‘Beyond’ & ‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy Listening Guide




‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy and now incorporating ‘Beyond’ hypnotherapy from Hypnosis dot Boutique.

Hypnosis Boutique logo, hypnosisboutique.com Image is © Copyright owned by Peter Zapfella.

Some English language Classic Welcome subliminal affirmations, available at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop currently have a BONUS ‘Freedom From’ or ‘Beyond’ Hypnotherapy MP3 valued at $19.99 added for FREE.

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Free hypnotherapy MP3 downloads
Free hypnotherapy MP3 downloads

Beyond Hypnotherapy

For a limited time, when you purchase a selected English language Welcome subliminal affirmation discounted Bundle you will automatically receive a FREE Hypnotherapy MP3 from Hypnosis dot Boutique. Currently around 80 FREE Hypnotherapy MP3’s.

Internet Hypnosis. Shop will feature 5 different types of hypnotic inductions and product types for you to choose from. These are;

*They will cover many of the same product titles currently listed on these pages.

Beyond FREE Hypnotherapy MP3 downloads from Hypnosis Boutique will be deleted from Bundles and added to Packages as they are created. Later they will be deleted altogether from Packages, superseded by Premium ‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy featuring Surge Effect TM and Isochoric Tones, as they are created.

The combination of binaural waves, subliminal suggestions, advanced hypnotic induction (as used by Peter Zapfella in his Comedy Hypnosis Shows), and the Emotional Alignment Technique, is very very powerful.

Vanish Hypnotherapy

The ‘Vanish’ hypnotic trance induction commences while slowly walking along a white sandy beach. The cool wet sand under foot, with every step forward. From time-to-time the water washing up around the feet, washing away the footprints behind in the wet sand. The sound of the waves in the background. So relaxing.

The inference is, as we walk forward through life, we leave footprints behind where we have been.

However, we have moved on. When we consciously glace back we can see those footprints are nothing more than memories of what once was. The emotional pain and suffering in the past are no longer real.

Yet the deep unconscious, which does not understand reality, becomes confused by the past and present timeline. To the deep unconscious they seem the same. This can cause inner conflict and chaos.

Vanish Hypnotherapy washes away the emotional ‘dirt and grime’ in the past. It brings order to that place and helps resolve the past, in a safe place. Importantly, this method is free from abreactions, and therefore is suitable for MP3 downloads.

Hypnotherapy Listening Guide


Many people report significant changes for the better after listening – just once. How ever we recommend listening every day for the first week. Then once a week for the following month.

Unlike drug medications – you cannot overdose! More is always better!

Like all hypnotherapy, find a comfortable place free of distractions (pets, children, phone, other people etc) to relax and listen. You can listen as you prepare to sleep. (You need not ‘actively’ listen – simply be aware of it without ‘thinking’ too much) Many people report falling asleep as they listen.

The MP3’s are still effective because your deep unconscious mind (the part of the mind that dreams) will still be listening as you sleep.

WARNING: DO NOT listen to these MP3’s while driving or using machinery under any circumstances, because they can cause drowsiness and sleep.

subliminal messages IN

For best results you can use headphones or ear buds, as the stereo effect is important for the binaural waves to be effective.

Welcome Subliminal Affirmations

We recommend you also listen to the associated Classic Welcome Subliminal Affirmations and Prime Hypnosis MP3’s.

Some Classic Welcome Subliminal Affirmations are designed to be played in the background as you are awake and engaged in other activities. These include Pleasant ‘guitar and piano’ melody, ‘Country Guitars foot-tapping jigs’ with fiddle, and banjo. Zumba’ style Latin dance music and Beta wave binaurals. This is designed to stimulate and vitalize you while listening. Great for driving, gym, walking, running and other physical activities. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if you want to relax and perhaps sleep, or if epileptic as it is designed to keep you awake. 

Others including Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’, Environmental ‘Gentle rain on a tin roof’, plus Alpha ‘Anti-Anxiety ‘binaural waves, Theta binaural waves and seXXX brain wave binaural waves are designed to cause the listener to feel drowsy and sleep. WARNING: DO NOT listen to these MP3 when driving or using machinery. If you feel yourself ‘zoning out’ STOP. Do NOT listen to ‘binaural waves if epileptic.

FREE Hypnotherapy MP3 Downloads

‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy and ‘Beyond’ hypnotherapy FREE MP3’s are currently available within Bundles. However, as Packages are created, they will be deleted from Bundles and transferred to Packages. They will eventually be deleted altogether and replaced by superior Premium ‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy MP3’s. These will feature;

  • 440+ English language advanced hypnotherapy MP3’s
  • including the age regression Emotional Alignment Technique
  • positive suggestions
  • subliminal suggestions and audio watermark.
  • Theta Isochronic Tones, Premium Welcome subliminal affirmations
  • advanced Isochoric tones – will replace the Classic binaural waves.


  • Foreground Variants, Foreground Variants SURGE EFFECT.min
  • Incredible Surge Effect TM hypnotic inductions. Surge Effect TM channels are dichotic. They ‘effervesce’, ‘swirl’ and ‘surge’, like a wave. They fascinate the deep unconscious mind, causing some level of hypnotic trance and therefore focusing it on the semantics, the emotion, and thereby cause dynamic deep unconscious change. This powerful hypnotic effect is exclusive to Internet Hypnosis. Shop Premium products.
  • Premium ‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy MP3’s will be coupled with Premium Welcome subliminal affirmations in discounted Complete Packages.

Prime Hypnotherapy

CLASSIC PRIME HYPNOSIS, Internet Hypnosis. Shop

Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video. Chinese Mandarin  中文普通话视频.   Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो  coming 2025.

Coral Conrad hypnotherapist
Coral Conrad – Is our female hypnotherapist and Voice Over Artist at Internet Hypnosis. Shop
Audio Player

They incorporate an advanced hypnotic induction by licensed professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. This is followed by the relevant Classic Welcome affirmations, usually repeated 10 to 12 times in a row. Relaxing music and Theta binaural waves complete this ‘life changing’ experience. They are abreaction free.

Click to see video

English   English language video.  Chinese Mandarin   中文普通话视频.  Spanish  Video en español   Indonesian   Bahasa Indonesia Malay  Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो  

Welcome affirmations are repeated around once every minute on a 15 to 20 minute MP3. By listening on ‘repeat’ they can potentially be unconsciously heard hundreds of times every day – that’s powerful! The great advantage of subliminal affirmations is they can usually be heard while engaged in other activities, without actively listening.

However, if you prefer to hear affirmations following an advanced hypnotic induction  – we give you that choice too. Enter ‘Prime Hypnosis‘.

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Both subliminal and hypnotic methods are effective for many people. Which is more effective for you will depend on several factors. At the top of the list is your own preference. So, we suggest you try both and decide for yourself. You can combine any or all Classic Welcome subliminal affirmation variants AND Prime Hypnosis (of the same product) for even better results. They are all available in a discounted Bundle.

Prime Hypnosis product titles are listed below. New products are being added to total almost 500. These together with other hypnotherapy MP3s at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop will create the largest single collection anywhere on the Internet.

Please let us know about your experiences. We love to hear feed-back comments. Your experiences can assist other people to change their lives for the better too.

The word Prime is defined as ‘of first importance or main and top-quality sometimes highest quality or top-tier. Some say best or first-class. Others say first-rate or high-grade and grade A.1 AI or superior. Supreme and flawless or choice and select. Perhaps finest or peak and optimal. Otherwise excellent and marvelous even magnificent or superb. Even wonderful or exceptional and formidable. Definably top of the range and top of the line.’

Total running time around 30 minutes. We suggest you find a time every day when you can listen free from interruptions. This is your time to do something for yourself.

Spanish Prime Hypnosis, Hipnosis Primo主要 催眠, Chinese Prime Hypnosis

Prime Hypnosis is initially in English language Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话 and Spanish Español languages versions to follow.

Then Indonesian   Bahasa Indonesia Malay  and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो  and French.

Hipnosis Utama, Prime Hypnosis Indonesianप्रधानमंत्री सम्मोहन,Prime Hypnosis in Indian Hindi, .

Have you noticed? Internet Hypnosis dot Shop is the only MP3 download web site that features both hypnotherapy and subliminal affirmations.

Created by Peter Zapfella © Copyright 2018-2025 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant backlinks to this page are welcome.


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