Welcome Compassion with more patience, kindness, perseverance; warmth and resolve. Compassion is a key quality of altruism. Compassion responds to suffering with warmth and care, while sympathy responds with sorrow and concern.
“Compassion is a necessity, not a luxury”

Compassion consists of three major requirements:
- People must feel that troubles that evoke their feelings are serious.
- The understanding that sufferers’ troubles are not self-inflicted.
- Ability to picture oneself with the same problems in a non-blaming and non-shaming manner.

Synonyms for the word compassion include; affection, altruism, benevolence, care, charity, cordiality, decency, empathy, forbearance, gentleness, good will, goodness, grace, graciousness, hospitality, humanity, patience, sensitivity, solicitude, sweetness, tenderness, tolerance, understanding, unselfishness, amiability, beneficence, charity, clemency, consideration, delicacy, heart, helpfulness, indulgence, kindness, love, magnanimity, mildness, philanthropy, serviceability, solicitousness, tact, thoughtfulness, and good intention.
Subliminal Affirmations Compassion
Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations video in English (Click here) 中文普通话视频(点击这里). Video en español (Haga clic aquí), Vídeo português. (clique aqui) Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini) भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)
Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’ 中文普通话视频.Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो.
Multiple Languages will build Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to more than 6000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s by end 2022 in Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic and of course English.
Now you can listen to Welcome Compassion subliminals when ready to sleep and let these gentle and encouraging words guide your unconscious mind into the realms of dreams.
A simple message repeated, will eventually become a new unconscious belief. However, when used to ‘lock-in; the shift following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella the results can be miraculous.
PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up during 2022. They will not be annoying and bothersome because they are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español.
Change your self talk and change your deep unconscious beliefs. These then change your behaviors and emotions. These then change your self talk and so on.

If you listen to the Welcome Compassion MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. That’s powerful. The more the Welcome Compassion messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the unconscious. A message repeated enough, will become a new unconscious belief.

Every one of us is unique. We have all had different life experiences and we react to them differently too. Most emotional and behavioral challenges can respond well to one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to the individual, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy , and perhaps cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). That is why Peter Zapfella suggests you start with one-on-one therapy using Skype and then use the Welcome Compassion subliminal affirmations to ‘lock-in’ the unconscious shifts long-term. Of course, you can listen to your ‘Welcome’ MP3’s first, and if they are effective for you without therapy – that’s great. If not you can use skypetherapy.Live. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
Subliminal Affirmation Text: Compassion
“You have more compassion for the suffering of others with more warmth, charity, and care.
You have empathy, altruism, patience, and kindness for others.
You are more tolerant and understanding.
Every day in every way you think and feel about other people better and better.
You are now more-clear in the mind, more relaxed in the body, you are more confident and coping better with everything and everybody, because you have more compassion for other people.”
These Welcome subliminal affirmations are clearly spoken once before they fade- down and ‘disappear’ from conscious awareness within masking music and environmental sounds, thereby foiling conscious analytical thinking, which could otherwise ‘filter out’ messages. In this way, the listener knows for sure what their deep unconscious mind is hearing repeated, without listening to these messages its self.
Because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Compassion has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.
Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Compassion subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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- Welcome Life Free From Fear of Death
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- Quit Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Quit Depression
- Quit Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Created and © Copyright 2017-20 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale.
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