The multi-national tobacco companies want you to quit tobacco smoking and take-up vaping electronic cigarettes. Why? So you will preserve the smoking habit and become dependent on their high profit and low taxed products. Now you can live your life free from Vaping (Electronic Cigarettes).
They own the patents and in many cases manufacture the product you use. Popular e-cigarette brands owned by British American Tobacco, Altria, and RJ Reynolds include;
- VaporFi
- Vuse
- Blu
- Juuls
- MarkTen
- Vype

“A majority of the people reported that they were using them (electronic cigarettes) to try to quit (tobacco attempts),” Lauren Maksimovic, Cancer Council SA Manager said. “A lot of people in our study found that it (vaping) was too similar to (tobacco) smoking, they were using that hand to mouth action but it actually enhanced their smoking. It was just the same thing they were continuing to smoke.”

Meantime teenagers think it is ‘cool’ to vape, and before they know it they are hooked. VicHealth chief executive health officer Sandro Demaio said companies were targeting youth by using social media to market vaping products to young people. Parents are usually unaware this is happening to their children.

For some, it is the gateway to tobacco smoking, which plays right into the hands of the tobacco companies.
A study by the Queen Mary University of London and published in the New England Journal of Medicine found
- More than 80 percent of E-Cigarette users had relapsed back into smoking tobacco again, within a year.
- 8 out of 10 e-cigarette users who quit tobacco smoking successfully, and did not relapse, were still vaping at the end of the 12 months trial. They had simply transferred their bad habit from one to the other. They did not overcome it.
The Cancer Council (Australia) reports vaping as the most popular form of smoking in the 18-24 year age group. The US Surgeon General refers to the ‘youth e-cigarette epidemic’.

Vaping is not only a gateway to tobacco smoking, it also has health implications. Inhaled glycerin is causing lung infections. Deaths have been recorded among the scores of vapers who have been admitted into hospital with respiratory problems.
Diacetyl is a chemical found in Vape flavors. It has been linked to an irreversible condition called ‘popcorn lung’.
Around 2,000 potentially harmful industrial compounds have been identified in vaping liquid produced by Juul Labs (part owned by BAT and Altria), British American Tobacco (BAT), ITG Brands and Mi-One Brands , according to a study of four popular brands by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Researchers also found caffeine and nicotine in non-nicotine barns. They also found Isophorone which is a cause of depression.
Curtin University respiratory physiologist Dr Alexander Larcombe studied 65 common liquids used in vapes and found carcinogenic and other harmful ingredients. They found polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have been linked to lung, bladder and gastrointestinal cancers.
The researchers also found “dangerously high levels” of lung irritant benzaldehyde, which is added to vapes to give them an almond flavour, in almost every sample tested.
Researchers detected the chemical 2-chlorophenol in about half the samples tested, which is commonly used in disinfectants and pesticides.

Many of the chemicals found in the vaping liquids are banned substances, while others must carry warning labels. The vaping manufacturers have failed to list any banned and dangerous chemicals found in their products. The American Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) are set to ban many of these vaping products.
Australian Federal Health Minister Mark Butler announced a review of the regulatory framework in November 2022 in the hope of quickly pushing through flavoring and labelling controls on imports.
The bad news continues for men and boys who choose to vape. A 2020 Danish study found chemicals in vaping flavors lower the sperm count and fertility of those men who use them. The University College London also found these chemicals force sperm to swim slower.
Kevin McEleny, a University of Newcastle male fertility specialist said. “We know E-Cigarette flavorings can be toxic to sperm. There is real concern because these (chemical flavorings) do not go through the rigorous checks that drugs do.”
John Dunne of the United Kingdom Vaping Industry Association said the British Fertility Society anti vaping campaign could have “serious and damaging repercussions for public health” because he said, people use vapes to quit tobacco smoking. “There is a vast array of things that can affect the delicate balance of male fertility. (not just vaping),” he added.
An Australian National University review commissioned by the Australian Federal Government has revealed that non-smokers who start vaping are three times more likely to go on to take up tobacco smoking.
They also found ‘significant’ harm caused by vaping, including seizures, lung injury, poisoning and burns.
Vaping nicotine is currently legal in Britain, New Zealand, the US, and Canada. In Australia all nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine require a doctors prescription for all purchases, including international mail order. Currently no nicotine vaping products have been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and registered in Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). It is, after all a poison and a cancer-causing carcinogen. However illegal nicotine vaping products still mange to get imported through the post illegally.
Dr Kelso from the University of Wollongong, analyses biomolecules (DNA, Proteins) and small molecules. She has analyzed hundreds of E Cigarette brands sold to children in Australia to discover their chemical content.. Dr Kelso reported none of the brands listed any nicotine content, which is required by law. if it exists. However she found nicotine in every sample tested. Dr Kelso found the nicotine levels to be as high as they can be without physically burning the throat of vapers. The levels are higher than in tobacco cigarettes.
A study by the Queen Mary University of London and published in the New England Journal of Medicine into the effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum, lozenges and sprays, and nicotine E-Cigarettes has found;
- More than 80 percent of E-Cigarette users had relapsed back into smoking tobacco again, within a year.
- 8 out of 10 e-cigarette users who quit tobacco smoking successfully, and did not relapse, were still vaping at the end of the 12 months trial. They had simply transferred their bad habit from one to the other. They did not overcome it.
- So fewer than 2 in every one hundred people in the study quit tobacco smoking AND vaping. I think that is a very poor outcome, when ‘cold turkey’ can get a 5 percent success rate.
- How can doctors justify writing a prescription based on the results of this and other research?
Because vaping is relatively new, no one knows the long-term effects yet. But the evidence is pointing the wrong direction for those who support the vaping industry. Simon Chapman, emeritus professor of public health at Sydney University, recently told the media “It will take decades before we know whether or not vaping is less dangerous than smoking, and by how much, if at all.”
Since that statement by Professor Chapman further research is confirming, without any doubt, that chemicals found in vaping liquids are dangerous.
The ‘new vaping kid on the block’ is the IQOS (I Quit Ordinary Smoking) device from Philip Morris International Inc.
In order to specifically target young people, the tobacco giant launched a global social media marketing campaign featuring young paid social media “influencers” using the IQOS in seductive photos, while drinking alcohol, and posing with little clothing in luxurious settings.
Costing around US$200.00 the device uses tobacco and the all-important flavors in a cigarette with a filter that ‘heets’ (heats) rather than burns the tobacco.
- IQOS still contains all the poisons and carcinogenic chemicals found in regular or as they say ordinary tobacco smoking.
- IQOS still tastes the same.
- IQOS still has that hand to mouth smoking action.
- IQOS still has the familiar tobacco taste.
- IQOS still maintains the smoking habit.
- IQOS apparently side-steps current tobacco tax.
- IQOS is just another way to smoke, an alternative to vaping.
Is this the future of tobacco smoking, or is it just another expensive ‘fad’ for young people to graduate from vaping to full on tobacco smoking?
You need never be addicted to tobacco, nicotine, IQOS, or vaping ever again.
‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations: Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes)
Good/Bad Homer. Just like Homer Simpson, we all have those intrusive thoughts from time-to-time. If we choose to listen to them and tag them with emotion, they can become more powerful. When we add self-talk – they can grab control by becoming deep unconscious beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors. We call automatic behaviors – habits.

So which thoughts do you choose to listen to? The ‘good’ which are focused upon happiness? Or, the ‘bad‘ which are focused upon past fears and anxiety?
The Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes) subliminal affirmations are a resource to deliver targeted messages to your deep unconscious up to 1200 times a day. That’s powerful enough to change deep unconscious thinking, therefore beliefs and behaviors!
The more the Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes) messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the deep unconscious. If you listen to the Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes) MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. You could listen to the ‘Theta Binaural waves’ or ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 while sleeping. Or, you could choose to also listen to the ‘Pleasant piano and guitar melody’ and/or the ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Your deep unconscious would then hear the affirmations repeated around 800 – 1200 times, while your logical conscious mind would hear it around 60 – 90 times. That’s powerful because a message repeated enough will become a new unconscious belief.
Also because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes) has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.

Subliminal Affirmation Text; Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes)
All Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigs) MP3’s have been Bundled here and discounted by 50 per cent. They are (1) Theta binaural waves, (2) Calming anti anxiety binaural waves, (3) Environmental lake waves, (4) Piano and Guitar melodies, (5) Zumba Latin dance music. Was $49.95 Bundle discount 50% down to $24.97. Plus, a FREE BONUS ‘Beyond Vaping’ Hypnotherapy MP3. Valued at $19.99. Total value of Bundle $69.94. Discounted to just $24.97. You $ave $44.97
Hypnotherapy; Beyond Vaping (E-Cigarettes)

For a limited time, each English language subliminal Bonus includes a FREE “Beyond Vaping” regression hypnotherapy valued at $19.98.
Prime Hypnosis; Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes)
PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up during 2024. They will not be annoying and bothersome because they are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español.
Hipno Hop Rap; Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes)
Rhythmic, rhyming Rap speaks to the ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions. They may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap. In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful.
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics written and performed by Peter Zapfella. ‘Click’ > to listen
Audio PlayerInternet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics
“Rhythmic Hipno Hop Rap is hypnosis.
Mind control is the prognosis.
Listen to my words and the sound of my voice.
As you listen and learn you have no choice.
I listen to the words. They have changed my life.
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Negativity gone. Positivity on. I have the power.
Bright. Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour.
I listen and chant Hipno Hop Rap everyday.
It has changed my life in a positive way.
My rhymes manifest bigger than ever before.
My similes and metaphors hit hard like the law.
I listen to the words. They have changed my life.
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Negativity gone. Positivity on. I have the power.
Bright. Reaching higher to the light every hour.
Only Internet Hypnosis dot Shop elevates my brain.
Learning Hipno Hop Rap is a whole new game.
With repeated focus it all becomes clear
I share Hipno Hop secrets with friends no fear.”
Every Hipno Hop Rap has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined for even more effective change.
These are building into an amazing Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy resource for individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, professional counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists everywhere.
Hipno Hop Rap Text: Free from Vaping
An alternative option is to consult with Peter using Skype to complete diagnostics and a one-on-one therapy session at www.StopVaping.It
There are many benefits to using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy. It all starts with learning a new way to think, therefore creating a new pattern of thoughts and behaviors that remove the negative and stressful effects previously experienced. The old pattern is broken and in its place, the sufferer learns new patterns that are positive and constructive.
Unlike counseling and some other psychotherapies, NLP and hypnotherapy do not dwell on the past, that approach to therapy only traps the sufferer in the past, causing them to ‘relive’ event over and over again. Those other techniques simply perpetuate the destructive pattern of thought.
Hypnosis works in combination with NLP, targeting your unconscious mind and teaching it how to make the very deep, inner shifts in thinking that support the conscious actions of your mind. The two techniques work with each other rather than against each other, helping to create real and lasting change.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.
Audio Player
Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use.
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Click on the ‘101’ image below to read the excellent reasons why ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are your best choice.
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Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigarettes) subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
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Created and © Copyright 2017-24 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.
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