Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear


Since the dawn of time humans have used musical tones for healing. Today we see evidence of these traditions in mantra’s from Central Asia, chanting from the Middle East across to Japan, bells, drums, gongs from Africa to the Indians of America, singing bowls and even didgeridoos in Australian Aboriginals – to name just a few examples.

Now the marriage of science, technology and tradition brings you Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear.

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Just as light, colour and sound have a frequency or vibration, our emotions have a vibration too. The Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear is a frequency which can overcome these emotional blocks to attaining our potentials in life.

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This is because emotions have a frequency too. The most effective way to use the  Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear MP3 is to listen with stereo headphones, with eyes closed. Just let the healing waves of Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear  wash over you, and through you, as you focus your conscious thoughts upon the meaning of the following words for you:

Shame synonyms: abashment, chagrindiscomfort, discomfiture, discomposure, embarrassment, humiliation,  indignity, ignominy, loss of face, mortification, shamefacedness, save face.

Guilt synonyms; answerability, accountability,  blameworthiness, culpability, criminality, delinquency, guiltiness,  iniquity, unlawfulness, misconductsin, sinfulness, responsibilityliability, wrongdoing, wrong, wrongfulness.

Fear synonyms;  alarmanxietyangstapprehension, apprehensiveness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, agitationconsternation, dread, dismay, distress, disquiet, disquietude, discomposure, doubt, fright, fearfulness, foreboding, horror,  panictrepidation, worryunease, uneasiness, nervousness, nerves, timidity, terror, unrest, perturbation, misgiving, suspicion, the creeps, the willies, the heebie-jeebies, the shakes, the collywobbles, jitteriness, twitchiness, butterflies (in the stomach);

As you listen to the Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear MP3, contemplate upon the meaning of these words for you. Notice the thoughts, feelings and emotions they elicit within you. Go within them. Explore them. I recommend daily, for one week to a month.

If any unpleasant thoughts and emotions come-up for you, go within it. Identify it. Give it a name. Know it. In this way you can defeat it, and go beyond it.

In the following days and weeks you can listen to the Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear  MP3 over the days and weeks, you can graduate to listening in the background while going about your daily routine. As a precaution, DO NOT listen while driving or using machinery.

As your subconscious and deepest unconscious mind hear the Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear MP3, frequencies they will help align the sub-conscious and deep unconscious. Harmony and balance across the different levels of consciousness will result as they resolve those thoughts, feelings and emotions from the past. In this way your unconscious will be able to build new resources for the future. See the diagram below.

“Today is the future you created yesterday, and tomorrow you create in your thoughts today. So be inspired by what your unconscious mind thinks … today.”  – Peter Zapfella

You can play this MP3 on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ for as long as you want.

We appreciate feed-back and comments from people who have listened to the Meditation – release shame, guilt and fear frequencies regularly over a period of months.

These meditations were produced, and provided FREE by Attuned Vibrations and bought to you by Peter Zapfella., Skype, Skype Therapy, Skype Therapy Pro,


Hypnosis Boutique

This MP3 can also be used to train the mind to relax in preparation for one-on-one Skype and Facetime therapy sessions with Peter Zapfella at

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