In a world with electronic communications including mobile cell phones, SMS texts, emails, Voice Over Internet Protocols such as Skype, Facetime and Facebook Messenger people still welcome learning morse code.
Welcome Learning Morse Code – Podcast
‘Click Here’ to read Learning Morse Code – The Easy Way.
Morse code can be transmitted using sound or light pulses by people skilled in sending and receiving through radio and other methods. Morse code can be transmitted as a visual signal using flashing lights or reflections such as between ships during radio silence. In the past, it has famously been used by prisoners in jails tapping on walls and water pipes.
It can also be used as a subtle form of communication using the tapping of fingers or even blinking of eyes.

International Morse code encodes the 26 basic Latin letters a through z, one accented Latin letter (é), the Arabic numerals, and a small set of punctuation and procedural signals (prosigns). There is no distinction between upper and lower case letters.
In the late 1800’s before the invention of voice radio, Morse code was used through telegraph lines, undersea cables, and radiotelegraphy to link ships and countries. A series of abbreviations called the ‘Q codes’ were developed to speed accurate communication. By 1930 aircraft pilots were required to be able to use Morse code because navigation beacons used it to identify themselves.
Through the final years of the 20th century the commercial and military use of Morse code was replaced by new technologies.
In July 2003 the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) removed the requirement for Morse code proficiency as part of world-wide amateur radio licensing for HF bands and other bands below 30 Mhz.
Today: Welcome Learning Morse Code

However, Morse code is as popular as ever in the world of amateur radio. Morse code ‘cuts through’ most natural (QRN) and ‘man-made’ (QRM) noise and interference by using a mode called Continuous Wave (CW). CW is a form of ‘digital transmission’ in that it is either ‘on’ or ‘off’. It is an interrupted continuous wave (ICW). Using Morse Code or CW one can work hundreds of countries on the high frequency (HF) radio bands with only a few watts transmit output power and a basic antenna.
Operators are also known as ‘hams’. The term “ham” (like “ham actor”) is a nickname for amateur radio operators. It originated with commercial and professional radio operators to differentiate themselves from amateurs, although many are themselves professionals who choose a hobby related to their skills and interests.
Amateur radio operators around the globe use lingo or jargon to speed and simplify communication. These have generally been inherited from the military and other professional communications users. (Many licensed ham radio operators are former military or professional electronics technicians) Much of this jargon has been included in the downloads here.
Ham radio operators around the world still want to learn the skill because it opens up a whole realm of enjoyment of the hobby. It ‘cuts through’ adverse propagation conditions when other modes fail. It is truly international, allowing ham radio operators from different countries and languages to communicate. (Often using ham radio jargon).

Amateur radio operators continue to use the ‘Q codes’ and the Phonetic Alphabet, which were originally developed for the original telegraph networks and the military.
Back in 1974 I learnt the phonetic alphabet, then the Q codes, and other amateur radio jargon. I originally tried to learn the Morse Codes series of “dots” and “dashes” using a wall chart and listening to cassette tapes, as they correspond to the many letters of the alphabet. I focused on wall charts and struggled, while some of my friends excelled. At that time, I worked in the field of emergency communications using modern HF/SSB, VHF/FM and UHF/FM radios and repeaters – not CW/morse code.
- You no doubt know it is easier to remember the words of a song when it is connected to a melody rather than learning the written words on a page. Once you have learnt the song through the melody it is easier to recall the words of the song without the melody. That is a secret to learning Morse code.
2. Studies by Alden Sears from the University of Denver, using both hypnotized subjects and a control group using traditional methods to learn Morse code found the hypnotized group scored better, more accurate results when tested. Source: A comparison of hypnotic and waking learning of the International Morse Code. Sears, Alden B. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 1955/10/01
Dr. Ainslie Meares M.B., B.S., BAgr., Sc.D.P.M.
The two Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminal MP3s (#1 covers A to M and #2 N to Z AND numbers. Code tones AND words) are coupled together. BONUS: You also receive a wall chart showing the Morse code “dits” and “dahs” AND the corresponding melody or poetry method used in the MP3s, so you can both see and hear as you learn. Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminal MP3 covers numbers 0 to 9. You also receive the Q Code Chart and the (ICAO, ITU or NATO) Phonetic Alphabet Chart used by Amateur radio operators world-wide.
You will receive an HF Logbook page. It is important to keep a log record of all of your HF contacts be they Morse Code/CW or SSB or AM or other modes. One good reason is, your log is a legal document and can be used to analyze possible causes if you are accused of causing TVI/RF interference. In addition, Radio Inspectors may want to examine it. Another good reason for a logbook is to confirm QSO’s with other ham radio operators. The third is for your own information. You can see what time of day or night, what antenna, what bands and frequencies achieve best results for you.… and other PDFs ready to print.
This package is currently part of the prize offering at the
Peel Amateur Radio Group Inc Annual Mega Raffle.
Two “Learning Morse Code” with hypnosis Bundles were won at the annual PARGfest in 2025.
Advantages of Welcome subliminals
中文普通话视频. Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो فيديو عربي .
These are subliminal MP3s available separately with various foreground environmental effects and music. It is also available with a preceding hypnosis induction.
Prime Hypnosis for Learning Morse Code is available now. You get the following 3 MP3s (1) Learning Morse Code Hypnosis with code tones AND corresponding ‘melody’ words set to music following a hypnotic induction by Peter Zapfella. (2) Morse code numbers. Code tones AND words. (3) Morse code alphabet in plain language ‘melody’ words AND code tones. (4) BONUS FREE charts and information on PDFs as listed in product description. That’s incredible value because research proves hypnosis for improving retention of Morse code really works!
Audio Player‘Click’ > to hear a sample of the “Prime’ hypnotic induction.
Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video. Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो .
Everything has been bundled together and discounted by 50 per cent. This is incredible value for anyone wanting to learn Morse code.
Once you have learnt to recognize the Morse code alphabet you can practice listening (RX) to ‘slow Morse’ sessions broadcast by various Amateur Radio clubs, groups and organizations around the world to develop your speed. Then you can practice sending (TX) by using your own key.
- The Koch-Farnsworth method is one way to increase speed and learn words.
- The CW Academy claim if you do their online Zoom course, plus 30to 40 minutes home study every day, within 8 weeks you will be able to send and receive at the rate of 15 to 25 words.
- The Morse Mail Phone App is another way to practice.

If you are not already a licensed Amateur Radio operator you can join a local club, group or association where they usually run trainings in preparation for license exams, on a regular basis. Courses are also available online. Some have a small fee and some are free.

ALL PROCEEDS from the sale of the Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminals and hypnosis MP3s go to support the Philippine Amateur Radio Association – Ham Emergency Radio Operations, to help provide emergency communications during disasters such as tropical storms, typhoons (hurricanes and cyclones), earthquakes, floods and landslides. Your purchase directly helps many poor people to survive natural disasters in a country that gets more than it’s fair share of calamities
“Education and knowledge is for life.”

Subliminal Affirmation Text: Welcome Learning Morse Code
MP3 #1
1 dash = 3 dots. Space between dots and dashes of same letter = 1 dot. Space between letters = 3 dots. Space between words = 7 dots.
(Lower case word is one dot. Words in caps are one dash)
A a (1 dot pause) PART
B BOB (1 dot pause) is (1 dot) the (1 dot pause) man
C COK (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) Col (1 dot pause) a
Audio PlayerSample C ‘Charlie’ Click > to listen
D DOG (1 dot pause) did (1 dot pause) it
E e
F fetch (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) FIRE (1 dot pause) man
G GOOD (1 dot pause) GRAV(1 dot pause) y
H hi (1 dot pause) pi (1 dot pause) ti (1 dot pause) hop
I i (1 dot pause) bid
J in (1 dot pause) JAWS (1 dot pause) JAWS (1 dot pause) JAWS
K KANG (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) ROO
L los (1 dot pause) AN (1 dot pause) ge (1 dot pause) les
M MMM (1 dot pause) MMM
Each letter includes the Morse code with the corresponding “dits” and “dahs” tones.
MP3 #2
1 dash = 3 dots. Space between dots and dashes of same letter = 1 dot. Space between letters = 3 dots. Space between words = 7 dots.
(Lower case word is one dot. Words in caps are one dash)
N NU (1 dot pause) dist.
Audio PlayerSample N ‘November’ Click > to listen
O OH (1 dot pause) MY (1 dot pause) GOSH
P a (1 dot pause) POO (1 dot pause) PY (1 dot pause) smell
Q GOD (1 dot pause) SAVE (1 dot pause) the (1 dot pause) QUEEN
R ro (1 dot pause) TATE (1 dot pause) ion
S si (1 dot) si (1 dot pause) si
U un (1 dot pause) I (1 dot pause) FORM
V vic (1 dot pause) t (1 dot pause) or (1 dot pause) VEE
W the (1 dot) WORLD (1 dot pause) WAR
X XSS (1 dot pause) marks (1 dot pause) the (1 dot pause) SPOT
Y YOU’RE (1 dot pause) a (1 dot pause) COOL (1 dot pause) DUDE
Z ZINC (1 dot pause) ZOO (1 dot pause) ki (1 dot pause) pa
Each letter includes the Morse code with the corresponding “dits” and “dahs” tones. If you are wondering a “dot” is a written “dit” and a “dash” is a written “dah”.
Since many natural languages use more than the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, Morse alphabets have been developed for those languages, largely by transliteration of existing codes For more information see ‘Morse code for non-Latin alphabets’
Welcome Learning Morse Code variants are available as #1 and #2 coupled for each variant at $19.98, or bundled together with all the other variants and discounted by 50 per cent. They are; (1) Binaural Anti-anxiety (#1 and #2) (2) Environment Lake Waves (#1 and #2) (3) Music Piano and Guitar (#1 and #2) (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance (#1 and #2) and Prime Hypnosis (#1 and #2 combined) plus a Hypnosis MP3 covering numbers 0 to 9. Plus a plain speech MP3 of the alphabet (#1 ad #2 combined) with the “dits” and “dahs” tones. Full price: 9 x MP3s $89.91. The discounted Bundle is just: $44.95, That is 11 MP3s. So you save an incredible $44.95.
Plus these FREE BONUSES; Welcome Learning Morse Code subliminal MP3 covering numbers 0 to 9. The Morse Code Wall Chart showing the Morse code “dits” and “dahs” AND the corresponding melody method used in the MP3s , and the Q Code Chart and the (ICAO, ITU or NATO) Phonetic Alphabet Chart and more absolutely free! All PDFs ready to print. Free hypnosis
ALL funds raised support the Philippine Amateur Radio Association – Ham Emergency Radio Operations. Helping provide emergency communications during disasters.
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Please let us know about your experiences. We love to hear feed-back comments.
In Production Now: Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory

Learning Ham Radio Theory
Do you want to study for your Amateur Radio License, but feel you cannot possibly learn the technical detail needed? Easy way to get your ham radio
Is the required math too complicated? Pass your ham exams
Do you lack confidence and belief in your ability?
Perhaps you have not studied or sat an exam in many many years?
This series of subliminal affirmations and hypnosis was designed specifically for YOU! Plus loads of secrets to passing Amateur Radio licensing exams! ree Hypnosis
There is no minimum age for people to sit the Australian Amateur Radio Theory exams. The youngest to pass so far was only 7 years old! The average Australian ham radio enthusiast is a male aged more than 50 years.
Text Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory
“To qualify as a licensed amateur radio operator you decide which class of license you will sit for and set aside enough time to regularly study. You choose to thoroughly learn the course content according to the syllabus, so you comfortably achieve the required pass mark.
You consult current textbooks and consider attending classes either online or in person. You make full use of online video courses and resources. You practice following the steps to successfully answering multiple choice questions and making accurate math calculations.
Every day in every way you feel better and better about yourself. You are now more-clear in the mind and more relaxed in the body about tests and examinations. You are more confident and coping better with everything and everybody, because you welcome learning ham radio theory.”
‘Freedom from Examination Stress‘ hypnotherapy MP3 (English language) will be added to the Bundle. Valued at $19.99 for FREE!
Do you want to be advised when WELCOME LEARNING HAM RADIO THEORY is (#495) released? Register here
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Created and © Copyright 2017-25 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Backlinks invited from morse code enthusiasts, ham/amateur radio operators, clubs, groups, associations and ham equipment retailers, and manufacturers world-wide.
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