I suppose someone had to do it sooner or later, and I have certainly been giving it a lot of thought over the past few years. Why are all the hypnosis and subliminal affirmation download web sites only in English? Why not make them available in multiple languages?
- The English language has always dominated the Internet. It was invented by English speakers. The source code is in English. They say 60.4 percent of all web content is in English. Yet, only around 25 percent of the world’s population can speak and read English, with 20 percent speaking English as a second. or third or whatever language (2020). And there are many who can understand it to some extent but cannot hold a conversation in English. There is no way they can read any more than a few basic words – if any. Only around 5 percent of us are native English speakers.
- Currently (2022) the number of English only web sites is increasing while at the same time the percentage of English only speakers is decreasing online. Now (2022) reported to be 17 per cent. The Internet has a cultural/language problem.
From: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-language-culture-and-content - One very good reason why other hypnosis and subliminal affirmation download web sites only produce English language content is cost. It takes a lot of time and money to produce content for hypnosis and subliminal affirmation web sites, plus the cost of setting-up and running a E-commerce web site. Multiplying that cost several times over for additional languages quickly goes into the ‘too hard’ basket.

3. For example; If I have one English language title with 5 or 6 variants now, and I add 6 new languages in addition to English each with 5 variants, I now have 30 new MP3s for every title. With more than 400 titles (representing about 2,500 variant MP3s) I am looking at more than 12,000 extra MP3s to write and record and sort and store. That is an expensive undertaking for any web master. (If each new MP3 costs $25 to produce that is $300,000). Am I up for it?
4. What is the likely ‘Return on Investment’ (ROI) to pursue this exercise? At best it is a long-term investment. At worst it is a folly. Any accountant would say “Do not do it“.
5. If I am not fluent in those other languages how can I create them? I was born lucky because I was born in a country where English is the most common language. I have never had to learn another, beyond a few words of welcome. I am a native speaker of English. Therefore, any thought of creating multiple language MP3s quickly goes into the ‘too hard’ basket.
6. I do not want to break this down into individual countries, however as the United States of America (USA) currently generates more visitors to this web site and sales than any other country it is worth a few words.
The racial and language diversity of the USA is changing rapidly. Until recently, the ‘white – Europeans’ have been the majority of the population, since European immigration took hold. Italians, Greeks, Swedes, Germans and others soon spoke English, except perhaps within their own family groupings. However, that is now changing rapidly in a whole new direction.
The U.S. population is more racially and ethnically diverse than measured in the past.
The following groups are used in diversity calculations by the US government:
- Hispanic or Latinos
- White (encompassing all ‘white’ racial groups)
- ‘Black’ or African Americans
- American Indians and Alaskan Natives
- Asians (encompassing all Asian racial groups)
- Native Hawaiian and ‘other’ Pacific Islanders
- ‘Other’ Races
- Multiracial
English is about to become the second most common first language spoken in the USA following Spanish. Of course, there are those who only speak and read Spanish.
Like it or not, the USA is becoming more Spanish.
These are the second languages spoken by county in the USA
The presence of the Hispanic or Latino population as the current second-most prevalent racial and (first or second) Spanish speaking group spans the entire continental United States, within large numbers of counties in every region.
To ignore the Spanish language anywhere south of the Canadian/USA border, through North America, Central America and South America (with the exception of Brazil) is crazy now and suicidal in the future for marketers.
7. Although these numbers are constantly changing, a quick look at the overall percentages of people around the world who speak English as their first, second, third or whatever language online was around 25 percent of all languages used online when I first researched this article (2020). The latest figure is from 2022. It is down to 16 per cent. That is enough for most hypnosis and subliminal affirmation download web sites to limit themselves to English. They argue that you do not have to speak English, as long as you understand it. They say that is all that counts.

8. People who understand but do not speak English, and some non-native speakers tell us they do not ‘think’ in English, as we native speakers do. They ‘think’ in their own native language. Therefore, when they listen to someone speaking in English, they must interpret what they hear into their own language. They do not understand some words, or there is no corresponding word or words in their own language. These conscious processes are distracting and can cause them to ‘fall-out’ of a hypnotic trance assuming they achieved it at all. This flies in the face of excuses made by some hypnosis and subliminal affirmation web masters that “you do not have to speak English, as long as you understand it.” That may be true for conversations, but is it true for hypnotic trance? Is it true for subliminal affirmations which avoid conscious analytical thinking altogether? Obviously, these Web Masters are not multi-lingual themselves, otherwise they would understand their error.
9. More than 60 percent of all web sites currently online are primarily in the English language. This speaks volumes about the online imbalance because only around 5 percent of people speak English as their native language. If you cannot understand English, you must use a translator to access all this content. That is fine for most web sites, including most E-commerce sites – but what about spoken word download web sites such as the Internet Hypnosis Shop? What about YouTube and other video sites? What about Podcasts?
10.. Spoken word web sites such as English language hypnosis and subliminal affirmation downloads are meaningless for 75 to 87 percent of the worlds Internet users.

- Not all Chinese speak Mandarin but most do. Others often understand it, because it is the national language used on TV and movies. The Chinese government is actively promoting Mandarin as the national language. While preserving the local dialects and languages young people are learning Mandarin in schools. Few Chinese nationals understand or speak any English. So how do they use a QWERTY keyboard? Chinese actually use a QWERTY keyboard on their computers, but it is entirely different in China, their QWERTY keyboards are ‘smart,’ Clicking a key/letter initiates an algorithm based on either the letter’s phonetic sound or root shape. It’s a sort of predictive text, where the algorithm guesses what the typist wants. This has enabled the number of Chinese venturing online to increase at a faster rate than in any other language. While generating around 20 percent of all web traffic, the Chinese only have around 1.4 percent of websites online. Can you see an imbalance that must correct itself?
2. Right across south, and central America most people speak Spanish. It is the fastest-growing language in North America. Mexico is ranked the 10th largest Internet market in the world. Today 8 percent of all Internet users are Spanish speakers. Tomorrow it will be more, because with the popularity of smartphones, the number of Spanish-speaking Internet users is increasing. Currently, around 4 percent of all websites are available in Spanish. Some sources say Spanish is the third largest language grouping of Internet users after English and Chinese Mandarin.
3. The other major language group in South America is Portuguese. They represent 4 or 5 percent of all Internet users. Brazil is already ranked as the 5th largest Internet market in the world. Of course, Portuguese and Spanish are also spoken on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. Portuguese speakers only have access to just over 1 percent of websites in their own language.
4. Arabic in various forms is spoken across the Middle East (Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and The Koran of course), and is currently rated as the fourth most used language online. Almost half a billion people speak it. Yet they have only around 1 percent of all web sites in their language.
5. Indonesian and Malay represent a massive Asian language group (around 300 million) that is really just starting to establish itself as an online force. The growth in smart phone Internet access is phenomenal. Indonesian speakers will explode on to the online world in significant numbers soon. Indonesia already ranks as the 4th largest Internet market in the world. Other Indonesian and Malay language speakers understand Indonesian when they hear it because it is the language of TV and movies. Plus, all Indonesians must learn it in school. Less than 1 percent of web sites are published in the Indonesian languages.
6. India is the second largest online market in the world with 650 million users, (this number is growing at an incredible rate) ranked only behind China. Half the population is yet to connect. India has a larger population than any other country in the world, including China. However, this is fragmented by the 22 major languages and 720 dialects across the sub-continent. According to Google most of India prefers using Hindi for Internet searching, while English is still very popular. (India has the second largest English-speaking population in the world. Most of those are already online.)
“Almost every new user that is coming online—roughly nine out of 10—is not proficient in English,” Google vice-president, India and south Asia, Rajan Anandan, told the Times of India. “So, it is fair to say that almost all the growth of usage is coming from non-English users.”
Indian language users (44 per cent) already far exceed the number of English language users (10 percent) in the country and will continue to do so – their user base grew from 42 million in 2011 to 234 million in 2016. By 2022 it was more than double to 536 million. In the same period, English-language users grew only 3 percent to reach 199 million.
Hindi is the major Indian language with many Indians including themselves as either first, second, or third Hindi language speakers. Hindi is the Indian language of government and media. Until a few years ago the majority of Indian Internet users spoke enough English to get by, however that trend has flipped as non-English speaking Indians are now more than double the number of English-speaking Indians online. That trend is continuing. India already has about twice as many Internet users as the USA, so the numbers are formidable. The problem is there is no Hindi keyboard available because Hindi uses symbols not letters of an alphabet. Perhaps they will develop a Chinese style ‘smart’ QWERTY keyboard for Hindi? I think, when (not if) they do even more Hindi speakers will become active online. Hindi speakers also live and work throughout South-East Asia, the Middle East and parts of Europe. Half a billion people speak Hindi in India (44 percent of the total population), while just 0.1 percent of web sites appear in Hindi. This is a massive cultural/language imbalance because Google surveys clearly show that Indians prefer Hindi language web sites over translation services from other language web sites.
Amazon has done its own due diligence and found that Indians trust Hindi language E-Commerce more than translated services from other languages.
According to Wikipedia Hindi is mutually intelligible with Urdu, the national and official language of Pakistan.
The majority of Urdu-speakers reside in Pakistan (including 30 million native speakers, and 94 million second language). Most other Urdu speakers live in northern India.
7. While the online French speaking use has reached saturation in France, it is spoken in other countries beyond Europe, particularly in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of the Pacific where the Internet is experiencing growth. Therefore InternetHypnosis.Shop is currently introducing French language MP3’s.
Japanese currently has around 3 percent of all Internet traffic. Japan is a technologically advanced country with excellent Internet access. Just over 2 percent of all web sites are Japanese. However native speakers are generally limited to the Japanese islands, where the population is rapidly ageing. For these reasons I have not included either in this exercise, at this time.
8. Without a doubt the introduction of tablets (iPads) and smartphones (iPhones) with Internet access, and new Internet satellites are responsible for the explosion of non-English traffic online. This will continue to grow. Over time we will see the percentage of English speakers online, and the percentage of English websites shrink as other language web sites increase to meet the increasing demand.
Audio Player9. Internet Hypnosis. Shop and PeterZapfella.com have convenient drop-down text translation options in the following 61 languages (indicated by a flag):
- English (United Kingdom & Worldwide)
- Arabic (Middle East & Worldwide)
- Basque (Bay of Biscay and western Pyrenees Mountains)
- Bengali (India and Bangladesh)
- Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
- Catalan (Spain)
- Filipino Cebuano (Central and southern Philippines)
- Mandarin (China & Worldwide)
- Czech (Czech Republic)
- Danish (Denmark)
- Dutch (Holland/Netherlands)
- Estonian (Estonia)
- Filipino Tagalog (Northern Philippines)
- Finnish (Finland)
- French (France & Worldwide)
- Frisian (Netherlands and northwestern Germany)
- Galician (Spain & Portugal)
- Georgian (Georgia)
- German (Deutsch)(Germany & Worldwide)
- Greek (Greece & Worldwide)
- Indian Gujarati (Indian state of Gujarat)
- Hebrew (Israel)
- Indian Hindi (India & Worldwide)
- Chinese Hmong (Southern China)
- Hungarian (Hungary)
- Icelandic (Iceland)
- Indonesia ( bahasa Indonesia and Malay)
- Irish (Ireland and United Kingdom)
- Italian (Italy)
- Japanese (Japan)
- Indonesian Javanese (Indonesia)
- Malay (Malaysia. Also see Indonesia)
- Indian Malayalam (India)
- Maori (New Zealand)
- Mongolian (Mongolia. Northern China)
- Nepali (Nepal. Northern India)
- Norwegian (Norway)
- Pashto (Afghanistan)
- Polish (Poland)
- Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil)
- Indian Punjabi (Western India and Pakistan)
- Gaelic (United Kingdom)
- Romanian (Romania)
- Serbian (Serbia)
- Indian Sindhi (India)
- Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
- Slovak (Slovakia)
- Slovenian (Slovenia)
- Spanish (Spain & Americas)
- Swedish (Sweden)
- Indian Tamil (Southern India & Sri Lanka)
- Indian Telugu (Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangan)
- Thai (Thailand)
- Turkish (Turkey)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Urdu (Pakistan)
- Uzbek (Uzbekistan)
- Vietnamese (Vietnam)
- Welsh (Wales & United Kingdom)
- Yiddish (Western German)
10. The Internet Hypnosis Shop has always been innovative. Always breaking new ground and going where other web sites fear to tread. Therefore, the Internet Hypnosis Shop is preparing for the eventuality of the explosion of the languages discussed above and the decline of the English language dominance on the Internet, by creating MP3 downloads and videos in the languages discussed above.

Each title presented in multiple languages has a choice of 5 variants each (Gentle Lake Waves, Piano and Guitar Music, ‘Zumba’ Latin Dance Music, Calming anti-anxiety binaural waves, and Rain). Each of these has an audible first read of an affirmation (in the appropriate language) before it drops down under the variant foreground sounds and becomes subliminal – as do all Classic Welcome subliminal affirmations in English.
In this way the conscious mind of the listener hears the affirmation read aloud in their own language. They can consciously ‘approve it’ and ‘accept it‘ before it slides down under the foreground environmental effects and music. In that way the deep unconscious hears it repeated every minute or so, without it becoming annoying to the conscious mind. This transparent approach is exclusive to ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations.
Prime Hypnosis is initially in English language only. Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话 and Spanish Español language versions to follow.
Then Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो
Each multiple language Internet Hypnosis Shop title now has the potential to benefit many more people around the world, reaching perhaps as many as 75 percent of all Internet users (based on current estimates for Chinese Mandarin. Spanish, Portuguese, basha Indonesian Malay, French, Arabic, Indian Hindi and the decline of English as a percentage.) French may be added later which would bring the total percentage of Internet users reached by Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to as many as 80 per cent.
Then we can change the lives of countless millions of people for the better as they overcome the self-limiting beliefs and negative emotions that blocked them from their true potentials. We can really make the world a better place, one by one. Step by step.
Because of cost, complexity, and sheer size of the project, while it has already begun, the progressive introduction of multiple language variants will continue throughout 2024, and beyond?

Internet Hypnosis Shop correct as at September 2022. © Copyright 2024 Peter Zapfella. All rights reserved. Backlinks invited.
Chinese Mandarin Video 中文普通话视频 (点击这里)
Spanish Video Video en Espanol (Haga clic aquí)
Indian Hindi Video भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) Portuguese Video português Video (clique aqui) Indonesian Video bahasa Indonesia Malay (Klik di sini) Arabic Video فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)