For Children


Will@InternetHypnosis.Shop, Internet Hypnosis. Shop, Meet the team,
Will is our young male Premium ‘For Children’ voice over talent.

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Meet The Internet Hypnosis. Shop Team, Meet the team at Internet Hypnosis. Shop, Meet the team,
Heather is our Premium ‘For Children’ voice over talent.
meet the team, Lilly, girl talent,
Lilly has the cutest Irish accent.

Benefits of Welcome Subliminal Affirmation Messages for Children

For children:

  • Focused, improved behaviors where it counts.
  • Non-invasive, flexible therapy.
  • Available day (while playing etc) and night (sleeping)
  • An improved feeling of unconditional love.
  • Increased self-esteem.
  • Improved concentration, and enjoyment of learning.
  • Improved health.
  • Improved relationships with family, teachers, and other children.
  • Improved potential and achievement of goals.
  • Enhanced confidence around bullies.
  • WIN/WIN for all concerned.

For you and your family:

  • Convenient therapy model.
  • Selection of relevant therapies.
  • Available day (while playing etc) and night (as they sleep)
  • Proven positive results.
  • Improved relationships.
  • Less trouble and tension within the family.
  • Overcome separation anxiety.
  • Less sibling rivalry.
  • Less reliance on medications.
  • Reduced need for counselling.
  • More positive home environment

Unfortunately, babies are not delivered with an instruction manual on parenting. A new parent will feel overwhelmed by the responsibility – and that is warranted. Not only for the physical needs of the child, but the right psychological influences that create a mentally healthy and well-balanced and happy individual. 

Peter Zapfella has researched, written and recorded these scripts for children – to help gently influence children to change their negative thinking and behaviors in a positive way. As a result, children have an opportunity to weather the emotional storms of puberty so much better. and become successful young adults.

For Children ‘Welcome’ affirmations are read aloud once, so you can clearly hear the affirmation before it fades down into the background below foreground music and relaxing environmental sounds and become subliminal. In that way you consciously know exactly what your deep unconscious mind is about to hear. This builds confidence in the messages while at the same time ‘unlocking’ access to the deep unconscious mind and facilitating profound change.

Success is hidden in your daily routine.

The sound level of the affirmation messages are low, but not absolutely ‘silent’.  Your conscious mind could hear them if there were no masking foreground sounds. Studies prove this is the most effective subliminal level for success because the conscious mind knows they are there, yet they are not irritating and annoying.

Because we all have different listening preferences, every For Children ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation product has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. These include (1) Environmental gentle lake waves (2) Environmental gentle rain on a tin roof (being progressively added) (3) Music – Piano and Guitar melodies (4) Music – Upbeat Latin style Zumba dance and (5) Anti-anxiety binaural waves. (6) Theta binaural waves, which cause drowsiness and sleep, are being progressively added.

You can download whichever foreground variants match your needs.

What a lot of people, including many professional hypnotherapists, do not understand is that the conscious mind ‘filters’ incoming information (It can accept or reject information) before passing it to the deep unconscious mind for processing.

These ‘filters’ are not developed in children, as they are in adults. Therefore, children are inclined to ‘pick up’ and learn things which are incongruent or contradictory.

Subliminal messages and hypnosis are intended to cause the conscious mind to ‘step to one side’ and allow positive, self-empowering information through the ‘gateway’.

While a person experiencing hypnotic trance may hear the suggestions or instructions from a hypnosis practitioner, they may be consciously unable to resist. *

If you prefer to hear affirmations following an advanced hypnotic induction  – we give you that choice too. Enter ‘Prime Hypnosis’.

Prime hypnosis

‘Prime Hypnosis’ MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with two qualified hypnotherapists at the same time – Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. Relaxing music and Theta binaural waves complete the ‘life changing’ experience.

  • for example: I was assisting the late Dr. Tad James run an advanced hypnotherapy class. While I was sitting at the back of the room he was hypnotising the whole class. Suddenly I felt an uncontrollable urge to stand up and walk up to him. I grabbed my chair in an attempt to resist. I was aware that I was dragging the chair along as my legs walked toward the front of the room. As much as I tried to consciously resist, my legs were adamant that I must go to the front of the room. Our unconscious mind is powerful, more powerful than our conscious mind. Imagine what we could do if we could harness that power and direct it to achieve our conscious goals without struggle.?

ALL communication with your deep unconscious must be ‘in the present tense’, ‘in the now’ because, like a child, the deep unconscious does not understand time. For the deep unconscious, everything is ‘now’.

Another option are therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps, which are exclusive to Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

To use a ‘future tense’ is a basic semantic error. If you come across hypnosis MP3 and subliminal affirmation MP3 download web sites that make that basic error, you know they are selling a defective product.

Children’s category Premium Welcome subliminal affirmation MP3s are to be voiced by a child (Will) in the second channel inclusively saying ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’ as appropriate. This is influencing your child to join with them. A young woman, (Heather) replaces Peter Zapfella as she speaks in the first channel addressing ‘you’ and ‘your’.

Using a randomized, nonblinded, repeated measures design study, 176 sleeping (stage 4 slow-wave sleep) children aged 5 to 12 years old were exposed to the voice of a female stranger. 83.0 percent responded. That is almost 5 percent more than the 78.4 percent who responded to the voice of their own mother.

In another study, 84.6 percent responded to a stranger male voice, while almost 3 percent more, or 87.2 percent responded to a stranger female voice.

Studies found sleeping children responded almost 90 per cent (88.8%) of the time to combined male and female voices.

Therefore, all Internet Hypnosis. Shop ‘Welcome’ Premium MP3’s for children features the voice of Heather, our female voice-over artist, and Will our male child voice-over artist. (Some also feature Lilly our female child voice over talent). While Peter Zapfella voices Classic titles he does not voice Premium titles.

There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. 

“The one YOU feed*” said the old man.

Audio Player

* with constant thoughts and words driving depression, anxiety and fears, self-limiting beliefs, and behaviors leading to phobias and bad habits. Or alternatively constant positive, self-empowering thoughts, feelings and words (such as Welcome subliminal and Hypno Hop Rap only at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop) which help to defeat anxiety, depression, fears (phobias), self-limiting belief’s, behaviors and bad habits.

Welcome subliminal messaging supersedes other programs, which involve a parent reading an affirmation to their child every night while they sleep. They are;

  • Those other methods are inconvenient and time consuming.
  • Those other methods can lack consistent messaging.
  • Those other methods are less effective because they are only a few minutes every night, where subliminal affirmations are repeated every minute, all night and optionally during the day too.
  • Studies have found sleeping children respond almost 90 per cent (88.8%) of the time to the combined voices of a stranger male and female. Studies show the voice of their parents is less effective in creating change.
  • Premium Welcome subliminal messaging are to be voiced by a boy (Will) and often a girl (Lilly) in the second channel inclusively saying ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’ as appropriate. This is influencing your child to join with them. A young woman, (Heather) replaces Peter Zapfella in the Classic MP3’s as she speaks in the first channel addressing ‘you’ and ‘your’.

Note: Because these MP3’s are so powerful and effective at creating positive change in your children they should only be used by the parents of children following consultation with their children’s health professionals. Admittedly, these professionals may not have any knowledge or awareness of the benefits of subliminal affirmations, Hipno Hop Rap as therapy or hypnosis. They may not be in a position to comment about the effectiveness of one (talk) therapy over another. It is not in their training. However, they may be aware of the emotional and behavioral needs of your child.

Joane Goulding  (AUS) LMASCH., LMAACHP, Emeritus MPCHA, MATMS. Joane is the La Grande Dame of Hypnotherapy in Australia. With over 40 years’ experience as a teacher and educator of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Joane is a consultant to the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA). She is a Director of the Goulding Institute and creator of the SleepTalk® for children process.

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