Quit Chocolate



Quit Chocolate Dependency

Most people enjoy eating some chocolate from time-to-time. For some people, eating chocolate is not just an occasional indulgence; it is a compulsion. Their thoughts are consumed by chocolate and they are overwhelmed with the craving to get their hands on some and eat it. They cannot put it down until it has all gone. No matter how much will power they sum on up, the chocolate craving wins every time.

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Like it, Want it, Need it, Crave it, Depend upon it.

Symptoms of chocolate addiction

The symptoms of chocolate addiction are similar to other food addictions:

  • eating chocolate in large amounts in a short time
  • eating chocolate when bored or when not hungry.
  • eating chocolate in secret
  • hiding chocolate in secret stashes.
  • feeling out of control 
  • feeling guilty, disgusted, or angry with self after eating

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Chocoholics’ exhibit many of the symptoms of chemical addiction. Sweet and high-fat foods, particularly chocolate, cause the neuro-hormones dopamine and serotonin to be released in the neuron synapse, making us feel happier.

Quit Chocolate Dependency - Chocolate-cake min
Quit Chocolate Dependency – Chocolate-cake

Chocolate is made from the fermented fruit of the cacao tree. The main chemical component of cacao (or cocoa) is theobromine, which is a compound similar to caffeine. It is a mild stimulant. Loads of sugar, palm oil, milk powder, and vanilla, are added to overcome the rather unpleasant taste of cacao.

Other ingredients may include vegetable oils, natural and artificial flavors, emulsifiers including lecithin, help preserve chocolate and maintain a smooth texture. Then dried fruit, buts and flavor’s may be added.

One thing is certain ‘milk chocolate’ is more addictive than ‘dark chocolate’

While scientists still do not know what chemicals in chocolate cause addiction, they think enkephalin a neuro-hormone may drive it.

Researchers at the University of Tampere in Finland found that self-proclaimed chocolate addicts salivated more in the presence of chocolate and showed a more negative mood and higher anxiety. It could be that people who are inclined to chocolate addiction have higher levels of anxiousness? The researchers said chocolate addicts show many of the traits of chemical addiction.

Eating chocolate has psychoactive effects on people. One study shows that as the sugar content in chocolate increases, the psychoactive effects also increase, which could lead to addiction. 

In a study where participants were given chocolate milkshakes, their brain scans showed a surge of activity in the part of the brain responsible for rewards and cravings. Conversely, brain activity declined in the area that controls impulses — a pattern similar to that of people addicted to drugs.

Chocolate is the most frequently craved food in women with many describing themselves as chocoholics.

Quit Chocolate Dependency - Chocolate min
Quit Chocolate Dependency – Chocolate

“Hi Peter I saw you in Darwin to help me give up my obsession with chocolate and happy to say I haven’t eaten chocolate since and have lost weight, thank you I am in contact to ask if you travel to Canberra as I have mentioned you to a friend who wants to give up smoking, cheers.” Linda B, Darwin NT

Chocoholics experience a compulsive habit of consumption, producing an instant yet temporary feeling of well-being. Abstinence can lead to withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches and agitation. This partly explains the cravings common in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pre-menstrual syndrome.

Although there are similarities between eating chocolate and hard drug use, researchers believe that chocolate addiction is not a true addiction at all. While chocolate does contain potentially mood-altering substances, these are all found in higher concentrations in other less appealing foods such as broccoli. The dopamine and serotonin argument used for explaining chocolate addiction seems to fall flat on its face!

Quit Chocolate Dependency Hot-Chocolate-Drink min
Quit Chocolate Dependency – Hot Chocolate Drink

The smell, the taste, the texture, and the associated emotional ‘high’ that some people get from chocolate help to create an extremely powerful craving that has a negative effect on the other aspects of life. Chocoholics get emotional satisfaction from eating chocolate, using it to soothe themselves and cover up other problems, loneliness, depression, and anxieties.

“Thank you so much, Peter. It is six weeks tomorrow I have been off chocolate and sweets. I have never felt like this in my life. I will always appreciate your help.” Kind Regards, Sylvia X Chocoholic. Perth WA. (Sylvia was featured on TV as an incurable chocolate addict, who ate chocolate and sweets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, until she visited Peter Zapfella for one break-through session)

You can view all of the Addiction ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations here.

You need never suffer from the debilitating effects of addiction again there is a better way.

Peter Zapfella has created a range of specific therapies, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced Hypnotherapy methods to overcome the root cause of chocolate dependency in just one session. He brings 28 years of passionate experience and thousands of past successful and happy clients.

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Peter Zapfella – Changing Lives For The Better

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