Chess is a game of decisions and strategy.
Good players hide their intentions from their opponent so they cannot second-guess intentions. Indicate you have a plan of action by moving pieces deliberately and calmly with a ‘poker face’ which does not give away your thoughts and emotions. Disguise blunders as intentional moves by appearing confident. You might throw-off your opponent and cause them to panic. Nervous twitches, shaking, tapping, and ‘showing’ body language, such as sagging shoulders can only work against you. Watch for it in your opponent, while controlling it in yourself. Never be afraid of your opponent’s reputation. Even the best players have their bad days.

Great players have amazing sensory attention. They can second-guess their opponent’s plans, blunders, and level of pressure because they monitor the wrist and throat pulse of their opponent. They observe the relative colour (flush) and shine on their opponent’s face.
A good chess player knows the best strategy is achieving a checkmate before your opponent rather than taking the greatest number of pieces from the board.
Research shows that better chess players study more chess books. They learn pattern (chunking) recognition, so they can second-guess potential moves, sequences, tactics, and strategies.

“The players who are naturally talented are good,
but the players who practice are great.”

There is one simple thing you can do right now to influence the future in a positive way. Download the Welcome Better Chess MP3 before you do anything else.
Subliminal Affirmations; Welcome Better Chess
When ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are used to ‘lock-in’ the deep unconscious shift achieved following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella the results can be nothing less than miraculous.
Change your self-talk and change your deep unconscious beliefs. These then change your behaviors and emotions. These then change your self-talk and so on.
The more the Welcome Better Chess messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the deep unconscious. If you listen to the Welcome Better Chess MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. If you were to listen to the ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 while sleeping, you could choose to also listen to the ‘Pleasant piano and guitar melody’ and/or the ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Then your deep unconscious would hear the affirmations repeated around 800 – 1200 times, while your logical conscious mind would hear it around 60 – 90 times. That’s powerful because a message repeated enough will become a new unconscious belief.
Also because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Better Chess has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.
Every one of us is unique. We have all had different life experiences and we react to them differently too.
Subliminal Affirmation Text: Welcome Better Chess
“Throughout the day you constantly visualize yourself playing the perfect chess game.
When practicing and playing in reality, in the mind you step into your visualization and repeat it, over and over again. You are focused and motivated about playing chess more consistently better than ever before.
You study chess ‘game plans’ and practice, practice, and practice some more.
You are a confident chess player, it shows in your body language. Your breathing is constant and deliberate.
Your ‘poker face’ gives nothing away to your opponent, as you move pieces calmly and deliberately. Yet you are aware of every ‘sign’ of emotion from your opponent.
The reputation of other players means nothing because you know even the champions have their ‘bad’ days, and today is your ‘best’ day ever.
You are now more clear in the mind,………… because the burden has been lifted forever and ever now that you play better chess. “
All of the ” Welcome Better Chess” Classic MP3’s are bundled and discounted by 50%. They are; (1) Binaural Anti-anxiety (2) Environment Lake Waves (3) Music Piano and Guitar (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance. Full price: $39.96 Bundled Discount: $19.98 Save: $19.98
Perhaps the cheapest and easiest option is to download and listen to Welcome Better Chess subliminal affirmations as recommended. This approach is very effective for many people.
An alternative option is to consult with Peter using Skype to complete diagnostics and a one-on-one interview where he can recommend the most appropriate supplements, nutrition, MP3 resources etc etc for your individual challenge.
Otherwise, you can consider one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to you, the individual, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
If you had a bucket of mud (representing negative emotions and behaviors), but you wanted a bucket of clean freshwater (representing positive emotions and behaviors), you could put the bucket of mud under a tap and run fresh clean water (representing subliminal affirmations) into the bucket. You would still have a bucket of muddy water for a long time. That is why subliminal affirmations alone can take a lot of repetitions to achieve desired results. The effectiveness of any subliminal affirmation depends upon how often it is repeated and the intensity of the deep unconscious belief or presenting a challenge. Peter Zapfella uses his one-on-one therapies to ‘throw out’ or delete the mud (representing negative emotions and behaviors) and then you can choose to use the ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations to quickly and efficiently refill the bucket with fresh clean water (representing positive emotions and behaviors). No mud …
The Welcome Better Chess MP3 is a resource designed to ‘lock-in’ the unconscious shifts following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella worldwide via Skype. For more information go to
The Welcome Better Chess subliminal affirmations are clearly spoken once before they fade-down and ‘disappear’ from conscious awareness within masking music and environmental sounds, thereby foiling ‘adult’ conscious analytical thinking, which could otherwise ‘filter out’ messages. In this way, the listener knows for sure what their deep unconscious mind is hearing without listening to these messages its self.
Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use
‘Click’ on the image to read details.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Better Chess subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Created and © Copyright 2017-25 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved.
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