Vanity is the excessive belief in one’s own abilities and/or attractiveness

Vain people think everything is about them. They think other people are looking at them with admiration. They are excessively proud of, or concerned about their own appearance, qualities, and achievements. We can feel sorry for them because vain people are conceited, arrogant, and pretentious. They are filled with false pride.
“We must leave vanity to those who have nothing else to show.”

“When I walk into a party, a restaurant or café – everyone, and I mean everyone stops and looks at me. I can see the women smiling, and making eyes at me and the men are sooo jealous with envy because I am sooo attractive and sexy.”
However, the awful truth is the opposite. While they feel superior to others, it is all an illusion within their own minds.
They need and crave validation from others. They are anxiety-laden because at a deep unconscious level.
They feel a need to compensate with the illusion of pretentiousness. They cannot confront the awful truth. The truth that they are just like everyone else, going about their mostly boring daily lives. So they build up an illusion of superiority intended to keep their awful ‘secret’ hidden from view (the shadow self – the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don’t want to admit is the truth.).
They may spend hours in front of the mirror admiring themselves and applying make-up and styling their hair. They may be addicted to ‘fashion‘. They may suffer from the Adonis Complex, spending all available time watching themselves in the mirror at the gym.
They may be into tanning salons, regular injections of glutathione or ‘body sculpturing’ with a greedy plastic surgeon.
Healthy self-esteem is having a realistic assessment of one’s own strengths and weaknesses and feeling comfortable with who you really are – either good, bad or neutral. Happy with the ‘yin and yang’ of life and self.
Video “Your So Vain” by Carly Simmon
A prideful person is an arrogant person, who feels superior over others. Think about it? How often do you admit your mistakes to others?
Can you really justify prideful thoughts and actions? Accept your mistakes. Admit when you have been behaving immaturely. They will admire you for it.
Ask for honest feedback from people you trust, if you trust anyone. Listen. Turn off that voice in your own head and listen to them. Accept constructive criticisms so you can learn from them, and overcome your failures.
Learn to genuinely give credit to others where credit and thanks are due.
Admit your own mistakes immediately – with no excuses. We all make mistakes. We all learn best from our mistakes. Simply admit your own mistakes and move on.
Arrogance, boastfulness, and rudeness are ugly. Just because you do not agree, you can still respect the rights of others to have their own opinion. You do not have the right to ‘shut them down’’ or be rude or impolite to them. You might actually learn something by listening. The truth is you are not more superior.
Video “It’s hard to be humble” by Mac Davis.
“Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble
When you’re perfect in every way
I can’t wait to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me ……
Some folks say that I’m egotistical
Hell I don’t even know what that means
I guess it has something to do
With the way that I fill out my skin tight with jeans.”

Synonyms for the word vanity include; Arrogance and pride or conceited and egotistical or narcissism and ostentation also pretensionor self-love or ego and smugness or self-worship.
“Nobody knows more about … anything than me.”
‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations; Welcome Life Free From Vanity
Only Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations from Internet Hypnosis. Shop feature these important properties;
Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are professionally written messages, using neuro-linguistic principles. Peter Zapfella is a Master, and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP.
You can see the text of each ‘Welcome’ affirmation on the relevant product page at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. But we go an extra step for your added security and peace of mind.
You can usually clearly hear the ‘first read’ of Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations by Peter Zapfella once before they slide down below the masking foreground music and environmental sounds. In this way, you consciously, logically, and analytically, process the message! This builds conscious trust, and confidence in the affirmation messages because you know what your deep unconscious is about to hear. Conscious acceptance ‘un-locks the door’ to profound unconscious change!
As your deep unconscious continues to listen, your conscious may hear ‘distant’ words, somewhere within the foreground music or environmental sounds. Research proves, this audio level to be most effective in creating unconscious learnings, and long-term positive change. It is also reassuring because you consciously know what your deep unconscious mind is hearing, without listening to tedious repetition!

Unlike hypnotherapy, there is no need to focus upon listening, because ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are designed to be most effective in the background as you go about other tasks,
In psychology, the deep unconscious is often referred to as ‘the child mind with in’. Just like small children, the deep unconscious mind enjoys repetition, and that is the best way for it to learn! If you listen while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’, your deep unconscious mind will hear the message more than 400 times, every night. Because ‘Welcome’ subliminal MP3s are more effective the longer you listen, on ‘repeat’ while driving, working, at the gym, running, sleeping, or anytime you choose! That is powerful!
Subliminal Affirmation Text: Welcome Life Free From Vanity
“You recognize and admit your own errors and short-comings, because you understand that no one is perfect, not even you. Therefore, you speak less and listen more – knowing that is a key to learning to become a better person. You now give credit where credit is due. That is what envy means to you now. You recognize that ‘arrogance’, ‘boastfulness’ and ‘rudeness’ are ugly. You might not always agree with someone, but you respect their right to have their own opinion.You admit your own mistakes quickly and then move on to better things. You know you are part of a team, a community, something greater than an individual. You reject the negative aspects of vanity because you are a better team player, combining your strengths with others for the greater good.
You are now more relaxed in the mind and body. You are more confident… the way you feel is becoming better and better… because the burdens have been lifted for ever and ever now that you welcome life free from vanity.”
Welcome Life Free From Vanity bundles has 6 MP’s including (1) Environmental ‘Lake Waves’, (2) Environmental ‘Rain’, (3) ‘Piano and Guitar’ melodies, (4) ‘Country’ music, (5) ‘Zumba’ Latin dance music, and (6) Anti-Anxiety Binaural waves. Usual price $59.95 Discount price $29.98. Plus we have added Beyond Intensive (Self) Love Addiction Hypnotherapy from Hypnosis Boutique. You save $49.96

Prime Hypnosis: Life Free From Vanity
PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up during 2024 They will not be annoying and bothersome because they are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español.
You can choose any individual foreground sound or Prime Hypnosis or download all of them in a discounted bundle.
You can consider one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to you, the individual, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy, ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
Audio Player
The Welcome Life Free From Envy MP3 can be most effectively used as a long-term maintenance resource to ‘lock-in’ the new unconscious beliefs, following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella.
Now you can listen to Welcome Life Free From Envy subliminals when ready to sleep and let these gentle and encouraging words guide your unconscious mind into the realms of dreams.
Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Life Free From Vanity subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Created and ©Copyright 2017-24 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale.
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