Shop Information

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Peter Zapfella and his dedicated team of professionals are creating the largest  Internet Hypnosis. Shop, with the worlds widest product range of online therapies.

Internet Hypnosis. Shop is fast becoming the widest range of self-help treatments and therapies of their kind available on the Internet. The first products are currently more than 460 different Classic subliminal affirmations each with up to 9 different foreground sounds to choose from, currently totaling 2500+ MP3s. This is already the largest selection of subliminal affirmation MP3’s on the Internet, and we have only just started! Multiple Languages (under construction now) will build to more than 11000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s.

The next project is more than 500 ‘Classic’ advanced hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) MP3’s. They will then be created and coupled in discounted Complete Packages, with Classic Welcome subliminal affirmations.

PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad.  Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो .

Sample of Prime Hypnosis induction by Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad.

‘Click’ > to listen.

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Please read the Prime Hypnosis Listening Guide before use.

Beyond Hypnosis

For a limited time, when you purchase a selected English language Welcome subliminal affirmation discounted Bundle you will automatically receive a FREE Hypnotherapy MP3 from Hypnosis dot Boutique.

Hypnosis Boutique logo,

Please read the Beyond Hypnosis Listening Guide before use.

Shop Overview Video

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com product descriptions, blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not by Chat GBT and AI sources.

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Classic Welcome Subliminal Affirmations – Variant Video (Click here)

 Chinese Mandarin  中文普通话视频 (点击这里) Spanish Video en (Haga clic aquí) Indian Hindi  भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) Portuguese Português Video (clique aqui) Indonesian  bahasa Indonesia Malay (Klik di sini) Arabic  فيديو عربي (انقر هنا) 

Click Here to Read More, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Multiple Languages will build Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to more than 11000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s in Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, bahasa Indonesia-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic and of course English. 

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Discounted Bundles – Video in English (Click here)   Chinese Mandarin  中文普通话视频   Spanish  Video en español Indian Hindi   भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो  Portuguese  Vídeo português  Indonesian  Video bahasa Indonesia Malay  Arabic   فيديو عربي 

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Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Product Categories. English Video (Click to View)

Chinese Mandarin  中文普通话视频 (点击这里)    Spanish  Video en (Haga clic aquí) Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) Portuguese português Video (clique aqui) Indonesian bahasa Indonesia Malay (Klik di sini) Arabic  فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)

Meet The Internet Hypnosis Shop Team

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Meet The Internet Hypnosis. Shop Team from the inside.

Internet Hypnosis. Shop Studio, Peter Zapfella. Min

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Peter Zapfella has more than 30 years experience
as a therapist, having worked with thousands of individual clients to assist them to change their lives for the better. 30 year anniversary

You can read the text of each ‘Welcome’ affirmation on the relevant product page at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. But we go an extra step for your added security and peace of mind….

You can usually* clearly listen to the ‘first read’ of Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations by Peter Zapfella once, before they slide down below the masking foreground music and environmental sounds. In this way, you consciously, logically, and analytically, process the message! This builds conscious trust, and confidence in the affirmation messages, because you know exactly what your deep unconscious is about to hear. (No need to take our word for it) Conscious acceptance ‘un-locks the door’ to profound unconscious change.

As your deep unconscious continues to listen, your conscious may hear ‘faint distant’ words, somewhere within the foreground music or environmental sounds. Research proves, this audio level to be most effective in creating unconscious learnings, and long-term positive change. It is also reassuring, because you consciously know something is there, and your deep unconscious mind is hearing, without you having to listen to tedious boring repetition!

Many titles are also available in multiple languages, including Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic (and soon French) and of course English,

Your Wishlists

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Your Wishlists video in English ‘Click’ here.      中文普通话视频      Video en español       भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो        Vídeo português         Video Indonesia         فيديو عربي 
shop information, wishlist laptop.min
Your Wishlists! 
  • Guest visitors to Internet Hypnosis. Shop can now browse and create their own Wishlists. “Browse now – select now – pay later”. Your selections are stored for 30 days for your convenience.
  • Soon registered customers can create their own Wishlists and store them indefinitely.
  • Privacy control. Customers can assign their Wishlists as public, shared, or private.
  • Share lists with friends and family via social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
  • Automatic notification if the item already exists in Your Wishlist when browsing.
  • Unlimited number of Your Wishlists can be created. Whether for a special occasion, or personal — the possibilities are endless.
  • Bulk Actions manage Your Wishlists: Add multiple or all items to the cart, delete one or multiple items in an instant, update quantities for one or multiple items, and move one or multiple items easily to another list or to a brand new list.
  • Everything just became more flexible and easy at Internet Hypnosis. Shop with Your Wishlists.

How do ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations work?

Deep unconscious emotions drive our self-talk, which in turn becomes our unconscious beliefs, which then drive habits of behavior… and so it goes around and around, like a dog chasing its tail.

Unconscious Mind Learnings, min
………………………………………………   Unconscious Mind Learnings

We can break the cycle of negativity with the appropriate therapy ‘click here’. Then ‘lock-in’ the new positive emotions, beliefs and behaviors with the appropriate ‘Welcome’ subliminal messages, listed below.

Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations

Click to see video



Chinese video 中文普通话视频(点击这里).     Video en español (Haga clic aquí),    Vídeo português. (clique aqui)    Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini)    Indian Hindi video  भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें)   Arabic video متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي    (انقر هنا)

Each subliminal affirmation script is printed on the relevant product page, so you can see exactly what you are getting.

Unique to Internet Hypnosis. Shop, you will hear your ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation spoken once before it ‘disappears’ below your preferred foreground sounds.

Research has confirmed hypnotic language laws; suggestions and affirmations are only effective if they are stated in the present tense. Such as; “You are now more confident. You believe in yourself because you are naturally more self-assured.“

“You will be more confident. You will believe in yourself because you will be naturally more self-assured.” “You will…” has not happened, and as you continue to listen to those MP3’s it will never happen. If you come across hypnosis MP3 download and subliminal affirmation MP3 download web sites that make this basic error, you know they are selling an ineffective product. 

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’    中文普通话视频.   ideo en español,    Vídeo português.    Video Indonesia.    भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो.     أخطاء لغوية

Most other hypnosis and subliminal MP3 download sites have been incorrectly written and recorded in the first person. They say … “I will be more confident. I will believe in myself because I will be naturally more self-assured.“ When your own unconscious hears someone else’s voice, perhaps of the opposite sex saying, ‘I’, ‘my’ and ‘me’– they are obviously talking about themselves – not you! They are meaningless to your unconscious mind. 

Foreground variants Bundles Discount-Conver tImage - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
‘I’, ‘My’ and ‘Me’
Audio Player

‘Welcome’ subliminal messages are simply ‘hidden’ from the conscious analytical mind within masking foreground music and environmental sounds to prevent conscious logical thinking about the message content.

The sound level of the affirmation messages is low, but not silent. According to the researchers, the unconscious mind must be able to hear the messages when the foreground masking sounds are removed. Some subliminal affirmation websites claim they have ‘silent’ voice tracks. How do you know if there is a voice track at all? How do you know what is being said? Do you think your unconscious mind can hear and respond to something it cannot hear? Researchers confirm “high-speed speech”, “multi-layered audio”, “reversed speech”, “mumbling speech” and “echo speech” subliminal tracks that cannot be deciphered consciously, cannot be deciphered unconsciously either. These products are ‘gobbledygook’. In this way, the deeper unconscious can respond to these positive messages, which may be repeated up to 500 times during one night’s sleep.

MP3 Foreground Variants

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Variants – Subliminal Affirmation Variant Foreground Sounds – Video

Some Classic Welcome Subliminal Affirmations are designed to be played in the background as you are awake and engaged in other activities. These include Pleasant ‘guitar and piano’ melody, ‘Country Guitars foot-tapping jigs’ with fiddle, and banjo. Zumba’ style Latin dance music and Beta wave binaurals. This is designed to stimulate and vitalize you while listening. Great for driving, gym, walking, running and other physical activities. 

Others including Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’, Environmental ‘Gentle rain on a tin roof’, plus Alpha ‘Anti-Anxiety ‘binaural waves, Theta binaural waves and seXXX brain wave binaural waves are designed to cause the listener to feel drowsy and sleep.

You can listen to a sample of the foreground sounds ‘click here’.

Multiple Language MP3s

Internet-Hypnosis-Shop-Multiple -Languages min
Internet-Hypnosis-Shop-Multiple – Languages

Listen to our hostess Candy explain Multiple Language MP3s. ‘Click’ on > below.

Audio Player

In addition to English, Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian – Malay, Indian – Hindi, French and Arabic language MP3s are being progressively introduced.

Multiple Languages Spoken at Internet Hypnosis Shop. 9 Reasons Why Not and 8 Reasons Why.

New web pages will soon be created for each of the following domain names with relevant languages and videos and MP3 products. They currently point to www.InternetHypnosis.Shop.

互联网催眠店.cn  Chinese Mandarin Spanish

متجرالتنويمالمغناطيسي.com Arabic Indonesian Portuguese

इंटरनेटसम्मोहनकीदुकान.com Indian Hindi French

PayPal Pay in 4 Instalments

PayPal pay-in-4 @ Peter Zapfella dot com

You can now purchase, download and use MP3’s priced anywhere between $30 and $1500 and pay in 4 installments. Details at checkout.

How do I download MP3’s?

  1. Review product information and select your preferred. ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation MP3’s. On most products that is just under the ‘Download’ image and arrow pointing down.
  2. Click on ‘Add to Cart’. The black button.
  3. Click on ‘View Cart’ at top right of the screen.
  4. Review your order/s. Delete and add products as required.
  5. Apply coupon (if any).
  6. Click on ‘Proceed to Checkout’.
  7. Add your Billing details. First name (required), Last name (required), company name (if any), select country, street address (house number, street name, apartment, suite, unit etc), town/city, state, province, or county, postcode, ZIP, phone, email address (required).
  8. Review your order.
  9. Select the preferred payment method. You can use your credit/debit card.
  10. Click ‘Continue to payment’. You will then be directed to the external website of the financial institution.
  11. You will then receive an email with simple download instructions.
  12. You can download to more than one device, such as a desktop OR laptop AND cell-mobile phone AND/OR tablet.
  13. Or, download to your desktop OR laptop and then share the MP3 file to your cell-mobile phone AND/OR tablet.
  14. We can help you to complete the check-out process manually. Just click on the FB Messenger button (the green circle on the bottom right corner of your screen) and send us your name, email address and your selection (Product names and preferred variants).
  15. You could be listening within a few minutes from now.

Discounted MP3 Bundles

Foreground Variants. Bundles Discount-Convert.Image

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Discounted Bundles Video (Click Here to View) 

中文普通话视频        Video en español       भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो       Vídeo português       Video Indonesia        فيديو عربي 

All ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation variants for each product are being bundled together and discounted by 50%. So, you can listen to different foreground masking sounds of the same affirmations depending upon your mood. They may promote sleep and relaxation or activity, including driving, gym and running. “More choice at value prices”

MP3 Bundles and Complete Packs

Complete Packs will include Classic Prime Hypnosis,  Hipno Hop Rap and ‘Ultra’ DIY NLP and later  Classic ‘Vanish’ advanced hypnotherapy, for almost every product. Some will include E Books and other resources.  It can be coupled with Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations Bundles.

Mail order thumb drives & CD's
Complete Package Mail order thumb drives & CD’s

Available on CD’s, and thumb drives by snail mail, and of course discounted online downloads. Complete Packs include every MP3 found on Bundles.

CD's, and USB thumb drives
CD’s, and USB thumb drives

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101 Excellent Reasons.-ConvertImage

“click’ on the 101 image to read

* Many Theta binaural waves and Environmental Rain Welcome subliminals DO NOT feature a ‘first read’ so that they can be listened through, on repeat, undisturbed while sleeping. Of course, the ‘first read’ can be heard on all other variants so you know exactly what your deep unconscious is hearing.

Created by Peter Zapfella, © Copyright 2002-25 Peter Zapfella All Rights Reserved. Relevant backlinks invited.

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