Quit Problem Alcohol Drinking with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced hypnotherapy World-Wide via Skype, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger and Viber.
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Most adults can have a social drink and relax. Most people can consciously choose if they will drink alcohol, when, and how much.
An alcoholic or addict is obsessed with alcohol and cannot limit or control consumption, although they know it causes them harm. They cannot control it. They often drink alone, most days. They can drink large amounts compared to others, without appearing drunk.
Physical signs of alcohol abuse may include; droopy eyelids, feathery lines across the cheeks (caused by dehydration), red cheeks and nose; deep nasolabial lines (between nose and mouth).
Long term alcohol abuse can cause an increased risk of chronic pancreatitis, liver disease, and cancer. In addition, malnutrition, damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can occur from chronic alcohol abuse.
Others can go days, weeks, or even months without drinking at all, then just one drink and they cannot stop. Usually in social situations and almost never alone. They binge drink. They keep drinking until they cannot drink anymore. They may experience embarrassing and dangerous drunken ‘blackouts’.
Perhaps the worst thing about problem drinking is the embarrassment, shame, and guilt that it causes the drinker because they often cannot remember what they did the night before.
Alcohol abuse is not a disease, but it can cause disease. (Some people try to say alcoholism is a disease as a way to shift the blame away, so they can deny any responsibility for their actions). Once an individual can accept, they have an alcohol drinking problem, and they are ready to take personal responsibility for their behaviors – then they can overcome it for life. Until then they are ‘running away’ from a problem they created.
Both forms of problem drinking can cause work challenges and financial anf relationship break-down.

The problem drinking habit often starts in adolescence: almost half (40 percent) of alcoholics develop their first symptoms between 15 and 19 years of age. Most have a close family member, or role model, who had a drinking problem. Alcoholism is among the most common of psychiatric disorders in the general population: the lifestyle prevalence of alcohol dependence, the severe form of alcoholism is 8 to 14 percent of the population.
Depending on:
- the alcoholic content,
- the amount of alcohol consumed, and
- how quickly the alcohol is ingested, alcohol drinking problems can range from mild headaches and slight nausea through to;
- cancers,
- organ failure,
- coma and
Problem drinking is often denied by the sufferer and results in, or is caused by a wide range of emotional issues, including;
- shame,
- guilt,
- stress,
- anxiety,
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD),
- depression,
- bipolar disorder,
- sadness,
- loss,
- hopelessness,
- helplessness,
- anger,
- low self-esteem
Peter Zapfella uses a range of therapies, including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced hypnotherapy worldwide via Skype, FaceTimem Facebook Messenger and Viber to treat problem drinking and its root causes.
“Our whole family is blown away by the treatment you gave Alan. He stated at the outset that he was going to have a couple of drinks on Christmas Day (also his brother’s birthday) and on New Years Eve. He did this, keeping to just a couple, and hasn’t had a drink at any other time. He says that even when he had those drinks, he didn’t particularly enjoy them and didn’t feel like continuing. He has occasions when he feels like having a beer, but when he goes to the fridge he changes his mind. The difference in Alan is amazing. He is happier, more confident, and has goals fo losing weight, getting fit, saving money, and is a joy to have around. We have been so worried over the past few years about Alans drinking, which was completely out of control. Apart from the very dangerous things he was doing, I kept getting embarrassing feedback from people that he became loud and obnoxious after a few drinks. We are so grateful to you. It was the best money we’ve ever spent! We (including Alan) have told many people about what you do. Hopefully, you’ll get some more clients from our referrals.” Many, many thanks, Heather. Mount Lawley, Perth, Western Australia. (names changed for privacy. Original testimonial on file)
Following years of research and study into addiction, Peter Zapfella knows that many methods to control problem drinking only approach parts of the addiction, while leaving behind the most important part, so that relapse is common.

You can view all of the Addiction ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations here.
Peter Zapfella uses Emotional Alignment Technique and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technologies together with advanced hypnotherapy to assist his clients to move beyond problem drinking in just one session, and take control of their own life. Peter has more than 28 years of passionate experience and thousands of past successful and happy clients.

BOOK YOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION NOW to quit problem alcohol drinking worldwide via Skype, FaceTime, Viber, and Messenger.
Audio PlayerPeter Zapfella’s personal pledge: if you fail to quit problem alcohol drinking in one session, if you relapse – whether it is one hour, one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he will take you through a special individual follow up session; ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.
Please indicate your location and the nature of the personal challenge/s you wish to change. Your phone number will enable Peter to discuss your particular issues with you and give an appropriate fee estimate.
COVIS JN1 variant is currently spreading so if you are suffering cold, flu and/or Covid symptoms please postpone your appointment. Peter has been vaccinated 4 x and keeps up to date. he has hand sanitizers available.
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