Social Media Dependency


Social Media Dependency

Social media are computer-based, interactive technologies which facilitate virtual communities and networks for sharing information, opportunities and comment plus photo’s and videos or ideas. 

Instead of using these as a resource for information and connectivity with community, have you become obsessed?

Many people experience withdrawal and dependency.

Are most of your friends in the cyber world, rather than the real world?

Have you developed a need to connect and be relevant in the cyber world.?

As a result, do you tend to ignore the real world around?

As a result, are your real relationships, work, and education suffering?

Has your cyber world ‘Avitar’ taken on a personality of its own, which may be at odds with your own personality?  Do you live through the Avitar?

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‘Click Here’ Penny is addicted to online gaming. Big Bang Theory.

Do you feel a need to be connected, to stay in touch all the time so you can respond immediately? Are you constantly checking your social media, often day and night?

Do the people around you feel as if it has taken over your life?

Any and all of these may indicate you have a social media dependency.

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Click Here to Listen to ‘Life Free From Social Media Dependency’ Podcast

Over time their popularity comes and goes. Currently, the most popular platforms are;

  • Facebook.
  • TikTok.
  • WeChat.
  • YouTube.
  •  Instagram.
  • Twitter.
  • Linked In
  • Tumblr.
  • Viber.
  • Skype.
  • Facetime.
  • Messenger
  • Telegram
  • Snap Chat
  • Weibo
  • Reditt
  • Pinterest
  • QQ
  • Qzone
  • JOSH
  • Teiba
  • Twitch
  • Line
  • VK
  • Threads
  • Truth Social
  • Vivo
  • WhatsApp.
  • Zoom
  • and many others..
Welcome Life Beyond Social Media Dependency
Welcome Life Beyond Social Media Dependency

In some countries the main purpose of Internet in the general population is social media access.

Social media dependency is a behavioral addiction whereby people are driven by an uncontrollable urge to use social media. They devote so much time and effort to social media that it affects their family, study or work, and real life social relationships. They cannot stop, avoid or limit their use.

Teenagers are particularly at risk from social media dependency because they are going through a ‘socialisation stage’ in their lives. They feel a need to ‘connect’ with others beyond their immediate family. Traditionally we did this within our own school and community environment. it came with challenges, which are valuable life learning experiences. 

Social media gives young people an opportunity to play with their identity protected by a screen. While it can have some advantages it can and often does come with disadvantages, even dangers. Sharing gossip can be fun, however it can descend into outright abuse.

Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory, study stress, internet hypnosis dot shop
Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying exists within social media. that’s a fact. But the problem is it can become 24/7. The only way to escape it is to withdraw and switch it off.

Some people use social media to create fake identities so they can access young people for their own gratification. They seek to manipulate and control young minds and bodies. 

social media gaming addiction

Some people actually die as a result of social media and online gaming. ‘Click Here’ to read more.

Even within social groups such as school sharing of explicit sexual images and videos is common. Almost every girl receives unsolicited images of boys and men’s ‘junk’ via social media. 

Many people fall victim to ‘mind control’ techniques used by social media companies to keep people engaged on their platform for as long as possible, so that search engines will reward them for their popularity.

Others are attracted to social media because they feel it provides them with something missing in their ‘real lives’, such as ‘like minded’ friendships. Some create make believe profiles with fake photos. Some swap their gender, age or nationality to make themselves appear more attractive. They hide behind their fake identity – something they cannot do in real life. They can then live out an existence as another person. However, it is all fantasy and they run the risk of bribery, manipulation and exposure. There are recorded cases of young people being driven to suicide as a result of these fantasy identities. They have the potential to overtake and ruin lives if allowed to ‘run riot’.

Social media dependency may include:

  • Thinking about it, checking in on social media accounts often, even obsessively.
  • Feeling a need to be relevant.
  • Neglecting real life relationships, study and work ethic.
  • Difficulty focusing on things other than social media.
  • Perhaps feeling restless, anxious, or agitated when unable to access social media.
  • Retreating into social media to escape the realities of real life.
  • Increased social media access use over time to achieve satisfaction and happiness.
  • hypnotherapy-for-Quit Addiction min, Welcome Life Free From Fear of Problem Gambling,
    Addiction Monitor

The primary sign of a dependency is a need, or a compulsive habit, that may cause a struggle to limit or stop the behavior.  They may suffer from emotional outbursts if unable to connect.

The good news is technology can be used to limit, control or even overcome social media in one’s life. This can be done in the privacy and safety of home without struggle.

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Internet Hypnosis dot Shop and Peter Zapfella dot com blogs and articles are researched and written for accuracy, quality and relevance by human beings, not suspect Chat GBT and Open AI sources.

Created and © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale. Relevant back links welcome.

Meet The Internet Hypnosis. Shop Team

Internet Hypnosis. Shop, Peter Zapfella, min

….. from inside the Internet Hypnosis. Shop

Peter Zapfella 25th Anniversary 1995-2020

Peter Zapfella has been in private practice as a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist since 1995. He has had many thousands of successful one-on-one clients.

Peter Zapfella Image is © Copyright owned by Peter Zapfella.
Peter Zapfella

Peter is the principal researcher, writer, and voice talent at Internet Hypnosis. Shop.

Here is an introduction to our team members.

Meet the Internet Hypnosis. Shop Creative & Technical Team

Meet The Internet Hypnosis. Shop Team
Meet the team. Candy is the Internet Hypnosis. Shop hostess. She introduces and explains various features. ‘Click’ > to hear Candy talk about her role at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Audio Player

Meet the team. Zynef is our Internet Hypnosis Artistic Director. His role includes product album covers and video production. He has tertiary qualifications in Computer Science AND he is a professional cook (currently working at The Sheraton Hotel/Resort Lapu Lapu). ‘Click’ > to hear Zynef talk about his role at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
Audio Player

Meet the Team. Frenyx is a graduate of the Film and Media Arts International Academy. He is a multi award winning producer, director and writer of music. He runs his own recording studio for talented musicians, singers, and creating radio and television commercials.

Frenyx, meet the team at internet hypnosis dot shop, hypnosis MP3 downloads, free MP3s, intyernet
Frenyx now dedicates up to 3 days a week to create Internet Hypnosis. Shop MP3s. He is also establishing his own tourist resort at Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines.


Pauel wearing Internet Hypnosis Shop, Meet the team, Pauel, © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.
Meet the Team. Pauel is our creative consultant. Pauel studied Information Technology at tertiary level and heads-up his own design and advertising business. Pauel welcomes your business.
Alex, meet the team, Internet Hypnosis. Shop
Meet the Team. Alex is new to the Internet Hypnosis dot Shop team. He is a brilliant young software nerd who is already introducing the world to Internet Hypnosis dot Shop through Google, Amazon, E Bay and Shopify just to name a few. He also does some voice overs. ‘Click’ > to hear Alex talk about his role at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
Audio Player
Meet The Internet Hypnosis. Shop Team, Meet the team at Internet Hypnosis. Shop,, free hypnosis MP3 downloads
Meet the Team. Rusty is our software whiz-kid who is the Director of Radio Media, DRN 1 Radio, 1Life.Radio and Perth Radio. He also manages to find time to consult all things web for Internet Hypnosis. Shop, and Talking Hypnosis podcasts. Rusty welcomes your subscriptions to DRN1.

Meet the Team, Alfian in cap
Meet the team. Alfian has joined our team as Social Media Director (YouTube & Facebook & Linked In & Instagram & Spotify). He is also our new Affiliate Manager. Alfian comes to us compliments of Covid-19 which has influenced him to back away from the devastated Bali tourism industry. He is available to assist YOU here.
‘Click’ > to hear Alfian talk about his role at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
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Meet the Internet Hypnosis. Shop Voice Talent Team

internet hypnosis shop stufio mic

Coral Conrad hypnotherapist
Meet the Team. Coral Conrad – Is our #2 professional hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. She is our own in house female Voice Over Artist at Internet Hypnosis. Shop. Coral has many years experience working one-on-one with clients coast to coast across Australia. ‘Click’ > to hear Coral talk about her role at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop
Audio Player



Will. Premium 'Welcome' subliminal affirmation messages.
Meet the Team. Young Will is our voice talent for Children’s category Premium Welcome affirmations coming online  – 2024 and onward. ‘Click’ > to hear about Children’s MP3’s.

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop


Will voices Boys (within Men’s) category Premium Welcome affirmations.

Meet the team. Heather is our voice talent for Women’s (and girls within Women’s), Children’s, and other categories Surge Effect ©. ‘Click’ > to hear Heather talk about her role at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop.
Audio Player
meet the team, Lilly, girl talent,
Lilly is our new Children’s and Girls voice talent. She has the cutest little Irish accent.
Meet the Internet Hypnosis. Shop Team
David is our regular ‘hack’ voice talent at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. He also voices some spots with Candy

Audio Player ‘Click’ > to hear Tony, Tennyson, Alex and Will talk about ‘Men and Boys’ MP3’s.

Tony. Voice over talent at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.
Tony is our Men’s and Boys, category voice over talent at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.
Audio Player
Meet the team. Tennyson is our Men’s and other categories mature voice talent at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.

Peter Zapfella and our team of professionals are all fully Covid-19 vaccinated.
Created and © Copyright 2022/24. Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Relevant backlinks invited.