Almost forty percent (40%) of those surveyed in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan admitted to using skin whitening products.
Global spending on skin lightening products is growing at the rate of 10 per cent every year. It is projected to hit US$31.2 billion by next year, according to a report released by the research firm Global Industry Analysts.
“This is a reflection upon users low self-esteem and lack of self-worth. They would be better to treat their emotional well being than the tint of their skin colour” says Peter Zapfella.

It is one thing to ‘like it‘, another to ‘want it’. But when a user ‘needs it‘ or ‘craves it’ chemical skin whitening becomes a dependency.
In some countries where locals have naturally darker skin, they visit saloons for regular injections of glutathione to help whiten their skin. It has also become a hot whitening topical ingredient in toners, soaps, facial wash, sunblock, moisturizers, lotions, and creams. W

elcome Life Free From Skin Whitening Dependency
“The grass is always greener on the other side.
We are busy applying fairness creams while
people in the West go bare-bodied
on the beach to get a tan”

Maria Thattil who was crowned Miss Universe Australia 2020 is of Indian descent. She said all Bollywood actors have light colored skin. This sends subliminal messages to Indian people about the relationship between fair skin and success. Fair skin and perceived beauty.
In the Philippines media celebrities are often of mixed-race, Filipino/Caucasian heritage. They have lighter skin tones.
Colourism or colorism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group:
Colorism drives self-rejection and self loathing in sufferers. usually within the suffers own race and often within their own family fair skinned children are perceived to be more valued and superior to darker skinned children based on the color of their skin. It is related to racism but is worse because it is about people of the same race and perhaps the same family.
While some say colorism has its roots in European colonial attitudes others argue that it existed before colonial settlement.
In an effort to overcome low self-esteem, self-respect and validate themselves many dark-skinned people, particularly girls, are trying to become more fair skinned.
Treatments are not cheap. Yet they are popular because they suggest beauty, mixed-race heritage, and up-market lifestyle.
The driving force, they say, is “rampant darker skin stigma and the rigid cultural perception that correlates lighter skin tone with beauty and personal success”. Around the world, the well off and better-educated generally work indoors while the poor work outside in full sunlight, engaged in manual labor. Because of the long hours of sun exposure, they are more dark-skinned than those who spend less time in the sunlight.
Therefore, it follows that light skinned people must be better educated and better paid than dark skinned people.
This preference for fair skin is reinforced in movies, television programs, and especially advertising, where models and actors always have fair skin.
Global spending on skin lightening products is growing at the rate of 10 per cent every year. It is projected to hit US$31.2 billion by next year, according to a report released by the research firm Global Industry Analysts.

In Nigeria, 77 percent of women use skin-lightening products, compared with 59 per cent in Togo and 27 percent in Senegal. But the largest and fastest-growing markets are in the Asia-Pacific region.
Dr. Sonya Baluyot, a Filipina dermatologist, says around 90 per cent of her patients come to seek out ways to whiten their skin. Yet, she says most of them are already fair-skinned.
In a 2004 Synovate Asia BUS survey conducted among 2,496 respondents from five Asian countries. Skin whitening was most popular in the Philippines. At least 50 percent of respondents claimed they use whitening products and always opt for the popular brand. Now, more than 18 years later the market has exploded in popularity. So the numbers must be much, much higher.
Overall results of this survey showed that 38 percent of those surveyed in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan admitted to using whitening products. India is also a mass-market for Glutathione skin whitening. In these countries, a typical supermarket will have a wall of personal care products featuring “whitening” or “lightening” toners, soaps, facial wash, sunblock lotions, moisturizers, lotions, and creams. from recognizable brands.

“Although the use of intravenous glutathione injections is popular, there is no evidence to prove its efficacy. In fact, the adverse effects caused by intravenous glutathione have led the Food and Drug Administration of Philippines to issue a public warning condemning its use for off-label indications such as skin lightening,” according to Dr. Sidharth Sonthalia
The Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned “It is alarming that they (clinics, spas, and salons) also offer services such as intravenous drip or infusion using skin lightening agents including reduced glutathione, vitamin C, and other injections,” the FDA said in an advisory released today.
They went on to say … “Risks include the possibility of developing skin cancer and contracting HIV, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B, especially when the IV is administered by someone not in the medical field or in a non-sterile place.” The side effects of using injectable glutathione for skin lightening include toxic effects on the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. There is also the risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. The FDA warned glutathione can also cause the forming of kidney stones.

Detectives found 19 tubes of hydroquinone and 18 tubes of beniquine in Michael Jacksons home following his death.
People who are more likely to develop a Glutathione skin whitening dependency include those who:
- suffer from depression,
- bipolar disorder,
- anxiety disorders, or
- schizophrenia, and
- Have easy access to Glutathione and excess skin whitening behaviors.
- Experience low self-esteem.
- Have relationship problems.
- Live a stressful economic or emotional lifestyle.
- Associate with people, or live in a culture where there is a high social acceptance of Glutathione Skin Whitening abuse.

The chances of psychological dependency are very real, while “Hypothetically, long-term (excessive) supplementation with any external synthetic compound may signal the body to stop its own production resulting in (physical) dependence upon synthetic supplements,” Mercola D, Hofmekler O. Glutathione: This One Antioxidant Keeps All Other Antioxidants Performing at Peak Levels.
Rwandan police crack down on harmful skin bleaching products (Click Here)
“Naturally love the skin you are in.”

The synonyms for the word compulsive include; enthusiastic and passionate or irresistible. Also compelling or urgent, and overwhelming.
The synonyms for the word excessive include; disproportionate or exaggerated and sometimes excoriate. Also extravagant and extreme and inordinate. Perhaps needless or redundant and superfluous also unconscionable or unreasonable and boundless. Perhaps dissipated and dizzying and immoderate or indulgent. Some say intemperate or limitless and more. Others go overboard with overkill and plethoric or prodigal. Also profligate and self-indulgent or sky-high as in stratospheric like a superstar with is unbounded if not unmeasurable and way out.
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