Quit Anxiety and Panic Attacks with advanced hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and the Emotional Alignment Technique either locally (Perth and Peel) or World-Wide via Skype, FaceTime, Viber and Facebook Messenger.

Anxiety is the most common psychological challenge faced by people worldwide and makes up a large proportion of Peter Zapfella’s clients.

Click Here to see Depression/Anxiety explainer video
Life Free From Anxiety & Panic Attacks. 中文普通话视频 Video en español भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो Vídeo português Video Indonesia فيديو عربي (links under construction)
Google Review from Rina Campbell
“Thank you Peter I am no longer having panic attacks. I am much more relaxed. Keep up the good work, so appreciated.” Rina.
Another 5 Star Google Review

“The Skype session with me for my claustrophobia and panic attacks really worked. On Wednesday I was kept latched to the operating table for well over an hour in total and didn’t panic once.” – Alyson Willis. United Kingdom.
“I went to see Peter about my Panic Attacks. I also had claustrophobia, insomnia, compulsive behaviors, negative emotions and low self-esteem. My doctor medication was very addictive. I needed a better solution. After my first visit to see Peter, I walked away a different person. I also feel lighter; when I am walking it is an amazing feeling like floating on air, no effort at all. My husband could not believe the difference in me.” Dale Palmer. Wanneroo. Western Australia.
Although it is normal for people to experience generalized or reactive anxiety from time-to-time. To feel persistent worries about ‘insignificant things’ may indicate an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can occur in various levels of severity, ranging from worry, perhaps causing insomnia, through to stress and anxiety, and in extreme cases, panic attacks.
“Constant worry is like praying for something you do not want.
Change your mind and change your life.”
Peter Zapfella
Strictly speaking, an anxiety disorder is a feeling of anxiousness about nothing in particular, while stress is about something specific.
Peter Zapfella is a Master Hypnotherapist who uses the ground-breaking Emotional Alignment Technique to resolve stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, allowing negative emotions to be replaced with positive feelings of empowerment and emotional control.
Anxiety can be accompanied by physical effects such as;
- heart palpitations,
- fatigue,
- nausea,
- back and chest pain,
- clammy hands
- shortness of breath,
- trembling,
- twitching,
- diarrhea,
- teeth grinding,
- headaches and more.
External signs of anxiety may include;
- pale skin,
- sweating,
- trembling, and
- pupillary dilation.
Some people may develop skin problems such as;
- allergies,
- acne,
- rash,
- itchy,
- flushed,
- infections,
- numbness,
- tingling,
- pins and needles and more
- others may try to cope by wearing black and/or grey clothing in an attempt to become ‘invisible’ to others, while others choose to ‘hide away’.
There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. “The one YOU feed” said the old man.
Audio Player
Peter Zapfella’s anxiety hypnosis and treatment in Perth and the Peel Region can help assist with this life-altering condition and achieve a positive state of mind.
“Hi. Peter, I came to see you last December to work on my OCD driven intrusive & obsessive slug thought that was producing excessive anxiety and affecting my life. The anxiety is no longer a problem anymore. I would like to see you again at the earliest opportunity to work on the symptoms of my Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). I will discuss in depth with you when we meet. Looking forward to your response.” Warm Regards DM. Perth WA (ID withheld)
Physically, the body prepares the organism to deal with a threat. Blood pressure and heart rate are increased, sweating is increased, blood flow to the major muscle groups is increased, and the immune and digestive system functions are inhibited for the fight or flight response. An anxiety attack is a usually brief feeling of intense anxiety. External signs may include pale skin, sweating, trembling, and pupillary dilation. A person experiencing a panic attack will often feel very real dread or panic as if he or she is about to die or pass out. Panic attacks are sometimes confused with heart attacks. Many who experience panic attacks feel trapped and unable to free themselves. Every anxiety sufferer does not experience these attacks. They usually come without warning, and although the fear is generally irrational, the perception of danger is very real. Panic attacks are commonly linked to agoraphobia and the fear of not being able to escape a bad situation.

Former clients have told me they become aware of an inner voice that creates anxiety. Thoughts of what might happen, but never does. If they listen to it they suffer. If they ignore it, it starves and dies. The difficult thing is to ignore it after years of compliance with its demands.
If you feel as if stress and anxiety is making you feel older and more frail – it is!
Professor Vadim Gladyshev of Harvard Medical School and a team from Duke University measured changes in biological age in mice and humans as a result of stressful situations.
Writing in the journal Cell Metabolism the researchers said “Our data revealed the dynamic nature of biological age – stress and anxiety can trigger a rapid increase in biological age. This can be reversed.”
Their research showed that those wanting to turn back the hands of biological age can do so in a matter of months, weeks or even days.
Peter Zapfella has a collection of resources some are free to download at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop.
Other biological age reduction MP3 downloads can be found at Depression and Anxiety and Health and Well Being and Fitness and Sport.
Peter Zapfella’s FREE Deep Relaxation Hypnotic MP3’s are effective in treating the symptoms of stress and anxiety for sufferers everywhere. ‘Click Here’ to see a list of ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations related to Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Although one-on-one therapy should be used to treat and delete the cause.
Peter Zapfella offers hypnotherapy solutions for individuals suffering from stress, anxiety, panic attacks world-wide via Skype, FaceTime, and Viber.

Many anxiety treatments temporarily treat the symptoms, not the cause, with yoga, tai chi, self-hypnosis, meditation, and drugs such as the commonly prescribed benzodiazepines, which include drugs such as the benzodiazepines, including Velum (diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam), however they only offer temporary relief.
But the side effects are the problem such as drowsiness and addiction. Ultimately the problem never goes away, the drugs just numb it (and everything else) for a while. You should regularly consult with your prescribing Health Practitioner to discuss the appropriate medications for you and your lifestyle.

‘Click’ > to listen.
Ultimately, medications are not the answer – they are just another coping mechanism. You know the stress and anxiety are still there. The medication just takes the edge off it – and the side effects are a whole new problem.
Serotonin is a mood-enhancing neurohormone in our brains. Serotonin is a natural “feel good” chemical responsible for feelings of happiness. Overly sensitive people may have a deficiency in it.
You need never suffer from the debilitating effects of unresolved stress and anxiety again, there is a better way.
Peter Zapfella has created a range of specific therapies, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced Hypnotherapy methods in Mandurah, Perth, Singapore and Bali to treat the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks in just one session. He brings with him more than 28 years of passionate experience and thousands of past successful and happy clients.

BOOK YOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION NOW to quit anxiety and panic attacks either local (Perth and Peel) or worldwide via Skype, FaceTime, Viber and Facebook Messenger.

Please indicate your location and the nature of the personal challenge/s you wish to change. Your phone number will enable Peter to discuss your particular issues with you and give an appropriate fee estimate.
If you are suffering cold, flu and/or Covid symptoms please postpone your appointment. Peter has been vaccinated 5 x and keeps up to date. He has hand sanitizer available.