Team member David outlines the Business products in this video.
In business, just like the stock market, you have to be open to winning and losing. The aim is to win more, mush more, than you lose.
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop has a range of tools that can give you the edge you need to win more and lose less.
These tools include Prime hypnosis, Welcome subliminal affirmations, Hipno Hop Rap, Beyond and Vanish hypnotherapy, and Ultra Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).
Business ‘Welcome’ affirmations are read aloud once, so you can clearly hear the affirmation before it fades down into the background below foreground music and relaxing environmental sounds and become subliminal. In that way you consciously know exactly what your deep unconscious mind is about to hear. This builds confidence in the messages while at the same time ‘unlocking’ access to the deep unconscious mind and facilitating profound change.
The sound level of the affirmation messages are low, but not absolutely ‘silent’. Your conscious mind could hear them if there were no masking foreground sounds. Studies prove this is the most effective subliminal level for success because the conscious mind knows they are there, yet they are not irritating and annoying.
The secret of success is to listen with repetition. More is better.
Because we all have different listening preferences, every Business ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation product has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. These include (1) Environmental gentle lake waves (2) Environmental gentle rain on a tin roof (being progressively added) (3) Music – Piano and Guitar melodies (4) Music – Upbeat Latin style Zumba dance and (5) Anti anxiety binaural waves. (6) Theta binaural waves are being progressively added.
You can download whichever foreground variants match your style and mood.
What a lot of people, including many professional hypnotherapists, do not understand is that the conscious mind ‘filters’ incoming information (It can accept or reject information) before passing it to the deep unconscious mind for processing.
Subliminal messages and hypnosis are intended to cause the conscious mind to ‘step to one side’ and allow information through the ‘gateway’ without filtering it.
While a person experiencing hypnotic trance may hear the suggestions or instructions from a hypnosis practitioner, they may be consciously unable to resist.*
If you prefer to hear affirmations following an advanced hypnotic induction – we give you that choice too. Enter ‘Prime Hypnosis’.
‘Prime Hypnosis’ MP3’s feature an advanced classic hypnotic induction with two qualified hypnotherapists at the same time – Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. Relaxing music and Theta binaural waves complete the ‘life changing’ experience.
- for example: I was assisting the late Dr. Tad James run an advanced hypnotherapy class. While I was sitting at the back of the room he was hypnotising the whole class. Suddenly I felt an uncontrollable urge to stand up and walk up to him. I grabbed my chair in an attempt to resist. I was aware that I was dragging the chair along as my legs walked toward the front of the room. As much as I tried to consciously resist, my legs were adamant that I must go to the front of the room. Our unconscious mind is powerful, more powerful than out conscious mind. Imagine what we could do if we could harness that power and direct it to achieve our conscious goals without struggle.?
“You can use Welcome subliminal affirmations and Prime Hypnosis to give you the business edge to give you the boost you need to succeed,” says Peter Zapfella
The great thing about subliminal affirmations is they can be effective when listening in the background and going about other activities, such as driving, gym and sleeping. They are repeated every minute or so on a 15 minute MP3 they can be set to ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’. In that way they may be heard by the deep unconscious mind more than 400 times in a single night. that is powerful!
WARNING: Do not listen to hypnosis MP3s while driving or using machinery as they can cause drowsiness and sleep. If you feel drowsy while driving or using machinery – STOP!
Disclaimer: This is general information and should not be considered a substitute for professional Medical and psychological advice regarding your individual health conditions or concerns.
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