
Welcome Better Golf


Great golf is intuitive and instinctive. That means playing better golf is in the mind as much as the body.

There are so many different variables on the golf course beyond your control. Everything from the weather, through niggling injuries to the ball position.

The technicalities of the game, 14 different clubs!

One simple thing you have complete control over is your emotions and how you react to them.

Another is your self-beliefs about your ability to play well. If either is negative, you have beaten yourself before teeing off.

Now you can do something about it, while you sleep.

Peter Zapfella 25th Anniversary 1995-2020
25th Anniversary

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Welcome Better Golf MP3 is available with a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from.
Variant_Listen. min

All of the “Welcome Better Golf” Classic MP3’s are bundled and discounted by 50%. They are; (1) Binaural Anti-anxiety (2) Environment Lake Waves (3) Music Piano and Guitar (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance. Full price: $39.96 Bundled Discount: $19.98 Save: $19.98

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Golf is supposed to be fun, so welcome better golf.

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On a perfect day golf is challenging because every course is different. Every green is different. Every bunker is different. Every hole is different. Conditions constantly change with the weather. Wet greens are different from dry greens.  Grass is different from one fairway to another. The wind direction and strength changes from hole to hole. 

So, the physical environment is endlessly changing and therefore challenging.  You have no control of those variants, so you must be adaptable and overcome them.

You can control your emotions and how they affect your performance. Never let negativity ruin your day. Instead focus on the outcome, the result you want.

Great golf is intuitive and instinctive. That means the game is in the mind as much as the body.

Welcome Better Golf

The place to fix the process of mechanics of a flawed swing is on the range. The greatest success comes from patiently repeating the corrected swing process over and over again.

They call it ‘muscle memory’ when it is in fact a deep unconscious mind memory of exactly how to execute the perfect swing. The only way to do that is with patient repetition, over and over again perhaps thousands of times.

First get all the physical environmental clutter out of the way such as, wind direction and speed, lie, target, distance, type of shot, and appropriate club.

On the course trust yourself to be ‘in the now’ on every shot and then let all that analytical thinking go.  Execute the pre-shot routine. 

Visualize where the ball goes for every shot. Swing unconsciously.

Play to play great. Enjoy the challenges of the course, whatever they may be.

I was watching a nonprofessional player being interviewed on TV recently. He has played a hole in one of the same hole multiple times.

He said the first time it happened everyone thought it was just a lucky shot. But since then every time he plays that hole he approached it with total confidence he will get another hole in one – and he often does. He said he assumes he will get one because he almost always does. He switches into exactly the same muscle memory he always does and plays the shot automatically. His deep unconscious mind knows exactly how to play the hole. He has total belief he can do it. The only wildcard are the environmental conditions on the day.

Welcome Better Golf
Welcome Better Golf

Perhaps stress is the biggest killer of playing well. Let nothing bother you on the golf course, instead think and feel great about every shot, no matter what happens. Consistently be your best.

“Spell ‘golf’ backward, and do it to a ball”

– Al Boliska

Synonyms for the word golf include; fairway, back nine, front nine, green, caddy, cart, club. ball. shot, swing. divot, match play, tee, 

“Everyone knows how much I love golf. Why, I even carry a golf club with me on stage when I do my comedy routines. I was so disappointed when my wife bought me two golf clubs for my birthday. Only one had a swimming pool.” Bob Hope

Bob Hope Golf
Bob Hope playing with Bing Crosby

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop has a range of relevant titles for subliminal affirmations, Prime Hypnosis and Hipno Hop Rap designed to train the brain and to help train you to visualize and perform better.

Imagery, or creative visualization techniques are used by elite sports people everywhere to better achieve their goals. It is mental rehearsal with repetition of exactly what they want to experience in reality.

Repeated imagery can build confidence in an athlete’s ability to perform skills and perform them under pressure.

As with physical practice sessions mental visualizations can train the mind to rehearse, as if real, the performance of skills and successful competition performances.

For best results these scenarios should include visual (images), kinesthetic (physical body feelings), and auditory (sounds). These sensory details assist to make the visualization compelling and as if real for the deep unconscious mind (which does not understand the difference between reality and imagined scenarios. That is why they should be as realistic as possible).

Researchers have been studying the impact of imagery on sports performance and publishing their findings in sports psychology books and papers. 

‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations Better Golf

Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations video in English (Click here)  中文普通话视频(点击这里) Video en español (Haga clic aquí), Vídeo português. (clique aqui) Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini)  भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)

Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’ 中文普通话视频.Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो. 

Multiple Languages will build Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to more than 6000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s by end 2025 in Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic and of course English. 

Welcome, Better Golf positive affirmations have been written to inspire your unconscious mind to focus upon one clear achievable goal, one clear step at a time. These subliminal messages are simply ‘obscured’ from the conscious mind within masking music and environmental sounds to prevent conscious analytical thinking, which may ‘filter out’ messages. The more the Welcome Better Golf messages are repeated, the more they are uncritically accepted by the unconscious. A simple message, repeated enough, will become a new unconscious belief.

Now you can listen to these subliminal when ready to sleep and let these gentle and encouraging words guide your unconscious mind into the realms of dreams.

Subliminal Affirmation Text: Better Golf

“You do not expect anything less than great golf from yourself. You play to play great golf.

You calmly focus upon the shot, not the score, as you rehearse it in the mind. You imagine the ball going straight down the fairway to the green and into the hole.

You feel loose and free as your wedge and putter let it go to the intended target on every shot.

Trust yourself to have both distance and accuracy in your fairway shots, as you execute your pre-shot routine perfectly in both mind and body, every time.

‘Perceive it as if real, believe it, so you can achieve it’

Peter Zapfella Welcome Life Free from Excess Fat
……………………………………..Peter Zapfella

You enjoy the challenges the course presents, that’s what makes it a great game. You constantly strive to advance your own game.

You trust your improving skill and ability to play at your best, because you play in the ‘now’. You always focus on how you want the ball to go for you.

You are now more clear in the mind, more loose and relaxed in the body, you trust your instincts… you are more confident… greater self-control… the way you feel is becoming better and better… because the burdens have been lifted forever and ever now that you welcome better golf into your life.”

Peter Zapfella helping Tiger Woods with a difficlut shot.
‘Tiger Woods’ (in wax) and Peter Zapfella. © Copyright 2019 Internet Hypnosis. Shop exclusive photo.

Welcome Better Golf subliminal messages are simply ‘obscured’ from the conscious mind within masking music or environmental sounds to prevent conscious analytical thinking. The more the Welcome Better Golf messages are repeated, the more they are uncritically accepted by the unconscious, which maintains emotions, beliefs, and habits of behavior.

‘Prime Hypnosis’ Better Golf

PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up during 2024. They will not be annoying and bothersome because they are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español.  

The Welcome Better Golf MP3 can be most effectively used as a long-term maintenance resource to ‘lock-in’ the new unconscious beliefs, following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella. The Welcome Better Golf message can achieve miraculous results. But for best results first delete the deep unconscious ‘blocks’ to your success. Available worldwide via  Skype., Skype, Skype Therapy, Skype Therapy Pro,

Listening to the Welcome Better Golf MP3 regularly may be enough for you to manifest your desires, without one-on-one therapy.

Now you can listen to Welcome subliminals when ready to sleep and let these gentle and encouraging words guide your unconscious mind into the realms of dreams.

The more the Welcome Better Golf messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by your unconscious. A message repeated enough, will become a new unconscious belief. If you listen to the Welcome Better Golf MP3 on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ while sleeping your unconscious mind will hear this message up to 500 times. That’s powerful!

Because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Better Golf MP3 is available with a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from.


Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use

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