are uncritically accepted as a new truth by your deep unconscious as a new truth.

Pre-recorded MP3 download hypnotherapy products incorporating age regression are usually impractical. Hypnosis Downloads found on the Internet are usually nothing more than hypnotic inductions followed by positive affirmations. They are not ‘therapies’ at all.


The Phobia List

The Phobia List. Irrational Fears, Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Fear is a normal emotion within us all. It is related to the survival instinct. It alerts us to a threat, and prepares us for action – either ‘fight or flight’.

Life Free From Phobias – YouTube Video (Click Here)

The fear reaction may be either:

  • Non-existent,
  • mild,
  • normal,
  • elevated

When a fear is said to be ‘irrational’ or illogical, absurd, nonsensical, or ridiculous – we call it a ‘phobia’. There are three types of phobias;

  • agoraphobia (such as large, open spaces where there are few ‘places to hide’),
  • social phobia (such as fear of other people, performance anxiety etc), and
  • specific phobias (such as spiders, snakes, dogs, water, insects, flying, heights, confined spaces etc).

Somewhere between 10 – 20 percent of people suffer from at least one significant phobia. It is the most common mental disorder among women and the second most common in men worldwide.

The feeling of fear may be accompanied by heart palpitations, ‘cold sweats’, clammy hands, ‘butterfly stomach’ sensations, dizziness, and an overwhelming need to ‘run away’ and ‘escape’. This is often, but not always accompanied by feelings of intense ‘worry’ or ‘anxiety’.

When confronted with the feared situation, the sufferer may even have a ‘panic attack’, the spontaneous onset of intense fear that makes them feel as if they might stop breathing and pass out, or even have a heart attack and die.

In the past phobias were treated with expensive, slow, often unsuccessful, and sometimes traumatic ‘systematic desensitization’ methods. Other methods of control included:

  • denial,
  • dissociation or
  • distraction.

Symptoms can be temporarily treated with medications such as the commonly prescribed benzodiazepines, which include Valium (diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam). But the inevitable side effects are the problem –  drowsiness and addiction. The risk of addiction will vary depending on the dose and drugs you are using. Remember no medication can be considered safe in all circumstances, and it is important to review your medications with your doctor from time-to-time. It is never a good idea to quit any medication without first consulting your doctor.

You need never suffer from the debilitating effects of a phobia (intense irrational fear) and that anxiety (elevated worry) again – there is a better way.

Phobia, anxiety, and panic attacks respond quickly and effectively, without the risk of withdrawals or trauma using the Emotional Alignment Technique, which is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) method. With more than 23 years of experience as a therapist, and has assisted thousands of people to escape their former fears and anxieties Peter Zapfella treats sufferers world-wide via Skype, FaceTime, Viber and Facebook Messenger.

ViberFacebook Messenger

Peter has had many successful sessions with clients in Europe, North America, Asia, and across Australia including the outback using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) services including Skype, FaceTime, Viber, Facebook Messenger, and others. Appointments are available almost  24/7 world-wide.

Alyson Willis

“The Skype session with me for my claustrophobia and panic attacks really worked. On Wednesday, I was kept latched to the operating table for well over an hour in total and didn’t panic once.” – Alyson Willis. United Kingdom.

Because of the time-zone differences, Peter is usually available for Skype clients 24/7. He also uses technology to send his clients files, including MP3’s through WeTransfer.

In an ironic twist the word Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary, is the name for the fear of long words. Read more interesting words, or find the name of your own phobia below.

The Phobia List is constantly being expanded. If you cannot find a specific phobia listed here please let us know.  Thank you to those people who have suggested additions.

Fear of bathing/showering (ablutophobia)
Fear of itching (acarophobia)
Fear of darkness (achluophobia)
Fear of noise (acousticophobia)
Fear of drafts and air movement (aerophobia)

Fear of wind (anemophobia)
Fear of pain (agliophobia)
Fear of open spaces (agoraphobia)
Fear of wild animals (agrizoophobia)
Fear of crossing the street (agyrophobia)
Fear of chickens (alektorophobia)
Fear of garlic (alliumphobia)
Fear of opinions (allodoxaphobia)
Fear of dust (amathophobia)
Fear of riding in a car (amaxophobia)
Fear of walking (ambulophobia)
Fear of being scratched (amychophobia)
Fear of looking up (anablephobia)

Fear of turning right in traffic (amaxophobia)

Fear of turning left in traffic (amaxophobia)

Fear of stopping in traffic (?)
Fear of men (androphobia)
Fear of flowers (anthophobia)
Fear of (antlophobia)
Fear of staying single (anuptaphobia)
Fear of infinity (apeirophobia)
Fear of bees (apiphobia)
Fear of peanut butter (arachibutyrophobia)
Fear of numbers (arithmophobia)
Fear of fainting (asthenophobia)
Fear of celestial space (astrophobia)
Fear of muscular inco-orinadtion (ataxiophobia)
Fear of untidiness (ataxophobia)
Fear of imperfection (atelophobia)
Fear of being ignored or forgotten (athazagoraphobia)
Fear of gold (aurophobia)
Fear of northern lights (auroraphobia)
Fear of ventriloquist dummies and statues (automatonophobia)
Fear of being dirty (automysophobia)
Fear of flying (aviophobia)
Fear of microbes (bacillophobia)
Fear of bullets and missiles (ballistophobia)
Fear of gravity (barophobia)
Fear of inability to stand (basophobia)
Fear of depth (bathophobia)
Fear of amphibians (batrachophobia)
Fear of books (bibliophobia)
Fear of bogeymen (bogyphobia)
Fear of body odors (bromidrosiphobia)
Fear of toads (bufonophobia)
Fear of ugliness (cacophobia)
Fear of new things and novelty (cainophobia)
Fear of beautiful women (caligynephobia)
Fear of cancer (carcinophobia)
Fear of the heart (cardiophobia)
Fear of meat (carnophobia)
Fear of being ridiculed (catagelophobia)
Fear of jumping (catapedaphobia)
Fear of hair (chaetophobia)
Fear of chemicals (chemophobia)
Fear of snow (chionophobia)
Fear of being touched (chiraptophobia)
Fear of anger (cholerophobia)
Fear of dancing (chorophobia)
Fear of money (chrometophobia)
Fear of colors/colors (chromophobia)

Fear of clocks (chronomentrophobia)
Fear of food (cibophobia)
Fear of being locked in (cleisiophobia)
Fear of stairs (climacophobia)
Fear of going to bed (clinophobia)
Fear of cemeteries (coimetrophobia)
Fear of sexual abuse (contreltophobia)
Fear of constipation (coprastasophobia)
Fear of feces (coprophobia)
Fear of clowns (coulrophobia)
Fear of precipices (cremnophobia)
Fear of extreme cold (cryophobia)
Fear of crystals and glass (crystallophobia)
Fear of bicycles (cyclophobia)
Fear of making decisions (decidophobia)
Fear of painful bowel movements (defecaloesiophobia)
Fear of dining (deipnophobia)
Fear of insanity (dementophobia)
Fear of demons (demonophobia)
Fear of trees (dendrophobia)
Fear of skin lesions (dermatophobia)
Fear of schools (didaskaleinophobia)

Fear of school teachers (?)
Fear of justice (dikephobia)

Fear of judges and magistrates (?)
Fear of dizziness (dinophobia)
Beyond fear of double vision (diplophobia)
Beyond fear of drinking (dipsophobia)
Beyond fear of undressing in front of someone (dishabiliophobia)
Fear of houses (domatophobia)
Fear of animal fur or skin (doraphobia)
Fear of crossing the road (dromophobia)
Fear of deformity (dysmorphophobia)
Fear of accidents (dystychiphobia)
Fear of church (ecclesiophobia)
Fear of mirrors or refection of oneself in a mirror (eisoptrophobia)

Fear of electricity (electrophobia)
Fear of freedom (eleutherophobia)
Fear of vomiting (emetophobia)
Fear of pins (enetophobia)
Fear of crowds (enochlophobia)
Fear of committing an unpardonable sin (enosiophobia)
Fear of daylight or dawning day (eosophobia)
Fear of nosebleeds (epistaxiophobia)
Fear of knowledge (epistemophobia)
Fear of horses (equinophobia)
Fear of being ones self (eremophobia)
Fear of blushing (ereuthrophobia)
Fear of work (ergophobia)
Fear of sexual love (erotophobia)
Fear of hearing good news (euphobia)
Fear of female genitalia (eurotophobia)
Fear of fever (febriphobia)
Fear of cold (frigophobia)
Fear of marriage (gamophobia)
Fear of laughter (geliophobia)
Fear of chins (geniophobia)
Fear of knees (genuphobia)
Fear of growing old (gerascophobia)
Fear of nudity (gymnophobia)
Fear of hell (hadephobia)
Fear of saints or holy things (hagiophobia)
Fear of being robbed (harpaxophobia)
Fear of feeling pleasure (hedonophobia)
Fear of the sun (heliophobia)
Fear of blood (hemophobia)
Fear of reptiles (herpetophobia)
Fear of opposite sex (heterophobia)

Fear of long words (Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia)
Fear of road travel (hodophobia)
Fear of fog (homichlophobia)
Fear of sermons (homilophobia)
Fear of firearms (hoplophobia)
Fear of water (hydrophobia)
Fear of responsibility (hypegiaphobia)
Fear of fish (ichthyophobia)
Fear of vertigo (illyngophobia)
Fear of insects (insectophobia)
Fear of Poison (iophobia)
Fear of solitude (isolophobia)
Fear of penis (ithyphallophobia)
Fear of Jews (Judeophobia)
Fear of novelty (kainolophobia)
Fear of ridicule (katagelophobia)
Beyond fear of sitting (kathisophobia)
Fear of empty spaces (kenophobia)
Fear of motion (kinetophobia)
Fear of stealing (kleptophobia)
Fear of fatigue (kopophobia)
Fear of dust (koniophobia)
Fear of stooping (kyphophobia)
Fear of leprosy (leprophobia)
Fear of the color white (leukophobia)
Fear of loud noises (igyrophobia)
Fear of lakes (limnophobia)
Fear of string (linonophobia)
Fear of lawsuits – litigation (liticaphobia)
Fear of childbirth (lockiophobia)
Fear of words (logophobia)
Fear of syphilis (luiphobia)
Fear of darkness (lygophobia)
Fear of cooking (mageirocophobia)
Fear of love play (malaxophobia)
Fear of punishment (mastigophobia)
Fear of machines (mechanophobia)
Fear of music (melophobia)
Fear of menstration (menophobia)
Fear of being tied up (merinthophobia)
Fear of changes (metathesiophobia)
Fear of alcohol (methyphobia)
Fear of small things (microphobia)
Fear of dirt or germs (misophobia)
Fear of memories (mnemophobia)
Fear of motor vehicles (motorphobia)
Fear of mice (musophobia)
Fear of mushrooms (mycophobia)
Fear of slime (myxophobia)
Fear of death (necrophobia)
Fear of new drugs (neopharmaphobia)
Fear of anything new (neophobia)
Fear of clouds (nephophobia)
Fear of night (noctiphobia)
Fear of names (nomatophobia)
Fear of hospitals (nosocomephobia)
Fear of stepmothers (novercaphobia)
Fear of numbers (numerophobia)
Fear of vehicles (ochophobia)
Fear of pain (odynophobia)
Fear of wines (oenophobia)
Fear of home (oikophobia)
Fear of smell (olfactophobia)
Fear of rain (ombrophobia)
Fear of eyes (ommetaphobia)
Fear of snakes (ophidiophobia)
Fear of stared at by people (ophthalmophobia)
Fear of birds (ornithophobia)
Fear of smells (osphresiophobia)
Fear of shellfish (ostraconophobia)
Fear of heaven (ouranophobia)
Fear of ice or frost (pagophobia)
Fear of disease (panthophobia)
Fear of the Pope (Papaphobia)
Fear of paper (papyrophobia)
Fear of parasites (parasitophobia)
Fear of sinning (peccatophobia)
Fear of dolls (pediophobia)
Fear of children (pedophobia)
Fear of going bald (phalacrophobia)
Fear of medication (pharmacophobia)
Fear of ghosts (phasmophobia)
Fear of kissing (philemaphobia)
Fear of falling in love (philophobia)
Fear of phobias (phobophobia)
Fear of noises (phonophobia)
Fear of tuberculosis (phthisiophobia)
Fear of tombstones (placophobia)

Fear of wealth (plutophobia)

Fear of beards (pogonophobia)
Fear of punishment (poinephobia)
Fear of rectums (proctophobia)
Fear of flying (pteromerhanophobia)
Fear of puppets (pupaphobia)
Fear of fire (pyrophobia)
Fear of radiation X rays (radiophobia)
Fear of frogs (ranidaphobia)
Fear of punishment (rhabdophobia)
Fear of defecation (rhypophobia)
Fear of getting wrinkles (rhytiphobia)
Fear of dirt (rupophobia)
Fear of Russians (Russophobia)
Fear of Halloween (samhainophobia)
Fear of love play (sarmassophobia)
Fear of Satan – Devil (satanophobia)
Fear of scabies (scabiophobia)
Fear of burglars (scelerophobia)
Fear of shadows (sciophobia)
Fear of worms (scoleciphobia)
Fear of blindness (scotomaphobia)
Fear of writing in public (scriptophobia)
Fear of the moon (selenophobia)
Fear of decaying matter (seplophobia)
Fear of trains (siderodromophobia)
Fear of stars (siderophobia)
Fear of left handedness (sinistrophobia)
Fear of wasps (sphexsophobia)
Fear of the crucifix (staurophobia)
Fear of narrow places (stenophobia)
Fear of symbolism (symbolophobia)
Fear of symmetry (symmetrophobia)
Fear of relatives (yngenesophobia)
Fear of syphilis (syphilophobia)
Fear of speed (tachophobia)
Fear of being buried alive (taphephobia)
Fear of being contagious (tapinophobia)
Fear of bulls (taurophobia)
Fear of technology (technophobia)
Fear of definite plans (teleophobia)
Fear of taking exams and tests (testophobia)
Fear of the sea (thalassophobia: … the sea
Fear of death and dying (thanatophobia)
Fear of theatres (theatrophobia)
Fear of heat (thermophobia)
Fear of childbirth (tocophobia)
Fear of poison (toxiphobia)
Fear of injury (traumatophobia)
Fear of trembling  (tremophobia)
Fear of the number 13 (triskaidekaphobia)
Fear of heaven (uranophobia)
Fear of urine (urophobia)
Fear of vaccinations (vaccinophobia)
Fear of beautiful women (venustraphobia)
Fear of words (verbophobia)
Fear of germs (verminophobia)
Fear of clothing (vestiphobia)
Fear of rape (virginitiphobia)
Fear of stepfathers (vitricophobia)
Fear of witches (wiccaphobia)
Fear of the colour yellow (xanthophobia)
Fear of strangers (xenophobia)
Fear of dryness (xerophobia)
Fear of forests (xylophobia)
Fear of jealousy (zelophobia)
Fear of God (zeusophobia)
Fear of animals (zoophobia)