Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive

If you are an emotional, sensitive person you can achieve freedom from being too sensitive. Emotionally sensitive people usually overthink other people and situations. It is not all about you. Highly sensitive people have a variation of the serotonin transporter gene. You do not have to let it control you any longer. It can be boosted.

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Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples

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If you are a highly emotionally delicate person you can achieve freedom from feeling so sensitive. This is how;

  • Identify what you react to most of all.
  • Some things are best avoided, at least until you have developed some behavioral skills.

Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive. min

  • Emotionally sensitive people usually overthink other people and situations. Remember; It is not all about you. Most people really do not notice or care what you are doing. They are busy and focused on what is going on for them. So, blend into the crowd and enjoy yourself. Ask your closest and most trusted friends to assist you. Be honest with them.
  • Highly sensitive people have a variation of the serotonin transporter gene. People with this gene variant naturally have lower serotonin levels.

Serotonin is a mood-enhancing neurohormone in our brains. Serotonin is a natural “feel good” chemical responsible for feelings of happiness. Overly sensitive people may have a deficiency in it. You can assist your body to produce its own serotonin by eating more food that contain the amino acid tryptophan.

  • Salmon
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Chicken and Turkey
  • Tofu and Soy
  • Milk and Cheese
  • Pineapple
  • Green Tea
  • Quality Probiotics
  • and natural sunlight, but not too much.

At the same time, you should avoid or eliminate coffee, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners.

I recently had a man, who works as a mechanical engineer for a mining company come to me with this problem. He told me he turns to tears when anything ‘sad’ occurs. Sometimes they are ‘happy’ things that turn on his ‘water works’.  Discussion revealed he suffered from anxiety and depression in the past and had been taking prescription medication until his life circumstances changed and the triggers disappeared. However, the ‘sadness’ component of the depression, which had its beginnings somewhere back in childhood were still deep within. In order to overcome, not just control, the tears we needed to use hypnotherapy.

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Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive.Min

Regularly listen to your Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive MP3 to help change your mindset.

Synonyms of the word sensitive include; tactful and careful  and thoughtful  and diplomatic or delicate or subtle also finely tuned and  kid-glove and sympathetic or compassionate  or understanding and empathetic and intuitive and feeling and responsive or receptive or perceptive or discerning and acute and insightful.

Welcome Subliminal Affirmations; Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive

Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations video in English (Click here)  中文普通话视频(点击这里) Video en español (Haga clic aquí), Vídeo português. (clique aqui) Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini)  भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)

Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’ 中文普通话视频.Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो.  فيديو خطأ باللغة العربية/

Multiple Languages will build Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to more than 6000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s by end 2025 in Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic and of course English. 

No other subliminal affirmation MP3 download web site features multiple languages.

Good:Bad Homer
Good and Bad Homer

Just like Homer Simpson, we can choose between the ‘good’ decisions or the ‘bad’ decisions in life. These decisions are driven by our deepest unconscious beliefs. Our deep unconscious beliefs drive our behaviors. We call automatic behaviors – habits.


“You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.”



You can create the ability to perceive auras by choosing ‘good’. You can slowly let it develop with ‘mindfulness’. while listening to your Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive MP3’s.

The ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are a resource that delivers targeted messages to your deep unconscious up to 1200 times a day. That’s powerful enough to change deep unconscious thinking, therefore beliefs and behaviors!

The more the Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the deep unconscious. If you listen to the Welcome Freedom From Felling So Sensitive MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. You could listen to the ‘Theta Binaural waves’ or ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 while sleeping. Or, you could choose to also listen to the ‘Pleasant piano and guitar melody’ and/or the  ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Your deep unconscious would then hear the affirmations repeated around 800 – 1200 times, while your logical conscious mind would hear it around 60 – 90 times. That’s powerful because a message repeated enough will become a new unconscious belief. 

Also because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.

Subliminal Affirmation Text: Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive

“You are less affected by the moods and opinions of others. You stand strong in the knowledge that you are resilient. You are optimistic in the face of challenges because you know facing them head-on makes you formidable.

You are now more clear in the mind. You are more relaxed in the body, and you are coping better with everything and everybody. You are now more confident in yourself. You have greater self-control. Every day and in every way you feel life is becoming better and better… because the burdens have been lifted forever and ever now that you welcome life beyond feeling so sensitive”

Prime hypnosis

PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up during 2024. They will not be annoying and bothersome because they are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español.  

Hipno Hop Rap life free from Feeling So Emotionally Sensitive

Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy

Rhythmic, rhyming Rap speaks to the ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions. They may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap. In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful.

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics written and performed by Peter Zapfella. ‘Click’ > to listen

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Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics

“Rhythmic Hipno Hop Rap is hypnosis.

Mind control is the prognosis.

Listen to my words and the sound of my voice.

As you listen and learn you have no choice.

Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy, rapping, rapper,hip hop

I listen to the words. They have changed my life.

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Negativity gone. Positivity on. I have the power.

Bright. Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour.


I listen and chant Hipno Hop Rap everyday.

It has changed my life in a positive way.

My rhymes manifest bigger than ever before.

My similes and metaphors hit hard like the law.

Listening to Internet Hypnosis dot Shop MP3’s.

I listen to the words. They have changed my life.

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Negativity gone. Positivity on. I have the power.

Bright. Reaching higher to the light every hour.


Only Internet Hypnosis dot Shop elevates my brain.

Learning Hipno Hop Rap is a whole new game.

With repeated focus it all becomes clear

I share Hipno Hop secrets with friends no fear.”

Every Hipno Hop Rap has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined for even more effective change.

These are building into an amazing Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy resource for individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, professional counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists everywhere.

Hipno Hop Rap Text: Sensative


An alternative option is to consult with Peter using Skype to complete diagnostics and a one-on-one interview where he can recommend the most appropriate supplements, nutrition, MP3 resources etc etc for your individual challenge.

Custom hypnothearpay by Peter Zapfella

Otherwise, you can consider one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to you,  the individual, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy  ‘Click’ on the  skypetherapy.Live. image to read details.

SkypeTherapy.live, Skype, Skype Therapy, Skype Therapy Pro, SkypTherapy.pro

Audio Player

There is one simple thing you can do now so to escape a ‘bad’ memory in the future. Create new habits of behavior with  MP3’s now. This MP3 is Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive designed to not only overcome the negative self-talk, but the self-limiting beliefs and behaviors too. 


Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use.

‘Click’ on the image to read details.

Click on the ‘101’ image below to read the excellent reasons why ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are your best choice.

Excellent reasons why    EXCELLENT REASONS WHY





‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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100% Lifetime Guarantee.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Freedom From Feeling So Sensitive subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.

foreground variants, BIO Peter Zapfella foreground variants, BIO Peter Zapfella foreground variants, BIO Peter Zapfella,  paypal verified Best ChoiceSecurity Seal


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The Simpsons
The Simpsons and Homer Simpson are owned by 20th Century Fox.



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