Quit Tobacco Smoking


Beating any addiction can be a challenge. Quit tobacco smoking is recognized as one of the most difficult addictions to give up. There are many stop smoking aids being offered in the market place, however, most smokers who have tried them know from bitter experience that most are a total waste of time and money. Ultimately, they make quitting an unpleasant struggle, followed by relapse and bitter failure. Peter Zapfella’s quit smoking NLP and advanced hypnosis program has a well-deserved reputation as one of the easiest and straight forward methods to quit an addiction, in just one session. It is available, one-on-one world-wide for FREE via VoIP Skype, FaceTime, Viber and other voice over internet protocol (VoIP) services almost 24/7.


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Life Free From Tobacco video in English ‘Click’ > here. 中文普通话视频  Video en español भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो Vídeo português Video Indonesia  فيديو عربي (Videos in production)

“I walked in craving ciggies, had my one-on-one session and walked out as a person that never smoked before! Unbelievable. I tried so much, Zyban, Champix, Allen Carr, Cold Turkey, Patches, Sprays, Gums… you name it I tried it but the only thing that worked was Peter Zapfella”  🙂  Amelie Haeckl

Peter Zapfella aims to make sure that when you use his NLP, advanced hypnosis treatment to assist you quit smoking, you can free yourself of the unpleasant withdrawals and side-effects of other stop smoking methods. Now you can quit …

FREE of stress and struggle

FREE of weight gain

FREE of nicotine withdrawals

FREE of patches, pills, gum. And silly gimmicks including E-cigarettes.

FREE of those one size fits all group sessions.

FREE of on going sessions

FREE of hidden extra’s

FREE individual follow-up session if relapsed.

Be FREE of the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction.

The ONE STOP NLP treatment that deals with YOUR smoking addiction problem – not just the bad habit.

Our client list includes major Australian companies (including Woodside Energy and Rio Tinto) and thousands of successful individuals, including doctors, nurses, psychologists,  executives and others from across Australia and around the world.



Reports following therapy show almost 100 percent have successfully quit tobacco smoking in just one session, with no nicotine withdrawals, no noticeable weight gain, no struggle, and no relapse. They quit immediately without the need of patches, gum or pills. Now you can take the risk out of quitting tobacco smoking!

I worked for Peter 10 years ago and followed up on clients, I spoke with 100’s that were completely satisfied and had never looked back. If you are struggling why not give Peter a call’ Leisa Stenton, Perth, Western Australia.

Peter Zapfella makes this personal pledge; If you fail to quit tobacco smoking in one session. If you relapse – whether one hour, one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he will take you through a special INDIVIDUAL follow-up session; ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

Google 5-star review
“I have been Smoke free for over 11 yrs, if you really want to quit see Peter. I spent 1 hr and 45 minutes …”
Reviewed by

Quit smoking hypnotherapy in Mandurah (and Perth), Bali, and Singapore goes offshore.

When Woodside Energy wanted to ban all tobacco smoking at its facilities they called for Peter Zapfella.

quit tobacco smoking min
Quit Tobacco Smoking – Woodside Oil Rig

From December 2007 to February 2008 Peter made 8 visits via helicopter, to the oil and gas platforms operated by Woodside Energy on the North-West Shelf of Western Australia.






Since March 2008 employee’s baggage is searched for contraband, including tobacco, before boarding flights to the off-shore facilities.

Quit Tobacco Smoking min
Quit Tobacco Smoking – Helicopter

Peter Zapfella returned to work with around 50 staff at the Woodside operated Karratha Gas Plant who wanted to quit smoking, in March 2011. Peter was then asked to return to Woodside’s Pluto Project in August 2012, to take another 40-50 through stop smoking advanced hypnosis therapy.

Why did they get Peter Zapfella back? Because he gets great results.

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Justin Connelly

Justin Connelly 1st degree connection

Site Manager.

…………………………………Justin Connelly sent the following message.

View profile Justin Connelly 

“Congrats on your work anniversary! You helped me stop smoking in Karratha years ago when all the rigs went no smoking.”

‘Dear Peter, I came to you in January 2009 and successfully gave up
smoking after 30yrs, not touched them since, fantastic….’ – Lynette
O’Donnell Perth, WA
“Interested in some hypnosis, Peter is one of the most successful hypnotist
in Australia…” – George Akary. Master Hypnotherapist Sydney NSW
I have known Peter Zapfella for more than 5 years. I first came to meet him
as a client. He is extremely passionate to his work as a therapist and always
exudes a genuine compassion for his clients. I am aware his
hypnotherapy/NLP practice is highly regarded, as many of his clients refer
their friends and family to him.’ – Dr. Richard Lee. Glen Forrest. WA
“Things have started to improve since I quit smoking 🙂 I am eating better
food. My health is good and I have now lost 7 kgs in the past 3 months. I am
getting stuck into loads of cleaning. Yay’s for me since getting all the s@#t
out of me life.”. – Liam Coates Mandurah.
‘I have now been smoke free for 4 months and I feel amazing. I have not had
a craving or urge to smoke since my first visit. The only thoughts I have had
of smoking are purely observational ones. I was recently at a restaurant
with friends and two of my smoker friends left the table to go outside into the
cold, wet conditions for their fix, and I thought to myself “I used to do that”.
While they were away they missed some fantastic conversations and our
meals arrived while they were still outside.
On another occasion a smoker friend of mine who cant believe I don’t smoke
any more kept offering me a cigarette. I kept saying ‘No thanks. I don’t want
one.’ She was surprised that she couldn’t convince me to have ‘just one’. The
thing is…I really do not want one. I have no desire at all to smoke, and do
not miss it in the slightest.’ – Melissa Le-Cocq, Perth WA.
‘We are all doing really well after your session with our team. 8 out of 9
employees that came to see you (in Port Hedland) a month ago are still not
smoking, we are all very happy.’ – Tim Hipworth. BIS Industrial Logistics.
Perth. WA.’
‘I just thought I should drop you a line to let you know that I still have not
had a smoke since the day I was over there in WA with you in June 2004,
and I don’t feel like one. More smokers should do what I did and give it
away. Thanks for helping me.’ Bruce Squelch. Bartercard. Toowoomba.
‘As a smoker I needed a cigarette for breakfast, and without one I would get
angry. Following therapy with Peter nothing bothers me anymore, and I
don’t know why I smoked. It was crazy.’ – Simon Miller. Rio Tino. Cape
Lambert WA.
‘Hello Peter. I saw you last week with regards to
smoking and weight loss. I am pleased to report that I have not had one
cigarette, despite all the “Christmas cheer” and being around full time
smokers almost daily, and I have done this without suffering any cravings – thanks’ .
DF. Perth WA (ID withheld)
‘Hello Peter, I came to you for smoking it is so far working wonderfully!! I
just wanted to know if you have a solution for a women’s lack of sex drive at
all?’ DJS. Perth WA (ID withheld)
‘Five years ago you completely changed my life when I met you at the
‘Conscious Living Expo’ and had follow-up sessions with you. Because of
the amazing things I learned that day I have gone on to study NLP and
hypnosis. I want to assist others to discover their self – empowerment too.
Kindest regards.’ Dee Lyon. Perth. WA
‘Hi Peter, Geoff and I came to see you for a ‘zapping’. I will admit I was a
bit skeptical after the session, but I thought I would let you know, we haven’t
had a puff since we came to see you. Thank you! Any one that can make my
husband Geoff quit smoking, must be really good, and guess what, you did
it. Amazing! I will be recommending you to all the smokers I know. Kind
regards.’ – Karen Turner. Kalgoorlie. WA
‘Peter it’s 7 months for me (thankyou) wish I saw you a few years earlier…a
good friend of my is trying but can’t get there…please help her ….on your
next visit in Karratha. David. Karratha WA (ID withheld)
‘I became a regular smoker at age 5. After 26 years of smoking I can now
begin to live life. Thank you very much Peter, this has actually worked and
now I can experience life without cigarettes.’ – Jeff Bernsten. Newman. WA
‘Hi Peter I visited you in April this year, pleased to tell you I am a non
smoker. My husband visited you a few weeks later and he too has broken the
habit…so now to the rest of the family!…………Regards Lana Calkins Perth
‘Hello Peter Zapfella, I came to see you on the 29th December to stop
smoking. So far so good – I haven’t touched a cigarette. ………’ Thanks,
Tom Markovich Perth WA
‘One of my good friends has recently come to see you and has had
great success with quitting smoking. I am also keen to come along.’ Matt.
Perth WA (ID withheld)
‘Hi Peter, Just a quick email to say thanks I’m back on track. Not just one
smoke Thanks again.’ Amanda Parker. Darwin
‘Peter, I am so pleased with the results with not smoking and also the result
of reducing stress/anxiety and increasing happiness that I am often
recommending people to come to see you. For smoking, for weight loss,
depression, anything at all that I think you can help with.’ – Melissa LeCocq, Perth WA.
‘Hi there. A recent patient of yours gave me your number. On average I
smoke around 5-10 a day, unless of course I’m with other smokers (which
the majority of my friends are) or drinking. Thank you in advance.’ Nikki.
Perth WA (ID withheld)
‘Hi Mr Zapfella, my brother in law came to see you some time ago to quit
smoking and has done very well. I asked him who he went to see and he told
me it was you, so have popped onto ur site to have a look.’ Regards Dani.
Perth. WA (ID withheld)
I have never had another smoke since seeing you 4yrs ago and never
will. You amazing Pete’, thanks Shaun McCrae
‘Hi Coral, your work is truly amazing. I have had no smokes or cravings,
put no weight on (since seeing you a year ago). Too easy. Love ya work.’
Kim Wheatley, Geraldton, WA

Peter Zapfella has been conducting on-site quit smoking therapies for Rio Tinto’s mines at Tom Price, Cape Lambert, Port Hedland, Dampier in the Pilbara, and Argyle diamond mine in the Kimberley, as staff quit tobacco smoking, alcohol problems, depression, anxiety, phobias, other addictions and work-related limiting beliefs (fear of flying, public speaking etc).

Why did they get Peter Zapfella back? Because he is a professional..

smoking and
energy, focus
good. I
– Colleen

He has also visited gold and salt mines, and industrial sites to conduct advanced hypnosis in regional Western Australia, Darwin, and Perth. Peter Zapfella can visit your business.

Peter Zapfella can visit your business and assist you and your staff achieve a return on investment of up to 1,500 percent by using NLP and hypnotherapy to quit tobacco smoking.

“It has been quite a number of years since I used Peters services to help me stop smoking. I literally went from a twenty-year, two pack a day smoker to completely stopping after just one session. Obviously, I found Peter to be very effective and I would highly recommend his very professional services”.

Randy Van Poecke. Manager at Barbecue Bazaar.

Below are listed some relevant blog’s written by Peter Zapfella

The Easy Way To Get Rich

E-Cigarettes fail to help

The Marlboro man rides out

Why I am not ready to quit smoking yet.

Tobacco Smoking V’s Vaping

The call to off-shore

The Placebo Effect

Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced hypnotherapy methods in Mandurah, Perth, and Bali. Peter Zapfella’s therapies overcome the root cause of the problem in just one session. Peter brings with him 25 years of passionate hypnosis experience, and thousands of successful and happy clients.


MANDURAH, PERTH and world-wide NOW

Quit Tobacco Smoking min,
Quit Tobacco Smoking

According to Kings College London who tracked the symptoms of 2.4 million people smokers are 29 percent more likely to report 5 or more Covid-19 symptoms, and 14 percent more likely to actually catch Covid-19 than non-smokers. Smokers are 50 percent more likely to report 10 or more symptoms than none smokers. Smokers are more likely to be admitted into hospital for treatment than non-smokers according to the study. 

Why is stop smoking often difficult?

Every smoker knows cigarettes are not good for them. Every smoker knows they spend too much money on tobacco. Research shows most smokers want to quit. So, why don’t they?

  • Fear of nicotine withdrawals.
  • Fear of stress and anxiety.
  • Fear of weight gain.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear of loss. Loss of a long time friend?
  • Fear of losing smoking social situations.
  • Fear of success.
  • Until a smoker eventually defeats these fears they will make excuses and say they are not ready to quit yet.

The facts are;

Fear of nicotine withdrawals.

All reputable scientific research done in the past 25 years has confirmed that nicotine is NOT physically addictive, therefore there is no such thing as nicotine addiction or nicotine withdrawal – the whole nicotine addiction racket was designed to keep people smoking so the perpetrators could siphon off money from the unsuspecting addicts.

In 2003, Dr. John R. Hughes and Dr. Saul Shiffman paid consultants to GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of Nicorette, Nicoderm CQ, and NiQuitin CQ, published a report entitled “A meta-analysis of the efficacy of over-the-counter nicotine replacement.” In it they reported only 1 out of 149 nicotine transdermal patch users were still not smoking six months after using the patch. (Ref:http://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_OTC_NRT_Meta_Analysis.html)

The Placebo Effect

Tobacco smoking v’s Vaping

In his book “The only way to stop smoking permanently” (Penguin Books), the late Allen Carr (who died from lung cancer) said the only way nicotine transdermal patches can work is if a smoker puts one nicotine patch over each eye, so they cannot find their cigarettes. I think he was right.

Fear of stress and anxiety.

Some people think that tobacco smoking somehow relieves stress and anxiety, when research proves smokers have higher stress levels than non-smokers. Smoking actually causes stress because smokers worry about when they can have their next cigarette, or if they have enough to make it through the day. Now they worry if they are allowed to smoke or what other people will think of their dirty little habit.

Fear of weight gain.

Some people who stop smoking put on weight only because they eat more – usually sugar-based foods as a substitute, They miss the hand to mouth habit (see thumb sucking) and the taste and smells associated with smoking.

Fear of failure.

The research proves beyond a doubt that the pharmaceutical approach to putting a stop to smoking (patches, gum, pills etc.) fail as much as 93 percent of the time. No wonder people fear failure – they were always meant to fail so they would return to buy more expensive pharmaceutical products designed not to work. The government-sponsored quit program has a similarly high failure rate. Why? Because they want your money!

Fear of loss.

If tobacco has been a part of daily life and associated with almost every significant emotional event, then there may be a perceived threat of loss when gone. However when you quit the correct way with Peter Zapfella’s stop smoking hypnosis based in Perth, Darwin, and Bali you will experience a feeling of freedom and release from slavery.

Fear of losing smoking social situations.

Maybe there was a time when many people you knew smoked and it was socially acceptable. Times are changing and now most people look upon smokers as social lepers, misfits, and emotional wheelchair cases. Maybe you started smoking because of ‘peer pressure’, now it is time to quit for the same reason. Plus of course – your own healthy future. Quit smoking with Peter Zapfella offers you this opportunity.

When a smoker eventually admits to themselves that all the excuses they had for choosing to smoke are now a farce.

When they admit to themselves that tobacco smoking is really a game of ‘Russian Roulette’ it is time to quit playing games forever.

“I came to you 4 years ago to quit smoking. I am happy to say I still do not smoke.”  

Jenniffer S. Oldbury. WA

“Hi Peter, I attended one of your sessions to give up smoking in Newman a long time ago Just letting you know I was very sceptical at the time but it worked and I haven’t had a smoke since. Thanks for your help the money was well spent? Geoff Jones

Now there is a simple way to quit forever.

  • FREE of struggle.
  • FREE of weight gain.
  • FREE of withdrawals from nicotine.
  • FREE of pills, patches, and gimmicks, including those E – cigarettes.
  • FREE of ongoing sessions, and
  • FREE of hidden extras.
  • Be FREE of the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction.
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Click Here to Listen to Nicotine CONspiracy Podcast


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You can view all of the Addiction ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations here.

Peter Zapfella Hypnotherapy, changing lives for the better, 5 star,
Peter Zapfella – Changing Lives For The Better

BOOK YOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION NOW to quit tobacco smoking world-wide via Skype, FaceTime and Viber and Messenger.

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If you like Skype Therapy, then like my Skype Facebook Page (Click Here)

Peter Zapfella’s personal pledge: if you fail to quit smoking in one session, if you relapse – whether it is one hour, one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he will take you through a special individual follow up session; ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

What is Hypnotherapy Video

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Click Here to see the video – What is Hypnotherapy?

Peter Zapfella has been rated ‘A’ as one of the best Hypnotherapists at Best in Perth.

Best in Perth image

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Changing Lives For The Better









Please indicate your location and the nature of the personal challenge/s you wish to change. Your phone number will enable Peter to discuss your particular issues with you and give an appropriate fee estimate.

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