Stop Vaping It

Life free from vaping. min

Did you take up vaping (E Cigarettes) in an attempt to quit smoking?

Were you told vaping was a safer option than tobacco smoking?

Did you know that the multi-national tobacco companies want you to quit tobacco smoking and take-up vaping electronic cigarettes?

Why? So you will preserve the smoking habit and become dependent on their own vaping products. That way they can make billion$ every year with low tax profits.

Did you start smoking electronic cigarettes because of ‘peer group pressure’?

Maybe you thought joining in your friend’s addiction would make you more popular with them? Did you think it would be ‘cool’ to crave the cocktail of chemicals in vapes, without really knowing what they are, or what they will do to your body – just because ‘everyone’ is doing it?

Are you having difficulty ‘cutting down’ or quitting vaping E Cigarettes. Maybe you are addicted.

electronic cigarettes, life free from vaping. min

……………………………………………………Photo is © Copyright 2002 Peter Zapfella All Rights Reserved.


Stop Vaping It Podcast

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Q. Did you switch to vaping E Cigarettes to escape nicotine?

A. The labels tell lies. Dr Kelso from the University of Wollongong, analyses biomolecules (DNA, Proteins) and small molecules. She has analyzed hundreds of  E Cigarette brands sold to children in Australia, to discover their chemical content.  Dr Kelso reported none of the brands she tested had listed any nicotine content. (Nicotine can only be sold if a prescription has been issued by a licensed Australian Doctor of Medicine.) However, Dr Kelso found nicotine in every sample tested. In other words, all of the hundreds of Vape products tested had left nicotine off the content labels (illegally) to mislead end users….. that’s you!

What is more, Dr Kelso found the nicotine levels to be as high as they can be without physically burning the throat of vapers. Nicotine levels are higher than in tobacco cigarettes. Nicotine is a poison and a cancer-causing carcinogen. 

Q. Are children and adolescents responding to social media advertising for vapes?

A. VicHealth chief executive health officer Sandro Demaio said companies were targeting youth by using social media to market vaping products to young people. Parents are usually unaware this is happening to their children.

Australian health experts have demanded tougher import laws to help control the illicit sale of vape products to children. ‘Why on earth would you be marketing bubble gum flavored vapes with pink unicorns on them except to appeal to children, young children?” said Australian Federal Health Minister Mark Butler. Controls will include quickly pushing through regulations to control fruity flavoring, labelling designed to appeal to children (correct nicotine levels and health warnings) and product designed to children.

Q. Did you switch to vaping E Cigarettes so you quit tobacco smoking?

A. A study by the Queen Mary University of London and published in the New England Journal of Medicine into the effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum, lozenges and sprays, and nicotine E-Cigarettes has found;

    • More than 80 percent of E-Cigarette users had relapsed back into smoking tobacco again, within a year.
    • 8 out of 10 e-cigarette users who quit tobacco smoking successfully, and did not relapse, were still vaping at the end of the 12 months trial. They had simply transferred their bad habit from one to the other. They did not overcome it.
    • So fewer than 2 in every one hundred people in the study quit tobacco smoking AND vaping. I think that is a very poor outcome, when ‘cold turkey’ can get a 5 percent success rate.
    • How can doctors justify writing a prescription based on the results of this and other research?
    • If you are addicted to tobacco and/or Vapes call Peter Zapfella now and put an end to it without suffering withdrawals.
Tobacco Smoking and Vaping are not welcome here.
Tobacco Smoking and Vaping are not welcome here.

Dr Azmy Faisal presented the findings of research at the European Respiratory Society (ERS)  Congress in Vienna, wherein they compared the health and fitness status of tobacco smokers, vapers and non tobacco smoker/vapers. They found vapers were on a similar level of poor health and fitness with tobacco smokers. Non tobacco smoker/vapers had the better health and fitness status. The research supports the argument that vaping is not a safer practice than tobacco smoking, when it comes to health and fitness.

Q. Did you think vaping E Cigarettes was safer than tobacco smoking?

A. Because E Cigarettes are still relatively new, no one really knows the answer to that question yet. Researchers are monitoring the health status of smokers long term to get a clear answer. The evidence is pointing the wrong direction for those who support the vaping industry. Simon Chapman, emeritus professor of public health at Sydney University, recently told the media “It will take decades before we know whether or not vaping is less dangerous than smoking, and by how much, if at all.” Since that statement by Professor Chapman further research is confirming, without any doubt, that chemicals found in vaping liquids are dangerous. Around 2,000 potentially harmful industrial compounds have been identified in vaping liquid produced by Juul Labs (part owned by BAT and Altria), British American Tobacco (BAT), ITG Brands and Mi-One Brands, according to a study of four popular brands by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Researchers also found caffeine and nicotine in non-nicotine barns. They also found Isophorone which is a cause of depression.


Curtin University respiratory physiologist Dr Alexander Larcombe studied 65 common liquids used in vapes and found carcinogenic and other harmful ingredients. They found polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have been linked to lung, bladder and gastrointestinal cancers. The researchers also found “dangerously high levels” of lung irritant benzaldehyde, which is added to vapes to give them an almond flavor, in almost every sample tested. Researchers detected the chemical 2-chlorophenol in about half the samples tested, which is commonly used in disinfectants and pesticides.

Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigs)

Q. What are the long-term health effects of vaping?

A. Because vaping is a relatively new phenomenon, no one knows for sure what the long-term effects of vaping will be until it happens. However, according to researchers in Ireland the chemicals in vapes when heated create ‘acutely toxic chemicals’ which will cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, cancers and gum diseases in heavy users. Given that the majority of vapers are now young people, as they continue to vape unabated, they will be more likely to develop acute diseases as they move into middle age. It has already been speculated that today’s young people will generally not live as long as their parents and grandparents of today.

A future health crisis and avalanche of suffering can be avoided today by banning vapes.  If you are addicted to tobacco and/or Vapes call Peter Zapfella now and put an end to it without suffering withdrawals.

Q. If vapes are so dangerous why aren’t the government doing something to stop them?

A. They are. Organised crime are making so much from their illegal trade, it is a tough nut to crack. “Over the past month, more than 400,000 individual vaping products have been seized in a joint campaign between the Australian Border Force and the Therapeutic Goods Administration targeting air cargo and international mail imports.” by Kat Wong AAP

About 92 per cent, or 376,000 items of the seized disposable vapes are illegal and had previously failed to meet minimum safety and quality standards.

Vapes marketed for children.
Vapes marketed for children.

These products have been specifically designed to appeal to young children.  They feature bright colours and images such as those shown and include fruit flavors and high concentrations of nicotine and other chemicals that hook children.

Police routinely raid retail outlets that sell illegal vapes, while these are sold directly in schools and playgrounds, often without their parents’ knowledge.

“The WA Health Department has seized 15 tonnes of vapes from a warehouse in Perth. Authorities say more than 300,000 vapes worth an estimated $10 million were discovered.” By Rebecca Trigger ABC.

“More than 13 tonnes of disposable vapes with a street value of $4.5m have been seized by Australian Border Force officers. The 250,000 disposable vapes found in air cargo consignments in Adelaide. “

“Around 60,000 illegal vapes with an estimated street value of more than $1.8 million and over $835,000 in cash have been seized in the multi-agency raids, which were carried out at 15 locations in Brisbane this week. More than 150 staff from six agencies were involved in the raids conducted on multiple storage units and homes.”

“In Western Australia the government recently intercepted a truck travelling from New South Wales that was carrying 17,000 illegal nicotine vapes.”

“More than 25,000 allegedly illegal vapes have been seized in a police raid on a store in central Melbourne in a crackdown aimed at sending a “clear message” to other shops.”

“A Brisbane convenience store has been caught with 45,000 vapes and ordered by a court to pay $88,000 for possessing and selling vapes containing nicotine. Metro South Public Health Unit prosecuted M & R Trading Pty Ltd, which trades as Zam Zam Supermarket, a convenience store in Kuraby, in court last month.” ABC

Pineapple Ice Blast Addiction really sounds ridiculous. It is just the flavors.
Pineapple Ice Blast Addiction really sounds ridiculous. It is just the flavors.

Now vape devices are being used to vape illicit substances including potent psychedelics. Manager of Policy and Advocacy at the Alcohol and Drug Foundation Robert Taylor said there are “huge risks” when you are accessing a product that is “completely unregulated.” 

There have been serious warnings around the practice after a South Australian teenager was hospitalised last week after inhaling a drugged vape. He had a seizure, experienced heart irregularities and was unresponsive for 15 hours after using a vape that was laced with DMT and THC. 

THC Oil Vapes for Children. Sold in school yards.
THC Oil Vapes for Children. Sold in school yards.


THC (cannabis) oil vapes using Simpsons and sweet brands designed to appeal to children are being openly advertised on TikTok. Videos act as a shop window with customers directed to Telegram secure messaging app to place orders for shipping.

In the UK 8 children from a school in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, were hospitalised after vaping, according to the town’s MP, Dr Caroline Johnson.  

The following month a 12-year-old boy at Saint John Henry Newman Catholic College in Oldham collapsed in the playground after inhaling a vape containing spice, an illegal synthetic drug.

According to Professor Lion Shahab, co-director of the UCL Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group unusually high amounts of lead, uranium and other dangerous heavy metals have been found in the urine of children aged between 13 and 17 who vape. These heavy metals can cause stunted brain development and stunted intelligence as these children become adults.

In the United States THC vape users are being hospitalised and suffering serious lung injuries due to a high concentrate of vitamin E acetate, a sticky, honey-like substance, sometimes used as a thickener in counterfeit or black-market vape juice.

“In places like Canada, where cannabis is legal, THC vapes are quite common as people can buy them pre-packaged and they come in different strengths, different product types. It’s not unusual,” he said.

“[But] the use of vapes for illicit substances like DMT, which is quite a potent psychedelic, that’s more unusual, that’s quite a specialty thing. And for someone to do that, they’re going to need to actually make that themselves, so it’s not something you’d buy off the shelves.”

Videos circulating on the social media platform TikTok show individuals claiming to have been given a vape without knowing it contained an illicit substance.

One woman described how she “accidentally got dosed with DMT” after using a vape from a stranger at a music concert.

The woman said she was kicked out of the venue and had a broken recollection of what had occurred in the moments after using the vape. Mr Taylor said this is a form of spiking, because it involves giving someone a substance without their consent.

Vaping dangerous chemicals
Vaping dangerous chemicals

Q. What can be done to stop school children from vaping?

A. Parents are most responsible for preventing their children from vaping, but until now many do not seem to care. So, the education system must step up to do what some parents seem powerless to do themselves.

  1. Western Australian (WA) schools’ mandatory programs on the dangers of vaping between the years 5 to 7, before they go to high school.
  2. WA students who are caught vaping at school will miss a range of school extracurricular activities including school excursions, camps and their school graduation, under a strict new policy.
  3. A trial of vaping detectors will be run at high schools. Education Department Director General Lisa Rogers said students tended to congregate in the school toilets to vape, which is where the detectors are being installed.
  4. WA Education Minister Tony Buti has written to all parents of school children warning them of the dangers of vaping. “I’m concerned that some parents do not actually understand or appreciate that vaping is very dangerous to the health of their children,” he said.
  5. Many private schools enforce consequences for students caught vaping out of school in their uniforms.
  6. From 1 January 2024 importation, domestic manufacture, advertising, supply or commercial possession of non-therapeutic and disposable single-use vapes became illegal in Australia. 

    Australia is the first country in the world to restrict vapes containing nicotine (currently every vape brand on the market) to only people with a valid medical prescription. ‘Vaping was sold to governments and communities around the world as a therapeutic product to help long-term smokers quit,’ said Australian Health Minister Mark Butler.

    Health authorities have routinely called for better regulation of the growing crisis, with New South Wales Health linking a fatal overdose to black market vape juice refills containing an unlabeled opioid.

    More than 100 million illegal unregulated vape products with no ingredient standards had been smuggled into the country from China and sold on the black market. ‘China is preying on weakness by using tactics that can only be described as a reverse opium war.’

    Vape products must be approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) standards and be licensed before they can be legally imported.

    Limit will be put on vape flavors. Nicotine concentration regulated. Mandate] ‘plain label’ pharmaceutical packaging will soon be introduced for vape and e-cigarette products.

While a ‘black market’ in illegal product will still exist, the penalties if caught will force up the prices and make distribution and sales difficult.

Q. Do you use cosmetic Botox and vape too?

A. Dr. Vlvek Eranki, founder of one of Australia’s largest cosmetic surgery chains cautions people who vape and seek Botox injections. “It can increase the risk of side effects, such as bruising, swelling, and allergic reactions,” he said. Because of the chemicals in vapes, including nicotine (which is also found in all vapes even if not listed as content) the Botox treatments do not work very well.

He said new findings indicate the “severe impact of vaping on skin health, including increased skin dryness, acne risk, premature wrinkles, dark skin spots, and mouth ulcers. Vaping can impair vital skin proteins, collagen and elastin, leading to structural and elastic deterioration pf the skin.” His businesses advise people to refrain from Vaping for a least two weeks before and after Botox treatment.

The vape industry is in bed with the tobacco industry.  The tobacco companies own the vape patents. They share the same (more or less) ingredients. They share in the profits.

When you buy vapes, you are actually paying the tobacco companies.

Do you think the vape industry and the tobacco industry want you to stop vaping it?

Slick marketing has been aimed directly at teenagers and young adults. They are becoming lifelong addicts. Now you can stop vaping it …

FREE of stress and struggle

FREE of weight gain

FREE of nicotine withdrawals

FREE of on going sessions

FREE of hidden extra’s

FREE individual follow-up session if relapsed.

Be FREE of the debilitating effects of vaping E Cigarette addiction. Peter will explain the vaping addiction to you. How it formed and how it will be pulled apart with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional Alignment Technique.

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Welcome Life Free From Vaping (E-Cigs)


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…………………………….Peter Zapfella – Changing Lives For The Better

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Peter Zapfella’s personal pledge: if you fail to stop vaping it in one session, if you relapse – whether it is one hour, one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he will take you through a special individual follow up session; ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

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