- “Dont settle for average. The best predictor of their future performance is their past performance.” Eben Pagan. (He is the creator of the successful Double Your Dating website, and has built a multi-million-dollar company teaching people how to improve their business and personal lives.)
- “I saw you in Albany for quit smoking ten years ago. It took me a year just to get around to booking a session with you. I walked out afterward, and decided to have a smoke. I picked up my rollie tobacco pouch, papers and lighter as usual – and automatically threw them in the bin. I was shocked! I have never thought about smoking since. Instead I saved enough money to buy myself a reward – a 30 foot cruising yacht! Thank you so much. I tell everyone about it.” Colin Mundy. Albany WA.
- Nearly 9 years ago you helped me give up smoking. I have never smoked one again after walking out of that room in Karratha.” – Kelli. T. WA
- “I love u Mr Zapfella. I love wat uve helped do for me, forever thankful, U r simply the greatest, thankuuuu so much. ?” Jacqui C. Thornlie. WA
- Hi Peter, I have seen you for smoking and drug use and been successful on both times much thanks to you!! I was curious if you do one for exercise as I need to exercise but lack motivation. I go well for two weeks then fall in a heap. – Regards Aimee. Perth WA
- “The Skype session with me for my claustrophobia and panic attacks really worked. On Wednesday I was kept latched to the operating table for well over an hour in total and didn’t panic once.” – Alyson Willis. United Kingdom.
- “I just wanted to thank you so much for your time the other day.
- ‘I feel fantastic and I’m sure next time we speak there will be far less of me. Hope you are well and talk again soon.” Mandurah, Western Australia.
- ‘I worked for Peter 10 years ago and followed up on clients (by phone). I spoke with 100’s who told me they were completely satisfied and had never looked back. If you are struggling, give Peter a call’
Leisa Stenton, Perth, Western Australia.
- I just wanted to let you know that our session was literally the end and i have no (smoking) urges, only think of it once in a while, It seems to have hit it on the head. It was the rebellion part that changed it all…It has been nearly a month now and I feel awesome and everything is great. Thank you so much. My next journey is fixing eating and yoyo weight issues. Claudine Paki. Joondalup. WA
- Hello Peter, Thought I would drop you a line to let you know how we are going. I have definitely had a very big shift in some areas. No longer have any shutting down in the sexual area (it is like a miracle, which I never believed would happen. Thank you so very much. My confidence and self-esteem has risen a lot and it is so strange to feel this way like a new person. I have had no anxiety or depression since our appointment I never would have had the strength to make this move without you Peter, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I fully expect to have a wonderful, relaxed life in our new home, with our friends and family close by. I have passed on your details to several people, including our Doctor He is most interested, as he has a lot of depression patients. Hope you can help many more people in Darwin. All the best and thanks from both of us.B. Darwin NT.
- ‘I walked in a smoker and walked out a non-smoker. That was nearly 6 years ago. Awesome!!!! Silvia Thurstun-Heath
- 43kg
“I made my goal weight!!! woohooo finally 32.7kg gone in a year….plus the 10.3kg I lost the year before brings my total loss to 43kg!!! I can’t believe I went from a whopping 108kg down to 65kg…I did it!!!! I am so incredibly happy and healthy now. I’ve gone from a size 20+ to a comfortable size 8-10. I’m so darn proud of myself and the woman I have become. ????Peter I couldn’t have done it without your help! You’ve helped me to set my mind into gear to accomplish what I have wanted for so long but was unable to do due to self-limiting thoughts…so a massive Thankyou to you.” Sarah Celentano. Mandurah. WA
- “I am also forever grateful to Peter for showing me how to stop smoking. Been two years now and I have saved thousands since, done heaps of work on my house, been traveling and most of all I am now a healthy woman. I used cough constantly, no more!” – Colleen Courtney. Karinyup. WA.
- ‘It is amazing how good I feel. Now I can stand next to smokers and it does not bother me at all. Everybody is surprised.’ Doug Neville. Darwin NT.
- ‘Hello Peter, I came to you in 2012 to quit smoking. you changed my life
. now I’m looking at weight loss. was hoping you could give me a price please??
Thanks Carmen Noy (same fee. It has not increased in past 7 years) - ” Regarding The Phobia List. Thanks for another magnificent article. Where else could anybody get that type of information in such an easy style of writing? I am presenting soon and would like to use that information.” Sandra Kish
- ‘Both my mother and stepmother smoked, and they both died from cancer. I feel so amazing now that I quit with Peter Zapfella.’ Tarsh Tarrant. Darwin. NT
- Interested in some hypnosis? Peter Zapfella is one of the most successful hypnotists in Australia George Akary. Master Hypnotherapist. Woolongong. New South Wales.
- I have known Peter Zapfella since 2003. He is extremely passionate to his work as a therapist and always exudes genuine compassion for his clients. I am aware his hypnotherapy/NLP practice is highly regarded, as many of his clients refer their friends and family to him. Dr. Richard Lee. Glen Forrest. WA
- It has been quite a number of years since I used Peters services to help me stop smoking. I literally went from a twenty-year, two pack a day smoker to completely stopping after just one? Obviously, I found Peter to be very effective and I would highly recommend his very professional services. Randy Van Poecke. Manager at Barbecue Bazaar.
- Thank you Peter, very much for your kind and generous help. God knows your so very helpful to other people, and especially our family. Jenita Cabillas. Mandaue, Cebu. Philippines.
- We are all doing really well after your session with our team. 8 out of 9 employees that came to see you (in Port Hedland) a month ago are still not smoking, we are all very happy. Tim Hipworth. BIS Industrial Logistics. Perth. WA.
- I’m currently working on a brand new TV series for Discovery International and was carrying out a worldwide search, for people who may be interested in participating in this new show with world-famous adventurer, Bear Grylls. I would love to chat with you about it. Warm wishes, Nicola. London, England
bear grylls shirtless - Our whole family is blown away by the treatment you gave Alan. He stated at the outset that he was going to have a couple of drinks on Christmas Day (also his brother’s birthday) and on New Years Eve. He did this, keeping to just a couple, and has not had a drink at any other time. He says that even when he had those drinks, he didn’t particularly enjoy them, and didn’t feel like continuing to drink. He has occasions when he feels like having a beer, but when he goes to the fridge he changes his mind. The difference in Alan is amazing. He is happier, more confident and he has goals of losing weight, getting fit, saving money, and is a joy to have around. We have been so worried over the past few years about Alans drinking problem, which was completely out of control. Apart from the very dangerous things he was doing, I kept getting embarrassing feedback from people that he became loud and obnoxious after a few drinks. We are so grateful yo you. It was the best money we have ever spent! We (including Alan) have told many people about what you do. Hopefully, you will get some more clients from our referrals.. .many, many thanks. Mount Lawley. WA. (Names changed for privacy)
- Good afternoon Peter,
My name is Sophie and I’m living in Darwin. I quit smoking thanks to your help almost 4 years ago and haven’t touched a cigarette since. Unfortunately, As I had such positive results from my quit smoking session I was hoping to be able to book a weight control session with you? Thanks and have a nice weekend. - I’m certainly going to save this Review page. This isn’t something I would normally be interested in but you simply can’t ignore the fact that it’s really good. If only other folks would put this type of work into their web content.
- Thank you so much Peter. It is six weeks tomorrow I have been off chocolate and sweets. I have never felt like this in my life. I will always appreciate your help. Kind Regards, Sylvia X Chocoholic. Perth WA.
- “Three months ago Peter helped me stop drinking alcohol. I have not had a drop since. Since then I have moved to Talisay. Got puppy Rottweiler……….WOOFY. Starting Relationship. (lasting i hope) Beginning to feel like the old me again.” Martin De Thier. Talisay, Cebu. Philippines.
- A year ago I came to see you to quit smoking. At first I was skeptical, because it was all too easy. But following therapy I felt weird different somehow. It was almost a spiritual feeling. Day by day I discovered I did not smoke it was easy. I stopped thinking about smoking and I felt great. Peter you are magic. Danni Hawks. Darwin. NT
- I used Peter Zapfella 4 years 4 months and 12 days ago and I haven’t had a smoke since. Only 5 years 8 months 18 days to go until I have the same risk of lung cancer as a person who has never smoked before. All-New 16 July 2012
- I have heard of many people who have had one session and never smoked (or even wanted to) again. Just make sure that you use someone with a good reputation. Peter Zapfella is a bloke in Perth. His details are on the web @ I hope this is helpful. xxx Kawasakigirlzx9R
- I came to you 4 years ago for quit smoking. I am happy to say I still do not smoke. Jenniffer S. Oldbury. WA
- Hi, I saw you for smoking and quit, no problem. Then I saw you again to quit drug use and been successful on both times, much thanks to you! I was curious if you do one for exercise, as I need to exercise but lack motivation. I go well for two weeks then fall in a heap. Il be in Perth from the 6th of October for 10 days n would like to see you if there is a time free at all on any day. Regards A.P
- After 7 years with the success of weight loss using a lap band, I had major complications, and the lap band was removed. Now I am very fearful of regaining the weight. My husband had great success with smoking after consulting with you around 8 years ago. We live in Queensland, is Skype an option? Fiona T.
- I saw you in Newman a few years ago for weight loss. Over the next 3 months I lost 27 KGs. It just fell off me without a thought in it. Megan L. Newman, WA
- I came to see you October 2009 for weight loss (after my brother in law told me he came to you about (successfully) quitting smoking), it was an awesome session. I was on a high when I left and I felt fantastic!! And now that I have lost a lot of that weight I wanted to lose, I feel great!!! I lost about 17kgs within the first 3 months. I recommended a friend to you just last week about helping him to quit smoking, and he came away feeling sooooo positive!! It was just brilliant to see!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Dani, Ascot, WA
- I like The Phobia List article, useful stuff on : D. pes 18 kasma sorunu
- Gday Peter, You have outdone yourself once again. I quit smoking with you years ago. Now I have not had a bad dream since we Skyped last Sunday. Thank you very much. Darren W. Broome. Western Australia.
- I’m now nearly 6 months smoke-free. Yippee! Rochelle S Katherine Northern Territory.
- Just a quick email to say thanks Im back on track. Not one smoke. Thanks again. Amanda P. Darwin. Northern Territory
- I located Peter Zapfella through a recommendation by my GPI found with Peter that he has the ability to make a patient feel comfortable and is very approachable and personable. He handled my every need as a patient and desire to learn and understand the way in which the mind works with extreme professionalism. I cannot speak highly enough of his sincerity and genuine interest in helping his patients. Not to mention his knowledge on the subject. Since my first meet with Peter in 2003 I have directed many patients to him, including family members with outstanding results. Ashley Satie. Port Kennedy. WA.
- I came to you in January 2009 and successfully gave up smoking after 30yrs, not touched them since, fantastic. Lynette ODonnell Perth, WA
- Things have started to improve since I quit smoking? I am eating better food. My health is good and I have now lost 7 kgs in the past 3 months. I am getting stuck into loads of cleaning. Yays for me since getting all the s@#t out of me life. Liam C. Mandurah. Western Australia.
- I saw you a few years ago, had a big problem with biting my nails & can report that all these years later I’ve not bit them once since the session we had. I hope you are well. David Bergl. Perth WA
- Funny thing happened (following therapy yesterday), last night was the first time in about 5 years that I slept through 7 hours and was woken by my alarm (I don’t know what you do, but you do it well ! Thanks, David Bergl, Perth WA.
- Hi Peter I came to see you last December to work on my OCD driven intrusive & obsessive slug thought that was producing excessive anxiety and affecting my life. This seems to no longer be a problem anymore. I would like to see you again at the earliest opportunity to work on the symptoms of my BDD condition ( Body Dysmorphic Disorder). I will discuss in depth with you when we meet. Looking forward to your response. Warm Regards DM. Perth WA (ID withheld)
- I just thought I should drop you a line to let you know that I still have not had a smoke since the day I was over there in WA with you in June 2004, and I don’t feel like one. More smokers should do what I did and give it away. Thanks for helping me. Bruce Squelch. Bartercard. Toowoomba. QLD.
- As a smoker I needed a cigarette for breakfast, and without one I would get angry. Following therapy with Peter nothing bothers me anymore, and I don’t know why I smoked. It was crazy. Simon Miller. Rio Tino. Cape Lambert WA.
- I saw you last week with regard to smoking and weight loss. I am pleased to report that I have not had one cigarette, despite all the Christmas cheer and being around full-time smokers almost daily, and I have done this without suffering any cravings thanks.F. Perth WA (ID withheld)
- Hello Peter, I came to you for smoking it is so far working wonderfully!! I just wanted to know if you have a solution for a women s lack of sex drive at all.J.S. Perth WA (ID withheld)
- Five years ago you completely changed my life when I met you at the Conscious Living Expo and had follow-up sessions with you. Because of the amazing things I learned that day I have gone on to study NLP and hypnosis. I want to assist others to discover their self-empowerment too. Kindest regards. Dee Lyon. Perth. WA
- Geoff and I came to see you for a zapping. I will admit I was a bit skeptical after the session, but I thought I would let you know, we haven’t had a puff since we came to see you. Thank you! Anyone that can make my husband Geoff quit smoking, must be really good, and guess what, you did it. Amazing! I will be recommending you to all the smokers I know. Kind regards. Karen Turner. Kalgoorlie. WA
- Hi peter I saw you in Darwin to help me give up my obsession with chocolate and happy to say I haven’t eaten chocolate since and have lost weight, thank you I am in contact to ask if you travel to Canberra as I have mentioned you to a friend who wants to give up smoking, cheers Linda B, Darwin NT
- Peter its 7 months for me (thankyou) wish I saw you a few years earlier a good friend of mine is trying but can’t get there please help her on your next visit to Karratha. Karratha WA (ID withheld)
- I became a regular smoker at age 5. After 26 years of smoking I can now begin to live life. Thank you very much, Peter, this has actually worked and now I can experience life without cigarettes. Jeff Bernsten. Newman. WA
- Hi Peter I visited you in April this year, pleased to tell you I am a nonsmoker. My husband visited you a few weeks later and he too has broken the habit so now to the rest of the family! Regards Lana Calkins Perth WA
- “Peter, I totally believe in you and your services. It was the best investment I’ve made and I will do the same for my daughter, as issues lead to other things. We are actually saving way more by having therapy with you. Please let me know the dates you will be in Bali next. Best regards, Terri Sudiata – Jaydess Clothing & Kakadi Designs. Bali.”
- Immediately following my quit smoking session with Peter I could be around my smoking friends while we were drinking, and I felt no interest in smoking what-so-ever. It was awesome. Jesper S. Perth WA
- Hello Peter Zapfella, I came to see you on the 29th of December to stop smoking. So far so good. I haven’t touched a cigarette. Thanks Tom Markovich Perth WA
- One of my good friends has recently come to see you and has had great success with quitting smoking. I am also keen to come along. Perth WA (ID withheld)
- Peter, I am so pleased with the results of not smoking and also the result of reducing stress/anxiety and increasing happiness that I am often recommending people to come to see you. For smoking, for weight loss, depression, anything at all that I think you can help with. Melissa Le- Cocq, Perth WA.
- My brother in law came to see you some time ago to quit smoking and has done very well. I asked him who he went to see and he told me it was you. Can you help me? Regards Dani. Perth. WA (ID withheld)
- I have never had another smoke since seeing you 4 years ago and never will. You amazing Pete, thanks. Shaun McCrae.
- Peter thanks for your undying support. We’re so great and thankful to have you. Erwin Roy Cabillas RN. Cebu. Philippines.
- “Hey, Your website’s design is absolutely brilliant. The visuals really enhance your message and the content compels action. I’ve forwarded it to a few of my contacts who I think could benefit from your services.” Regards, Jack Cooper
Hi Peter, I thought you might be interested to know I am quite well and somewhat improved since your visit. Mostly the improvement is in my happiness? and motivation to care for my life. I have more energy and am interested to improve things around me whereas I was feeling defeated, that life was basically over, and very apathetic and tired both mentally and physically. You said I would tire of your voice but that hasn’t happened. I am still getting SO much out of the first recording I haven’t started the others. You have the BEST voice to listen to and I am still journeying through inner mores during the recording because of your voice and the different places it still takes me to. I wish everyone in the world had a personal Peter recording, I really do. This time of the year has such expectations for so many but none of us have the Hollywood movie family. I am much stronger emotionally and more settled in myself now and am so grateful for the work you do. Because of it, and because MY life has been blessed with your visit, I will have a much better Christmas and New Year, and then of course, so will my children. I hope you and your Mum can be well over the Christmas season and it is a happy time for you.
Best wishes, Beth McLelland. Dianella, Perth, Western Australia. Ps – if you like mango let me know – I have the best recipe for using it as a salad
“10 days today smoke-free! Very happy that I have had no withdrawals and I’m feeling great! Every now and then it feels as if something is missing…it’s very weird, I never thought I could do it! Thanks to Peter Zapfella I am no longer a smoker!” Sarah Celentano.11 March 2013. Mandurah, WA, Australia.
- Sarah Celentano.Nikita Mary this is Peter Zapfella’s Quit Tobacco Smoking, send him a message if you would like some more information xx. Like.
- Nikita Mary.Thanks hun xx. Like.
- Sarah Celentano. You’re welcome babe xx best decision I ever made. That was 3 years ago.(Saturday 12 March 2016)
Originals on file.
Peter Zapfella has created a range of specific therapies, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced hypnotherapy methods in Mandurah, Perth, Bali, Singapore and world-wide via Skype to overcome the root cause of the problem. He brings with him thousands of past successful and happy clients since 1995.
Your Reviews, comments and personal testimonials are welcome.
Please indicate your location and the nature of the personal challenge/s you wish to change. Your phone number will enable Peter to discuss your particular issues with you and give an appropriate fee estimate.