Welcome Dynamic Action is researching, planning and then actioning the creation or change of some specific behaviors, routines or operating systems.
Synonyms for the word dynamic include; charismatic and compelling or effective and energetic and forceful and influential or lively or potent or powerful and progressive and vigorous or active or drive or electric or energy and go-ahead and do-getter and strong plus vitalizing and zippy.
Within human resources (HR) it is called SAP, wherein time, current resources, and recruiting is managed to leverage the workforce training and experience to drive business growth.
It may mean either:
- Change action
- Create action
- Change and create action
- Delete action
- Change and delete action
- Create and delete action, or
- An alternative action independent of the current action.
We have adapted those principals for personal development so you can methodically focus your own energy with dynamic action to create maximum efficiency.
Dynamic action is an explicit, precise action upon a specific thing or behavior.
Carefully research and plan before focusing energy toward a desired result. Create maximum efficiency to get ‘maximum bang for your buck’.
- Change or adapt an action to achieve a specific thing or behavior.
- Create new steps within the action to achieve the desired result.
- Both change and create. (as above)
- Delete an action that is blocking or causing it not to work.
- Change and delete if appropriate. (as above)
- Create and delete action, (as above) or
- An alternative action independent of the current specific thing or behavior. In other words, go back to the drawing board and redesign the whole thing from the start.
Many people and businesses too, go through life with scattered energy. They ‘chop and change’ on a whim. Then they wonder why their plans fail to bear fruit.
An example are ‘New Year resolutions’. People make crazy resolutions (pledge or decision or plan or intent) and then do nothing to put it into action. Their resolution is just a vague hope that things will miraculously happen.
By researching carefully, making plans, testing, and then putting into action, results bear fruit. With flexibility, they can handle the unexpected, even in a pandemic.

Think of it like this; a60 watt incandescent light throws out energy in all directions, including where it is not needed. So energy is wasted. If we took just a fraction of that overall energy and focused it into a 5 milliwatt laser pointer beam we could temporarily blind a police helicopter pilot overhead. (please do not do this as it is illegal and dangerous)

In other words, Dynamic Action can achieve fantastic results with less energy, time and money expended.
Our unconscious mind gathers information to create beliefs. These beliefs drive our behaviors and emotions too. Our unconscious mind is the ‘foreman’ of the metabolism. So, we can create unconscious emotions and beliefs to Welcome Dynamic Action.
‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations; Dynamic Action
Multiple Languages will build Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to more than 6000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s by end 2025 in Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic and of course English.
No other subliminal affirmation MP3 download web site features multiple languages.
Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations video in English (Click here) 中文普通话视频(点击这里). Video en español (Haga clic aquí), Vídeo português. (clique aqui) Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini) भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)
Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’ 中文普通话视频.Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो. فيديو خطأ باللغة العربية/
Because the deep unconscious has similar perceptions to a child it is often called ‘the child within’ in psychology. Therefore, just like a small child, a simple message repeated, will eventually become a new deep unconscious belief.
‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are read once aloud so that your conscious mind can hear the affirmation and logically approve it before it slips down below normal conscious awareness below the level of the foreground environmental sounds or music. In this way, the conscious mind, which acts as a sort of ‘filter’ or ‘gate-keeper’ can not only approve of the affirmation content first, but it can occasionally be logically influenced by the message too.
If you listen carefully enough you may perceive the affirmations from time-to-time in the silent moments of the foreground sounds. Research has confirmed that so-called ‘silent’ affirmations that cannot be perceived are ineffective and useless (except as placebo’s) because they are ‘silent’.
Only ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations feature these important properties. They have been designed, based upon research, so your conscious mind will logically accept the affirmations and ‘unlock the gateway’ to your deep unconscious. Which is the domain of emotions, beliefs, and behaviours.
When ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are used to ‘lock-in’ the deep unconscious shift achieved following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella the results can be nothing less than miraculous.
The more the Welcome Dynamic Action messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the deep unconscious. If you listen to the Welcome Dynamic Action MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. If you were to listen to the ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 while sleeping, you could choose to also listen to the ‘Pleasant piano and guitar melody’ and/or the ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Then your deep unconscious would hear the affirmations repeated around 800 – 1200 times, while your logical conscious mind would hear it around 60 – 90 times. That’s powerful because a message repeated enough will become a new unconscious belief.
Also because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Dynamic Action has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.
Perhaps the cheapest and easiest option is to download and listen to Welcome Dynamic Action subliminal affirmations as recommended. This approach is very effective for many people.
Subliminal Affirmation Text: Dynamic Action
“Dynamic action is an explicit, precise action upon a specific thing or behavior.
You know scattered thoughts are scattered energy, so you focus your thoughts upon your goals, which are part of your life plan.
You carefully research and plan before focusing all your energy on dynamic action. You create maximum efficiency.
By using your energy, like a laser light, which can cut through steel. You now concentrate all your effort and energy upon worthwhile outcomes, and results.
Every day and in every way, you are focused more and more upon efficient dynamic action.
You are now more clear in the mind, more relaxed in the body, you are coping better with everything and everybody… more confident… greater self-control… the way you feel is becoming better and better… because the burden has been lifted forever and ever now that you have greater dynamic action.”
All of the “Welcome Dynamic Action” Classic MP3’s are bundled and discounted by 50%. They are; (1) Binaural Anti-anxiety (2) Environment Lake Waves (3) Music Piano and Guitar (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance (5) Binaural Beta. Full price: $49.95 Bundled Discount: $24.98 Plus we have added ‘Win Win Win’ Hypnotherapy MP3. Save: $44.96
Prime Hypnosis: Dynamic Action
PRIME HYPNOSIS introduced by professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. English language video. 中文普通话视频. Video en español.
Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो coming soon.
Rhythmic, rhyming Rap speaks to the ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions. They may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap. In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful.
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics written and performed by Peter Zapfella. ‘Click’ > to listen
Audio PlayerInternet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics
“Rhythmic Hipno Hop Rap is hypnosis.
Mind control is the prognosis.
Listen to my words and the sound of my voice.
As you listen and learn you have no choice.
I listen to the words. They have changed my life.
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Negativity gone. Positivity on. I have the power.
Bright. Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour.
I listen and chant Hipno Hop Rap everyday.
It has changed my life in a positive way.
My rhymes manifest bigger than ever before.
My similes and metaphors hit hard like the law.

I listen to the words. They have changed my life.
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Negativity gone. Positivity on. I have the power.
Bright. Reaching higher to the light every hour.
Only Internet Hypnosis dot Shop elevates my brain.
Learning Hipno Hop Rap is a whole new game.
With repeated focus it all becomes clear
I share Hipno Hop secrets with friends no fear.”
Every Hipno Hop Rap has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined for even more effective change.
These are building into an amazing Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy resource for individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, professional counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists everywhere.
Hipno Hop Rap Text: Dynamic Action
An alternative option is to consider one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to you, the individual, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy ‘Click’ on the skypetherapy.Live. image to read details.
Audio Player‘click’ on phobic man
The Welcome Dynamic Action MP3 can be most effectively used as a long-term maintenance resource to ‘lock-in’ the new unconscious beliefs, following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella.
Now you can listen to Welcome Dynamic Action subliminals when ready to sleep and let these gentle and encouraging words guide your unconscious mind into the realms of dreams.

Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Dynamic Action subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
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‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Created and © Copyright 2017-24 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale.
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